MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange


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APPENDICESACRONYM NAME, LOCATION DATENIRDHANNOANyésigisoOscusPADMEPAMÉCASPortosolPride VitaGuineaPRIDE TZPRIDE UGPRODEMProEmpresaProMujerRFFRSPISagrarioSartawiSATNirdhan Utthan,NepalNOA,CroatiaRéseau Nyésigiso,MaliCooperativa Oscus Ltda.,EcuadorAssociation pour laPromotion et l’Appui auDéveloppement desMicroEntreprises,BeninProgramme d’Appui auxMutuelles d’Epargne et deCrédit au Sénégal,SenegalPortosol,BrazilPride Finance Guinea,Republic of GuineaPromotion of RuralInitiatives andDevelopment Enterprises,TanzaniaPromotion of RuralInitiatives andDevelopment Enterprises,UgandaFundación para laPromoción y Desarrollo dela Microempresa,BoliviaEDYPME ProEmpresa,PeruProMujer,BoliviaRural Finance Facility,South AfricaRangtay Sa PagrangayInc.,PhilippinesCooperativa El Sagrario,Ltda.,EcuadorServicio Financiero Rural,Fundación Sartawi,BoliviaSinapi Aba Trust,GhanaDATAQUALITYRATINGDESCRIPTION OF MICROFINANCE PROGRAM06/99 A Nirdhan is an NGO founded in 1991. It is a Grameen replicateproviding credit and deposit services to the poor. Both compulsoryand voluntary deposits services are offered. The NGO hastransformed into Nirdhan Utthan Bank Limited in July 1999. It is amember of the CASHPOR network.12/98 B NOA, an affiliate of Opportunity International, was started in 1997 toprovide individual and group loans to self employed persons inagriculture and small businesses.12/99 A Established in 1990 as a credit union, Nyésigiso offers credit andsavings services to both men and women in urban and rural areas ofMali. It is a member of the Development International Desjardinsnetwork.06/99 AAA Oscus is a credit union in Ecuador, and it participates in WOCCU’stechnical assistance program. Oscus offers both credit and voluntarysavings services to members.06/99 AAA PADME is an NGO working in urban and peri-urban areas of Benin.It offers loans to small and microenterprises, and was founded in1993.12/99 A Pamécas was established as a credit union in 1996. It offers a widerange of savings and credit services, primarily to women, usingindividual, solidarity and village banking products in urban and periurbanSenegal. It is a member of the Development InternationalDesjardins network.06/99 AAA Portosol is an NGO operating in Porto Alegre in Brazil. It offersindividual loans to microentrepreneurs and was founded in1996.12/98 AAA Pride Vita (or Pride Finance) works primarily in urban and semiurbanareas of Guinea and was founded in 1991.12/99 A PRIDE offers microcredit in urban and semi-urban areas ofTanzania. It was founded in 1993.12/98 A PRIDE in Uganda was started in 1996. It provides microloans toborrowers organized as groups in urban and semi-urban areas ofUganda.12/99 B PRODEM began in 1986 as an NGO offering group loans to urbanmicroenterprises, and was the precursor to BancoSol. When itsurban portfolio was passed to BancoSol in 1992, it began to developa new clientele in rural areas in Bolivia.12/99 A ProEmpresa, formerly the IDESI network, is now operating as aformal financial institution in Peru.12/99 A ProMujer Bolivia was founded in 1991, to provide training and creditto predominantly women clients.03/99 AAA RFF is a non-profit organization offering microcredit in rural areas ofSouth Africa. The institution also operates a separate housing loanprogram for salaried employees. RFF’s microcredit program wasestablished in 1993.12/98 A RSPI, an Opportunity International partner, lends primarily to selfhelpgroups in the Cordillera and Iloco regions of the Philippines.06/99 AAA El Sagrario is a credit union in Ecuador, and participates inWOCCU’s technical assistance program, begun in 1995. It offersboth credit and voluntary savings services to members.12/98 A Fundación Sartawi offers group credit to producers and othermicroenterprises in rural areas of Bolivia. The credit program hasoperated in its current form since 1990.12/98 B The Sinapi Aba Trust is a member of Opportunity International, andoffers individual and group loans both in rural and urban areas ofGhana. It was founded in 1995.64 <strong>MICROBANKING</strong> <strong>BULLETIN</strong>, SEPTEMBER 2000

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