hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah

hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah


Introduction to HIRARC• Principles used in workplace to managesafety and health.• Section 15 (2)(a) of OSHA 1994:which reads “ the provision and maintenanceof plants and systems of work that are, so faras is practicable, safe and without risks tohealth”

• HazardDefinitionA source or a situation with a potential for harmto humans, property and damage of environmentor a combination of these.• DangerRelative exposure to hazard.• RiskA combination of likelihood of occurrence andseverity of injury or damage.

Introduction to HIRARC• Principles used in workplace to managesafety and health.• Section 15 (2)(a) of OSHA 1994:which reads “ the provision and maintenanceof plants and systems of work that are, so faras is practicable, safe and without <strong>risk</strong>s tohealth”

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