Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk


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People<strong>Sarawak</strong>hasmedicaltourismpotentialGeneral Manager of Kuching SpecialistHospital sees great future for the stateYasser Arafat Ishak, theGeneral Manager of KuchingSpecialist Hospital, has fallenin love with Kuching since arrivingin 2009. The racial harmony, respectfor each other’s religious belief andwarm, friendly nature of people hereare the main traits which he statedare most obvious here, after servingin places like Ipoh, Penang.“<strong>Sarawak</strong> is really startling to thosewho encounter it first hand, likeme and my family; here they don’ttalk about racial tolerance as it ispracticed in the daily lives of thepeople,” he gestured with a widesmile. “Furthermore we have metsincere, honest and helpful friendswho were strangers before so thatsays a lot about the people here!”The General Manager stated that theconducive environment here in termsof the clean city, friendly people,exotic food and great outdoorsshould be promoted for medicaltourism with better air connectivityand participation with the tourismindustry players. People fromIndonesia, Brunei and other partsof Asia have sought treatment fromthe specialists hospitals here so thepotential is there.“On our part we have expanded ourwards to cater to more patients andprovided training for our staff in linewith our achieving ISO 9001:2008certification for KcSH. With 30 years’experience in our healthcare group, we know we can provide the kindof services expected and we areconstantly upgrading our facilitiesand equipment too,” he added.Naturally, the first step towardsgood health is personal lifestyle, headvised, food, exercise and regularcheckups being also important.“I would also like to thank mypredecessors who had put in placethe necessary foundation for KcSH tobe what it is today, a thriving hospitalrecognized for its quality healthcareservices. I know that together with mypresent staff we will continue to makeKcSH a better place for patients and allthose working here,” he concluded.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 71

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