A Life in the Day of Nixdown Nixon - The Woody Back to School Unit

A Life in the Day of Nixdown Nixon - The Woody Back to School Unit A Life in the Day of Nixdown Nixon - The Woody Back to School Unit

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11In Charge of the Hen-HouseThe main building dates back to theseventeenth century and was once the countryretreat of some punter with more money that God. Itis four storey’s tall and is a labyrinth of interconnectingcorridors, hallways and stairwells. When Ifirst started my sentence I needed a map andcompass to navigate the complex but now after sevenyears I can find my way around blind-folded.I climb the four flights of stairs that lead up tothe Elite landing with no particular purpose in mind. Ipass by the open door to Deborah’s study and canhear Lady Derby barking instructions at Yvonne andJanet with admirable authority. I chuckle to myself. Itcouldn’t happen to a more deserving pair of beyotch’s.Frankie is in my study straightening anddusting. Actually there is nothing that really needsstraightening or dusting but there is a queerphenomenon occurring amongst this year’s intake of

A Life in the Day of Nixdown Nixongrubbies. Lady Derby, Frankie, and Jojo’s grubbyMichelle Morgan are tight and for some reason theyappear to have embarked on some form ofcompetitive grubbing contest. Apparently Frankie andMichelle are determined not to be out-grubbed byLady Derby. It is all rather strange.“It’s Saturday Frankie, why don’t you takesome quality time with your chums?” I ask idly.“Besides I thought that you were helping Jojo withthe auditions?”“They don’t start for an hour,” she says. “I justwanted to check that everything is in order.”I have given up arguing.Frankie, Derby and Michelle are a remarkabletrio and have created quite a storm at the Unit. Theyare by any standards natural born minxes and arealready garnering headlines reminiscent of the glorydays when Cat Cassidy dubbed Jojo, Debs, Rosemaryand I as the ‘Famous Four’. We’ve had plenty of Überminxesfollow in our footsteps, Cassie Cassy of coursebut she is widely considered to be certifiably barking,and both Heidi Alexander and Linda Ash really made aname for themselves last year. But the ‘TerribleThreesome’ are something special and are ascompetitive about scoring whops as we were back inthe day.None of them arrived at Woodys sporting virginarses. Frankie likes to tell a delightful story aboutbeing spanked on her bare bottom in front of thewhole school for skinny dipping in the school pool.Some years later, in an interview with a French artsmagazine she would report that, “after being spanked

11In Charge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Hen-House<strong>The</strong> ma<strong>in</strong> build<strong>in</strong>g dates back <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>seventeenth century and was once <strong>the</strong> countryretreat <strong>of</strong> some punter with more money that God. Itis four s<strong>to</strong>rey’s tall and is a labyr<strong>in</strong>th <strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong>terconnect<strong>in</strong>gcorridors, hallways and stairwells. When Ifirst started my sentence I needed a map andcompass <strong>to</strong> navigate <strong>the</strong> complex but now after sevenyears I can f<strong>in</strong>d my way around bl<strong>in</strong>d-folded.I climb <strong>the</strong> four flights <strong>of</strong> stairs that lead up <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> Elite land<strong>in</strong>g with no particular purpose <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d. Ipass by <strong>the</strong> open door <strong>to</strong> Deborah’s study and canhear Lady Derby bark<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>structions at Yvonne andJanet with admirable authority. I chuckle <strong>to</strong> myself. Itcouldn’t happen <strong>to</strong> a more deserv<strong>in</strong>g pair <strong>of</strong> beyotch’s.Frankie is <strong>in</strong> my study straighten<strong>in</strong>g anddust<strong>in</strong>g. Actually <strong>the</strong>re is noth<strong>in</strong>g that really needsstraighten<strong>in</strong>g or dust<strong>in</strong>g but <strong>the</strong>re is a queerphenomenon occurr<strong>in</strong>g amongst this year’s <strong>in</strong>take <strong>of</strong>

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