Opinion Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District

Opinion Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District

Opinion Writing Rubric - Kenton County School District


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The <strong>Kenton</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong><strong>Opinion</strong>(Audience, Purpose andIdea Development)Grades 3-5 Scoring <strong>Rubric</strong> (<strong>Opinion</strong> <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong>)Emerging Near Expectation Meets Expectation AdvancedLacks introduction of a topic ora text and/or stated opinionLacks awareness of audienceLacks organizational structure(e.g. thesis statement)Attempts to introduce a topic ora text; attempts to state anopinionAttempts to demonstrateawareness of audienceAttempts to create anorganizational structure (e.g.thesis statement)Introduces a topic or a textclearly; states an opinionDemonstrates awareness ofaudienceCreates an organizationalstructure (e.g. thesis statement)Establishes a focused purposeby introducing a topic or a textand clearly stating an opinionMeets the needs of theaudienceCreates a logical and coherentorganizational structure (e.gthesis statement)StructureLacks reasons supportingopinionLacks focus on the opinionLacks concluding statement orsectionLacks transitionsAttempts to use reasonssupported by facts and/or detailsto support opinionAttempts to stay focused on theopinionAttempts to provide a concludingstatement or sectionAttempts transitions within andbetween paragraphsUses reasons supported by factsand/or details to supportopinion (referring to text whenappropriate)Maintains focus on the opinionProvides a concluding statementor section supporting theopinionUses effective transitions withinand between paragraphs to linkopinion and reasonsUses elaborated reasonssupported by facts and/ordetails to support opinion(referring to text whenappropriate)Maintains strong focus on theopinionProvides a concludingstatement or section stronglysupporting the opinionUses subtle transitions withinand between paragraphs toeffectively link opinion andreasonsIdeas are randomly groupedAttempts to group ideas tosupport the opinionGroups ideas to support theopinionGroups ideas to enhance thesupport of the opinionBased on KDE’s Three Modes of <strong>Writing</strong> document, KCAS writing and anchor standards, and Kentucky <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong> Revised February 2012

Conventions(Sentence Structure,Grammar, Usage andWord Choice)Lacks the correct use ofgrammar and mechanicsLacks effective word choiceLacks voice and toneAttempts to use correct grammarand mechanicsAttempts to communicate withaudience through limited wordchoiceAttempts to use voice and toneappropriate for audience andpurposeCommunicates with audience byusing correct grammar andmechanicsCommunicates with audienceusing appropriate word choiceEmploys voice and toneappropriate for audience andpurposeCommunicates with audienceeffectively by using correctgrammar and mechanicsCommunicates with audienceusing effective and purposefulword choiceEmploys purposeful voice andtone appropriate for audienceand purposeUses simple sentencesAttempts to vary sentencestructureVaries sentence structureVaries sentence structureeffectively to enhance writingLacks correct spelling of gradeappropriatewordsAttempts to spell gradeappropriatewords correctlySpells grade-appropriate wordscorrectlySpells above grade-level wordscorrectlyBased on KDE’s Three Modes of <strong>Writing</strong> document, KCAS writing and anchor standards, and Kentucky <strong>Writing</strong> <strong>Rubric</strong> Revised February 2012

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