MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange

MICROBANKING BULLETIN - Microfinance Information Exchange


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<strong>BULLETIN</strong> HIGHLIGHTS AND TABLESIndex of Ratios and TablesINDICATORS AND RATIOS DEFINITIONS TABLEOUTREACH AND INSTITUTIONAL INDICATORSTOTAL ASSETS Total assets (US$) 1,ANUMBER OFFICES Head office and branch offices (number) 1,ANUMBER STAFF Head office and branch staff (number) 1AGE OF INSTITUTION Years functioning as a MFI (years) 1NO OF PRESENT BORROWERS Borrowers with outstanding loans (number) 1,APERCENT WOMEN BORROWERS Women borrowers to total borrowers (%) 1,AMACROECONOMIC INDICATORSGNP PER CAPITA (CURRENT PRICES) GNP per capita (US$) 4GDP GROWTH RATE Annual average, 1990-1998 (%) 4INFLATION RATE Inflation rate (%) 4DEPOSIT RATE Deposit rate (%) 4FINANCIAL DEEPENING M3 / GDP (%) 4PROFITABILITYUNADJUSTED RETURN ON ASSETS Unadjusted net operating income / average total assets (%) 2ADJUSTED RETURN ON ASSETS (AROA) Adjusted net operating income / average total assets (%) 2,BADJUSTED RETURN ON EQUITY (AROE) Adjusted net operating income / average equity (%) 2OPERATIONAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY (OSS) Unadjusted operating income / unadjusted operating expense (%) 2,BFINANCIAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY (FSS) Adjusted operating income / adjusted operating expense (%) 2,BPROFIT MARGIN Adjusted net operating income / adjusted operating income (%) 2INCOME & EXPENSESOPERATING INCOME Adjusted operating income / average total assets (%) 2OPERATING EXPENSE RATIOAdjusted operating expenses (administrative, interest, adjustment and loan loss3provision expenses) / average total assets (%)NET INTEREST MARGINAdjusted net interest margin (operating income less interest and fee expense, inflation 2expense, subsidy expense and exchange rate expense) / average total assets (%)INTEREST EXPENSE Adjusted interest and fee expense, exchange rate expense / average total assets (%) 3ADJUSTMENT EXPENSE Inflation and subsidy adjustment expense / average total assets (%) 3LOAN LOSS PROVISION EXPENSE Adjusted loan loss provision expense / average total assets (%) 3SALARY EXPENSE – ASSETS Adjusted staff salary and benefits expense / average total assets (%) 3SALARY EXPENSE – PORTFOLIO Adjusted staff salary and benefits expense / average loan portfolio (%) 3,BOTHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE – Adjusted administrative expenses other than staff salary and benefits /3ASSETSaverage total assets (%)TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Adjusted total administrative expense (personnel, office supplies, deprecation,3,Brent, utilities, transportation, and others) / average loan portfolio (%)PORTFOLIO YIELD Adjusted total interest and fee income from loan portfolio / average loan portfolio (%) 2,BREAL INTEREST YIELD (Portfolio yield – inflation rate) / (1+inflation rate) (%) 2AVERAGE SALARY Adjusted average staff salary / GNP per capita (multiple of GNP per capita) 3,BCOST PER BORROWER Adjusted total administrative expenses / average number of borrowers (US$) 3,BSTAFF PRODUCTIVITY Present borrowers per staff member (number) 3,BPORTFOLIO INDICATORSPORTFOLIO AT RISK > 90 DAYS Outstanding balance of loans overdue > 90 days / total loan portfolio (%) 3,BTOTAL LOAN PORTFOLIO Portfolio outstanding (US$) 1,AAVG. LOAN BALANCE Total loan portfolio / present borrowers (US$) 1,ADEPTH Average loan balance / GNP per capita (%) 1,3,BCAPITAL AND LIABILITY STRUCTURE“MARKET” BASED FUNDING All liabilities with “market” cost / average loan portfolio (%) 1,ACAPITAL / ASSETS Adjusted total equity / adjusted total assets (%) 1,ANote: The tables listed by number are for the Peer Group comparisons. Those listed by letter are for the Additional Analyses, whichcompare MFIs based on the following five categories: Age, Lending Methodology, Level of Financial Intermediation, Target Market, andScale of Operations.<strong>MICROBANKING</strong> <strong>BULLETIN</strong>, SEPTEMBER 2000 39

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