MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange


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ACRONYM NAME, LOCATION DATE QUALITYRATINGFunduszMikroFWWB CaliFWWBIndiaHUBLAGInicjatywaMikroKafo JiginewKASHFLos AndesLOKMC-SEAMEBMibancoMicrofundfor WomenMIKROFINMoyutánMoznostiNachalaNetworkLeasingFundusz Mikro,PolandFundación Women’s WorldBanking Cali,ColombiaFriends of WWB,IndiaHUBLAG DevelopmentFinance Programme,PhilippinesInicjatywa Mikro,PolandKafo Jiginew,MaliKashf Foundation,PakistanCaja de Ahorros y CréditosLos Andes,BoliviaLOK SarajevoBosnia and HerzegovinaMercy Corps – ScottishEuropean Aid,Bosnia and HerzegovinaMicroenterprise Bank,BosniaBanco de laMicroempresa,PeruMicrofund for Women,JordanMIKROFIN,Bosnia and HerzegovinaCooperativa Moyután,GuatemalaMoznosti,MacedoniaNachala,BulgariaNetwork LeasingCorporation Ltd.,PakistanDESCRIPTION OF MICROFINANCE PROGRAMAPPENDICES09/99 A Fundusz Mikro began operations in 1995, and now lends tomicroentrepreneurs across Poland through an extensive branchnetwork. It is a member of the MicroFinance Network.12/98 AAA FWWB Cali, an affiliate of Women’s World Banking, began lending in1982. It makes individual loans to urban microenterprises in Cali.03/98 A FWWB India lends to rural women through savings and creditgroups. It was founded in 1982.12/98 A The Hublag Development Finance Programme is the microlendingarm of the Gerry Roxas Foundation. It lends to microenterprises withboth individual and group lending methodologies, and beganoperations in 1987.12/99 A Inicjatywa Mikro lends to microenterprises mainly in urban areas ofPoland. It is affiliated with Opportunity International.12/99 B Kafo Jiginew is a federation of credit unions operating in rural areasin the south-central region of Mali. It was founded in 1987.03/00 A KASHF is a NGO founded in 1996 to provide microcredit to lowincome women entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas. It is anaffiliate of ASA, Bangladesh.12/99 A Caja Los Andes grew out of ProCrédito, an NGO that began lendingoperations in 1992. It was converted to a special finance company in1995. Los Andes operates in urban and some rural areas in Bolivia,providing individual loans and savings services.12/99 B LOK is a NGO founded in 1997 to provide individual credit to smallentrepreneurs in urban and rural areas. It is financed by the LocalInitiatives Department of the World Bank that aims to improve accessto credit to the poor to promote economic reconstruction.12/99 B MC SEA is a NGO that started its operation in 1997 and providesindividual credit to microenterprises in war affected areas. It isfinanced by the Local Initiatives Department of the World Bank thataims to improve access to credit to the poor to promote economicreconstruction.12/98 A The Microenterprise Bank was launched by IPC in 1997 to providefinancial services such as loans, money transfers and depositservices to micro and small enterprises in Bosnia-Herzegovina.12/99 A Mibanco is a commercial microfinance bank offering microenterprisecredit in Lima, and is affiliated with ACCION International. Formerlyoperated as an NGO under the name Acción Comunitaria del Perú,the institution was transformed into a bank in 1998.12/99 B This former Save the Children village banking program in Jordan wasfounded in 1994. It focuses primarily on Palestinian women fromsquatter communities.12/99 B MIKROFIN is an affiliate of CARE international and started itsoperations in 1997. It provides individual and group loans tomicroentrepreneurs in semi-urban areas. It is financed by the LocalInitiatives Department of the World Bank and CARE.09/99 AAA Moyután is a member of the FENACOAC credit union federation, andparticipated in WOCCU’s technical assistance program inGuatemala. It offers loans and savings services to its members.12/99 A Moznosti, an affiliate of Opportunity International, began lending in1996. It operates both in urban and rural areas of Macedonia, andlends to microenterprises and small businesses.12/99 B Nachala, an affiliate of Opportunity International, converted into acooperative in 1998. It operates both in urban and rural areas andmakes individual loans to microenterprises and small businesses forworking capital.06/99 A Network Leasing is a private for profit financial company which offersfinancial services to microentrepreneurs. It uses leasing, amethodology considered compatible with Islamic law, which forbidsborrowing on interest.<strong>MICROBANKING</strong> <strong>BULLETIN</strong>, SEPTEMBER 2000 63

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