EquiTherm Energy Recovery System

EquiTherm Energy Recovery System EquiTherm Energy Recovery System

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steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2The three pillars of sustainability• The brewhouse yield (OBY) of modernbrewhouse lines, at 98 - 99 %, haspractically reached the limits of thetechnically possible.• On that basis any capital investment aimedat increasing the yield any further can onlyachieve a low ROI.• With ever rising prices for fossil fuels,capital investment geared towards cuttingenergy consumption becomes ever morelucrative.• Consumers expect their brewery to have asustainable production system.Capital value [€]Capital value [€]Investment in yield increase0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18Time [a]Investment in energy optimisationCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18Time [a]steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2The three pillars of sustainability• Sustainability in relation to the brewingprocess can be achieved with the followingmeasures:- Lowering consumption• New equipment and technology inbeer production• Heat recovery system• Improved system design- Utilisation of residual materials• Waste water recycling• Utilisation of spent grains• Combustion of residual materialsCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS- Alternative energy• Biomass• Wind or solar energy• Hydropower

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2The three pillars of sustainability• <strong>EquiTherm</strong> reduces consumption ofprimary energy for wort production.Process stepsTemperature level• <strong>Energy</strong> is extracted from the hot wort at ahigh temperature level and serves as aheating medium for the mashing process.• Depending on the method of mashing, the<strong>EquiTherm</strong> is therefore able to provide upto 100 % of the primary energyrequirement for the mashing process.Mashing in 40 – 65 °CMashing 40 – 76 °CLautering 76 – 78 °CWort pre-heating 78 – 92°CHeating up to boiling 92 – 99 °CBoiling 99 – 100 °CCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS The following illustrations provide anoverview of the primary and secondaryenergy flows in the brewhouse.Cooling 5 – 15 °Csteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong><strong>Energy</strong> flow in the brew house• Traditional brewing processSteamSteam Steam Cooling/water SteamWe do more.|2PrimaryMashing inMashingLauteringHeating-up 1Heating-up 2BoilingCoolingCIP brewhouseSecondaryWarm waterCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSWarm waterWarm water<strong>Energy</strong> storagetankWarm water

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2<strong>Energy</strong> flow in the brew house• <strong>EquiTherm</strong>SteamSteam Steam Cooling/water SteamPrimaryMashing inMashingLauteringHeating-up 1Heating-up 2BoilingCooling 1Cooling 2CIP brewhouseSecondaryWarm waterCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSWarm waterWarm water<strong>Energy</strong> storagetank<strong>Energy</strong> storagetankWarm waterWarm watersteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>• Method of operation of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS- In a first stage in the wort cooler, hotwater with a temperature of 96 °C isobtained and then stored in an energystorage tank.- The energy required for the mashingprocess is supplied, in dependency on thetemperature of the mash, with the hotwater at varying admission temperatures.- The temperature is adjusted by mixing theupper (96 °C) and lower (76 °C) zone of theenergy storage tank.- The return hot water is fed into the energystorage tank in temperature-dependentstrata.- Radiation losses and start-up energy arecompensated in the system by the CIPheat exchanger.The first brewhouse with <strong>EquiTherm</strong>: Bergquell Brewery Löbau, 2010

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSsteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS• ShakesBeer EcoPlus- The mash is heated up with energyobtained from the first stage of thewort cooler.- Compared to mash kettles run withsteam, the difference in temperaturebetween the heating medium and themash is relatively low.- However, the use of pillow platesenables heating rates of 1 K/min to beachieved with appropriatedimensioning.- The main new feature of the ShakesBeerEcoPlus is the flow of hot water to theheating surfaces.- The hot water is fed from the top to thebottom through the pillow plates,creating the effect of a counter flowheat exchanger.

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>• ShakesBeer EcoPlus- The turbulent flow pattern of the mashon the heating surface improves theheat transfer coefficient and with this,the heating rate- This is the only way of ensuring that theheating surface is large enough in spiteof the reduced temperature difference- A return admixture added to the hotwater ensures that the available energyis utilised to optimum effect andreduces fouling on the heating surfacesto a minimumPhysical basis:Heat flowQ k AWCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSHeat transfercoefficient(Heating)surfaceTemperaturedifferencesteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>• ShakesBeer EcoPlus- The bigger the mash kettle volume, thesmaller the ratio between covered kettlesurface and mash quantity- The mash level limits the available heatingsurface- This limitation can be met by slightlyreduced heating rates and continuous -heating without loss of time- Another Shakesbeer EcoPlus variant excelsby its heating surface that extends abovethe mash levelCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>• ShakesBeer EcoPlus- A distributor applies the mash from topon the heating surface. While flowingdown, the mash picks up the heat- The protruding heating surface isdesigned according to the counter flowprinciple: here, the hot water flows frombottom to top- Quality losses caused by oxygen couldnot be found, because, thanks to theenergy input, a protective steam barrierforms over the mash film- Moreover, the Shakesbeer vibrationunits cause permanent deaeration ofthe mashCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSsteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS1,0 bar0,8 bar0,6 bar0,4 bar0,2 bar0,0 barO 2N 2Heating increases the temperatureInfluence of the temperature on air compositionH 2 O0 mg/l0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100Partial Sauerstoffpartialdruck oxygen pressure [bar] [bar]Temperatur [°C] Stickstoffpartialdruck Partial nitrogen pressure [bar] [bar]Water Wasserdampfdruck steam pressure [bar] [bar]Sauerstofflöslichkeit Oxygen solubility in Wasser water [mg/l]The oxygen solubility in the mash decreasesThe water steam pressure in the atmosphereincreases15 mg/l10 mg/l5 mg/lThe partial oxygen pressure and thus the oxgyenconcentration in the atmosphere decreasesThe difference of the partial oxygen pressures betweenmash and atmosphere directs the driving force away fromthe mash.H 2 O O 2 N 2 ON 22H 2 ON 2H 2 OH 2 ON 2H 2 ONN NH 2 O2 2N 22H O 2H 2 O2 O H 2 OH 2 ONO 2 H2N 2 O2NN 22 NH 2 O H 2 O N 22H 2 ONN 22H N 2 2 ONN 22 H 2 ON 2H 2 ON 2N 2H 2 OO 2 HO 2 O2H 2 O N 2 H 2 OH 2O N 2N 2N 2H 2 O N 2H 2 OH 2 OH 2 ON 2N 2 ON 2H 2 2 OH 2 OH 2 OH 2 O N 2N 2 N 2N 2Δp O2

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSsteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Equipment and technology of <strong>EquiTherm</strong>• <strong>Energy</strong> storage tank- The energy storage tank is used jointlyby both the <strong>EquiTherm</strong> and the lauterwort heater with vapour condenser- Given the different temperatures of thereturn water in the <strong>EquiTherm</strong>, a designsolution is required to prevent largemixing zones in the tank- A stratified charging pipe enables thewater to be stratified according todensity/temperature without muchmixingCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2The advantages at a glanceCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS• Reduction in primary energy requirements,meaning protection of natural resources.• Reduction in peak loads in boiler systems.• Reduction in electric connected loads as aresult of smaller cooling systems.• Smaller boilers and cooling systems can beinstalled in new projects.• Elimination of excess hot water andoptimisation of water management.• Flexibility in terms of the mashing-intemperature, independently of the availablevolume of hot water.• Reduction in the heating agent temperatureto below 100 °C, meaning reduced thermalstress for the mash and no fouling on theheating surface.• Flexibility in the choice of total evaporation,excess energy from the vapors can be recycled.steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Figures, data and facts1Reducing the peak loads2Thermal and electrical energy3Water consumption4Thermal load of the mashCC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS<strong>Energy</strong>ProductivityQualityROI

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Figures, data and facts• Peak loads for the boiler system- With more than eight brewingoperations a day, the heating upinvolved in the mashing process andthe boiling of the wort inevitably runparallel to each other.- The boiler system must be designed forthe maximum possible peak load.- With the energy required for themashing process being supplied by<strong>EquiTherm</strong>, the peak is reduced by thisamount.CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSsteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Figures, data and facts• <strong>Energy</strong> and water consumption- The thermal energy required for themashing process can be met in full by<strong>EquiTherm</strong> given the appropriatetechnological method.- The second stage of wort cooling alsocoversthehot waterrequirement.- This reduces the amount of electricpower required for the generation ofcooling and the requirement for freshwater as a cooling agent.CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS- An existing excess of hot water can beeliminated, thereby reducing theamount of waste water.Standard: Modern Krones complete brewery (200,000 hl of sales beer per annum)(Reference: 12°P, no blending)

steinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Figures, data and facts• Savings with <strong>EquiTherm</strong>CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MSStandard <strong>EquiTherm</strong> SavingBrews per day 10 10 ---Cast wort, hot 100 hl/brew 100 hl/brew ---Steam amount 880 kg/brew 595 kg/brew 32 %Peak load 1280 kg/h 685 kg/h 46 %Hot water preparation(wort cooler)11.7 m³/brew 9.0 m³/brew 23 %Electrical energy (icewater preparation) *14.3 kW hours/brew 11.0 kW hours/brew 23 %Thermal energy(average)555 kW hours/brew 375 kW hours/brew 32 %* Calculatedsteinecker <strong>EquiTherm</strong>We do more.|2Thank you!CC-en34-p0018-2 1/12 CC MS

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