Vaderstad TopDown Brochure - LiveUpdater

Vaderstad TopDown Brochure - LiveUpdater

Vaderstad TopDown Brochure - LiveUpdater


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<strong>TopDown</strong> works the soil both atthe top and down belowThere is never just one way ofachieving good results in soil tillage.Something that is right forone farm can be completelywrong for another. It all dependson soil type, weather, climateand pre-crop. However, interestin reduced tillage is increasingthroughout Europe and that isnot just a coincidence.There are two great advantages withreduced tillage, the financial and thebiological.Money can be saved on reduced tillagebecause both labour and machinecosts can be reduced. The differencecan be seen in the balance sheet.However, the biological benefits arealso obvious because the soil becomesprogressively easier to cultivate as thestructure improves.Save time and moneyCost reductions and rationalisation offarm size mean that there are fewerpeople working each hectare. Thispattern can be seen in the past historyof farming and the rate of change isunlikely to decrease. The change tocost-effective crop production makesreduced tillage more attractive, sincethe number of hours worked in thefield can be reduced. The increase inthe cost of tillage operations shows nosigns of decreasing, while the price ofgrain unfortunately does not follow thesame uninterrupted upward trend.This means that productivity must beincreased if profits are to be maintained.Reduced tillage allows dieselconsumption to be radically decreased,which means that the costs ofestablishing a new crop are lower. In ahard-pressed economic reality, theselower inputs of time and energy mean areduction in production costs for thefarmer, so profitability in crop productioncan be improved.

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