Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk

Sarawak! - Borneo Talk


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ISSN 1823-9625 | PPK380/03/2012(029393)<strong>Sarawak</strong> • <strong>Borneo</strong> • MalaysiaVOL.22 OCT-DEC 2011SCORE!Highlight<strong>Sarawak</strong>CorridorOfRenewableEnergy

Japanese.Western RestaurantNew ambience! New menu! New management! Great Value! You’ll Simply Love it!Momoyama,Japanese.Western RestaurantEnjoy the best in authentic Japanese and Western food.Our specialties include fresh sea bass, spring chicken andfresh river water prawns steamed with sake. Our cuisinesrange from Australian beef steaks, seafood to greatvarieties of sushi from the Japanese sushi bar. One of ourunique features is our V.I.P rooms which are great forparties, business or family get together in total privacy.We are open 7 days a week. For lunches, enjoy ourselection of 4 course Japanese and western meals fromjust RM9.90. All our prices are Nett. We also servealcohol and we do not serve pork.Please visit www.newmomoyama.com forour full range of menus and for passwordsfor complimentary food or drinks.Private VIP Rooms and delivery services(limited areas) are available.Call us TODAY and be SURPRISED!Lot 1,2,1A & 2A Ground Floor Wisma Phoenix,Jalan Song Thian Cheok, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.(Same Row as Hotel Lobby of 360Xpress Hotel)Tel: +6082 420561 H/P: +6012 2906807(Opens Daily from 11.00am-2.30pm, 5.00 -11.00pm)

Yang Amat BerhormatPehin Sri Haji AbdulTaib MahmudChief Minister Of <strong>Sarawak</strong>Welcome to <strong>Sarawak</strong>!Presently, <strong>Sarawak</strong> is still dependent on its natural resources ofoil, gas and timber to continue developing the State but allthis will change with the momentum of growth generated bythe SCORE (<strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridor Of Renewable Energy) in the comingyears. Envisaged as the next economic transformation for <strong>Sarawak</strong>into a dynamic, productive and developed State, SCORE will utilizefully the vast potential of green hydropower to spearhead thesedevelopments in the State.With the transformation into a high-income economy, the labourfactor will be crucial and this will most likely be met with muchhuman resources coming from outside the State as semi-skilledand skilled technicians for industries. Over ninety percent of theeconomy will be private sector led in the seven main focus areas ofmanufacturing, service, education, agriculture, tourism, renewableenergy and women entrepreneurship. The government is eyeingmore than RM200 billion worth of investments over the next twentyyears under the transformation plan of SCORE and together withthe federal government EPP (Entry Points Project) initiative, thetransformation will be ushered over the whole nation.I firmly believe that <strong>Sarawak</strong> will continue to attract foreigninvestments due to the favourable business climate here as wellas stable government. With clear established policies for localand foreign investors already in place, everyone is aware of thedevelopment plans for the next twenty years and even beyond as theprospects and potential from <strong>Sarawak</strong> is immense. We welcome youto stake a claim in the next stage of transformation for the State’seconomy by investing in SCORE where the State will assist in everyway for a smooth business transition.While in <strong>Sarawak</strong>, take every opportunity to visit the vast adventure,culture and nature spots and learn about the natural beauty of theState and its people. I am sure that you will then realize why we call<strong>Sarawak</strong> home, a trend that is gaining popularity amongst many ofour foreign investors!Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 3

ScoreThere’s more toSCORE!Business andinvestmentopportunities galorein <strong>Sarawak</strong>’s newgrowth areasMalaysia’s success story indevelopment is well knownthroughout the world withinternational brand name corporationsand service providers setting up basesin the nation. This success is set to beduplicated on a much larger scale in<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia’s largest state, withthe setting up of SCORE (<strong>Sarawak</strong>Corridor of Renewable Energy), agovernment initiated plan to furtherenhance development of the country.In order to facilitate investments inSCORE, RECODA (Regional CorridorDevelopment Authority) was set upin 2006 to be the one-stop agencyin the management, promotion andmarketing of the Corridor whilethe State Planning Unit (SPU) isentrusted to facilitate investmentcoming into SCORE. RECODA andSPU are responsible in providing theinformation and details of SCORE toinvestors from within and outside thenation.hydropower resources; the potential for development of these resourcesfor industries is immense. By focusing on sustainable hydropower, with thedevelopment of dams, <strong>Sarawak</strong>’s energy sector is further boosted with apotential of 28,000 MW and coupled with over 40.9 trillion square cubic feetof natural gas, SCORE is the ideal investment destination for energy-intensiveindustries. Naturally, these potentials have been quickly identified by a host ofinternational corporations from Asia, Australia and Europe who have startedinvesting in energy intensive industries.SCORE is primarily located within the central region, stretching from Samalajuin Bintulu in the north to Mukah in the central and Tanjung Manis in the south,a vast area that is still underdeveloped presently. In addition, Baram and Tunohin the hinterland of <strong>Sarawak</strong> are another new growth nodes in SCORE. Thesegrowth nodes have been designated as the main centre of growth along theCorridor with specific types of industries to target for. Samalaju will be thecentre for heavy industries while Mukah will concentrate on transforming into aSmart City and the main nerve centre of SCORE. Tanjung Manis’ pristine naturalenvironment makes it the ideal place to become the Halal Hub for the state.Baram and Tunoh will focus on eco-tourism, forest and oil palm plantation.The development of the five growth nodes would have significant spill-over onsecondary towns like Semop, Balingian, Selangau, Samarakan, Bakun and Ng.Merit located within SCORE will also see developments in areas of tourism andresource based industries.Infrastructure development within the SCORE area has received the mostattention and the rapid development of roads, port facilities, water supply andairports have all been given special impetus by the government. Private sectorinvestment has been the main reason for the rapid growth in these areas asinvestors have quickly seized the opportunities emerging with growth of serviceindustries. These in turn have given rise to employment opportunities for localsand foreigners alike and the race to secure skilled and technical workers isamong the most intense today in the state!<strong>Sarawak</strong> is a resource rich state interms of oil, natural gas, coal andFor further information,please contact us atSTATE PLANNINGUNITChief Minister’s Department6 th , 7 th & 9 th Floor,Wisma Bapa Malaysia93502 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>,Malaysia.General Lines:+6082 319387, 319380Fax:+6082 449481, 442536www.spu.sarawak.gov.my4 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

ScoreThe HumanCapital Development FactorInflow of industriesthrough ForeignDirect Investment(FDI) to <strong>Sarawak</strong>providesopportunities foreveryone<strong>Sarawak</strong>, rich in natural resources andlarge land area, requires more skilledand technical manpower to meet thedemand of industries. Indeed the success ofSCORE (<strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridor of Renewable Energy),has hastened the need for comprehensivehuman capital development more than ever,which was highlighted by the Chief Ministerrecently when talking about the plan.“The success (of SCORE) has put a challengefor us to come out and respond to the demandfor a better army of technical manpower toensure that the state is able to maintain all thebig investments it has received like the manyfactories, plants and mills especially in theSamalaju Industrial Park. The technical peoplethat we need has to be thought of now and wehave to start training them immediately,” PehinSri Abdul Taib Mahmud stated in July 2011 inKuching.On the part of the government, a numberof technical training institutions have beenspecifically set up to boost the number ofskilled and technically trained manpower inanticipation of the requirements expectedfrom SCORE’s development. Private collegesand institutes have also been springing up toprovide the extra places for those seeking tolearn a skill to meet the expectations of thenew era of development in <strong>Sarawak</strong>. A vastmajority of these developments will comefrom the energy-intensive industries and whichnaturally require large number of skilled andtechnical manpower to run and maintain them.Invariably, foreign manpower will have to bebrought in to meet the needs of industriesespecially for skilled labour in the State duringthe initial set up of the plants. Vast employmentopportunities hence present themselves tothose in the management and technical sectorsand locals will naturally have an advantagehere. In the training sector, professionals will bein great demand as lecturers and teachers aswell as consultants and supervisors in differentindustries, which are opportunities for bothlocal and foreign experts in the technical fields.www.spu.sarawak.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 5

ScoreMiri Jazz Festival •By thewater’sedgeNatural beautyof hydropowerlakes underSCORE addsto tourismpotentialMulu National Park •• <strong>Sarawak</strong> Cultural VillageInternationally recognized asone of the mega biodiversityareas, <strong>Sarawak</strong>’s rich heritage ofnatural beauty and diversity has beena major pulling factor for tourismand related activities here. The addedflavours of internationally acclaimedRainforest World Music Festival, MiriJazz Festival, World Heritage Site,Gunung Mulu National Park andaward winning <strong>Sarawak</strong> CulturalVillage have all contributed to thegrowing success of the tourism sectortoo. Now that tourism is designatedas one of the ten priority industriesin SCORE (<strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridor ofRenewable Energy), to furtherenhance development of the country,the sector is bound to get additionalboost to become a major revenueearner for the State in years to come.Rainforest World Music Festival •6 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong> Highland •• Pinnacles at Mulu National ParkMajority of the tourism potential under SCORE area will be concentratingon the wide open sandy beaches at Samalaju and towns scattered alongthe coastal belt and interior like Tanjung Manis, Mukah, Semop, Balingian,Selangau, Samarakan, Bakun, Baram, Tunoh and Ng. Merit. The traditionallifestyle of the people have always been a key factor for the attraction oftourists, charmed by the natural smiles and courteousness displayed as well astheir unique dances, costumes and food. As more areas are developed underSCORE, the growing infrastructure facilities will enable even more areas tobe reached easily, meaning that small townsand rural villages will also be able to benefitfrom the tourism reach into these areas.Naturally the hydropowerdams will also be touristattractions for a varietyof activities ranging fromfishing, water sports and beautiful scenery. The variety ofwildlife converging on these dams will continue to grow overtime as new habitats are created. Unlike traditional tourism,these newly established tours would focus on longer stay and group-packages asthere will be more adventures in the wide expanse of the lake. Local communitieswill stand to benefit most from these expanded tourism packagesand lead to more stable income for these rural folks.www.spu.sarawak.gov.my

• Batang Ai HEPScoreTen priorityindustrieshave beenidentified forthe <strong>Sarawak</strong>Corridor ofRenewableEnergy• Bakun Hydroelectric Dam• Mukah Coal-fired Power Projectwww.spu.sarawak.gov.myLike any good long termplan, SCORE has identifiedten priority industries to bethe backbone for the growth of thecentral region and the State in general.Majority of them will be focusing onthe availability of competitive pricedand abundant supply of clean andrenewable energy in the form of hydropowerfrom the dams centred aroundthe central region of <strong>Sarawak</strong>.Aluminium, Poly-silicon, Metalicsiliconand Ferro-alloy industriesare the top ones which will startoff with massive investments in thecorridor areas and productions willbe mainly for export markets. Theseenergy intensive industries newmanufacturing plants look set toincorporate modern machineries intheir production lines but as always,manpower will also be a key factorin the production processes. All thesewill lead to the rapid industrializationand development of areas wherethese manufacturing plants arelocated and see the mushroomingof support industries and servicessprouting in the surrounding areas.The palm oil industry is alreadyexperiencing exponential growthin the region with plantations andestates being set up which willeventually make it the leader innumber of workers employed aswell as export of palm oil. Most ofthese are centred in Miri, BintuluAplenty and diversityof opportunities inSCOREand Mukah. Following closely thedevelopment of the palm oil industrywill be the livestock industry, whichcan utilize the processed fruitbunches as feed. Much of the currentprocessed fruit bunches are exportedas animal feed and so the livestockindustry is bound to benefit from theabundant supply of feeds stock fromthe palm oil industries here.The fishing and aquaculture industrywill be concentrated along thecoastal towns of Mukah, TanjongManis, Semop as the port and relatedinfrastructure facilities at Tanjung Manishave been specifically drawn up forthis industry. It is also designated asthe Halal Hub for the State and theexcellent site is conducive for marineengineering industries too. Presently,Tanjung Manis is a premier port fortimber based industries in the Stateand the related activities planned forthe region together with the extensiveinfrastructure of roads, port and airportwill make this the new growth centre.Baram in Miri and Tunoh in Kapitare being developed for thetourism industry market due totheir unique locations. The scenicbeauty of lakeside and surroundingpristine forests provide the perfectbackground for eco-tourism here andthe local people comprising a mixtureof Orang Ulus and other nativegroups are the attractions for foreignvisitors here. Many of the originallonghouses and traditional dressesand other cultural traits are still foundin these remote areas, which servedas the ideal sites for tourism activities.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 7

SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED,Insidewww.borneotalk.com4733SCORE 4 • Event9 • Tourism 18 •Textile 24 • MalayArt 28 • Crafts30 • Home 32• Beauty 37 •Food 38 • Map &Movies 40 • Hotel58 • Books 68 •Read 70 • People71 • BT-CSR 72<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> is published by Bumi Serasi. The contents of the magazine may not be reprinted orreproduced without prior written permission. The publisher is not liable for statements made andopinions expressed in the publication.Editor-In-Chief Ivy Pan Executive Editor S C Goh Marketing Ivy Pan, Jasmine Wong, NancyShukri Administration Ribena Noh Contributors S C Goh, Mark Jacobson, Japri B Masli,Rashidah Bolhassan, June Ngo, <strong>Sarawak</strong> Planning Unit (SPU) Design & Art Direction Steven Yap,Photography David Joseph, Jasmine Wong, Mark Jacobson, June Ngo, <strong>Sarawak</strong> Planning Unit (SPU),<strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Board (STB), <strong>Sarawak</strong> Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC), UNIMAS,<strong>Sarawak</strong> Hidro Sdn Bhd, <strong>Sarawak</strong> Information Department, Brunei Tourism Front Cover Image BakunHydroelectric Dam by <strong>Sarawak</strong> Hidro Sdn Bhd Printer Teknik Print Sdn Bhd, Malaysia.Write to us at <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>, 242E, Lorong 3, Jalan Green, 93150 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 427423, 238968, Fax: +6082 235152 email: ivypan.bumiserasi@gmail.comEndorsed byThe next issue of <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> will be out in Januari 2012.To Advertise In This Publication Call 6 082 427423Ministry Of Tourism & Heritage<strong>Sarawak</strong><strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Board8 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Event30 th October 2011Make Sunday 30 th October2011 special for you andyour friends or colleagues;this year get yourselves registeredfor the exciting and fun adventureat the annual Padawan Raft Safari2011 happening at Kampung AnnahRais, Kampung Timurang, KampungDanu and Kampung Git, alongJalan Sungai <strong>Sarawak</strong> Kiri. The MenExpert Rafting Category is the mainevent making its debut this year.The Ladies, Men Open, GovernmentDepartments, Tours and HotelsAgencies categories provide everyonean opportunity to take part in thisscenic and ever popular event amidstevergreen jungles along the route.This is theyear everyonemustparticipate!“We are seeing more entries eachyear the event is held,” said Lo KhereChiang, Chairman of PadawanMunicipal Council. “In fact, we alsohave repeat participants from locals aswell as those from outside Kuching.The kayak category too is provingcompetitive as it involves individualeffort and skill. More importantly,the event is to showcase the greatoutdoors here in Padawan as apartfrom the Safari, there are many otherinteresting sites here for visitors.”According to the Chairman, the Safarihas also been a boom to the localeconomy. Many people also took theopportunity to visit the longhousesin the area during the event whileproviding sales to the locals, especiallyspecialty food, fruits and handicrafts assouvenirs for the visitors. In addition,Padawan’s markets see a surge incustomers during the weekend of theSafari, which is good for everyone.“Safety is a top priority during theSafari and we will continue to ensurethat participants and supporterscontinue to enjoy the event withoutany untoward incidents,” heemphasized. “On the council’s part, wewill liaise with the police departmentand RELA for smooth flow of traffic aswell as protection of property”.For those interested in the Safari 2011,they should contact the PadawanMunicipal Council for more detailsand also to have their rafts ready. Witha total cash prize of RM25,450.00for all the categories to be won, thePadawan Raft Safari 2011 is lookingset to be one of the big tourismevents involving locals and foreignersin Kuching this year! Come and seehow the participants battle it out in theriver and enjoy a trip along the scenicsurroundings.For more information on these and other events in thePadawan Municipal Council annual celebration, call them at+6082 615566 or visit their site at www.mpp.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 9

Score<strong>Sarawak</strong>Ministry of IndustrialDevelopment, <strong>Sarawak</strong>Focal point for investors:• Provides information on investmentopportunities• Facilitates implementation of approvedprojects<strong>Sarawak</strong> has vast potential forhydropower which enables theState to offer competitive tariffsfor electricity and water. TheSCORE initiative launched in 2008,leveraging on the abundance ofthis hydropower has attractedenergy-intensive industries suchas Tokuyama Malaysia Sdn Bhd tothe Samalaju Industrial Park. WhileSamalaju Industrial Park caters for theupstream energy-intensive industries,Sama Jaya is well-positioned toattract the downstream industries forsolar and advanced materials.MID has also developed other industrialestates, among which, are KualaBaram Industrial Estate earmarked forshipbuilding and timber processingindustries as well as other generalindustries, and Kota SamarahanIndustrial Estate (Extension) meantfor general industries and also forrelocation of small and mediumenterprises (SMEs) in Kuching. TheTebedu Industrial Estate, which islocated at the <strong>Sarawak</strong>-KalimantanBorder and expected to be completedin December 2011, is also earmarkedfor general industries.In addition to the development andpromotion of industrial estates, MIDis also overseeing the nurturing ofSMEs by facilitating their participationin expos and exhibitions as wellas contributing to their humancapital needs through entrepreneurdevelopment programmes.MID has a trustworthy andexperienced team who provides thenecessary assistance to all foreignand local investors to expeditethe processes to ensure speedyimplementation of approved projects.This has resulted in attractingincreasing investments to the Stateover the years.Reasons for investingin <strong>Sarawak</strong>Stable government and sound policieson investments have contributedpositively to the confidence of foreignand local investors. The governmenthas embarked on economictransformation plans to move fromdependence on primary sector tosecondary and tertiary sectors, pavingthe way forward towards rapiddevelopments.Strong Federal and State ties hasresulted in enhanced policies andplans for <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Pro-businessoutlook and working in tandemwith private sector further enhancethe attractiveness of the State toinvestors. To further induce investorshere, there are a number of Federaltax incentives and State incentiveswhich are very compelling toinvestors as they all contribute tolowering cost of doing business aswell as advantageous in competingwith other regional sites.Excellent industrial facilities in theform of modern ports, airports,and convenient roads linkagescontribute to the attractiveness ofthe State. In addition, competitiveelectricity and water tariffs, andgood communication system playedimportant roles in making <strong>Sarawak</strong>competitive in the region.Last but not least is the quality of lifein <strong>Sarawak</strong>. The clean and beautifulState with abundance of natureeverywhere proved to be key pointersfor many expatriates to locate hereas additionally, international schools,colleges and universities are all availablelocally. Modern medical and healthfacilities are also readily availablewhile safety is almost assured for allthe people in the State where crimerates are among the lowest in theregion. Recreational and sports facilitiesare also well represented here withinternationally recognised golf courses,cultural sites and nature trails.<strong>Sarawak</strong> is indeed the preferredinvestment destination for investorswith ideal facilities and humanresources, which are attractive,compelling, endearing and rewarding.For further information, please contact us at Ministry of Industrial Development <strong>Sarawak</strong>12 th & 13 th Floor, Wisma Sumber Alam, Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 448237 Fax: +6082 445337Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 11

ScoreAs Malaysia is an authority in Halal productionand certification, TMHH being a governmentinitiative, is set up with such requirements havingthe added incentive of providing fast-trackapprovals for investors. The well defined zonesare set up for activities ranging from agricultureto commercial, property to recreation and healthcomponents, all bearing the integrity for Halalcertification throughout the whole supply chain.TMHH occupies a central location in <strong>Sarawak</strong>, wellequipped with deep water port facilities, airportand road accessibility to facilitate trade as well asfor ease of movement for executives and workers.<strong>Sarawak</strong> is also endowed with a large pool oftrainable local skilled and unskilled labour force tomeet the rising demand for workers in industries.Another incentive for investors is attractive financialpackages from the government for locating herewhich will translate to savings, profitability andease of remittances. Non financial incentives likecompetitive land lease price, long term lease andcompetitive water and electricity tariffs furtherenhances investments in TMHH. Stability of thegovernment as well as safe environment of TMHHensures the smooth running of industrial activitieshere; <strong>Sarawak</strong> is also free from earthquakes,typhoons, or violent volcanoes! The surroundingpristine environment of TMHH will remain as theseareas have been set aside for such purposes. Thehigh quality of the water resources allows foraquaculture and related activities, enabling the areato be farmed on sustainable basis and meetinginternational standards.Investors should also take note of the economicstability of <strong>Sarawak</strong> which has traditionallydepended on timber, oil, gas; forging aheadwith the TMHH is a strategic long term aim ofstaying competitive and eyeing the potential Asianmarket of 4 billion population with a combinedGDP of US$17 trillion. To be attractive for future‘green’ markets, TMHH is being developed as anenvironmental friendly, wholly organic, pesticidefreeand antibiotic-free zone for the Halal foodprocessing activities and services. It is clear thatTMHH will quickly become one of the mainreference centres for Halal food production inMalaysia in the coming decade.www.sarawaktimber.org.myFor more information and all those interested should write, call or visit <strong>Sarawak</strong> Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC),Wisma Sumber Alam, Jalan Stadium, Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, P.O. Box 194, 93702 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 473000 Fax: +6082 442691Email: stidc@pusaka.gov.my • saililam@pusaka.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 13

ScoreSCOREDEVELOPMENTHowSarikeiCould Capitalize On The VastOpportunities Opened UpToday, Sarikei Division ismade up of four districts ofSarikei, Meradong, Julau andPakan with a total area of 4,332.4 sqkm. Dubbed as the “Food Basket of<strong>Sarawak</strong>” and occasionally “OrchardGarden”, Sarikei has been widelyacknowledged as the producer offood and food products for thecentral region which has a populationof approximately 689,100. (Source:Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Departmentof Statistic <strong>Sarawak</strong> : <strong>Sarawak</strong> LaborStatistics 2008-2010)The development of Tanjung Manisnew township, including deep water14 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011port, the halal hub, integrated timbercomplex and deep sea fishing portand processing complex, is expectedto generate vast economic spin-off forSarikei, especially when it capitalizeon its proximity and accessibility tothe port for its produce/products fromthe hinterland and the business oremployment opportunities for thelocals. Although Tanjung Manis is nowunder the administrative jurisdiction ofMukah Division since 2001, it remainsan important catalyst for the economicdevelopment and growth of SarikeiDivision because of its geographicalproximity to this new growth node.Given the vastness of the richhinterland and diverse resourceswhich have yet to be fully harnessed,the agriculture and fishery sector inSarikei Division is poised to undergo achallenging and prospective future as itbuilds on its existing base and reachesout beyond its present productioncapacity and market domain.

ScoreSarikei has already been makingsteady inroads as an important hubfor <strong>Sarawak</strong>’s agriculture programmewhich focuses on the development ofthe various agro-based food industrieswhere modern technology and massproduction is emphasized and thecommercialization of agriculturebeing accorded a priority. Sarikei’searly experience in food production,progressing from small to commercialscale in the last three decades, hasgiven it the added advantage overothers and a good head start forthe state current Second Waves ofDevelopment Programme.New tracts of arable land are beingopened up for commercial agriculturewhile new products are introducedin addition to the existing ones suchas cocoa, pepper, rubber, orange,pineapple, paddy, dragon fruit and oilpalm which are grown quite extensivelyand are yielding profitable returns tothose involved in this sector.It is envisaged that, the developmentof industries in the <strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridorof Renewable Energy (SCORE) inthe central region of this belovedState would create a new horizon ofopportunities for the people particularlythe people of Sarikei in the forthcomingyears. The demand for a largenumber of professional and skilledmanpower by SCORE means taking/making early preparation especiallyfor the youths in Sarikei Division to dowell in their studies up to tertiary levelespecially related to skills qualificationand requirements by SCORE’sindustries. Instilling the importanceof science-related disciplines andconditioning them to take on thevarious challenges and opportunities ofemployment and businesses offered atthis new industrial corridor is the criticalfocus of Sarikei in corroboration withthe State.Vast opportunitiesopened up asSCORE unfolds!Resident’s Office SarikeiTingkat 10, Wisma Jubli Mutiara, Jalan Bersatu, 96100 Sarikei, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6084 654371, 652787 & 651963 Fax: +6084 653204www.sarikeiro.sarawak.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 15

ScoreThe training guruInstitut Tadbiran AwamNegara (INTAN) <strong>Sarawak</strong>provides skills andknowledge to civil servicepersonnel<strong>Sarawak</strong> has taken amajor step towards greentechnology excellencewith the implementation of SCORE(<strong>Sarawak</strong> Corridor Of RenewableEnergy), which is envisaged topropel the State into a developedState status by 2020. Naturally, sucha momentous programme needsthe input of capable and educatedhuman personnel to achieve thegoals set. INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong>, as abranch of the national training armof the Public Service Departmentwith the mission to develop humancapital in the public sector throughexcellence in training, is highlyinvolved in the endeavor to ensurethe programme is successful.INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong> recently moved intoits new premises at Samarahan, whichis equipped with the latest trainingfacilities and amenities to carry out itsactivities. The new campus has fourclassrooms with a seating capacity offorty in each and two computer labswith forty computers as well as anauditorium capable of seating over120 persons. In addition, there areeight other discussions rooms whichall together will enable the centre totrain over 6,000 civil service personnelper year. Previously, the centre wasonly able to train 3500 persons peryear due to the limited capacity of theold premise.Foremost, the centre is entrustedto provide training for civil servicepersonnel, which can bring aboutgreater national integration as well asupgrading their skills to match thoseat the national level. These trainingsalso provide the personnel with theinnovative skills which can be easilyimplemented throughout the Stateand which eventually will also be thebasis for training of others. All theseskills and knowledge will be the mainavenue through which the nation willbe able to achieve developed nationstatus by 2020.Currently the major focus of trainingin <strong>Sarawak</strong> is on administrative andprofessional capacities of civil servicepersonnel to enable them to eventuallylead their respective departments. Thereare also plans being set up for thenext five years to provide training forhigher grade officers in collaborationwith various agencies for speciallydesigned courses suited to the needsof the State. Hence, the trainings basedon the forefront of knowledge andhighly competent personnel are mostemphasised on for these participants.INTAN <strong>Sarawak</strong> courses are alsooriented towards community serviceslike providing motivation courses forstudents and providing computertrainings for senior populations.www.intanbk.intan.my16 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Tourism - EducationResearch orientedUNIMASFaculty ofEngineeringon track to achievenoble aimsThe emphasis on research isa key aspect of UNIMAS’Faculty of Engineering;currently 74 Master and 21PhD students are actively doingresearch in niche areas under thesupervision of just 106 facultystaff at Samarahan, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Thefaculty, formed in 1993, offers fiveundergraduate programmes inCivil Engineering, Electronic andTelecommunication Engineering,Mechanical and ManufacturingEngineering, Electronics andComputer Engineering, ChemicalEngineering and also a masterprogram in Civil Engineering.The faculty’s success can be gaugedby the number of research grantsand funds from the government andalso private sectors which includeMinistry of Science, Technologyand Innovation (MOSTI), Ministry ofHigher Education (MOHE), MalaysiaPepper Board (MPB), Jabatan KerjaRaya (JKR), Ministry of Rural andRegional Development, Ministryof Energy, Green Technology andWater, <strong>Sarawak</strong> Energy Berhad (SEB),Osaka Gas and many others. Inaddition, the faculty has signed sevenMemorandum of Understandings(MoU) with industrial partners, allpointing to the relevance and trust ithas garnered over the years throughits dedicated staff and students. In2009, the Centre of Excellencefor Renewable Energy (CoERE)was established to strengthenand rationalise UNIMAS research,demonstration and developmentefforts in all renewable energytechnologies. With its motto,“Global Solutions for Global18 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Tourism - Educationtheme for the 4th ENCON to be heldon 29 th November to 1st December2011 at Riverside Majestic Hotel,Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>.Problems”, CoERE is dedicated toaccelerate the deployment and gridintegration of renewable energy andlow carbon generation technologythrough the utilization of Wind, TidalWave, Biomass, Hydro Power, SolarPV and Solar Thermal energy. Severalon-going community based Micro-Hydro projects in <strong>Sarawak</strong> are locatedin Nanga Sengaih, Entabai, Julau andSemulong Ulu, Lingga and Sri Aman.Vision: To be excellent in providingquality engineering programmesthrough dynamic and innovativeeducation system, specializing in itsniche research areas for the benefitsof the nations.Mission: To provide innovative andsystematic engineering educationtowards producing ethical engineerswith good technical and interpersonalskills by faculty members renownedin their respective niche areas, thus,addressing the inspirations of thestakeholders through excellentnetworking.EngineeringConference (ENCON)“Advances and Innovationsin Electrical, Electronics,Telecommunication, ComputingEngineering and Technologies” is the“We have received a huge numberof paper submissions from bothlocal and international researchersand academicians for our ENCON2011,” said ENCON 2011 ChairmanDr Hushairi Zen. According to him,selected high quality papers will bepublished in either the InternationalJournal of Advanced ComputerScience and Applications (IJACSA)or International Journal of EmergingSciences following the conference. Asalways, ENCON provides an avenuefor researchers, scientist, engineers,academicians, as well, as industrialprofessionals to present their researchresults and development activities.“We are also promoting our 5 thENCON with the theme “EngineeringTowards Change - Empowering GreenSolutions” which will be held in July2012,” he added. “The popularityof ENCON amongst researchers andprofessionals is the reason we areannouncing the date for it with the aimof attracting even more participantsnext year.” Since the launch of thefirst ENCON (i.e., ENCON 2007), thesecond and third ENCON were heldin 2008 and 2010, respectively werehuge successes which also points tothe popularity of such conferences nowand for the future.Faculty of EngineeringUniversiti Malaysia <strong>Sarawak</strong>, 94300 Kota Samarahan, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 583329 Fax: +6082 583409www.feng.unimas.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 19

Tourism - MedicalHealth carespecialistsKuchingSpecialistHospitalbelieves inquality servicesAs the name implies, KuchingSpecialist Hospital is theprovider of a comprehensiverange of health care to people withdifferent needs and expectations.Foremost, it is a member ofMalaysia’s renowned KPJ HealthcareBerhad which has twenty otherspecialist hospitals in Malaysiaand two in Indonesia. Patientsare assured of quality services bydedicated experienced professionalsand support staff equipped withtop notch facilities, latest specialists’machineries as well as a 24-hourEmergency unit.Located in Kuching City, the statecapital of <strong>Sarawak</strong> and blessed withscenic surroundings and convenienceof access for everyone; the hospital isjust away from the hustle and bustleof the central district but within easyreach from just about anywhere. Thebuilding comprise a four storey blockwhich house all its main specialistsfacilities which means easy accessfor the doctors to their patients andpatients to maternity, physiotherapyand rehabilitation, diagnostic imagingor cardiac catheterization units. In fact,the hospital also caters to patients fromoutside Malaysia, mainly those fromneighbouring countries who have beenrecommended by their friends anddoctors.While majority of the clients are thosein need of specialist care, nonetheless,Kuching Specialist Hospital also offerOccupational Health Services (OSH)for small-medium enterprises aswell as multi-national corporationsin numerous fields of expertiseinternationally recognised under OSH.Health screening packages too areamongst the most sought after servicesin recent years, due in large part totheir reputation and quality of servicesprovided over the years. Additionallytheir haemodialysis unit, exclusivelyequipped with Japanese machines,caters to those in need of renal care. Asexpected, the ICU (Intensive Care Unit),Maternity Ward, Operating Theatersand Private Delivery Rooms are allspecifically equipped with state-of-theartmachineries and facilities for theirclients.www.kcsh.kpjhealth.com.my20 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Tourism - MedicalBusy as they have been over theyears, they also make it a point toreach out to the local communitiesthrough various means as part of itsCSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)like providing public health talks,campaigns and exhibitions, blooddonation drives and ante-natal classesfor mothers-to-be. These are not onlyconfined to the towns but to fringeareas wherever the opportunities arisesor in collaboration with other NGOsand governmental agencies.Welcome to KuchingSpecialist Hospital!Vision: The Preferred Provider ofHealthcare Services Mission:Deliver Quality Healthcare Servicesto their CustomersKUCHING SPECIALIST HOSPITAL (A Member of KPJ Healthcare Berhad Group)Lot 10420, Block 11, Tabuan Stutong Commercial Centre, Jalan Setia Raja, 93350 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 365777, 365030 (Emergency Line) Fax: +6082 364666 Email: kcsh@kcsh.kpjhealth.com.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 21

era. The <strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Complexcomprises a series of single storeybuildings joined together to form asquare with an ample courtyard inthe centre. This building was once theCouncil Negeri building of the state orthe seat of the government of the day!The Tua Pek Kong temple had aneven longer history than the otherbuildings along the trail. Locatedright in the heart of the city, it hassince been spruced up and amongstthe most highly visited city sight.Equally impressive are the oldshophouses located along the MainBazaar and Carpenter Streets wherejust about any thing can be found,from food to lodging, manicure tomodern IT gadgets!Tourism - HeritageDrop by the <strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism BoardInformation Office located at theTourism Complex and learn moreabout the sites along the KuchingHeritage Trail as well as getting theofficial leaflet featuring these historicbuildings. You will surely have adifferent perspective of these sites afterreading about them and looking atthem close up!14151617Old <strong>Sarawak</strong> Steamship Building (c.1930)Square Tower (1879)Indian Mosque (1876)Old Fire Brigade Station (c.1917)13Astana19Old State Mosque (1965–1967)w a13456k2<strong>Sarawak</strong> TourismComplexJalan Tun Abang Haji Openg7158R i v814Carpenter StreetChina Street UluChina Streete rJalan Wawasan 2020K u c h i n g W a t e r fJalan Main BazaarRoute 1 Route 2r o n tLebuh Ewe HaiNew StateLegislative Assembly(DUN)9Lebuh Wayang12Fort Margherita11Lebuh Temple10LegendOld Kuching CourthouseBrooke MemorialThe Japanese BuildingThe Old Government Treasury andAudit Department BuildingThe Round TowerThe PavilionGeneral Post OfficeGuan Thian Siang Ti TempleKueh Seng Onn TempleTua Pek Kong TempleOld Chinese CourtFort MargheritaThe AstanaOld <strong>Sarawak</strong> Steamship BuildingSquare TowerIndian MosqueOld Fire Brigade StationBrooke DockyardOld State MosqueOld Railway Station andMaintenance DepotOld Government Printing OfficeCentral Police StationThis heritage trail is researched and developed jointly by the <strong>Sarawak</strong>Heritage Society (SHS) and Malaysian Institute of Architects <strong>Sarawak</strong>Chapter (PAMSC). Supported by the Ministry of Tourism & Heritage<strong>Sarawak</strong> and the <strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Board (STB), the heritage trail isconceived as a continuous, non-profit, and research based project.1234567891011121314151617181920212211Fort Margherita (1879)12The Astana (1870)13MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND HERITAGE SARAWAK2 nd Floor, Bangunan Baitulmakmur (Masja), Medan Raya, Petra Jaya,93050 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 319309, 319313 Fax : +6082 441277, 445311website: www.minth.sarawak.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 23

TextileBest ofTextilesReal shopping treat in BruneiWhen in Brunei always plan for ample shopping time! The reason issimple – Bruneians are well known for their shopping trait, so much sothat there are over twenty shopping centres all over the Sultanate carryingalmost every thing you could think of!As wonderful may the choices be, Bruneians are also spoilt for choice when itcomes to the complexes; the Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complexis the largest with a breathtaking architectural façade. Browse throughthe upmarket outlets and some really distinctive stores with a good varietyof imported quality items such as textiles, toys, clothing, furniture, housedecorations, kitchenware, electronics, watches, shoes, bags, chocolates,foodstuffs, etc at good value for money, as space rental is not high and importduties are low. Those looking for choice foodstuff, local cakes and freshproduce will find their needs in a range of supermarkets as well as mini stalls,each catering to different customers’ expectations.Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Complex24 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

TextileBrunei Jong Sarattextile is a classicmaterial suited for anyoccasionBrunei’s monarch,His MajestySultan HajiHassanalBolkiah, is alwaysimpeccably dressed where everhe goes; in fact, during festiveoccasions he would be seendressed with the traditionalJong Sarat, a locally producedspecialty textile of Brunei.Adorned with gold and silverthreads, the dress is the officialcostume for the Royal familyand it is also not uncommonfor Bruneians to also show theirloyalty by also dressing up withJong Sarat textiles for suchoccasions!The Jong Sarat weavers of Bruneican be traced back to the oral andwritten history of the Sultanate,outlining their importance as localartisans in the early days of thekingdom. The skills of these artisticweavers were passed down tothe new generations and many oftoday’s weaver families can tracetheir roots to these early artisans.Naturally, many other artisans werealso lost while the newer onesusually are the products of theBrunei Arts and Handicraft TrainingCentre in Kota Baru. Set up totrain Brunei artisans to capturethe old glory of the nation’stextile heritage, it has indeedbeen successful in perpetuatingthe trade and industry as well ascreating a niche market for theseproducts. One of the greatesthonour and gift from Brunei toa visitor is still the Jong Sarat, asymbol of the Sultanate’s richartistic and cultural heritage.Another symbolic importance ofJong Sarat is that it is the choicematerial for couples when theyget married here. Royal weddingsare always the best time to see thevast array of people with varyingstyles of Jong Sarat, all stately andelegantly worn to reflect on theimportance of the occasion. Whenyoung couples tie the knot now, atleast one of the dresses during theceremony will be complete withJong Sarat in the true traditions ofthe Sultanate.Visitors to Brunei Arts andHandicraft Training Centre canalso purchase Kain Tenunan, anequally impressive cloth wovenby artisans. While lacking in theextensive use of gold and silverthreads, Kain Tenunan is alsoconsidered a cultural and heritagecollectors’ item from Brunei. It isless associated with royal eventsand so enjoy a wider acceptancein everyday events and occasions.Many modern designers havebeautifully crafted Kain Tenunaninto their chic fashion statements,bringing the ‘old’ and new fabricsinto trendy attires for any occasion.The fusion of newer textiles withtraditional ones are becoming thefashion statements from manyAsian nations with rich textileheritage and also a reflection ofthe rising importance of preservingthese textile traditions of Asia.The exotic traditional textiles fromBrunei have begun enjoying arenaissance with the onus onpreserving traditions of the nation.These artistically attractive andculturally representative piecesare always the centre of attentionduring meetings and gatherings ofdignitaries and state functions andamong the younger generations, afashion statement of sort!For further information, please contact BRUNEI TOURISM, Ministry of Industry andPrimary Resources, Jalan Menteri Besar, Bandar Seri Begawan BB3910, Brunei Darussalam.Tel: (673) 238 2822, 238 2832 Fax: (673) 238 2824 Email: info@bruneitourism.travelwww.bruneitourism.travelOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 25

TextileRoyal Terengganu Songket – Songket LengthImproving livesof SongketWeavers in<strong>Sarawak</strong> throughthe Productionof ContemporarySongketRoyal TerengganuSongket – SampinDr. June Ngo Siok Kheng, Deputy Dean(Postgraduate & Research), Faculty of Applied andCreative Arts, Universiti Malaysia <strong>Sarawak</strong>Dr. June Ngo Siok Kheng is currently a SeniorLecturer at the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts,Universiti Malaysia <strong>Sarawak</strong> (UNIMAS). She obtainedher Bachelor of Arts in Textile Design majoring inKnitted Textiles from the Royal Melbourne Instituteof Technology (RMIT), Australia, in 1992. Dr. Ngowas offered a tutorship position from UNIMAS inNovember 1994 and has been with the institutionever since. Upon receiving her Master Sciencedegree in Textile Design majoring in Printed Textilesfrom the Philadelphia University in United States,from which she was honored with the President’sAward in 1997 for being the best graduate student,she was then appointed as a lecturer and has beenholding this position since then. Her PhD degree,which she obtained in 2008, was conferred by theUniversity Science Malaysia (USM). Recently in 2010,she was appointed as Visiting Research Fellow forthe University of New South Wales.An example of a RoyalTerengganu Songket forInterior; handwoven byYayasan Tuanku Nur Zahirah’sWeavers in Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>.Songket, the glorious fabriccreated to delight Kings, nowcarries between its threads 2000years of our heritage. Woven into the weftand warps is the grace and meticulouscraftsmanship of generations of femaleartisans. As Malaysia develops and allthings machine made and air-conditionedare revered, the small population ofsongket weavers are not only aging,but suffering the indignity of having tocompete with mass produced songketfrom India and Pakistan. This not onlypushes an already poor community furtherbelow the poverty line, it also signals theimpending demise of the fine heritage ofMalaysian handwoven songket.This is where Dr. June Ngo began herPh.D research entitled “Transformingthe Traditional Malaysian HandwovenSongket into Contemporary Songket forBroader Apparel Usage” in 2003. Thethree and a half year study had Dr. Ngofinding ways to revolutionise traditionalMalaysian songket into an innovativetextile for a variety of uses beyondsampins and sarongs, using design andinnovation to extend the market inmany different directions.26 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

PINK JAMBU Songtik Fables 2011 collection; Anticipation. A collaboration projectbetween Royal Terengganu Songket and Pink Jambu.TextileAnother strategy was to create thefinest quality lightweight songketavailable for today’s discerningconsumer. Dr. Ngo experimentedwith various types of threads, loomadjustments and weaving techniquesto improve the aesthetics, qualityand speed of production.Just as the study was completed, Dr.Ngo was approached by YayasanTuanku Nur Zahirah (YTNZ) tohelp create a brand of high qualityhandmade songket for a broad rangeof uses. Dr. Ngo was appointedthe Textile Design and ProductionDirector at Yayasan Tuanku NurZahirah in 2008.She was tasked to ensuresmooth production of highquality contemporary songket forbroader usage (fashion, interiorand corporate gifts) with the aimof penetrating the internationalmarket. The Foundation under thepatronage of her Majesty Tuanku NurZahirah, the reigning Raja PermaisuriAgong of Malaysia, uses the brandRoyal Terengganu Songket (RTS)to improve the lives of artisans in asustainable way.this sustain the life of the craft, it alsoprovides young women from KualaTerengganu and Kuching with fulltime employment and valuable skills.To date, RTS have customisedcollaborative pieces with renownedMalaysian designers such as DatoTom Abang Saufi, Melinda Looi,Jovian Mandagie, Tangoo , PinkJambu and Datuk Radzuan Radziwill.Each designer worked very closelywith Dr. Ngo to create truly uniquemasterpieces and the beautifulmasterpieces are published in abook entitled “Songket Revolution”.“Songket Revolution” is a coffeetable book on songket publishedby YTNZ in March 2009 to raiseawareness on songket, its historyand evolution, nation-wide andinternationally.Dr. Ngo was also involved in the PINKJAMBU Songtik, a collaborationproject between Royal TerengganuSongket and Pink Jambu. PINKJAMBU Songtik came to life in2010 with a debut collection of 42shawls that represented the firststep towards marrying the twoquintessential Malay high crafts ofMarina Ibrahim (CEO and DesignDirector of Pink Jambu) and Dr. Ngoembarked on the next chapter oftheir collaboration to produce thelatest collection of Songtik shawls,showcasing the technical innovationto merge the two techniques ofbatik-painting and songket-weavingon a single surface. Stories of love,relationship and wellbeing takecentre-stage in the PINK JAMBUSongtik Fables 2011 collection. Fromanticipation to trust, tales of life’sjourney illustrate the twelve exclusiveshawls that form the core of thisinnovative and exciting collectionmade possible by a collaborationbetween Pink Jambu and RoyalTerengganu Songket. The result oftheir collaboration is the perfectunion of the two ancient crafts tocreate unprecedented designs thatare set to stir excitement in the worldof Asian heritage textiles.Dr. June Ngo continues to spreadher knowledge and expertise to theyounger generation of designersthrough her teachings at UNIMASand the brand Royal TerengganuSongket, continues to evolve in theFoundation’s effort to provide betterlivelihoods to artisans.Dr. June Ngo in discussion with RamsukmawatiBinti Ramlee, Yayasan Tuanku Nur Zahirah’sweaver in Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>.The Foundation supported Dr. Ngo’swork with songket weavers, textiledesigners, marketing, PR, equipmentand funds to carry on her researchwhile the fine songket created wasbeing sold under the brand RoyalTerengganu Songket.Changing the demographic, theFoundation hired young weavers tobe trained from scratch by Dr. Ngoand master weavers. Not only doessongket and batik. In this collection,the designers experimented withcontemporary yarns, colour palettes,prints and motifs to create soft andplush shawls. The Songtik 2010collection is distinctive in that theshawls are reversible to showcase thebeauty of wearing batik and songketinterchangeably.Following the success of the2010 collection, designers TengkuOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 27

Malay ArtCreative28 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Malay Artneckline designWith Raya just over, you couldn’t help but noticedthe beautiful traditional Raya dresses wornby the ladies who came visiting. One obviousobservation is the changing trends in the baju kurungneckline design, which is more creative and innovativenow, with the appliqués of beading works. The simpletraditional cut of the kurung is enhanced with elaboratebeading works.In the years before the advent of the use of beaded designson the neckline, traditionally in Semenanjung Malaysia, theneckline is most often sewn only with the herring bonestitches call tulang belud. In <strong>Sarawak</strong> the baju kurungneckline have decorative stitches, which the <strong>Sarawak</strong>ianMalay ladies are known for. This is locally known as simo.These photographs will focus on some of the designs ofthe baju kurung, simo cincin, simo lalat, simo kulat kerangand a host of other creative names. The names are oftengiven based on the designs, inspired by the surroundingenvironment.With the trends into beading works on baju kurungand as more ladies prefer to use the tudung, plus othernew trends in the future, these simo stitches might bephased out.For the men, the ‘baju teluk belanga’ is prominently worn,especially on the first day of Raya, for the Eid prayers.Again, the <strong>Sarawak</strong> Malays are known for giving adifference to the traditional baju melayu. The technique of‘cabut,’ ie, painstakingly pulling threads at different placesof the baju, especially the sleeves, the pockets and thehem. Once these threads are pulled, they will be rewovenwith colorful threads, either to complement or contrastwith the colour of the baju. The interlocking of thesethreads create new designs, and brings out the beautifulworkmanship of the tailor. This art is also on the verge ofextinction, with changing trends.An interesting point to note is that all these creativebeading works on the kurung are done mainly by ladies!Kind courtesy of SARAWAK WOMEN’S BUREAUJalan Bakti off Jalan Sultan Tengah, Semariang, 93050 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 446980, 446178 Fax: +6082 447937Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 29

CraftsPick and Pack Gift HouseThe Creators’haven!Nothing touches people more than the personalisedgreeting cards you send this Christmas or thatpersonalised painted key chain holder, a gaily paintedmug or jar! What’s more impressive than something made byyoung children, with their own imaginations and personalisedfor grandmas or granddads. All these can be found at Pick &Pack Gift House, the outlet that lets you be the creator, designerand director!DIY classes are also available for childrenand adults from Mondays to Saturdaysat very reasonable cost. Just show upand sign up for the class you or your kidswant and then off you go to design yourvery own art pieces with the help of anexpert. What you may not be able to finishthat day can be further continued on thenext day or for children, whenever theyfinish with no time limit! So be preparedfor funky styled shoes, upside downmountains on t-shirts etc when your kidslet their minds do the talking.The shop has lots of choices from toysto art and crafts, home deco items aswell as candles etc., all ready for youand your family to spend quality timedesigning and painting your very ownglasses or mugs. These DIY (Do-It-Yourself) tasks let children exploretheir hidden talents and is a lot of funtoo for adults and teens, especiallythose with special friends they want toimpress on!30 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

CraftsIf clay or touching the earth issomething you crave for, this is alsothe place to try out your hand skills.Just report for ‘work’ and they willgive you the necessary materialsand instructions and then off yougo to your corner and finish yourmasterpiece!Lot 3037, 1 st Floor, Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, 93200 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6012 8097811( Opening hours: 11:00am - 7:30pm (monday to friday), 11:00am - 6:00pm (saturday), closed on sundays & public holidays )Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 31

HomeInspire withglass wares forChristmasHome & Living Store hasthe choicesCelebrate this Christmas with family andfriends in style – with glass wares! Give yourparty an additional glitz with crystal cleanglasses that feel and look great with wine, cider orfruit juices. There’s nothing like hearing the ‘clink’made by glasses gently knocking each other whentoasting and you can be sure that these glasses willnever look dull or change colour over time!Home and Living at Kuching City’s The SpringShopping Mall carries an impressive range of drinkingglasses from Europe, Asia and America, each distinctand beautifully crafted for display as well as eleganceof use. Naturally, the set pieces are the top of therange and come in various sizes and colours too.To compliment the glasses for the occasion, considercolourful handmade glass vases too as these arethe central pieces in any living room. With theright coloured vase and enchanting flowers insideor without, you can be sure that these will be thetalk of every guests in your home this Christmas!A matching set of glass candle stands with scentedcandles lights about just complete the setting for atruly memorable evening at home. Take your timeto look around Home and Living store and get ideasfrom the sales assistants for that special touch withinspiring glass wares this year!32 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011Lot 101 - 103, 1 st Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall,Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 243722 Fax: +6082 421722

HomeTouchofClassSaujana Pesona gives every rooma new stylish lookWhen guests step intoyour house or office, thefirst thing they notice isprobably the interior décor – howthe partitions are set up, colour andaccompanying furniture. Obviouslythe floor is noticed too, whethercarpet or wooden, marble or tilesmatched the overall style of theroom. To assist you in puttingtogether all these different pieces,is Saujana Pesona, the professionalteam specialising in soft furnishingsfor homes and offices.Carpets, are their forte – theyhave different range of carpets fordifferent uses and settings and havebeen fitting international hotels andoffices as well as homes for overnineteen years. Smaller rooms maygo well with rugs or other floorfixings and they can recommend youon the choices.stylish concepts, which are impressiveand reflect on the company’s profile.Most interiors of homes are paintedand generally look nice. However,if you decide to have wallpapersrecommended by Saujana Pesona,your walls will take on a totallydifferent look! Matching the room’sarchitectural aspiration and overallimpression, the latest trend of usingwallpaper as a picture wall caninstantly change the atmosphere ofthe room and be a subject of praiseby guests and friends. Before youdecide on the changes to your homesor offices, give Saujana Pesonaspecialists a call for some ideas onsprucing up these and ensuring highquality finish everytime!Curtains are always the talking pointsfor ladies when it comes to homesas these add a finer touch to anyhome. Again Saujana Pesona has theexpertise and range of materials fordifferent homes and can make thebest presentation to you. Obviouslythere are many options availablewhen it comes to office décor forwindows as companies may wantdifferent materials and styles fordifferent rooms. Some prefer theeasy to use while others chooseSAUJANA PESONA SDN BHD • No. 226. Lot 33, Green Road, 91350 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 411366, 258055 Fax: +6082 422311Email: sales@saujanapesona.com | www.saujanapesona.com.my | www.saujanapesona.comOct-Dect2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 33

HomeAll furniture sets are notcreated equal! Today’s ecofriendlysociety demandsdurable, safe (fire-resistant), colourfast and safeguarding healthmaterials for furniture pieces in ourhomes and offices. In most cases, ifwe aren’t at home, we usually areat the office so these are the placeswhere we spent most of our timeand also where our families are.“ELK is the brand of furniture thatwe specialize in as it is a recognisedname for high quality furniture thatmeets both European and Americanstandards,” said Nicholas Sia, Managerof WHB (Wee Hua Boo) Furniture inKuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. “Firstly, it passedthe internationally accepted Martindale(European) and Wyzenbeck (NorthAmerica) standards for durability with itsAcacia Fabrics sofa sets. Secondly, theAcacia Fabrics is safe in that it will notcatch fire due to cigarette butt burns.Thirdly, it is colour fast which meansthat after repeated washing (based onrecommended instructions) and rubbing(equivalent to seating repeatedly),the fabric’s grey scale is still 4 out of5, which is acceptable for upholsteryfabrics. Fourthly, and most importantly,Acacia Fabrics passes the Oeko-Tex 100Standard that measures the amountof harmful substances contain whichmay be emitted when our skin comesinto contact with the material,” heWHB Furnitureoffers sofas thatare durable,safe and healthfriendlyexplained. So choosing the right brandof furniture for our living rooms, homesor offices can also affect our wellbeing as well as being environmentallyfriendly. “Our Acacia Fabrics come fromBelgium and are tested by renownedtesting laboratory Labotex (www.labotex.com)for authenticity,” he assured.“Currently we have six exclusive ELKmodels with Acacia Fabrics in ourshowroom and come with certifiedpapers. The seat, back and pillowcushion pieces are made from highdensity polyurethane and latex for acomfortable, relaxing and safe sofa,”Nicholas informed. “It is importantto choose furniture pieces which aredurable, safe and environmentallyfriendly as these will stay with usfor sometime and also a cost savingmeasure too. Customers who wantto know more about these standardsand their significances can drop by ourshowroom to see, feel, touch and learnabout Acacia Fabrics and others tofamiliarize themselves when it comes topurchasing quality furniture pieces forhomes and offices,” he pointed out.www.whbfurniture.comWEE HUA BOO TRADING SDN BHD • Lot 102, 2½ Mile, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 246641, 240775 Fax: +6082 240295 Email: enquiry@whbfurniture.com34 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

HomeModern, Elegantand Versitile!Honey Comb Blinds Panel Blinds Pleated BlindsPVC Vertical BlindsRoller BlindsVenetian BlindsBrowse theextensiveWindowFashions Blindsand discoverhow our windowcoverings canadd unique styleto any roomMaxtrack (kch) Sdn BhdLot 10784, Section 64, Simpang 3, Lorong Upland 1, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 231677 Fax: +6082 234677 Email: constanceleong@gmail.comJohor Bharu +607 3535881 • Miri (<strong>Sarawak</strong>) +6085 438381 • Petaling Jaya (KL) +603 79562088• Cheras (KL) +603 91023792 • Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) +6088 731401Transform your home. From blinds toshades to shutters, Maxtrack offersyou a large selection of choices whichincludes, zebra blinds, roller blinds,panel blinds, venetian blinds, pleatedblinds, timber blinds, roman blinds,vertical blinds or honey-comb blinds.Drop by at our showroom todayand check out the modern, elegantand versatile designs, which eachof the different types of blinds canoffer. To compliment this modernage lifestyles, remote controlsystems for all type of blinds arealso available.Services available withcompliments:Measuring and installationVertical BlindsWooden Venetian BlindsZebra BlindsWe specialised in Venetian Blinds • Vertical Blinds • Honey Comb Blinds •Pleated Blinds • Wooden Venetian Blinds • Roller Blinds • PVC Vertical Blinds • Zebra Blinds • Panel BlindsOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 35

HomePleasuresoflifeNaturally, people want the interiorof their homes and offices to reflectharmony and tranquility as theatmosphere will be soothing forliving as well as working. In fact,while many new homeowners wanttheir gardens to look good, manyothers are putting in more for theirinteriors as they spent most of thetime inside than outside! So, havingthe right looks and well placed greenand other decorative pieces canmake a real difference to any homeor offices.- Fern Landscape -Call them today for an appointment to visit your home or office on the possibilities of change!Nursery: 366 Lorong 13T, Arang Road, 93250 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia • Show house: 301 Taman Sunny Hill, Jalan Pearl Park, 93250 Kuching,<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6013 8117178 or +6013 886299736 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

FoodSimplicious, a new restaurant andlounge located on Jalan Pisang, is bigon ambience. The clean and spaciousinterior is accentuated at places with piecesfrom the colonial era and balanced out withmodern elements.Simplicious is a double-storey bungalow whichhas been converted into a sleek and classy,yet homely dining joint. Its white walls help tocreate a sense of space while the black ceilingcontributes to a more updated look.The well-preserved old pieces of furnitureadorning some parts of the restaurant andlounge are beautiful to look at and arenostalgic as well. In contrast, the more moderntables and chairs made of leather and stainlesssteel, among others, give the place a touch ofclass. So does the sophisticated-looking barin one corner of the restaurant and lounge,where the bartender would fix you up tosome of Simplicious’ excellent mocktails andrefreshing juices.Where food is concerned, Simplicious’ menuhas in it an extensive array of expertly preparedfood for your choosing. From the simplest ofthings like mashed potato to full-flavoureddishes like their signature dish Home-RoastedChicken, everything is meticulously preparedto ensure every dish that comes to your table isa perfectly-crafted gastronomic masterpiece.A Simpliciousdiningexperience38 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

FoodExecutive Chef Wesley Liong is an advocateof “natural cuisine”, believing that foodshould be as simple as they can get in termsof preparation and presentation. His methodof cooking, highly influenced by Frenchslow-cooking techniques and Italian culinaryflairs, produces the best-tasting dishes withoutusing too many ingredients that usually tendto overwhelm the natural flavours of the mainingredient. And it all works beautifully and areevident in all of the food he whips up.Working in the kitchens of various placesoutside of <strong>Sarawak</strong> has turned him into theculinary wizard that he is today. The latestplace he worked at before he came back toKuching was at a French fine dining restaurantin Singapore.The lunch menu consists of the simplerstuff like salads, sausage skewers and evenfried noodles and other local dishes that areperfect for those who want to have a greatlunch but only have a short time to sparebefore heading back to work. Lunch hoursstarting from 12noon to 2.30pm.Whether you want to have a quick butsatisfying lunch or an excellent dinner, orjust sit back and relax after a tiring day atthe office, Simplicious is a great place to beat. Simplicious can even accommodate alarge group of people for special functionsor private gatherings. So if you’re looking forsomething simple and delicious, now youknow where it’s all at.At Simplicious, it’s not all about Westernfood. In fact, its Express Lunch menu featuresmany local favourites, among other things,all with a touch of magic from Chef Wesley.SimpliciousRestaurant & Lounge39, Jalan Pisang, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 253813 H/P: +6014 337 2538 Fax: +6082 250813Email: simplicious39@live .com Facebook: Simplicious Restaurant & Lounge[Opening hours: 11am - 12mid (weekday) • 11am - 1am (weekend) • Closed on Wednesday]Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 39

SERIRJIESMap & MovieAstanaJALAN KULASWisma SatokSamudraCourt HotelHSCR XpressSJALAN SATOKBuhari CafeSCRSCRSUNDAYMARKETPasar TamuA RJALAN RUBBERJALAN NANASJALANSRB ChungHua No. 4JALAN PISANGAJALAN PALMWJALAN HAJIBankNegaraATAHAKDATUK AJIB AH ABOLChung HuaSchoolHMy BookstorePolice ContingentHQHDormani HotelState & DBKULibrarySyariahCourtIslamicGardenJALAN SATOKKopi ‘O’ CornerJALAN BADRUDDINHHopohShoppingCentreRJ Ayam Penyet KopitiamLand & SurveyDivisional OfficeDivisional MosqueIntanR I VJ A L A N R A M L E ELE B U HTelekomMalaysiaRadioTelevisionMalaysiaTUN ABANG HAJI OPENGMARKETJALANEOpen Air MarketBRJALAN KHOO H UN YEANGJALAN MOSQUEJALANJALAN GAMBIERJALANDewan Tun Abdul RazakMuzeumIslamic MuseumASikh TemplePoliklinikElectraHouseBARRACKINDIA STREETPEDESTRIAN MALL1St. Joseph ChurchResiden OfficeYayasan <strong>Sarawak</strong>TUN ABANGHeroes’Monument<strong>Sarawak</strong> ClubIndia MosquePoliceStationPADANGMERDEKAHAJI OPENGOld <strong>Sarawak</strong> MuseumAquariumCivic Centre<strong>Sarawak</strong>Tourism ComplexLittle LebanonHMerdeka PalaceHotel & SuitesArts MuseumAmphitheatreTextile MuseumSiang TiTemple2JALAN McDOUGALLJ A L A NRRESERVOIRPARKJALANJALAN W AWASANTAMAN BUDAYAPlanetariumCHINA STREET ULU CHINA STREETESquare TowerJALAN MAIN BAZAARMr.D’sVSouvenirs ShopsJALAN BUDAYAO3CARPENTER STREET2020K URed CrescentBuildingJALANPoliceTourist BoothBerambihLodgeC ROOKSHANKOrchid GardenNew State LegislativeAssembly (DUN)Life CafeHong San SiTempleHC H I N GLEBUH WAYANGTop Hill KitchenLodge 121ParkLaneLodgeMedanPelitaL EBUH TEMPLEJALAN PARKJA L A NW A TTABUANERJA L A NA LF R O N TTUNKhatuistiwaRiverbank SuiteGrand Magherita Hotel4H <strong>Sarawak</strong> CentrepointRiversidePlaza Shopping CentreMajesticCATeverybreadKuching H StatueHTun JugahWismaGreat Wall CrosswayTing Pek KingCozziBus Asia/Thiam Ming Asia Star OfficeCAT Saramo HostelTop Spot Food CourtStatue Carus WoodMalaysiaKim BayAirlinesSamersetGatewaySCR at&a Home Ideas Sdn. Bhd.Pullman HAriva HHotel &GatewaySecret RecipeResortsABDULJ A L A N(JALAN CENTRAL BARAT)JALAN TAN SRI ONG KEE HUIJALAN BAMPFYLDEFort MargheritaChinese MuseumHHHHHTua PekKong TempleAha OrganicA NMA THHRAHMANP A D U N G A N360Xpress HTelangUsan HotelHHHH Sri ShanBatavia CafeHKua NingTempleJALANHindu TempleJALAN SIMPANGTIGASarakraf PavilionJALAN SONG THIANCHEOKBAN HOCKHHotel Grand Choon HuiContinental CafeJALAN DESHONJALANJALANJALAN CENTRAL TIMURS A R A W A KJALAN ELLISABELLPADUNGANLimetreeH HotelPoliceStationHong Kong Pau CafeBedsTerminal OneLaungeFireStationCATStatueHome StayR IJ A L A N L U M B A K U D AHAtokKopitiamWet Market &Hawker CentreAbSolutelySayangV E RJALAN PETANAKJ A L A N D A T U KChung HuaNo. 3 SchoolW I LJALAN PADUNGANDewanMasyarakatJUBILEERECREATIONGROUNDL IAMian AnnMT AFrydaysChickenJ A L A N A N GNZestKuching South CityCouncil (MBKS)PoliceStationC H E NJALANRoadaryolHOther ENquiriesTourism Malaysia-<strong>Sarawak</strong>+6082 246575, 246775General HospitalInfoline 1300-88-5050Baptist Church<strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Board+6082 423600MAS Office+6082 244144, 246622Air Asia+6082 283222KCH International Airport+6082-454255, 454242Immigration Department+6082 245661, 230280Custom+6082 33313324-hour Public Service Line+6082 555999Taxi Service+6082 480000, 341818Police Station+6082 245522, 241222, 999Traffic Police+6082 241133• KUCHING •JPJ+6082 258811, 628700DBKU+6082 446688MBKS+6082 238080, 242311Telekom+6082 429191, 255994Post Office+6082 244141, 339937General Hospital+6082 230689, 257855Padawan Council+6082 615566SESCO+6082 333111Kuching Water Board+6082 240371BOMBA (Fire Brigade)+6082 241033, 994, 417712Rescue 991+6082 256685JKR+6082 203100JALAN MENDUJALAN CH AWANLEGENDSHotelsKuching MatangTransportShoppingCentresPetra JayaTransportFood Outlet / Restaurant/ Entertainment Outlet<strong>Sarawak</strong>Craft CouncilGeneralPost OfficeBank / ATMTaxiStationMosque Church Temple1. <strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Board2. Visitors’ Information Centre3. <strong>Sarawak</strong> Tourism Federation4. Tourism Malaysia Office*All booked tickets must be collected 45 min before show times.filmPreviewTel: 6 082 234 077Tuesday | Ladies Day, Ticket only RM6(not applicable for male and public holiday)Wednesday | Movie Day, Ticket only RM5(not applicable for movie marked (“) and public holiday)Real SteelGenre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi Rated: PG-13Director: Shawn Levy Stars: Hugh Jackman,Evangeline Lily, Anthony MackieIn Cineplex: October 201140 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011The Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn- Part 1Genre: Romance, Thriller Rated: PG-13 Director: Bill Condon Stars: KristenStewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor LautnerIn Cineplex: November 2011Alvin & the Chipmunks:Chip-WreckedGenre: Animation, Comedy, Family Rated: RDirector: Mike Mitchell Stars: AlyssaMilano, Anna Faris and Christina ApplegateIn Cineplex: December 2011

Dining@PullmanKuchingOctoberNovemberDecemberFoodOctoberNew Zealand LambPromotion• Soft & Tender- Double-boiled soup with angelica roots- One serving - RM12.80 ++ /Ten servings - RM40.80 ++• Delicious combination- Cooked in claypot with Chinese medicinalHerbs– Small - RM19.80 ++ /Medium - RM32.80 ++• Juicy & tasty- Braised with sugarcane & sundriedChinese spices- Small - RM20.80 ++ /Medium - RM33.80 ++• Succulent & lean- 98 degree baked with ChineseBBQ sauce & salsa Verde- Small - RM22.80 ++ /Medium - RM36.80 ++NovemberCooking with Chinese Tea• Oolong Tea-Premium OsmanthusRM38 ++• Pu Erh Tea-First gradeRM38 ++• Green Tea-PremiumRM48 ++• Tie Guan Yin-Iron Goddess of MercyRM68 ++DecemberChristmas Eve24 th December• Christmas Menu ARM888 ++ (Table round of 10)• Christmas Menu BRM788 ++ (Table round of 10)• Christmas Menu CRM688 ++ (Table round of 10)New Year31 st December• New Year Eve- New Year Menu ARM788 ++ (Table round 10)- New Year Menu BRM888 ++ (Table round 10)- New Year Menu CRM1,088 ++ (Table round 10)OctoberDeepavali26 th October• Set lunch at RM38 ++• Set dinner at RM48 ++Hi Tea(Every Saturday & Sunday)• Price RM48 ++• 12noon to 4pmDecemberChristmas EveBuffet Dinner24 th December• RM99 ++Christmas DayBuffet Hi Tea Menu25 th December• RM65 ++Buffet Dinner25 th December• RM79 ++New YearEve• RM99 ++OctoberOktoberFest7 th - 29 th October• RM80 Net• 7pm to 9 pmNovemberHalloween5 th November• 7pm to 12mnAll food served are Halal certified.All prices quoted are subject to 10% service and prevailing government taxes.Tern and condition apply.For reservations and enquiries, please dial +60 82-222 888 or email to H6332@accor.com or visit the hotel’s website atwww.pullmankuching.com or www.accorhotels.com.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 41

FoodStar ChefWe are accustomed toseeing celebrity chefs onTV be it Jamie Oliver withhis simple ingredients yet wonderfulflavours or Gordon Ramsey workinghis ways in Hell’s Kitchen. Yet oftenenough, the real star chefs are theones who cooked up a storm withhis pleasurable blend of ingredients,utilizing global flavours and a pinchof instinct and lots of passion.working in hotels around Singaporebefore joining the luxurious Eastern &Oriental Express, a train that voyagesthrough Singapore, Malaysia andThailand onto Laos, offering pristinefood & beverage services during itsdays-long journey. From there, ChefAdrian went on to work with anF&B consultancy firm, setting up freestanding restaurants around Malaysiaas well as in Singapore.For a taste of star culinary experience,meet Chef Adrian Oliver Jackson, thenew Director of Culinary for RiversideMajestic & Grand Margherita. A peekat his biodata makes you wonder whatKuching has done right to be able tohave such culinary marvel drop ontoour shores. A chef with over 18 yearsof experience, Chef Adrian started outYears later, he was invited to be thepioneer team of a Spanish restaurantchain. Over the span of 6 years, hetook the chain to new heights with hiscontemporary menus and it was alsoduring that time that he was invitedto work alongside Michelin starredchefs in Barcelona. It was then that hispassion for Spanish cooking actuallybudded.From Spanish cuisines, Chef Adrianmoved abroad to Dubai in 200742 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Foodto explore greater varieties ofInternational fares. Prior to movingto Kuching, Chef Adrian was thePre Opening Executive Chef of aninternational 5 star hotel in Putrajaya.Yet amidst all his glorious achievementsand stints abroad, Chef Adrian remainsa humble and passionate chef in thekitchen. Calling himself a ‘somewhatof-a-dictator’in the kitchen, he believesthat one needs to be firm and sure ofwhat one needs to pursue in order tosucceed. A trend setter, Chef Adrianis constantly on the pursuit of movingahead of trend by studying globalculinary styles be it online or throughhis extensive network of fellow chefs.“Another way to learn new culinaryskills is to actually dine in at prestigiousrestaurants or F&B outlets and actuallytry out their specialties. From there,I would emulate their taste andintroduce my own elements” ChefAdrian said. For that, he is willing totravel the world and pay out of his ownpocket, sometimes up to thousands ofdollars for one meal.Half Portuguese and half Indian, ChefAdrian has attributed his unimpressiveacademic performance and hischildhood days making and sellingcurry puffs as the beginning of alifelong relationship with culinary. Sincethe age of 12, he was around andabout in the kitchen, whipping up onedish after the other. Now, Chef Adrianstill dabbles in ethnic Portuguese foodwhen he is at home, perfecting hisunderstanding of his native flavours. AtRiverside Majestic, he will be sharinghis latest passion on Japanese-Frenchcuisine with the team, introducing aflair of fusion to the existing menu.“Fusion is a word used very looselyby a lot of people. Often, when onecombines an element from the eastwith one of the west, it became afusion dish. But the truth is, fusion ismore of achieving complementingflavours from varied ingredients,often from different cultural andgeographical background, achievinga global cuisine through the chef’sperfected understanding of eachingredient.” For that reason, ChefAdrian prefers the phrase of ‘globalcuisine’ to ‘fusion’, as it gives a betterunderstanding of what it represents.Coming onboard the Riverside Majesticteam, Chef Adrian is foreseen to beleading the way to creating a celebritychef team at the hotel, a task he seesas exhilarating as each chef in his newteam is a talent waiting to be discoveredand explored. As Riverside Majestichad always been well known for itsbi-weekly Japanese buffet, the potentialto actually achieve greater heights withhis current specialty of French-Japanesedelicacies is infinite. The hotel’s RiverPalace Restaurant and Coca ThaiRestaurant will certainly benefit from aninfusion of global recipes brought on byChef Adrian as well.With Riverside Majestic as the platformand the entire city of Kuching tuningin to his performance, Chef Adrian willbe putting on a show that will leave aneverlasting impression for all.Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, P.O. Box 2928, 93756 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 247777 Fax: +6082 425858 Email: contact@rmh.mywww.riversidemajestic.com | m.rmh.myJalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, P.O. Box 2362, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 423111 Fax: +6082 426169 Email: contact@gmh.myKuching Central Reservations Office | Tel: +6082 418911 Fax: +6082 236041Email: reservations@gmh.mywww.grandmargherita.com | m.gmh.myWatch out forupcoming promotions byChef AdrianOliver Jackson atRiverside MajesticHotel.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 43

Food• Pizza CarnivoraFreshness you can tasteLittle Italyrestaurantin Kota KinabaluSabah is homecooking at its bestFood connoisseurs have often‘disagreed’ with the nameLittle Italy for the family-runrestaurant in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah;their main point being that the portionsserved are anything but small!“The servings are European standardwhich means they are big! In fact,much too big for the average person,”said one smiling regular lady guestrecently when met for this article.“When my friends and I come, weusually order four different typeswhich the five of us would share as• Antipasto MistoCrespelle al Forno • • Puccia Prosciutto & Formaggioregular clients. The atmosphere insideis very conducive as there are amplespaces between tables while exudinga cosy feel to it. A winner of Sabah’sTourism Board award for restaurant,Little Italy’s recognition is well deservedindeed as since its establishment, theircommitment to quality and consistencyhas been a hallmark for everyone whohave been here.this way we get to taste different oneseverytime we come. One thing thatmakes many guests come back is thefreshness which you can taste and theever smiling faces of the staff”.Lunch or dinner, Little Italy is the idealvenue as you get to taste authenticItalian dishes cooked in traditionalsauces and accentuated by rightamount of spices and herbs. Freshnesscomes from the daily purchase ofvegetables and daily made sauces asthe family prides itself on using onlythe freshest ingredients each day. Thepizzas are cooked in a solid earthenstove just like you would find in Italy,giving that extra crispiness alongthe sides with tender melted cheeseingredients in the centre! Naturally,many repeat customers here come forthe pastas and the freshness is whatmakes the difference when comparedto others.As with most European restaurants,guests can try out the vegetarian dishesas well as the fish or meat ones as therestaurant makes minor changes everynow and then to give more varieties toDon’t just take our word forit; try it out and you’ll alsosing its praises!• Pasta-Spaghetti ai GamberiKota Kinabalu, Sabahwww.littleitaly-kk.comGround Floor, Hotel Capital, Jalan Haji Saman, 98813 Kota Kinabalu. | PO Box 146, 89407/Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.Tel/Fax: +6088 232231 | Email: emiliano.kl@gmail.com | Opens daily from 10.30am to 11.00pm44 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

FoodDrive a little deeper intoBrighton Square inKuching and you’ll see anifty and relatively new restaurantaptly named Fusion Grill, a brainchildof Margaret Changgan-Winter and aKorean partner who has been livingin Kuching for about 10 years now.Like its name suggests, Fusion Grillserves up fusion-style dishes, whosefusion of ingredients work surprisinglywell and complement one anotherunlike the dishes you get in some ofthe other eating establishments.There’s only one word to describe thefood here at Fusion Grill, and thatword is “exciting”. Exciting beingthe fact that the food here don’ttaste like what they seem. Take forinstance the mashed potato thatgoes with the steak or some otherdishes. Instead of your standard tatersmashed with cream and whatnot, themash at Fusion Grill is infused withmore refreshing flavours courtesy ofherbs and spices like whole mustardseeds that give it a little tartness thatawakens your taste buds.A perfect marriageof eastern andwestern flavoursPlatter which offers you different typesof meats or a mix of juicy sausagesof different kinds, springy Koreanramen noodles, Chicken Cordon Bleu,Spaghetti Carbonara, delicious homemadepizzas and many more.Fusion Grill serves both western as wellas Asian - more specifically Korean -cuisines.The “star of the show” at Fusion Grillis the Korean style grill in which aspecially imported infra-red portablegrill from Korea is used instead of theusual traditional grill. Heat comes fromthe infrared panel on the top part ofthe grill, which not only cooks the topside of the food but also warms up thegrill below, which will also cook thefood from the bottom. This offers amore even cooking and retains all thenatural juices in the meat, resulting insucculent pieces of grilled meat.Among the recommended dishes atFusion Grill is the succulent GuinessMoo, which is a good sized sirloinsteak that has been left to marinate inGuinness Stout. The resulting tenderand juicy steak is served with a side ofhome-made mash potato, seasonalvegetables and other condiments.The home-made sauce for the steak issurprisingly different as well. But you’vegot to try it for yourself to find outwhat that difference is.Another star product sold at FusionGrill is the famous Korean soju (Koreanrice wine), more specifically ChumchurumSoju, which goes perfectly withthe Korean-style barbecue/grill or anymeaty dish in fact.Fusion Grill is wholly owned byRibs & Grill Sdn Bhd, wholesalerand distributor of Korean productsincluding the Chum-churum Soju.Other must-try dishes in the menuinclude Lemon Grass Oink Oink (juicypork steak or delicious pork chopsmothered in a lemongrass marinadebefore it is grilled to perfection), spicyKimchi Fried Rice, the ingenious Gin-IusLamb (lamb cutlets marinated in DryGin), the hard-to-resist Fusion MixedGround Floor, Lot 7691, Block 15, Brighton Square, Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 285882 Website: www.fusiongril.com.my(wholly owned by Ribs & Grill Sdn Bhd)Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 45

FoodDim Sumforeveryone!Come, try Kim Bay’s DimSum! Lots to choosefrom, halal, fresh,healthy steamed food for thewhole family. Recommended asthe best halal dim sum in town.Reasonably priced, especiallythe Big Bun containing chickenand vegetables, the all time bestseller, Har Kao (shrimp-based),Siew Mai (chicken-based), LaoSha Boa (duck egg yolk) andassortments of other interestingand tasty choices. Our chef hailsfrom Hong Kong with over 20years experience!Opens daily 8.30am-10.00pmKim Bay H.K-Macau Restaurant, G01, Ground Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall, Jalan Simpan Tiga, 93100 Kuching,<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. | LG24 A&B, Interhill Place, Hills Shopping Mall, Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.46 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Foodtrying to figure out what to eat.The Spring Onion Egg pancake is agreat choice. This popular traditionalChinese snack, which is well-liked inChina, Taiwan as well as Hong Kong, isgiven Life’s unique twist, whereby it isenhanced with homemade mushroomstuffing, whose earthy and savouryflavours are simply addictive.Exquisiteofferings atSince the mid 90s, Life Cafehas been serving up exquisitedishes and aromatic Chinesetea, which are to be enjoyed over agood book, if one chooses to, in arelaxing environment with earthtonedwalls and an interior adornedwith bamboo.Although tea, books and the use ofbamboo remain unchanged until today,other aspects of Life Cafe had seensome changes - like its menu, whichfeatures dishes that are a fusion of localand Taiwanese flavours and elements.A hit with the customers and thesignature dish at Life Cafe is ofcourse the Life’s Spicy Noodle, whoseflavour-enhancing ingredients includeSichuan chilli pepper, pepper oil andvarious traditional spices. A slurp of thismarvelously aromatic noodle and you’llinstantly fall in love with its gorgeousset of flavours that is a combination ofsour, spicy and savoury with earthinessfrom the aromatic sesame oil.What makes it so good is the MaLak sauce, a special vegetarian saucewhose final result was finally achievedafter two years of brewing, tastingand continuous improvement by Life’sconsultant Mr Yang Yong Her.A reinvention of the famous SichuanSpicy Noodle, Life’s Spicy Noodle,which was introduced in 1999,also features spices from theirown backyard, lending the dish itsuniqueness in flavours. Anothernoteworthy item in the menu is Life’sdelicious dumpling. Customers canchoose to have their dumpling withfilling either of vegetables, leek pork orjust pork, and choose whether to havetheir dumpling steamed or fried.If you’re not looking to haveanything heavy, just choose fromone of the delicious snacks available.The selection is kept to a minimal,which is a really good thing becausecustomers will not be splitting hairsBesides Chinese tea, Life Cafe alsoserves a great selection of beverages,hot or cold. One drink you ought togive a try is the Sago Milk Tea. Servedcold, this tea is creamy, not too heavyand not too sweet. The sago pearlsadded into this cup of heavenlybeverage lends a fresh herbal tastethat gives you a sense or relaxationwith each pearl you bite into.A fusion of Taiwanese concept andlocal elements, Life Cafe continuesto be a favourite of those who adoreits offerings of great tea, good foodand a variety of books to indulgethemselves in.There are currently three Life Cafeoutlets in Kuching, the latest being LifeCafe @ Train Terrace, which openedits doors this year. The original outletis located at Ewe Hai Street while thesecond outlet opened its doors in 2009at Brighton Square. Life Cafe alsoextended its reach all the way acrossthe South China Sea with a branch setup in 2010 at Sutera in Johor Bahru.Life Café @ Ewe Hai Street Ewe Hai Street, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 425707Life Café @ Brighton Square Jalan Song, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 285688Life Café @ Train Terrace Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 232199Life Café @ Sutera Taman Sutera Utama, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia. Tel: +6012 7873330Life Café Kuching Sdn Bhd Fax: +6082 236024 Email: lifecafe@hotmail.comWedsite: www.lifecafe.com.my (Opens daily from 10am-11.30pm)Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 47

FoodA Full DayofLocal FavouritesOkay, so you’re staying maybe one day in Kuchingbefore shooting off to Bako National Park or someother places of attraction far away from the city.This also happens to be your first time here in theseparts and you haven’t got a clue where to find someof the best (but not necessarily pricey) food Kuchinghas to offer.Fear not, for we will guide you to four must-go-toeating outlets that are sure to satisfy your hungerthroughout the day.Satisfying breakfastat T-Not LaksaThe absolute must-try, and is a dishunique only to <strong>Sarawak</strong> is the aptlynamed<strong>Sarawak</strong> Laksa. And wherebetter to have a bowl of this rich, spicygoodness than at T-Not Laksa.Located at Jalan Patingan in Satok,T-Not Laksa is one of Kuching’s bestkept secrets. For one, it is located ina housing area. In fact, T-Not Laksais a house by itself. But spotting it isno big deal because the house/laksaplace is always filled to the brim withcustomers eager to have a taste ofT-Not’s heavenly <strong>Sarawak</strong> Laksa.So what’s the secret? T-Not tells <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> that it all lies in her special broth.Unlike any other laksa stall in Kuching,T-Not uses a rich sweet broth madeby boiling prawn heads. This brothis added into the “kuah laksa”, thuslending a natural sweetness to the dishwithout the need of adding MSG. Ahealthier choice indeed.The base for the sambal is just thesame as basic ingredients you canfind in any sambal for <strong>Sarawak</strong>Laksa. However, T-Not adds a littlemore pizazz to her sambal byblending in more flavour-inducingherbs and spices. Another specialfeature of T-Not’s <strong>Sarawak</strong> Laksa isthat a thinner rice vermicelli is usedinstead of the usual, thicker one.The vermicelli acts as a perfect agentto soak in all the delicious “kuahlaksa”, making every slurp of therice noodles more enjoyable andrewarding. T-Not even had specialbowls made for her, in which sheserves her special laksa.So when in Kuching, make a pointto head on over to T-Not Laksa forsome real good food! But be sureyou get there early because the laksausually runs out by 9am! Opens asearly as 7am daily.Starting out as a humble roadside stall sellingchicken rice and deep fried chicken more than30 years ago, the business caught on untileventually about 20 years after, it upgradedfrom stall to cafe. Today, the owner of AladdinCafe no longer cooks the food at the eateryas he had handed down his recipes to his twosons, who now run the business.All about chickenWith a hearty breakfast at T-Not Laksa, you mightwant to consider having a not-so-heavy lunch. Aperfect choice would be chicken rice. While thereare many chicken rice shops in Kuching, only a selectfew serves really good chicken rice. One of them isAladdin Café at Carpenter Street.There are several items in the menu. Highly recommendedis of course the cafe’s signature Steamed Chicken Rice, withfragrant savoury rice and scrumptious pieces of steamed chickensmothered in a delicious sauce. It comes with a spicy homemadechilli dipping sauce and a bowl of clear soup. You can also optfor roasted chicken or deep fried chicken to go with your rice.Aladdin Cafe is also wellknown for its rice porridge or congee.It has a perfect consistency - not too watery or too thick - andit is well seasoned. The porridge is topped with chicken shreds,salted vegetables and springonion, all in the right amount togive the porridge its hard-to-resisttaste and texture.48 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Penang favouritesand moreDinner at Penang Seafood will notdisappoint. This seemingly laid-backrestaurant has been serving updelicious Penang cuisines at affordableprices for about five years to date.While it is named Penang Seafooddue to the fact that the chef andhusband of the owner is from the WestMalaysian state of Penang, there’smore than just Penang food servedhere. Local foods are also on the menu.One of the recommended dishes,which also happen to be a signaturedish at the outlet is Assam Fish Head,a slightly sweet, sour and not-so-spicydelicacy from Penang. The ownerexplains that like all of the other dishesserved at Penang Seafood, the amountof spicyness in the Assam Fish Headhas been reduced as the original recipeis too spicy for the local taste buds.The Belacan Fried Chicken is anotherunique Penang dish you must try.Deep-fried pieces of chicken are coatedin a special batter that also containsFoodbelacan or fermented shrimp paste aswell as various herbs and spices beforethey are dunked into hot oil and deepfriedtill golden brown.Special dishes are also served on certaindays, and depending on what time ofthe day, such as Duck Meat Kueh TeowSoup (Wednesday, Thursday & Sunday),Fried Mee Suah (Friday), Penang AssamLaksa (Saturday & Sunday), PrawnNoodles, Penang Char Kueh Teow andCrab/Prawn/Frog Porridge, just to listdown a few.To finish off, try their choices of NyonyaKuih or their delicious bean curd jelly.Just be sure to remember to leavesome room for when you want somemore stuff to munch on at the laterpart of the night.Lok lok for supper?Breakfast was good. Lunch was nice.Dinner was satisfying. But you still havethat urge inside you to eat, eat and eat.Fret not for Kuching is never short ofthings to eat. And when you’re lookingfor something light to fill your tummywith, nothing hits the spot better thanlok lok. As you drive (or get driven)around town, you’ll notice a numberof outlets and stalls selling lok lok, butno other place does it better than BanHock Road Lok Lok.This one is an old-timer. It’s beenaround for 25 years and started outas a simple cart selling skewers, whichwere either dipped in boiling water ordeep-fried in hot oil. Today, it is still aspopular as it was way back then. Andenjoying Ban Hock Road Lok Lok hasbecome much more convenient with aproper outlet and plenty of seats.The variety of skewers has also grownfrom just a few types of food itemsto more than 60 at present. Now,the varieties include many differenttype of fishballs and meatballs, freshseafood, quail eggs, sausages andnuggets, stuffed eggplant, mushrooms,vegetables and a whole lot more. Friedchicken and bishop’s nose on a stickare also in the menu.What makes Ban Hock Road Lok Lokspecial is its dipping sauces, madeusing closely-guarded recipes. Thedipping sauces include sweet sauce,satay sauce, tom yum sauce andbelacan sauce. Besides lok lok, theoutlet also serves other dishes likeNasi Lemak Special (which comeswith chicken curry) and Prawn Noodleamong others.Don’t forget to order the outlet’ssignature beverage, which is arefreshing herbal drink with longaninside.With all the good food, you are sureto have a good night’s sleep at theend of the day.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 49

FoodFrom neighbouring countryBrunei Darussalam comes LofBakery, a modern and stylishbakery that will surprise you not onlywith its sleek interior décor and cleanouter appearance, but also its rangeof fine pastries, cakes and cookiesamong others - also not forgettinggreat service.Originated from Brunei, Lof Bakeryhas now set up shop in Malaysia,with its first Malaysian outlet andAmong Lof’s specialties are itsdanish of various flavours, deliciousPortuguese Egg Tart, Charcoal Bread,Mini Chicken Bread Cup, tasty tartletswith an assortment of filling andSpecial Durian, among many others.Not to be outdone in the currentcraze for cupcakes, Lof Bakery hasits own array of cupcakes that comein different flavours and a whole lotof exciting and colourful designs.Made to suit any and every occasion,loving self, there’s bound to be onethat suits your fancy.The kids will be jumping for joy whenthey see their birthday cake decoratedwith designs featuring their favouritecartoon characters such as “Dibo TheGift Dragon”, “Surfing Barney”, “Upin& Ipin” and “Spongebob Squarepants”.What about a Garfield cake forbirthday, or even better a delicious cakein the shape of a character from thepopular game “Angry Birds”?Inspired • Delicious • Unexpectedhead office in Song Plaza in Kuching.Lof’s Kuching has over 500 differentkinds of cakes, breads and pastries,with different flavours and texturesas well as exciting designs. The itemsare served on rotation; except forsome of the signature products, soget ready to be pleasantly surprisedeveryday you walk into Lof Bakery.Lof’s cupcakes also come in differentsizes and can be custom-designedaccording to customers’ personalpreference.Lof’s selections of cakes will leaveyou in awe. Whether you need acake for a birthday party, a weddingor even just as a treat to your cake-There are also delightful doughnutsto tempt those of you with sweettooth or healthy sandwiches forthose who are watching their diet.As far as quality is concerned,Lof Bakery uses only the best andfreshest ingredients in its products,and high-experienced bakers expertly50 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

Foodprepare the breads, cakes or pastriesat Lof. With that knowledge,customers can be sure that they willget the best products at Lof Bakeryevery time.Besides just selling pastries, cakesand breads on the shelves at Lof, thebakery also provides other servicesfor the convenience of customers,including customisation of cakes andpastries, special orders for festiveseasons as well as catering. With thepromise of delivering at the highestquality, Lof is certainly all set to woweven the most discerning of foodiesin Kuching.Watch out for its second outlet atStutong, which has a Café cumBakery concept. Feel free to pop in,relax and enjoy baked goods at itsbest amidst modern, aestheticallydesign interiors and sip throughspecial health juices, yogurt andVietnamese coffee.LoF Cakes & Bakery (Wholly owned by LOF PRESTIGE SDN BHD)SARAWAK • Song Plaza, Sublot 18, Fround Floor, Lot 12169, Jalan Song, SongPlaza, 93350 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 575117 Fax: +6082 579117 Email:lofbakery2011@gmail.com (Opens daily: 9.00am - 10.00pm) • Tabuan Stutong, GroundFloor, Sublot 16, Block 11, MTLD, Tabuan Stutong Commecial Centre, 93350 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>,Malaysia • Kuching Sentral (to open soon)Brunei Darussalam • Delima, Unit 8, Ground Floor, Block C, Delima Square, BruneiDarussalam. Tel: (673) 2330777 • Yayasan, Unit B.01 Basement, Yayasan Sultan Hj. HassanalBolkiah Complex, BSB. Tel: (673) 2241077 • Kiulap, Unit 10, Ground Floor, Block B, BrignPehin Dato Hj. Mohd. Yusof, Kiulap. Tel: (673) 2233477 • Rimba, Westmart maga Store, No. 7,Simpang 76, Jalan 82 Perumahaan Negara Rimba, BSB. • Times Square (to open soon)Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 51

FoodHave a very MitabirthdayMake every birthday celebration a morespecial occasion with a beautifullydelicious cake from Mita Cake House.Visit any Mita branch near you and browse through itsextensive catalogue featuring a wide variety of cakedesigns to suit everyone’s needs and wants.In keeping with the latest trend, Mita offers 3Ddesigns of various characters from one of the topgames of today, “Angry Birds”. Pick your favouritecharacter from the game and a flavour of your choiceand let the team of cake experts at Mita Cake Housework its magic.Another one of today’s latest trends is the Barbie dollcake. At Mita, there are a variety of Barbie doll cakedesigns, with a real Barbie doll used as part of thedecoration. The best part of the cake is that you getto keep the doll. And don’t worry about the clothesfor the doll for Mita also includes them with everypurchase of the Barbie doll cake.Other 3D cake designs include characters fromUltraman, Winnie The Pooh and various other cartooncharacters. Mita also has cakes with art designs, wherethe cakes are smothered with icing in various artisticdesign patterns, breaking away from the traditionalcake-decorating norm.There are so many other cake designs at Mita CakeHouse, including even theme designs like Formula1 and such. Customers can also make personalisedorders should they choose to have something differentand more to their liking.Cakes must not only look good but taste just as great.At Mita, you can choose from a number of cakeflavours like chocolate sponge, strawberry, pandan,yam, cheese and more. There’s even ice-cream cake forthose who simply love the chilled dairy product.Producing cakes, breads and pastries since 1978, MitaCake House has grown to become a household namehere in Kuching. Famous for its Hong Kong style breadsand cakes, the bakery was founded more than 30 yearsago by Mr Jong Ted Hin and his wife.Mita Cake House emphasises on freshness and qualityof its cakes, breads and pastries. And everything isproduced fresh from the kitchen daily.Mita Cake House • 155A, Jalan Satok, 93400 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 416955, 245517 (O) Fax: +6082 416581 Email: mitacakehouse@ymail.comBranch • No.117-D, Ban Hock Road, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Tel: +6082 429184 • Lot 13-14, Jalan Tun Jugah, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Tel: +6082 458693 •Sub Lot 19, Jalan Setia Raja, Tabuan Stutong, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Tel: +6082 361368 • No.44, Gambier Street, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Tel: +6082 416202 •No.199, Sub Lot 7, Ground Floor, EastMoore Centre, Jalan Rock, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>. Tel: +6082 417286 • No.10 & 11, Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman Yaakub,93050 Kuching. Tel: +6082 23824852 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

FoodDelicious bakedgoodiesatopposite Dalight Food CourtTucked amid a row of shopsat Queen’s Court, justin King’s Center is a humble littlebake shop called Mickey Bakery.Inside, you’ll find a good array ofbaked goods, some of which can’tbe found elsewhere in Kuching.The “cake boss” there at Mickey’s isMr Low, whose vast experience in theindustry from when he was kneadingdough and mixing cake batter inSingapore, Kuala Lumpur and Bruneihas helped him to become the wellequippedbaker that he is today.Some of his creations are unique onlyto his bakery. His specialities includePeanut Crispy, Pumpkin Seed Crispyand Almond Crispy that have a crunchytexture to them and wonderful earthyflavours from the nuts.His cakes are also to die for, with hissignature Opera Cake, a rich chocolatycreation made with the best qualityimported chocolate, being the mostsought-after out of all his cakes.Besides what is offered in thecatalogue at Mickey’s, you can alsohave your cakes custom-made tosuit your personal preference. AndMr Low is ready to whip up anythingyour heart desires.Opened in February of 2001, MickeyBakery has won the hearts of manyKuchingites longing for great tastingcakes, cookies, pastries, sandwichesand other baked goods. All in all, thereare over 100 different types of cakesand more than 150 types of otherbaked goods. At Mickey’s, quality is ofutmost importance and every productis made with good quality butter,among other ingredients.So drop by Mickey Bakery today anddiscover a world of delicious bakedgoods.Mickey Bakery also specialises in KekLapis, with about 20 varieties of thedelicious layered sweet treat beingoffered in its menu. And the Kek Lapishere is certainly something you oughtto give a try. They are both moist andpacked with wonderful flavours.Sublot 59, Queen Court, Lot 7918, Jalan Wan Alwi,93350 Kuching, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 574844Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 53

SARAWAKPEPPERMalaysia’s FirstG.I. Agricultural ProductMPB’s range of pepper productsFoodBlack, white and green pepper berriesPepper; be it black or whitecomes from the same plant,Piper nigrum. Fresh pepperberries can also be converted intodehydrated green pepper or pickledgreen pepper.As demand for pepper increasesboth in terms of quantity and quality,Malaysia as the sixth largest pepperproducer in the world has embarkedon a modernisation programmethrough Malaysian Pepper Board(MPB), a government agency underMinistry of Plantation Industries andCommodities. MPB has spearheadedthe development of local pepperindustry to what it is today byproducing high quality processedpepper through its productionfacilities including its HACCP-certifiedsteam treatment system.Black and white pepper berries whichare steam treated are marketed as“<strong>Sarawak</strong> Mikrokleen Steam TreatedPepper”, a product which is widelyaccepted by users not only for itsenhanced hygienic property but alsofor its improved aroma and flavour.Not contented with the marketing ofberries, MPB set up an ultra-moderngrinding mill (the biggest in South EastAsia) to produce crushed pepper; be itfine powder, coarse or cracked. Pepperis widely exported as black and whitepepper (berries and powder) in bulkpacks but retail packs of pepper andpepper products for the householdmarket or even export market comein various forms and brands includingMPB’s own “SARASPICE®” range ofretail and novelty products.The development in Malaysia’sprocessed food sector boostedvalue-addition activities and theconsumption of pepper in Malaysia.Malaysia’s own consumption ofpepper in 2010 was 7,000 tonneswhich at retail value is estimated atRM350 million. Add that figure to theexports of RM200 million, pepper’scontribution to the national economystood at RM550 million in 2010.The versatility of pepper for use inculinary and non-culinary beckonsthe ingenuity and dedication of bothresearchers and users alike. FromMPB product development laboratory,various uses and application ofpepper in sauces, marinades, dips,cookies, biscuits, candies, perfumes,insect repellent to name a few,have been tried and tested, and, insome cases, tasted. Some of thesehave been adopted and improvisedfor commercial production byprivate entrepreneurs as a resultof technology transfer sessions,exhibitions, cooking demonstrationsand collaborative efforts.Notwithstanding that, much more canstill be done on the myriads of uses ofpepper. Many have been discovered.Others have yet to be scientificallyverified; be it pharmaceuticals,cosmetics or other applications.For this reason, MPB has recentlybeefed up its research capacitytowards, among others, producingbetter pepper variety and unlockingthe various intrinsic properties ofpepper extracts. Hence justifiably,<strong>Sarawak</strong> pepper is now registeredunder Geographical Indication(GI) of MyIPO, the first Malaysianagriculture product to be accordedthis prestigious recognition.Pepper farm in <strong>Sarawak</strong>Malaysian Pepper BoardLot 1115, Jalan Utama, Tanah Putih, PO Box 1653, 93916, Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 331811 Fax: +6082 336877 Email: info@mpb.gov.my Website: www.mpb.gov.myOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 55

FoodAnidealchoiceButterfly brand fragrant rice makes allthe difference to a wonderful mealEveryone knows thatdifferent types of rice havedifferent texture and taste;the question is which is the best?Depending on your individual taste andpreference, there are many types of ricein the market today, each suited for aparticular choice of cooking style. Mostpeople will however, choose fragrantrice when cooking for important guestsor in high class eateries and also athome. Butterfly brand fragrant ricefrom Liansin is readily in the marketand reasonably priced too; best of allit has the necessary qualities that willplease every palate.Butterfly brand fragrant rice is a fine,medium grain rice that producesfragrance after it is cooked; younever have to worry about guestscomplaining about the rice servedwhenever Butterfly brand rice is used.This is the assurance of Liansin, thelargest wholesale of rice in <strong>Sarawak</strong>;they stake their reputation on theassurance as tests conducted haveshown that it is always well receivedand has a tremendous acceptanceby major restaurants in the state.Increasingly, many homes have alsoswitched to Butterfly brand fragrant56 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011rice due to the quality and alsoreasonable price.Another assurance that Liansin cangive to their customers is that theyonly brand and sell rice based ontheir characteristics, some for highend markets, others for mediumrange and also others for the lowerend ones. As the largest wholesalerof rice in <strong>Sarawak</strong>, they take pride intheir products and will never want totarnish their reputation built over theyears for quick profit by passing offpoor quality rice as premium ones.In fact, they have their own testinglaboratory for every batch of ricereceived before they package anddistribute them. This is just one of themany steps taken to ensure qualitycontrol and customers can be assuredthat there will not be any mixtureof poorer quality rice with high endrice – they will never allow this and ifany of their resellers are caught doingso, action will be taken to ensure thattheir name and reputation are notspoilt by such actions.To get the best of your Butterflybrand fragrant rice, make surethat you have enough water whencooking it. The simple rule is toadd water to the rice in the potto just below your middle fingerfirst joint. When serving guests forThai or Japanese cuisines, fragrantrice is the best choice and if used

FoodBowls for HumanityLiansin is also involved in the aboveprogramme whereby for every 10kg of ricepurchased, 25 grams of rice will go towardsfeeding of the orphans in Malaysia.As one of the nation’s partner in the riceand paddy industry, Liansin is committedto ensuring that every Malaysian has accessto rice. With your help, we can make adifference.Liansinlunch boxcontainersup forgrabs!for the home, you can also see thedifference children will make inpreferring fragrant rice. Once fragrantrice is served, you will never want toserve ordinary rice again as the taste,texture and quality of fragrant ricewill make others unpalatable! You justhave to try Butterfly brand rice to seethe difference in your expectationsand also on the faces of those whomyou served to!For more information, please contactLiansin Trading Sdn Bhd (516882-W),Lot 2041, Section 66, Jalan Kisar, Bintawa IndustrialEstate, 93450 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 333555, 335558, 334558Fax: +6082 335599 Email: liansin@streamyx.comwww.liansin.comYes its FREE, simply buy a bag of Bernas brand10kg BUTTERFLY Thai Fragrant Rice andGet a FREE container.Collect all the three colours available from OCTOBER while stocks last.Available at all supermarkets and grocery stores throughout <strong>Sarawak</strong>.CHECK IT OUT TODAY& DON’T MISS OUT!Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 57

HotelSamUDrA CoUrTH o t e lSamudra Court Hotel isunique as it caters to bothbackpackers and businesstravellers alike. Located just minutesfrom the city centre, Samudra CourtHotel is near to eateries, banking andentertainment as well as recreationareas. This is one hotel that is rightfor individuals as well as families withits range of facilities available.Experience the relaxing KhatewiSpa and Wellness centre whereguests can really have a good rubdown after an exhausting day whileenjoying your favourite drinks.Internet connectivity is free forguests throughout the hotel.There are 40 rooms to choose from;Superior Single, Superior Double,Twin Sharing, Deluxe Double, DeluxeTriple and Family Room. Prices arereasonably at RM100 – RM190 perday for these rooms and with goodexperienced housekeeping, you areassured of comfortable and cleanrooms. Private functions and eventscan be held at the two multi-purposerooms with prior arrangements withthe management. For those whowish to pray, the hotel also has aprayer room just for the purpose.www.samudracourt.comEnjoy your dinner with the presenceof the live performance by twoforeign artistes daily in the SamudraKopitiam (café), which has temptingoffers of Ayam Bakar Wong Solo,Ayam Penyet, Bakso SamudraSpecial, Pisang Goreng Keju andSoto. When planning to go to thecity, just hop onto the shuttle servicesand enjoy the short trip especiallyduring the hot afternoons or rainyday. Make your next trip to Kuchingwith a visit and stay at SamudraCourt Hotel.For enquiries and reservations, contact us at Samudra Court Hotel, Lot 382-386, Lorong 6, Section 10, KTLD, Jalan Nanas, 93400 Kuching,<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 256363, 254363 Fax: +6082 250363 Email: admin@samudracourt.com58 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

HotelAbell Hotel- A non-smoking hotel, enjoys a superblocation in the heart of historical city ofKuching. Guests will appreciate easyaccess to some of the city’s popularshopping areas, eateries, trendy cafes,pubs and tourist attractions like a mere5-minute walk from the hotel willlead you to the Kuching WaterfrontPromenade. Creatively designed,with “colours” as the main conceptdepicting Malaysia’s vibrant culture andculinary heritage.• 80 well-appointed rooms• Meeting rooms• Free WIFI• 24 hours CCTV surveillanceCarvery Restaurant @ Abell Hotel- One of Kuching’s finest restaurants, offers its signature CarveryBuffet and this modern ‘churrascaria’ continues dishing up awonderful selection of 14 grilled air-flown premium quality meatand seafood. Using savvy showmanship, the servers carve thesedelicacies tableside, creating an elegant and bountiful feast. Opendaily from 6.30am to 11.00pm. Please check out our website forour famous Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve Party! And notforgetting our famous roast lamb legs, beef & turkey takeawayduring festive or for any occasions.ABELL HOTEL, KUCHING22, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 239 449 Fax: +6082 234 488 Email: info@abellboutiquehotel.com.myOwning Company: Sepang Kaya Sdn Bhd (Co.No. 353617-X)www.abellhotel.comOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 59

Swimming in theheart of thejungle<strong>Borneo</strong> Tropical Rainforest Resortadds new water features to itsgreat offeringsGood news for those who just love <strong>Borneo</strong> Tropical RainforestResort in Miri; they have added new water features to furthermake staying there fun! The lush jungle setting resort now has aswimming pool and mini water park that will surely be a hit for theyoung ones and also those into swimming.Located along the Miri-Bintulu road, <strong>Borneo</strong> Tropical RainforestResort is the ideal retreat for getting close to nature and also forteam building exercises. The facilities ensure that guests get thegreatest enjoyment from jungle trekking, sharing with colleaguesand emerging stronger as a coherent team. Now, these new waterfeatures will only bring even more fun to stay in this beautifultropical rainforest resort.The center pointwith newlyrefurbished roomsin bustling SibuLocated right in the heart ofthe bustling town, TanahmasHotel is about as close to thecenter as you can get here.Everything, from shopping toentertainment, business topleasure, is just around thecorner or mere walking distances away. Convenience isstaying in this strategically sited hotel!Adorned with awards for its facilities and services,Tanahmas Hotel is the choice for corporate and familyvisits with 120 newly refurbished deluxe rooms to choosefrom and ample facilities, amenities to satisfy every needs!Check out the hotel at its website (www.tanahmas.com.my) or call for reservations.KM36 Miri-Bintulu Road, Lot 15, Block 2, Sibuti Land District, Miri, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6085 407198, +6085 613888 Fax: +6085 613808Email: info@borneorainforestresort.comMiri Office: Lot 101, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6085 613888 Fax: +6085 613808www.<strong>Borneo</strong>RainforestResort.comLot 277, Block 5, Jalan Kampung Nyabor, P.O. Box 240 96007 Sibu,<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6084 333188 Fax: +6084 333288Email: tanahmas@streamyx.comwww.tanahmas.com.my

HotelTraditions& excellenceThe Jesselton Hotel is ahistorical entity in KotaKinabalu, SabahWhile many hotels pridethemselves on being‘modern and trendy’, TheJesselton Hotel in Kota Kinabalu,Sabah overwhelms guests withtraditional hospitality of excellentservices and uniquely styledambiance. From a ride in a vintageLondon Taxi to the classical colonialfaçade of the hotel and greetingsfrom safari inspired costume ofthe staff, guests are assured ofpersonalized services here; afterall,there are only 32 well-furnishedrooms so you can expect the staff toknow you very well as a guest!While the hotel’s setting may betraditional, its amenities are certainlymodern – soft interior room lightings,IDD phone/internet services, satelliteTV channels, mini bar, superior bedswith fine linen and complimentarybathrobes and many others. Dineat the famous Bella Italia Restaurantwith its romantic settings and marvelat the choices available, ranging fromlocal delights to international fare fora truly satisfying experience. There isalways something interesting here asthe city is well known for its range ofseafood choices which will surprisemost visitors to the state.Another superb choice for diningexperience is the Turnbull Room,named after the last Governor ofBritish North <strong>Borneo</strong>, with its cosysurrounding which can be set up fortheme events for business, partiesor private gatherings. The venueis also the ideal choice for smallgroups affairs like personalized salesseminars and product launching.The Jesselton Hotel is also locatedat the heart of the city, close tofinancial institutions, businessenterprises as well as shoppingconveniences. As unique as itsname and exterior features, thisis the premier boutique hotel inKota Kinabalu, the state capital ofSabah. Of course, if you wish to ridea limousine from the hotel to theairport rather than using the LondonTaxi, you are certainly welcomed tooat The Jesselton Hotel!69, Gaya Street, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. Tel: 6 088 223333Fax: 6 088 240401 Email: reservation@jesseltonhotel.com Website: www.jesseltonhotel.comOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 63

Rates from RM49.99 nett *HotelFacilities and Amenities:- Ensuite bathrooms- 24 hours reception- Complimentary use of airconditioning units- Complimentary use of hair dryer- Complimentary use of towels- Complimentary toiletries (soapand shampoo)- Complimentary use of minibar fridge- Complimentary use of wiredinternet access in every room- Complimentary use of wifi in hotel lobby- Complimentary use of washing machinesand dryers in laundry room- 32”LCD TV with more than 20 local,cable and satellites channels- Security room safe- Bottled drinking water- Luxury shower- 5 star beds and satin cotton sheets- Tea & coffee making facilities- Airport transfer (minimum charge)- RFID Security Door LocksWisma Phoenix, Jalan Song Thian Cheok, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 236060 Fax: +6082 237070 Email: reservation@360xpress.com.mywww.360xpress.com.my64 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011* terms & conditions apply.

HotelThose familiar with the 360 Hotel brand will know thevalue of these accommodations as their outlets in the cityhave been providing excellent services over the years. Thislatest addition to the chain promises to be somethingdifferent from the rest; it will incorporate resort styleaccommodation of a 5-Star hotel but retail at 3-Starprices!Enjoy luxurious 5-Staraccommodation in Kuchingcity’s latest hotel at 3-Starprices!The secret to this incredible offering is in theadministration of the establishment, providing top notchservices to match guests’ expectations in a 5-Star hotelfor its 178 rooms, located at Tower A of the famedHock Lee Centre, adjacent to Tower B which housesthe pioneer 360 Resort Hotel business. As expectedthis hotel will come equipped with the latest modernamenities inside each room such as complimentary wiredinternet services, coffee and tea making facilities, TV, airconditioning,mini bar, fridge and comfortable 10” thickmattresses.The lobby of this resort hotel will certainly catchyour attention with its waterfall providing a soothingatmosphere to the surrounding. The feel good feeling isfurther extended to the Coffee House in Tower A whereguests can relax with a cup of coffee or tea and choicesof other delicacies. Those wanting privacy for businessmeetings can make use of one of the three seminarrooms here while the gym and swimming pool arelocated just on the adjacent Tower B. Hock Lee shoppingcentre in between the two tower blocks provideextensive range of products while on the surroundingbuildings are also shops for food, entertainment,banks and others. For trips to the city centre, the hotelprovides complimentary shuttle services.Rates fromRM99.00 nett*Check out 360 Urban Resort Hotel Kuching andexperience the luxury of 5-star treatment at 3-Starprices. It only takes one try to be completely convincedthat the 360 Hotel chain is certainly value for money!* terms & conditions apply.Hock Lee Centre, Hotel Tower, Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim, 93450 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 484888 Fax: +6082 484999 Email: reservation@360kuching.com Website: www.360kuching.comOct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 65

Miri’s premierfun, relaxing andluxurious venuePlan a holiday for the whole family inluxurious green surroundings whenin <strong>Sarawak</strong>’s Resort City Miri at theEastwood Valley Golf & Country Club;it’s everything you’ll ever want. Golfinggreens and practice range, swimming pool with rowingboats in the lake, sauna rooms, team building facilitiesand jungle trekking for the adventurous are some ofthe ample things to do here.The dining venue overlooks the lake with splendidfood all day long and can also cater to big eventslike weddings and family reunions. Since opening itsdoors in 2005 this has become the premier addressfor social gatherings and also for seminars and othersimilar events.Choices of luxury rooms with various combinationsfrom single to deluxe or family to longhouse areavailable and all are well equipped with modernamenities for a good night rest. Anyway you lookat it, with Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club asyour destination of choice in Miri, you are assured ofhaving a fun and enjoyable time here!The Paramount Hotel isthe choice hotel as its roomsfeature are all specially themewith matching colours andexcellent services. Strategicallylocated along Jalan KampungDato, The Paramount Hotelis in close proximity to government offices, businesscentres and entertainment outlets.The Paramount Hotel placesemphasis on its food outletswith three distinct venues; TheValentine Café, Phoenix Courtand Happy Valley Lounge, alldesigned with guests in mind.Valentine Café serves local andwestern food while PhoenixCourt is ideal for big events like anniversaries and weddings,family reunions and year end parties for corporate clients.Happy Valley Lounge is the place to sing the night awaywith friends and colleagues.Corporate events, seminarsand conferences can becomfortably held in TheParamount Hotel as it hasa meeting room that easilysits 400 guests at any onetime. Participants of seminarsand conferences in The Paramount Hotel will also getto enjoy their rooms as they all come standard with TV,IDD phone, fridge, beverage making facilities in clean andcomfortable surroundings.Check in to The Paramount Hotel for your next visit toSibu; it is the hotel of choice.Lot 1379, Block 17, Jalan Miri-by-pass, 98000 Miri, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6085 421010 Fax: +6085 417858 Email: info@eastwoodvalley.comwww.eastwoodvalley.comNo.3, Lorong Kampung Datu 9A, Jalan Kampung Datu, 96000 Sibu,<strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6084 331122 Fax: +6084 338111Email: paramount_hotel@yahoo.comwww.paramountsibu.com

HotelStrategically located next to KuchingCity’s CBD (Central Business District)in the state capital.All rooms from standard, deluxe tosuperior and affordable, come fullyequipped with modern amenities likeTV, to coffee/tea making machineswhile Wi-Fi is free inside the hotel.Online booking, please log on towww.dorsetboutiquehotel.comDorset Café provides convenience forthe guests by serving Malay, Chinese,Asean to fusion cuisine. The hotelalso caters to events like conferencesand seminars and birthdays, all withprivacy for the hosts and their guests.Dorset Boutique Hotel offers uniquelyniche accommodations for anyoneanytime!No. 175, 175A-C, Jalan Sekama, 93300 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 347799 Fax: +6082 346799 Email: reservation@Dorsetboutiquehotel.comFacilities in room:LCD TV with 21 channels,Free wi-fi inside hotel,Personal unit adjustableair-conditioned units, Hotshower, towels, Tea/Coffeemaking facilities, Safe box& writing desk.GATEWAYKUCHINGLocated right in the heart of Kuching city,Ariva Gateway Kuching offers modern, wellappointedtwin tower complex integratingoffices and luxurious serviced residences. It ismerely few minutes walk to shopping malls,restaurants and food courts.All studio executive rooms come with abalcony and offer a great panoramic view ofthe City. Guests can equally enjoy the sameamazing view from the rooftop pool.“ Monday Blues& TGIF Specials”*Reservations can only be made on MONDAYS and FRIDAYSStay for 4 days 3 nights and choose from either:Plan A: RM750.00 nett (2-bedroom Deluxe Apartment)Plan B: RM480.00 nett (Studio Executive)at only RM180.00nett* for corporatetravellers inclusiveof complimentarybreakfast, late checkout till 4pm and freeWIFI usage.“ Fun-tasticSchools Out”NO 9 Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 250958 Fax: +6082 259958Email: Kuching.Enquiry@stayariva.comBeijing . Qingdao . Tianjin . Hanoi . Manila . KuchingFor latest property, kindly visit www.stayariva.comBe the 50 th person to book and secure yourreservations with us and win a Blackberryphone!Be the 100 th person to book and secure yourreservations with us and win an ipad2!

BooksKILL ALEX CROSSAuthor: Patterson JamesISBN: 9780446585408Publisher: Grand Central PublishingRM59.90THE AFFAIRAuthor: Child LeeISBN: 9780593065716Publisher: Bantam Press, TransworldRM69.90The President’s son and daughter are abducted, and Detective AlexCross is one of the first on the scene. But someone very high-up isusing the FBI, Secret Service, and CIA to keep him off the case andin the dark.A deadly contagion in the water supply cripples half of the capital,and Alex discovers that someonemay be about to unleash the mostdevastating attack the United Stateshas ever experienced.As his window for solving both crimesnarrows, Alex makes a desperatedecision that goes against everythinghe believes–one that may alter thefate of the entire country. KILL ALEXCROSS is faster, more exciting, andmore tightly wound than any AlexCross thriller James Patterson hasever written!Everything starts somewhere. . . .For elitemilitary cop Jack Reacher, that somewherewas Carter Crossing, Mississippi, way back in1997. A lonely railroad track. A crime scene.A coverup.A young woman is dead, and solid evidence points to a soldierat a nearby military base. But that soldier has powerful friends inWashington.Reacher is ordered undercover—to find out everything he can,to control the local police, and then to vanish. Reacher is a goodsoldier. But when he gets to Carter Crossing, he finds layers noone saw coming, and the investigation spins out of control.Local sheriff Elizabeth Deveraux has a thirst for justice—and anappetite for secrets. Uncertain they can trust one another, Reacherand Deveraux reluctantly join forces. Reacher works to uncoverthe truth, while others try to bury it forever. The conspiracythreatens to shatter his faith in his mission, and turn him into aman to be feared.We will offer these selected titles featured in this issue at 20%* discount to <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> readers.Readers to cut-out coupon from the magazine or download and print from www.enjoy365.com.myand present it at MidValley, Subang Parade, Megastore (1 Utama), Great Eastern Mall(Jalan Ampang), KLIA Airport, The Spring to enjoy the special offer.Only original coupon or downloaded coupon from www.enjoy365.com.my is accepted •This offer is valid at MPH Bookstores indicated above • Not valid with any other offers orpromotions • This coupon is not exchangeable for cash • Valid until 31 th December 2011MPH BOOKSTORES THE SPRING • Lot 114, 1 st Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall,Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 244 800 Fax: +6082 244 801Website: www.mphonline.com Business hour: 10.00am - 10.00pm

BooksMy Bookstore humble beginnings started twenty years ago with theopening of a general bookstore along Jalan Haji Taha. Now it occupiestwo floors of approximately 6000 square feet of floor space.My Bookstore offers more that 40,000 book titles ranging from paperback novelsto hardback, coffee table books, to magazines (both local and imported) to giftsitems with children’s and schoolbooks as their major focus. They are also involvedin supplying of books to local libraries, educational and higher learning institutionsand to both corporate and government departments.Other services include:Book Reservations: Call or giveyour booklist or give the details of thebooks requirement and they will havethe books ready for your pick up. •Book Queries: Orders can be placedfor any books not found in the store •Corporate Book Orders: Booksmake good corporate gifts! Simply fax inyour orders and they will get them readyfor your pick up or your request to havethem delivered. • Gift Certificates:Great as a gift when you can’t decide onwhich book or gift. • MembershipCard: Join the membership card programat only RM7.00 valid for a lifetime andenjoy privileges from My Bookstore. •Free Gift Wrapping Service: Thisservice is provided complimentary at yourconvenience. Kindly check it out with thestore assistant.Jalan KulasJalan SatokWe are hereJalan Haji TahaJalan P. RamleeJalan SatokJalan Tun Abang Haji OpengGround & First Floor, Wisma Anza, Lot 234,Jalan Haji Taha, 93748 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 416606, 429157 Fax: +6082 237952Email: info@my-bookstore.com.myFacebook: www.facebook.com.mybookstore.onlinewww.my-bookstore.com.mySafe Havenby Nicholas SparksWhen a mysterious young woman named Katie appears inthe small North Carolina town of Southport, her sudden arrivalraises questions about her past. Beautiful yet self-effacing, Katieseems determined to avoid forming personal ties until a seriesof events draws her into two reluctant relationships: one withAlex, a widowed store owner with a kind heart and two youngchildren; and another with her plainspoken single neighbor, Jo.Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to let down herguard, putting down roots in the close-knit community andbecoming increasingly attached to Alex and his family.But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still hauntsand terrifies her . . . a past that set her on a fearful, shattering journey across the country, tothe sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo’s empathic and stubborn support, Katie eventuallyrealizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards . . .and that in the darkest hour, love is the only true safe haven.How To Flirt WithA Naked Werewolfby Molly Harper (Goodreads Author)Even in Grundy, Alaska, it’s unusual to find a naked guy witha bear trap clamped to his ankle on your porch. But whensaid guy turns into a wolf, recent southern transplant MoWenstein has no difficulty identifying the problem. Her surlyneighbor Cooper Graham – who has been openly critical ofMo’s ability to adapt to life in Alaska – has trouble of his own.Happy Ever Afterby Nora RobertsChildhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel andEmmeline have formed a very successful weddingplanning business together. While helping thousands ofhappy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives,three of the four women have all found love themselves– but workaholic Parker remains resolutely single.Her business is her life and she devotes all her energiesto it. But as she is forced to re-evaluate her friendships,Parker finds that someone is about to divert her focus…Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 69

People<strong>Sarawak</strong>hasmedicaltourismpotentialGeneral Manager of Kuching SpecialistHospital sees great future for the stateYasser Arafat Ishak, theGeneral Manager of KuchingSpecialist Hospital, has fallenin love with Kuching since arrivingin 2009. The racial harmony, respectfor each other’s religious belief andwarm, friendly nature of people hereare the main traits which he statedare most obvious here, after servingin places like Ipoh, Penang.“<strong>Sarawak</strong> is really startling to thosewho encounter it first hand, likeme and my family; here they don’ttalk about racial tolerance as it ispracticed in the daily lives of thepeople,” he gestured with a widesmile. “Furthermore we have metsincere, honest and helpful friendswho were strangers before so thatsays a lot about the people here!”The General Manager stated that theconducive environment here in termsof the clean city, friendly people,exotic food and great outdoorsshould be promoted for medicaltourism with better air connectivityand participation with the tourismindustry players. People fromIndonesia, Brunei and other partsof Asia have sought treatment fromthe specialists hospitals here so thepotential is there.“On our part we have expanded ourwards to cater to more patients andprovided training for our staff in linewith our achieving ISO 9001:2008certification for KcSH. With 30 years’experience in our healthcare group, we know we can provide the kindof services expected and we areconstantly upgrading our facilitiesand equipment too,” he added.Naturally, the first step towardsgood health is personal lifestyle, headvised, food, exercise and regularcheckups being also important.“I would also like to thank mypredecessors who had put in placethe necessary foundation for KcSH tobe what it is today, a thriving hospitalrecognized for its quality healthcareservices. I know that together with mypresent staff we will continue to makeKcSH a better place for patients and allthose working here,” he concluded.Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 71

BT-CSRSelf ExaminationStep 1: Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror with yourshoulders straight and your arms on your hips.Here’s what you should look for:• Breasts that are their usual size, shape, and colour• Breasts that are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swellingIf you see any of the following changes, bring them to your doctor’sattention:• Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin• A nipple that has changed position or an inverted nipple (pushedinward instead of sticking out)• Redness, soreness, rash, or swellingStep 2: Now, raise your arms and look for the same changes.Step 3: While you’re at the mirror, look for any signs of fluid coming out ofone or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).Step 4: Next, feel your breasts while lying down, using your right handto feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast.Use a firm, smooth touch with the first few finger pads of your hand,keeping the fingers flat and together. Use a circular motion, about the sizeof a 20 cent coin.Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side — from yourcollarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to your cleavage.Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the whole breast. You can beginat the nipple, moving in larger and larger circles until you reach the outeredge of the breast. You can also move your fingers up and down vertically,in rows, as if you were mowing a lawn. This up-and-down approach seemsto work best for most women. Be sure to feel all the tissue from the frontto the back of your breasts: for the skin and tissue just beneath, use lightpressure; use medium pressure for tissue in the middle of your breasts; usefirm pressure for the deep tissue in the back. When you’ve reached thedeep tissue, you should be able to feel down to your ribcage.Step 5: Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Manywomen find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skinis wet and slippery, so they like to do this step in the shower. Cover yourentire breast, using the same hand movements described in Step 4.BreastCancer AwarenessCampaignActivities9.00am, Tuesday 25 th October 2011St. Mary’s Secondary School- A <strong>Talk</strong> on breast cancer and steps to doself-examination.- Wear Pink Day.7.00am, Saturday 29 th October 2011Reservoir Park, Kuching- Charity Health Walk - Participants will get a specialdesigned t-shirt and other gifts/vouchers with a donationof RM100 per participant.- All proceeds will go to <strong>Sarawak</strong> Breast Cancer SupportGroup as well as the St. Mary’s School daily upkeep fund.- This community campaign welcomes other contributionsfrom other like-minded organisations and looks forwardto the participation from people in Kuching.Together we can do it!For more information on the campaign and other details,please contact St. Mary’s Alumni at +6082 427423 or<strong>Sarawak</strong> Breast Cancer Support Group at +6082 411137Oct-Dec2011<strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> | 73

BT-CSRTouchingLives!Breakthrough Network CentreBhd was formed 3 yearsago, as an non-profit andnon-political organisation. Its membersare made up of selfless individuals, allwith the clear vision to help the weak,marginalised and the poor to breakofffrom their unfortunate situationsso that they can help themselves topursue their dreams that was oncedestroyed and to bring hope to theirnext generation.As the country progress, there willbe some who will be left behinddue to their already broken homes,and shattered lives. Most of themare born into that environment,which they did not ask for. So whatBreakthrough does, is to provide thatbeacon of light to uplift their statusquo and to give them an opportunityto be part of the Nation Building.Even if it takes one child at a time,one youth at time, one unemployedperson at a time, one addict at atime or even if it may takes years,Breakthrough will be a part of theirlives to find a “Breakthrough” in theirunfortunate environments.The works in Breakthroughorganisation which <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong> is alsoaggressively involved include building/renovating houses, pre and lowerprimary education help-centre at DesaWira, providing food and basic needsfor the families including assistingthem to apply for aids from WelfareDepartment, Natural Farming at Lunduand Sematan and Breakthrough YouthCentre at MJC. A total of 90 familiesfrom as far as Serian, Samarahan,Sematan and Lundu are being caredfor by Breakthrough currently.It is good to encourage families,corporations and religious bodies tocome together to transform Kuchinginto a healthy, caring community withreduced crime rates and unhealthyactivities. It only takes a spark toget the fire going, so let’s cometogether and make Kuching a CaringCommunity. If each one of us cancontribute a small part, we believetogether we can “move mountain”and together we can transformKuching into a more Caring City.For further enquiries, contributions and donations please contact us or email us atBreakthrough Network Centre Bhd,P1-3-1(A). Chonglin park, 93100 Kuching, <strong>Sarawak</strong>, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 427478Email: admin@breakthrough.org.mywww.breakthrough.org.m yA little donation canmake a big differenceto someone else’slife so ACT NOW!MAKE THEDIFFERENCETODAY! Donationscan be made directlyto BreakthroughOffice74 | <strong>Borneo</strong><strong>Talk</strong>Oct-Dec2011

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