Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk


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SARAWAKPEPPERMalaysia’s FirstG.I. Agricultural ProductMPB’s range of pepper productsFoodBlack, white and green pepper berriesPepper; be it black or whitecomes from the same plant,Piper nigrum. Fresh pepperberries can also be converted intodehydrated green pepper or pickledgreen pepper.As demand for pepper increasesboth in terms of quantity and quality,Malaysia as the sixth largest pepperproducer in the world has embarkedon a modernisation programmethrough Malaysian Pepper Board(MPB), a government agency underMinistry of Plantation Industries andCommodities. MPB has spearheadedthe development of local pepperindustry to what it is today byproducing high quality processedpepper through its productionfacilities including its HACCP-certifiedsteam treatment system.Black and white pepper berries whichare steam treated are marketed as“<strong>Sarawak</strong> Mikrokleen Steam TreatedPepper”, a product which is widelyaccepted by users not only for itsenhanced hygienic property but alsofor its improved aroma and flavour.Not contented with the marketing ofberries, MPB set up an ultra-moderngrinding mill (the biggest in South EastAsia) to produce crushed pepper; be itfine powder, coarse or cracked. Pepperis widely exported as black and whitepepper (berries and powder) in bulkpacks but retail packs of pepper andpepper products for the householdmarket or even export market comein various forms and brands includingMPB’s own “SARASPICE®” range ofretail and novelty products.The development in Malaysia’sprocessed food sector boostedvalue-addition activities and theconsumption of pepper in Malaysia.Malaysia’s own consumption ofpepper in 2010 was 7,000 tonneswhich at retail value is estimated atRM350 million. Add that figure to theexports of RM200 million, pepper’scontribution to the national economystood at RM550 million in 2010.The versatility of pepper for use inculinary and non-culinary beckonsthe ingenuity and dedication of bothresearchers and users alike. FromMPB product development laboratory,various uses and application ofpepper in sauces, marinades, dips,cookies, biscuits, candies, perfumes,insect repellent to name a few,have been tried and tested, and, insome cases, tasted. Some of thesehave been adopted and improvisedfor commercial production byprivate entrepreneurs as a resultof technology transfer sessions,exhibitions, cooking demonstrationsand collaborative efforts.Notwithstanding that, much more canstill be done on the myriads of uses ofpepper. Many have been discovered.Others have yet to be scientificallyverified; be it pharmaceuticals,cosmetics or other applications.For this reason, MPB has recentlybeefed up its research capacitytowards, among others, producingbetter pepper variety and unlockingthe various intrinsic properties ofpepper extracts. Hence justifiably,<strong>Sarawak</strong> pepper is now registeredunder Geographical Indication(GI) of MyIPO, the first Malaysianagriculture product to be accordedthis prestigious recognition.Pepper farm in <strong>Sarawak</strong>Malaysian Pepper BoardLot 1115, Jalan Utama, Tanah Putih, PO Box 1653, 93916, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 331811 Fax: +6082 336877 Email: info@mpb.gov.my Website: www.mpb.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 55

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