MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange


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<strong>BULLETIN</strong> HIGHLIGHTS AND TABLESTABLE B: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND EFFICIENCY INDICATORSCRITERIAADJUSTEDRETURN ONASSETSadj. net operatingincome / avg. totalassets(%)OPERATIONALSELF-SUFFICIENCYoperating income /interest, loan loss &admin expense(%)FINANCIALSELF-SUFFICIENCYadj. operating income /interest, adjustment, loanloss & admin expense (%)PORTFOLIOYIELDinterest incomefrom portfolio / avg.loan portfolio(%)AGE New (1 - 2 years) avg -8.4* 89.5* 77.7* 35.8stdv 9.2 26.5 20.2 10.0N 22 22 22 22Young (3 - 6 years) avg -7.3* 94.2* 81.0* 45.2stdv 8.8 28.4 21.3 21.2N 22 22 22 22Mature (> 6 years) avg -0.6* 120.7* 102.9* 42.6stdv 8.0 35.6 29.5 19.9N 64 64 64 64SCALE OF Large (Portfolio > US$ 8 avg 2.6* 126.5* 114.3* 34.2OPERATIONS million) stdv 4.2 36.4 25.1 11.6N 20 20 20 20Medium (Portfolio US$ 1 to 8 avg -3.3 111.4 93.9 41.7million) stdv 9.6 32.5 25.4 20.0N 65 65 65 65Small (Portfolio < US$ 1 avg -10.4* 85.2* 71.5* 48.1*million) stdv 8.4 24.6 18.8 17.9N 23 23 23 23METHOD- Individual avg -0.3* 121.8* 104.8* 36.5OLOGY stdv 6.8 33.7 29.9 15.3N 50 50 50 50Solidarity Groups avg -7.7* 92.6* 81.9* 41.2(groups of 3 to 9 borrowers) stdv 11.6 31.1 26.2 13.2N 38 38 38 38Village Banking avg -5.7 103.4 85.7 54.5*(groups with ≥ 10 borrowers) stdv 7.0 27.5 18.7 26.5N 20 20 20 20RETAIL Financial Intermediaries avg 0.0* 114.8 104.3* 34.5FINANCIAL (passbook and time deposits stdv 5.0 26.4 23.4 11.6INTER- ≥ 20% of total assets) N 25 25 25 25MEDIARYOther avg -5.3 106.6 89.2 44.1(passbook and time deposits stdv 10.6 37.5 28.0 21.2< 20% of total assets) N 85 85 85 85TARGET Low-end avg -7.6* 99.6 82.4* 50.8*GROUP (depth < 20% OR avg. loan stdv 11.2 37.7 26.4 24.1Balance < US$150) N 48 48 48 48Broad avg -1.1* 113.6 99.7* 36.6(depth between 20% and 149%) stdv 6.3 25.4 22.0 12.1N 50 50 50 50High-end avg -0.1 121.2 103.7 27.7*(depth ≥ 150%) stdv 4.9 42.2 32.8 5.3N 10 10 10 10Note: Standard deviations and sample sizes are listed below the group averages. The averages are calculated on the basis of the values between the second and the99th percentiles for each group; therefore, sample sizes vary across indicators. Group averages different from average for all MFIs at 5 percent significance level aremarked with an asterisk (*). Additional statistical information is available at www.calmeadow.com.50 <strong>MICROBANKING</strong> <strong>BULLETIN</strong>, SEPTEMBER 2000

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