Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab

Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab

Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab


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01-10-2010Seniori Roster of Rosterps"o wk;Nops"o b?euokops"o b?euokofB:Z[esh dkPro Or Roaster Merit Date ofDate ofDirect ofBkw $ fgsk dk BkwiBw fwshft;akfB:[esh dhfB:[esh dhjkioh dhstyySnty No.;kXBRecruit PromottfwshDirect Point No. AppointmentfwshJoiningfwshizlHw e?Nkroh Cat Remarks134 110 irho f;zx $ wzrs okw 2.11.53 ewo; 1.4.77 soZeh okjh Pro 24-05-1989 24.5.89 26-07-1989 26.7.89 lwlVU pitAwlw iBob Gen135 111 r[owhs uzd $ iZZ;h okw 20.4.52 g'b ;kfJz; 27.7.71 soZeh okjh Pro 24-05-1989 24.5.89 15-06-1989 15.6.89 Brm n?;H;hH SC RP136 112 ;s gkb $ pko{ okw (n?;H;hH$84) 1.11.54 fj;kp 1.10.80 soZeh okjh Pro 24-05-1989 24.5.89 13-06-1989 13.6.89 nMgl twaux ropV n?;H;hH SC CF GEN137 113 fBoziB okw $ wfjzrk okw(n?;H;hH86) 10.1.54 gzikph 1.4.77 soZeh okjh Pro 24-05-1989 24.5.89 10-06-1989 10.6.89 ivrkW jlMDr n?;H;hH SC CF GEN138 25 r[owhs f;zx $ f;azrkok f;zx 10.9.55 fJfsjk; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 9 30-08-1989 30.8.89 13-09-1989 13.9.89 myGovwl n?;H;hH SC RP139 26 oDihs f;zx $ ;Zdk f;zx 31.12.61 fJfsjk; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 22 30-08-1989 30.8.89 13-09-1989 13.9.89 isAwVU n?;H;hH SC CF 9140 27 w'jB bkb $ osB f;zx 4.1.62 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 28 30-08-1989 30.8.89 20-09-1989 20.9.89 rwmpur llIAW jlMDr n?;H;hH SC CF 13141 28 r[os/i f;zx $ B/e f;zx 10.6.62 fiT{rokch -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 29 30-08-1989 30.8.89 16-09-1989 16.9.89 sMgrUr sMgrUr n?;H;hH SC CF 17142 29 ;[fzozdo gkb $ s[b;h okw 15.5.63 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 37 30-08-1989 30.8.89 03-11-1989 3.11.89 BrolI klW n?;H;hH SC RP143 30 jopz; bkb $ p{Nk okw 13.3.60 nzro/ih -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 41 30-08-1989 30.8.89 11-10-1989 11.10.89 FolIky n?;H;hH SC CF 21144 31 gofwzdo f;zx $ e[bdhg f;zx 16.10.54 fJfsjk; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 22-05-1987 22.5.87 25-05-1987 25.5.87 dwKw iBob Gen(j/vhe/gv)145 32 :kdftzdo f;zx $ wBihs f;zx 29.10.54 gzikph f;ZXh Gosh Direct - - 18-12-1987 18.12.87 jMifAwlw gurU AimRMqsr iBob Gen146 33 ;[yftzdo $ ;[oihs f;zx 28.7.57 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 50 30-08-1989 30.8.89 12-09-1989 12.9.89 mihlpur huiSAwrpur n?;H;hH SC RP147 34 e[btoB f;zx 1.1.57 nzro/ih -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 1 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 mihlpur huiSAwrpur iBob Gen148 35 wbehs f;zx $ irho f;zx 5.4.53 g'b ;kfJz; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 7 30-08-1989 30.8.89 16-06-1989 16.6.89 mukqsr mukqsr phH;hH BC RP BC149 36 e[bdhg f;zx $ ;zs f;zx 12.1.54 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 2 30-08-1989 30.8.89 25-09-1989 25.9.89 rwjpurw pitAwlw iBob Gen150 37 w'jB f;zx $ gqhsw f;zx 27.5.62 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 52 30-08-1989 30.8.89 13-09-1989 13.9.89 A`jovwl huiSAwrpur n?;H;hH SC RP151 38 pbihs e[wko $ y?oksh bkb 27.10.62 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 3 30-08-1989 30.8.89 13-09-1989 13.9.89 mlot mukqsr iBob Gen152 39 ;[fzozdo f;zx GzZNh $ T[ikro f;zx 3.11.57 fcfie; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 4 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 mhlpur huiSAwrpur iBob Gen153 40 jofizdo f;zx $ bkb f;zx 5.6.61 ewo; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 5 30-08-1989 30.8.89 15-09-1989 15.9.89 iProzpur iProzpur iBob Gen154 41 gofwzdo f;zx $ joGiB f;zx 8.4.60 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 56 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 pitAwlw pitAwlw n?;H;hH SC RP155 42 gofwzdo f;zx $ wbehs f;zx 1.9.64 fiT{rokch -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 6 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 p`KI klW iBob Gen156 43 irsko f;zx $ fgnkok f;zx 10.8.61 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 8 30-08-1989 30.8.89 12-09-1989 12.9.89 c`kruldU isMG iBob Gen157 44 ;[fozdo f;zx $ ni?p f;zx 31.8.58 fwT{fie -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 10 30-08-1989 30.8.89 14-09-1989 14.9.89 mUxk iBob Gen158 45 i;gkb f;zx $ fp;aB f;zx 8.12.60 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 57 30-08-1989 30.8.89 21-09-1989 21.9.89 Bl`eIpur fogrw n?;H;hH SC RP159 46 goftzdo f;zx $ r[opy;a f;zx 25.4.54 ckJhB nkoN;-- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 11 30-08-1989 30.8.89 16-09-1989 16.9.89 rwmpur llIAW jlMDr iBob Gen160 47 niw/o f;zx $ ;zg{oB f;zx 19.11.60 efw;Noh -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 12 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 jgrwNE luiDAwxw iBob Gen161 48 nB{g f;zx $ nwo f;zx 15.3.63 pkfJU -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 13 30-08-1989 30.8.89 20-09-1989 20.9.89 BMgwlw huiSAwrpur iBob Gen162 49 ;[oihs f;zx $ fe;aaB bkb 15.1.59 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 58 30-08-1989 30.8.89 26-09-1989 26.9.89 gurU hrshwey iProzpur n?;H;hH SC RP163 50 ;[Gk;a e[wko $ okw BokfJD 4.4.54 fjzdh -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 14 30-08-1989 30.8.89 30-09-1989 30.9.89 FUFIky mogw iBob Gen164 51 pbeko f;zx $ ;ftzdo f;zx 3.5.56 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 16 30-08-1989 30.8.89 12-09-1989 12.9.89 fymgMz iBob Gen165 52 Ii;tzs f;zx $ ;odko f;zx 1.1.59 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 17 30-08-1989 30.8.89 16-09-1989 16.9.89 bolInw jlMDr iBob Gen166 53 wB'jo bkb $ ;toBk bkb 3.4.62 nzro/ih -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 63 30-08-1989 30.8.89 18-09-1989 18.9.89 nog`jw jlMDr n?;H;hH SC RP167 54 pbpho f;zx $ e;awhok f;zx 1.12.57 fcfie; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 18 30-08-1989 30.8.89 20-09-1989 20.9.89 vyrkw AimRMqsr iBob Gen168 55 so;/w gkb $ s/i okw 1.12.56 nzro/ih f;ZXh Gosh Direct 15 30-08-1989 30.8.89 11-10-1989 11.10.89 klwnor gurdwspur phH;hH BC RP BC169 56 e[btzs f;zx $ skok f;x 25.10.62 fiT{rokch -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 20 30-08-1989 30.8.89 19-09-1989 19.9.89 fweIt gurdwspur gurdwspur iBob Gen170 57 i'frzdo f;zx $ ;kX{ f;zx 20.2.62 fJfsjk; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 67 30-08-1989 30.8.89 28-09-1989 28.9.89 gWDI kYNp jlMDr n?;H;hH SC RP171 58 jotzs f;zx $ i/mk f;zx 5.7.55 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 21 30-08-1989 30.8.89 16-09-1989 16.9.89 gwKl DwlIvwl jlMDr iBob Gen5/82

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