hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah

hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah hazard identification, risk assessment & risk control - Sabah


How To Assess Risk1) Look for the Hazards2) Decide who might be harmed & how3) Evaluate the risk and check what isdone to prevent it from happening4) Record finding5) Review assessment and revise it ifnecessary

Types of Risk AssessmentQualitative - (Use Risk Matrix)-table scales for likelihood and severity• Fatality• Major injuries• Minor injuries• First aid or near misses

How To Assess Risk1) Look for the Hazards2) Decide who might be harmed & how3) Evaluate the <strong>risk</strong> and check what isdone to prevent it from happening4) Record finding5) Review <strong>assessment</strong> and revise it ifnecessary

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