Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk


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ScoreThe training guruInstitut Tadbiran AwamNegara (INTAN) <strong>Sarawak</strong>provides skills andknowledge to civil servicepersonnel<strong>Sarawak</strong> has taken amajor step towards greentechnology excellencewith the implementation of SCORE(<strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridor Of RenewableEnergy), which is envisaged topropel the State into a developedState status by 2020. Naturally, sucha momentous programme needsthe input of capable and educatedhuman personnel to achieve thegoals set. INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong>, as abranch of the national training armof the Public Service Departmentwith the mission to develop humancapital in the public sector throughexcellence in training, is highlyinvolved in the endeavor to ensurethe programme is successful.INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong> recently moved intoits new premises at Samarahan, whichis equipped with the latest trainingfacilities and amenities to carry out itsactivities. The new campus has fourclassrooms with a seating capacity offorty in each and two computer labswith forty computers as well as anauditorium capable of seating over120 persons. In addition, there areeight other discussions rooms whichall together will enable the centre totrain over 6,000 civil service personnelper year. Previously, the centre wasonly able to train 3500 persons peryear due to the limited capacity of theold premise.Foremost, the centre is entrustedto provide training for civil servicepersonnel, which can bring aboutgreater national integration as well asupgrading their skills to match thoseat the national level. These trainingsalso provide the personnel with theinnovative skills which can be easilyimplemented throughout the Stateand which eventually will also be thebasis for training of others. All theseskills and knowledge will be the mainavenue through which the nation willbe able to achieve developed nationstatus by 2020.Currently the major focus of trainingin <strong>Sarawak</strong> is on administrative andprofessional capacities of civil servicepersonnel to enable them to eventuallylead their respective departments. Thereare also plans being set up for thenext five years to provide training forhigher grade officers in collaborationwith various agencies for speciallydesigned courses suited to the needsof the State. Hence, the trainings basedon the forefront of knowledge andhighly competent personnel are mostemphasised on for these participants.INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong> courses are alsooriented towards community serviceslike providing motivation courses forstudents and providing computertrainings for senior populations.www.intanbk.intan.my16 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

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