Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab

Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab

Male Female Lec Seniority FINAL 1.10.10.xlsx - SSA Punjab


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01-10-2010Seniori Roster of Rosterps"o wk;Nops"o b?euokops"o b?euokofB:Z[esh dkPro Or Roaster Merit Date ofDate ofDirect ofBkw $ fgsk dk BkwiBw fwshft;akfB:[esh dhfB:[esh dhjkioh dhstyySn izlHw e?Nkroh ty No.;kXBCat RemarksRecruit PromottfwshDirect Point No. AppointmentfwshJoiningfwsh447 194 i[roki f;zx $ r[oBkw f;zx 1.12.64 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 6 05-07-1991 5.7.91 19-07-1991 19.7.91 fyrHw bwbw nwnk gurdwspur iBob Gen448 195 r[ouoB f;zx $ T[ikro f;zx 21.8.64 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 50 05-07-1991 5.7.91 11-07-1991 11.7.91 s:ie:s:tyR:sYN kpUrQlHw kpUrQlw phH;hH BC RP BCpbftzdo f;zx ukjb $ oke/;a f;zx449 19617.11.57 gzikph f;ZXh Gosh(j/vhe/gv)Direct 7 05-07-1991 5.7.91 24-07-1991 24.7.91 Buco klW iBob Gen450 197 wzrb f;zx $ pzsk f;zx 15.1.54 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 61 05-07-1991 5.7.91 25-07-1991 25.7.91 BlweIpur fogrw n?;H;hH SC RP451 198 [e[btzs f;zx $ bytho f;zx 15.4.64 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 8 05-07-1991 5.7.91 12-07-1991 12.7.91 vfwlw grMQIAW gurdwspur iBob Gen452 199 e[btzs f;zx $ wkB f;zx (;L c'ih) 2.4.64 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 9 05-07-1991 5.7.91 12-07-1991 12.7.91 b`sI iBob Gen453 200 wk;k f;zx $ r'fpzd f;zx 20.4.62 fcfie; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 11 05-07-1991 5.7.91 20-07-1991 20.7.91 gwKl DwlIvwl jlMDr iBob Gen454 201 ;opihs f;zx $ pbd/t f;zx 27.7.65 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 13 05-07-1991 5.7.91 13-07-1991 13.7.91 luiDAwxw luiDAwxw iBob Gen CF455 202 ofizdo f;zx $ g{oB f;zx 23.9.65 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 15 05-07-1991 5.7.91 13-07-1991 13.7.91 srwvW iBob Gen456 203 i;pho f;zx $ gkb f;zx 1.1.55 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 17 05-07-1991 5.7.91 10-07-1991 10.7.91 SrYtw AimRMqsr iBob Gen457 204n;atBh e[wko $ oxthof;zx(;Lc'ih)3.3.66 nkoN; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 18 05-07-1991 5.7.91 22-07-1991 22.7.91 fweIt A`jovwl huiSAwrpur iBob Gen458 205 o;/b f;zx $ pbpho f;zx 30.5.59 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 20 05-07-1991 5.7.91 11-07-1991 11.7.91 gumwnpurw iBob Gen CF459 206 wBw'jB d/t $ r''gkb d/t 15.12.54 fjzdh -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 21 05-07-1991 5.7.91 29-07-1991 29.7.91 qlvwVw sYktr-3 huiSAwrpur iBob Gen460 207 w/tk f;zx $ i'rk f;zx (;L c'ih) 15.3.66 gzikph -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 23 05-07-1991 5.7.91 19-07-1991 19.7.91 biTMfw biTMfw iBob Gen461 208 r[oGiB f;zx $ joBkw f;zx 2.5.64 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 25 05-07-1991 5.7.91 12-07-1991 12.7.91 fweIt kpUrQlHw kpUrQlw iBob Gen462 209 i'frzdo f;zzx $ joBkw f;zx 10.4.64 fj;kp 10$87 - f;ZXh Gosh Direct 27 05-07-1991 5.7.91 25-07-1991 25.7.91 sMDor iBob Gen CF463 210 joihs f;zx $ jouoB f;zx 8.9.58 ckJhB nkoN;-- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 28 05-07-1991 5.7.91 30-07-1991 30.7.91 buFlwFw iBob Gen464 211oDXho f;zx$;odkok f;zx(j/vhe/gv)1.11.55 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 30 05-07-1991 5.7.91 31-08-1991 31.8.91 civMfw dyvI iBob Gen465 212 i;gkb f;zx $ iow/i f;zx 1.1.63 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 31 05-07-1991 5.7.91 19-07-1991 19.7.91 Kosw rxDIr iBob Gen466 213 ;[o/;a e[wko $ uzdo GkB 9.4.58 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 33 05-07-1991 5.7.91 09-10-1991 9.10.91 inhwl KyVw iBob Gen CF467 214i;tzs f;zx $ dbhg f;zx (;Lc'ih)27.11.64 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 34 05-07-1991 5.7.91 25-07-1991 25.7.91 sujwnpur gurdwspur iBob Gen468 215 wB'jo bkb $ o{gk okw 1.6.65 ewo; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 59 05-07-1991 5.7.91 10-08-1991 10.8.91 KueIAw srvr phH;hH BC RP BC469 216 ewbihs f;zx $ d/t oki 3.9.61 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 36 05-07-1991 5.7.91 19-07-1991 19.7.91 bVHw ipMf jlMDr iBob Gen470 217 skok uzd $ feq;aB uzd 3.4.56 fj;kp -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 37 05-07-1991 5.7.91 12-07-1991 12.7.91 Grotw iBob Gen CF471 218 ihs f;zx (;L c'ih) 20.2.66 noE ;ak;aso -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 38 05-07-1991 5.7.91 16-07-1991 16.7.91 biTMfw biTMfw iBob Gen472 219 ;[yfizdoihs f;zx $ ni?p f;zx 21.9.65 g'b ;kfJz; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 39 05-07-1991 5.7.91 10-07-1991 10.7.91 kwhnUMvwl gurdwspur iBob Gen473 220 jogkb f;zx $ irho f;zx 1.7.60 fiT{rokch -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 41 05-07-1991 5.7.91 18-07-1991 18.7.91 nwBw pitAwlw iBob Gen474 221 ;[o//;a e[[wko $ dbihs f;zx (cHcH) 2.4.62 g'b ;kfJz; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 42 05-07-1991 5.7.91 30-08-1991 30.8.91 mcwkI klW iBob Gen CF475 222 puB f;zx $ eow f;zx 1.12.51 fJfsjk; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 43 05-07-1991 5.7.91 11-07-1991 11.7.91 Swhpur kMfI gurdwspur iBob Genpbftzdo f;zx $ eoB?b f;zx(;L476 2232.12.64 efw;Noh -- f;ZXh Goshc'ih)Direct 44 05-07-1991 5.7.91 11-07-1991 11.7.91 fyhloN luiDAwxw iBob Gen477 224 gofwzdo f;zx $ r[ofwzdo f;zx 30.6.60 g'b ;kfJz; -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 45 05-07-1991 5.7.91 25-07-1991 25.7.91 BMgwlI iBob Gen478 225 y[;atho f;zx $ j[f;anko f;zx 16.2.60 pkfJU -- f;ZXh Gosh Direct 47 05-07-1991 5.7.91 23-07-1991 23.7.91 bVIvwlw iBob Gen CFBfozdo f;zx frb $ eoB?b f;zx479 22619.2.60 fiT{rokch -- f;ZXh Gosh(;L c'ih)Direct 49 05-07-1991 5.7.91 23-07-1991 23.7.91 loDI mwzrw ropV iBob Gen13/82

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