NA071586 ADG Policy Summaries NWB1088 - NatWest

NA071586 ADG Policy Summaries NWB1088 - NatWest

NA071586 ADG Policy Summaries NWB1088 - NatWest


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Advantage Gold Insurance<strong>Policy</strong> summaries

Advantage Gold Insurance<strong>Policy</strong> <strong>Summaries</strong>Contents•Accidental DeathTravel InsuranceMobile Phone InsuranceExtended WarrantyIdentity Theft ProtectionPurchase ProtectionYour<strong>Policy</strong> SummaryPlease read this document carefully. Full terms and conditionscan be found within the policy document. This document doesnot form part of a contract between us.For full details of cover, including terms and conditions, pleaserefer to leaflet “Advantage Gold Account guide” which will becontained as part of your Advantage Gold Welcome Pack.Total Price to be PaidThere is no separate charge for these insurance policies. There isa monthly subscription charge for the Advantage Gold accountand this charge is not adjusted should you not wish to use theinsurance products.Benefits under the plan are free of all personal taxes undercurrent law and Inland Revenue practice. Tax law and practicemay change in the future. Other taxes may exist that are notpaid via the underwriting Insurer and/or National WestminsterBank Plc or imposed by them or us.The Monthly Subscription Charge for the account will be inclusiveof Insurance Premium Tax, where applicable, at the current rate.Business Language UsedThe language used in this and all other documents relating tothis policy is in English. All future communications both verbaland written will be in English.Calls may be recorded. Max call charge from a BT landline is 3p ( 0845) or 7.6p ( 0870) per minute. Calls from other networks may vary.

Advantage Gold Accidental Death BenefitDemands and NeedsThe <strong>NatWest</strong> Accidental Death Benefit meets the demands andneeds of <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold customers aged 18 to 69and resident in the UK who wish to ensure that a cash sum of£10,000 is available per account if they die because of anaccident. National Westminster Bank Plc are not making apersonal recommendation based on your individualcircumstances that the Plan is suitable for your needs and werecommend that you read the <strong>Policy</strong> Summary.Your <strong>Policy</strong> SummaryThis policy summary contains key information that youshould read. It does not contain the full terms and conditions ofthe Plan. The Plan is underwritten by Sterling InsuranceCompany Limited. You may need to review this cover periodicallyto ensure it remains adequate to your needs.Our contact address is: <strong>NatWest</strong> Health Protection Unit,Sterling Insurance Company Limited, Westbourne House,Coolinge Lane, Folkestone, Kent CT20 3RZ.EligibilityYour acceptance for Accidental Death Benefit is guaranteed ifyou are an Advantage Gold Customer aged between 18-69 andresident in the United Kingdom for at least 40 weeks in any52 week period.Features & BenefitsIn the event of your death as the result of an accident a benefitof £10,000 would be payable.Significant and Unusual Exclusionsand Limitations1. These benefits are subject to certain restrictions. The mainrestrictions are:• The maximum total benefit payable for all claims underthis policy is £10,000, see section 4 of the policy.• If your <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold account is a jointaccount then the benefit payable will be reduced inproportion to the number of names that appear on<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage’s records as holders of the jointaccount, see section 3 of the policy.• Cover under the plan is applicable providing you remain aUK resident for at least 40 weeks in any 52 week period,see section 2 of the policy.• The insurer may vary or amend the terms of your plan atany time by giving you 30 days’ notice in writing.2. There are a few exclusions. The benefit is not payable fordeath resulting from: war; military activities; certaindangerous occupations or sports; riding on a motorcycle ormoped as a driver or passenger; flying (except as a farepayingpassenger); suicide or self-inflicted injuries whethersane or insane; being under the influence of drugs oralcohol; illegal acts; exposure to exceptional danger (exceptin an attempt to save human life); the manufacture or use ofexplosives or the effects of radiation; HIV, AIDS or anyrelated condition or disease; having any sickness, disease ornaturally occurring condition or degenerative process. Fulldetails can be found in section 5 of the policy. The benefit isnot payable if death occurs more than 12 months after thedate of the accident.

3. Your plan ends when either: you die; you reach 70 years ofage; the date on which you cease to be a holder of a <strong>NatWest</strong>Advantage Gold Account; or the date on which the policy iscancelled by you or the Insurer, see section 6 of the policy.4. You have the right to cancel this insurance at any time. Thiscancellation period exceeds the 30 day post-sale periodrequired by the Financial Services Authority’s rules. As thispolicy cannot be cancelled in isolation you will also have tocancel your <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold account.5. To notify the Insurer of a claim please write to the contactaddress or telephone 0870 224 7580.6. How to complain. If you wish to complain about your policy,write to the insurer at the contact address or telephone themon 0870 224 7580. If you remain dissatisfied, you may thenrefer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service,South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SR.Telephone number: 0845 080 1800. Following these actionswill not affect your right to take legal action.7. If the insurer is unable to meet its liabilities, you may be entitledto compensation from the Financial Services CompensationScheme. The first £2,000 of a claim or policy is protected infull and above this threshold 90% of the rest of the claim orpolicy will be met. Further information can be obtained fromthe Financial Service Compensation Scheme at 7th Floor,Lloyds Chambers, Portsoken House, London E1 8BN.Other Important Information1. Sterling Insurance Company Limited is a private companylimited by shares incorporated in England and Wales,registered office Ambassador House, Paradise Road,Richmond upon Thames TW9 1SQ Registered number is498605.It underwrites general insurance business. It is a whollyowned subsidiary of Sterling Insurance Group Limited. It isauthorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.Our Financial Services Authority registered number is202012. You can check this on the FSA’s register atwww.fsa.gov.uk/register or by contacting the FSA on0845 606 1234.2. Sterling Insurance Company Limited propose to chooseEnglish law as the law applicable to the policy unless bothparties agree to exercise the right to choose any other lawbefore the start date. The policy terms and conditions andother information Sterling Insurance Company Limited arerequired to supply will be supplied in English. SterlingInsurance Company Limited will communicate with you inEnglish for the duration of the policy unless you and theyagree otherwise.3. In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995Sterling Insurance Company Limited is able to provide uponrequest a textphone facility, audiotapes, large printdocumentation, and Braille documentation. Please adviseus if you require any of these services to be provided so thatwe can communicate with you in an appropriate manner.

Travel InsuranceStatement of Demands and NeedsThe <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold Travel Insurance Benefit meetsthe demands and needs of <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold customerswho wish to ensure that travel insurance cover exists when onholiday. <strong>NatWest</strong> are not making a personal recommendationbased on your individual circumstances that the policy issuitable for your needs and we recommend that you read the<strong>Policy</strong> Summary.Your <strong>Policy</strong> SummaryPlease read this document carefully. Full terms and conditionscan be found within the policy document. This document doesnot form part of the contract between us. You may need toreview this cover periodically to ensure it remains adequate toyour needs.Features of your <strong>NatWest</strong> AdvantageGold Travel Insurance <strong>Policy</strong>This policy is underwritten by UK Insurance Limited. RegisteredOffice: The Wharf, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4AZ. Registered inEngland No. 1179980. You can only access benefits whilst youare an Advantage Gold Bank Account holder.• If you or your partner are aged 70 or more, you or yourpartner must contact us on the number below to paya premium of £50 and to be medically screened each year.• There is a maximum trip limit of 31 days, if you requireadditional days you must call us on the number below as soonas you are aware of your trip requirements.Telephone 0870 609 1213, we will send you confirmation ofcover in writing.

Sum insured Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations ExcessGeneral conditions and exclusionsN/AThe following conditions and exclusions apply to all sections of the policy wording.Conditions•••You, or any person acting for you, must not negotiate, admit or repudiate any claim without ourwritten consent.If any claim is found to be fraudulent in any way this policy will not apply and all claims will be forfeited.It is a criminal offence to make fraudulent claims.All material facts (e.g. criminal convictions, possible participation in hazardous activities, medicalconditions, etc) must have been disclosed to us. Failure to do so may invalidate this insurance leavingyou with no right to make a claim.ExclusionsThis policy excludes any claim arising from:• Death, injury, illness or disablement resulting from suicide, attempted suicide or wilful exposure todanger (except in an attempt to save human life).• Any consequence of War, Invasion, Act of Foreign Enemy, Hostilities (whether war be declared or not),Civil War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection or Usurped Power. Terrorism/a Terrorist act – this doesn’tapply to Section E, Emergency Medical and Travel Expenses abroad or to Section B, Personal Accidentexcept where nuclear, chemical or biological weapons/agents are used.• Death, injury, illness or disablement resulting from the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs (otherthan drugs taken under medical supervision and not for the treatment of drug addiction).• Claim related directly or indirectly to a medical condition of a close relative, travelling companion orbusiness associate (whether they are travelling or not) who:• has been a hospital in-patient in the last 12 months or been put on a waiting list for hospitaltreatment: or• has been diagnosed with or had cancer in the last year.N/ASection A – Baggage£1,500 Inner Limits• •Conditions•£50Single article limit: £250Limit for all valuables: £300Delayed baggage after;4 hours up to £10048 hours up to £400You must obtain a Property Irregularity Report from the carriers within 3 days of the incident or whereyou have reported the loss to the police authorities in the country where the loss occurred within 24hours of discovery, and obtain a copy of the report.• You should take all practical steps to recover any articles lost or stolen.

Sum insured Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations ExcessSection A – Baggage£1,500 Exclusions£50In addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for loss, damage, theft ordestruction of:Valuables left in luggage whilst in transit and outside the control of the insured person.• Valuables and personal possessions which are kept in your locked personal accommodation or safetydeposit box and force and violence has not been used to gain entry to your locked personalaccommodation or safety deposit box.• Sports equipment and accessories whilst in use.Section B – Personal AccidentItem 1 – Death where you are aged:Nila) Under 18 years: £2,000b) 18 years and over: £25,000Item 2 – Loss of limb: £25,000Item 3 – Loss of sight: £25,000Item 4 – Total permanent disablement: £25,000ExclusionsIn addition to anything in the general exclusions, we will not pay any claim which arises from or is inconnection with:Any sickness or disease, naturally occurring or degenerative condition, pregnancy or childbirth.A claim under more than 1 item of this section.A pre-existing medical condition.• Your participation in a hazardous activity.

Sum insured Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations ExcessSection C - Cancellation & Section D - Curtailment£5,000ConditionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general conditions, we will only pay;•••For travel and accommodation expenses, which you have pre-paid or contracted to pay, at the timeyou realise a claim may be made.Claims that are a result of an accident or illness, when a medical practitioner confirms in writing thatcancellation or curtailment is medically necessary.Claims for injury or illness to your cat or dog when it requires life saving treatment within seven daysprior to the start date of your journeyExclusionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for claims which are a result of:Your disinclination to travel or continue your journey.A pre-existing medical condition.• Pregnancy of which you were aware before the journey was booked or where the end of the journeyfalls outside the eighteen weeks prior to the estimated date of delivery or the journey start date isoutside 7 days after the estimated date of delivery.£50Section E – Medical and Emergency Expenses£5 million Inner Limits£50Towards funeral costs abroad; £2,500outpatientclaimsTowards someone coming out to you on advice of medical adviser; £2,000onlyConditionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general conditions, payment of claims is conditional upon you:• Accepting our decisions concerning the most suitable, practical and reasonable solution to any medicalemergency.• Contacting the assistance service as soon as possible after an incident arises (where costs are likely tobe greater than £500) to obtain authorisation for treatment or repatriation to take place.ExclusionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay:Claims which arise from a pre-existing medical condition.• For pregnancy claims or losses in relation to childbirth, where the expected date of delivery is beforeor within eighteen weeks of the expiry of the journey.• For any claims due to your participation in hazardous activities.

Sum insured Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations ExcessSection F – Personal Liability£2 million Exclusions£100 lossIn addition to anything in the general exclusions, we will not pay any claim which arises from:or damageto propertyDeath or bodily injury to your employees, family or travelling companion/s.•Section G – Personal MoneyOwnership, possession or use of any animal, firearms, mechanically propelled vehicles, vessels (otherthan manually propelled water craft) or aircraft of any description.£500 Conditions£50In addition to anything mentioned in the general conditions, in order for your claim to be considered youmust:Report any loss to the police within 24 hours of its discovery and obtain a police report from them.• Take all steps to recover property which is lost or stolen.ExclusionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for loss, damage, theft ordestruction of personal money:Left in luggage whilst in transit and outside the control of the insured person.• Outside your control, other than when it is kept in your locked personal accommodation or safetydeposit box as long as force and violence has been used to gain entry to your locked personalaccommodation or safety deposit box.• Left in any motor vehicle.Section H – Travel Delay and Abandonment£5,000Inner LimitsFirst full four hours £250ExclusionIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for claims which are a result of:• A strike or any form of industrial action which had been announced or commenced before youpurchased the travel tickets, obtained confirmation of booking or before you departed from your home.£50Section I – Missed Connections£250ExclusionIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for claims which are a result of:•A strike or any form of industrial action which had been announced or commenced before you purchasedthe travel tickets, obtained confirmation of booking or before you departed from your home address.Nil

Sum insured Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations ExcessSection J – Failure of Public Transport£250 ExclusionsNilIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for claims which are a result of:• You missing the check-in time as shown in your travel itinerary for any reason not detailed in the ‘Whatyou are covered for section’.• A strike or any form of industrial action which had been announced or commenced before you purchasedthe travel tickets, obtained confirmation of booking or before you departed from your home address.•Missed departure claims due to road traffic congestion or road closures where you have not leftreasonable time to reach your departure point on time or are not travelling by scheduled public transport.Section K – Lost of Passport/Driving Licence£750£400 Inner Limit£50 per dayConditionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general conditions, in order for your claim to be considered youmust:• Report the incident to the police in the country where the loss occurred within 24 hours and obtain acopy of the police report.ExclusionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay for claims which are a result of:Any destruction, loss or theft which occurred prior to the start date of your journey abroad.• Any costs incurred in replacing the passport or driving licence.Section L – Hospital BenefitNilExclusionsIn addition to anything mentioned in the general exclusions, we will not pay any claim:• Under this section, when we have not provided cover under section E – Medical and EmergencyExpenses.• In relation to pregnancy or childbirth.Nil

Your right to cancelYou have the right to cancel this insurance at any time. Thiscancellation period exceeds the 14 day post-sale period requiredby the Financial Services Authority’s rules. As this policy cannotbe cancelled in isolation you will also have to cancel your<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold Account.How to make a claimTo notify us of a claim in the first instance please telephone0870 609 1202.How to complainShould there ever be an occasion where you need to complain,please call us on 0870 609 1213. If your complaint relates toa claim, contact your claims handler whose details will be shownin your claims documentation.If you wish to write, then address your letter to IGIS Ltd, LumbryPark, Selborne Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 3HF.If we cannot resolve the differences between us, you may referyour complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).Their address is: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall,London E14 9SR, telephone 0845 080 1800.Details about our RegulatorUK Insurance Limited is authorised and regulated by theFinancial Services Authority. The Financial Services Authoritywebsite which includes a register of all regulated firms can bevisited at www.fsa.gov.uk/register, or the Financial ServicesAuthority can be contacted on 0845 606 1234.Under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, should thecompany be unable to meet all its liabilities to policyholders,compensation may be available. Information can be obtained onrequest, or by visiting the Financial Services CompensationScheme website at www.fscs.org.uk. The first £2,000 of a claimor policy is protected in full and above this threshold 90% of therest of the claim or policy will be met. Further information can beobtained on request from the Financial Services CompensationScheme website at www.fscs.org.ukThis policy shall be governed and construed in accordance withthe Law of England and Wales and the English courts alone shallhave jurisdiction in any dispute. Communication of and inconnection with this policy shall be in the English language.

Mobile Phone InsuranceStatement of Demands and NeedsThe product meets the demands and needs of those who wish toensure that their mobile phone is covered against theft,loss and/ordamage. <strong>NatWest</strong> are not making a recommendation based onyour individual circumstances that the policy is suitable for yourneeds and we recommend that you read the <strong>Policy</strong> Summary.Your <strong>Policy</strong> SummaryThis section gives a summary of the cover provided. Full terms,conditions and exceptions for the product are detailed within the<strong>Policy</strong> Document. You may need to review this cover periodicallyto ensure that it remains adequate to your requirements.1. Insurance Provider: The insurance is underwritten byLondon General Insurance Company Limited.2. Types of Insurance and Cover: This is a insurance productthat provides cover for one registered mobile phone and SIMcard for each Advantage Gold customer (up to a maximum oftwo phones for Advantage Gold joint accounts), and up to amaximum original retail cost or value of £350 per phone.The contract provides worldwide cover that protects yourmobile phone against loss, theft, accidental damage,mechanical and electrical breakdown, accessories andunauthorised calls.•3. Significant Features and Benefits: Protects your mobilephone wherever you are in the world, repair or replacementwill be arranged upon your return to the UK, against:•• Loss;• Theft;Accidental damage;• Water and liquid damage;• Mechanical breakdown;Electrical breakdown;•Unauthorised calls up to £1,500 per claim for a monthlypay phone and £100 per claim for a pay-as-you-gophone• Accessories up to £200 per claim.4. Statement of price: There is no additional charge for ourmobile phone insurance.5. Significant Exclusions and Limitations: Refer to Section Kof your <strong>Policy</strong> Document for a full list of the cover’sexclusions and limitations. The following are the significantexclusions and limitations:• You are not covered during the period of 21 days afteryou register the details of your phone and/or SIM card, orfor the period of 21 days after you change the phoneand/or SIM card you have already registered• Theft of your phone and accessories from a motor vehicleor from an unattended building• Theft or loss of your phone and accessories where theyhave been left accidentally or deliberately in a publicplace or a place to which other people have access• The cost of unauthorised calls whilst the phone was not inyour custody, where the theft or loss of the phone hasnot been reported to the airtime-provider and the Policewithin 24 hours, and the administrator within 48 hours, ofyou discovering the incident• Loss or damage caused by, or during, maintenance ormodification of the phone6. Duration of the Insurance Contract: The cover includesa maximum of two claims per account holder in any12-month period.

7. Cancellation Rights: You have the right to cancel theinsurance contract at any time, which will have immediateeffect. As the cover is provided as a benefit of being a<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold account holder, a cooling offperiod does not apply.If the connected <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold account iscancelled, this insurance cover ends at the same time.8. Making a Claim: Should you need to register a claim, you cando this online at www.natwest.com/adgold or by telephoningthe Advantage Gold Members’ Priority Line on 0845 3003695. Please refer to Section E of your <strong>Policy</strong> Document.9. Making a Complaint: If you would like to contact us tomake a complaint, you can do so by either:• Telephoning our Customer Relations team on0845 300 3695;•Write to us at the following address, quoting your mobilephone number in all correspondence:Customer Relations DepartmentLifestyle Services Group LimitedPO Box 395Crewe CW1 6ZPOur staff will endeavour to resolve your query as soon aspossible. In the unlikely event that your query has not beenresolved within 4 weeks of our receiving it, we will write andlet you know the reasons why, and what further action wewill take. Once we have resolved your query, we will confirmour response in writing.If you have a complaint relating to the policy wording orcontract, please contact the insurer at the following address:London General Insurance Company LimitedCombined House15 Wheatfield WayKingston Upon ThamesSurrey KT1 2PQ10. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme: You arecovered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme(FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from thescheme if we cannot meet our obligations. Most insurancecontracts are covered for 100% of the first £2,000 and 90%of the remainder of the claim, without any upper limit. Youcan get more information about the compensation schemearrangements by contacting the FSCS on 0207 892 7300 orby visiting their website at www.fscs.org.uk.Important pre-contract information1. Registering Your Mobile Phone for Cover: To qualify for yourFree cover, you must register your mobile phone(s) with us bycontacting the Advantage Gold Members’ Priority Line on0845 300 3695 or go on-line to www.natwest.com/adgold2. Further information about us and our Regulator: LifestyleServices Group Limited. Registered in England No. 5114385.Registered Office: Unit 12, Crewe Hall Enterprise Park,Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 6UE. Authorised andregulated by the Financial Services Authority, FRN 315245.London General Insurance Company Limited. Registered inEngland No: 1865673. Registered office: Combined House,15 Wheatfield Way, Kingston Upon Thames,Surrey KT1 2PQ. Authorised and regulated by the FinancialServices Authority, FRN 202689.3. Law governing the contract: This information provided, includingthe terms and conditions have been provided in English. We willcommunicate in English, and English Law will apply to all ourinsurance contracts unless we agree otherwise with you.

Extended WarrantyStatement of Demands and NeedsThe product meets the demands and needs of those who wish toensure that their domestic electrical appliance is protectedagainst the costs of repair or replacement in the event of abreakdown. You will receive information about the details of theproducts and their terms from us, but will not receive advice fromus on whether this policy is suitable for your needs – you shouldmake your own choice whether it is acceptable.Your <strong>Policy</strong> SummaryThis plan summary does not contain the full terms andconditions of the insurance contract, which is included inan Insurance Certificate provided to you following registrationof your appliance for extended warranty cover. You may needto review this cover periodically to ensure it remains adequateto your needs.1. Insurance Provider: The insurance plans are underwrittenby Domestic & General Insurance PLC.2. Types of Insurance and Cover: Free 2nd year ExtendedWarranty (“Free Cover”): This is a general insurance contractthat provides free extended warranty cover for qualifyinghousehold appliances in the 2nd year after purchase,protecting against the costs of breakdown, food spoilage(freezing equipment only) and accidental damage from thedate you register your appliance.Purchase additional 3 year cover (“Additional Cover”): Onregistration of your appliance under Free Cover, dependingon the appliance, we may also offer you the opportunity topurchase an optional extension to the Free Cover for afurther 3 years. This Additional Cover will be offered on thesame basis as for the Free Cover described above. Wherethe Additional Cover is chosen you should review this coverperiodically to ensure it remains adequate.3. Significant Features and Benefits: For both the Free Coverand Additional Cover these are:• Cover in the event of breakdown and accidental damagewhile the plan is in force;• No repair bill is payable, as the repairer will normally billDomestic & General direct;• Food spoilage cover for freezing equipment in the event ofbreakdown or if there is an accidental failure of the publicelectricity supply (except as a result of bad weatherconditions).4. Statement of price: There is no charge for our Free Cover.Upon registration, you may be offered the chance topurchase Additional Cover and the price will be notified toyou at this time. Payment options for the Additional Coverwill also be advised at this time. The price stated will includeInsurance Premium Tax (IPT) at the rate applicable at thattime. Delivery and installation charges are not covered wherean appliance is replaced.5. Significant Exclusions and Limitations: The full list of whatis not covered by your plan is contained in Section 9 of yourInsurance Certificate. The following are significant exclusionsand limitations:• Our approved repairers must be used; repair estimatesover £125 must be pre-authorised by us;• Breakdown costs will not be covered if they are stillcovered elsewhere by any manufacturer’s guarantee;• Food spoilage: limit of £300 per claim with aggregatelimit of £500; £50 limit for hiring temporary freezer space;

If you are still not satisfied you can ask the FinancialOmbudsman Service to review your case. They can becontacted at: South Quay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall,London E14 9SR. Telephone: 0845 080 1800.Email: enquiries@financial-ombudsman.org.ukLaw governing the contract: The information provided,including the terms and conditions have been provided inEnglish. We will communicate in English, and English Law willapply to all our insurance contracts unless we agree otherwisewith you.10. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme: We arecovered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if wecannot meet our obligations. This depends on the type ofbusiness and the circumstances of the claim. Insuranceadvising and arranging is covered for 100% of the first£2,000 and 90% of the remainder of the claim without anyupper limit. Further information about compensation schemearrangements is available from the FSCS at www.fscs.org.ukor calling them on 020 7892 7300.Important pre-contract informationRegistering your appliance for cover: To qualify for your FreeCover each and every appliance must be registered with theExtended Warranty Helpline on 0870 60 80 890 within60 days of purchase. Certain high value items such as plasmaand LCD televisions and monitors, and lap tops are not eligiblefor registration – you can check before purchasing the applianceby calling the Extended Warranty Helpline.Further information about us and our regulator: Domestic &General Insurance PLC (company number 485850), whosehead office address is Swan Court, Mansel Road, WimbledonSW19 4AA, is authorised and regulated by the Financial ServicesAuthority (FSA registration number 202111). Our address anddetails of our authorisation can be checked on the FSA website (www.fsa.gov.uk/register) or contacting the FSA on0845 606 1234.

How do I make a claim under Identity Theft Protection?You can register a claim by calling the Advantage GoldMembers’ Priority Line 0845 300 3695.Would I receive compensation if Landmark InsuranceCompany was unable to meet its liabilities?You may be entitled to compensation from the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme if the insurers are unable to meet theirliabilities under this insurance.How do I make a complaint?If you have a complaint about the policy, its administration or aclaim, please contact:Customer Relations Manager, AIG Europe (UK) Limited,2-8 Altyre Road, Croydon CR9 2LG.Email: uk.customer.relations@aig.comImportant pre-contract informationCover commences upon registration by calling the AdvantageGold Members’ Priority Line 0845 300 3695Your right to cancelCover can be cancelled at anytime by writing to CustomerRelations Manager, Sentinel House, Airspeed Road, Portsmouth,Hampshire PO3 5RF or by calling the Advantage Gold Members’Priority Line 0845 300 3695.s and NeedsIf any complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you mayrefer any dispute to the Financial Ombudsman Service, SouthQuay Plaza, 183 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SRTelephone: (0) 845 080 1800

Purchase ProtectionStatement of Demands and NeedsThis product meets the insurance requirements of those who wishto ensure that their qualifying purchases are covered againsttheft of or damage to personal property purchased by thecardholder with their credit card or service card when the item isnot insured elsewhere. <strong>NatWest</strong> are not making a personalrecommendation based on your individual circumstances that thePlan is suitable for your needs and we recommend that you readthe <strong>Policy</strong> Summary.Your <strong>Policy</strong> Summary<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold Purchase Protection is underwrittenby Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc. The contract remainsin force for as long as you are a <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Goldaccount holder. You may need to review this cover periodically toensure it remains adequate to your needs.The following tables provide only a summary of the main policyfeatures and benefits and the terms and conditions. For fulldetails of these and all the terms and conditions that apply youshould read the Terms & Conditions wording a copy of which willbe provided at any time on request.Table 1 – Purchase ProtectionThe following benefits are automatically included:Features & Benefits Significant and Unusual Exclusions and Limitations Terms & Conditions SectionPurchase Cover • Purchase CoverCovers theft of or loss of oraccidental damage to personalproperty purchased in theUnited Kingdom, ChannelIslands or the Isle of Manby the cardholder with theircredit card.General Conditions and Exclusions••No cover is provided for items insured by any other policy.No cover is provided for wear and tear, depreciation or repair.Theft or loss of or accidental damage must occur within(Premier Credit & Service Card 100 days/Advantage GoldCredit 100 days/Service Card 45 days) of purchase.• Maximum amount for any one item is: (Premier Credit£25,000 & Service Card £2,500/Advantage Gold Credit£3,500 & Service Card £1,000).No cover for items under £50.• Total claim limit in any 12 month period is: (Premier Credit£25,000 & Service Card £15,000/Advantage Gold Credit£15,000 & Service Card £10,000).Table 2 – General Conditions & Exclusions (See Sections specified in Table 1) The following apply to the Purchase Protection.For full details of these and other exclusions/restrictions and limits please read the Terms & Conditions wording.No cover is provided for jewellery or watches in baggage unless carried by hand and underthe personal supervision of the cardholder.No cover is provided for livestock, pets, plants or business goods.SeeTerms & Conditions SectionSections specifiedin Table 1

Your right to cancel the policyYou have the right to cancel this Insurance at any time. Thiscancellation period exceeds the 14 day post-sale period requiredby the Financial Services Authority’s rules. As this policy cannotbe cancelled in isolation you will also have to cancel your<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold account.Your <strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold Agreement has full details on yourright to cancel.ClaimsShould you wish to claim under your Purchase Protection youshould call the Claims Helpline on Ad Gold 0845 0740074 assoon as possible. You must give us any information or help thatwe ask for. You must not settle, reject, negotiate or agree to payany claim without our written permission. Full details of how toclaim are included in the Terms & Conditions wording.ComplaintsWe aim to give customers a high standard of service at all times.If you are unhappy with the service provided for any reason orhave cause for complaint you should initially contact the personwho arranged the policy for you or the manager of Royal & SunAlliance Insurance plc at the address shown on your quotation orschedule, as appropriate. They will tell you what they will do toresolve your concerns and how long it will take.In the unlikely event that you remain dissatisfied and wish to makea complaint, please contact us at the appropriate address below.If the Customer Relations Office cannot resolve the matter toyour satisfaction, we will provide you with our final responseso that you can, if you wish, refer the matter to the FinancialOmbudsman Service at the address below. If you make acomplaint, your right to legal action against us is not affected.Purchase ProtectionCustomer Relations ManagerRoyal & Sun AllianceBowling MillDean Clough Industrial ParkHalifaxHX3 5WAFinancial Ombudsman ServiceInsurance DivisionThe Financial Ombudsman ServiceSouth Quay Plaza183 Marsh WallLondonE14 9SR

CompensationRoyal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc is a member of the FinancialServices Compensation Scheme. This provides compensation incase any of its members go out of business or into liquidationand are unable to meet any valid claims under its policies. Thefirst £2,000 of a claim is protected in full. Above this threshold,90% of the remainder of the claim will be met. Furtherinformation can be obtained from us or the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme (FSCS).Other Important InformationThe law and language applicable to the policyBoth you and we can choose the law that will apply to thispolicy. The policy is governed by the law which applies to thepart of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or the Isle of Manin which you normally live.Royal & Sun Alliance<strong>NatWest</strong> Advantage Gold Purchase Protection is underwritten byRoyal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc which is authorised andregulated by the Financial Services Authority as an insurancecompany and, with effect from 14 January 2005, to undertakeinsurance mediation under Registration No. 202323. You cancheck this on the FSA’s Register by visiting the FSA’s websitewww.fsa.gov.uk/register or by contacting the FSA on0845 606 1234.Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance plc (No. 93792). Registered inEngland and Wales at St. Mark’s Court, Chart Way, Horsham,West Sussex RH12 1XL. Authorised and regulated by theFinancial Services Authority.The language used in this policy and any communicationsrelating to it will be English.

OwnershipThe Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, which is a parent company of various insurance companies in The Royal Bank of Scotland Group (including companies in theDirect Line Group (such as Direct Line insurance plc, Direct Line Life Insurance Limited, National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation Limited, UK Insurance Limited andPrivilege Insurance Company Limited), Churchill Insurance Company Limited and also National Westminster Life Assurance Limited and Royal Scottish Assurance plc),also directly wholly owns and controls National Westminster Bank Plc.National Westminster Bank Plc. Registered Office: 135 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3UR. Registered No. 929027, England. NWB 1088 February 2007

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