Titer determination in potentiometry - Metrohm

Titer determination in potentiometry - Metrohm Titer determination in potentiometry - Metrohm


Application Bulletin 206/4 eTiter determination in potentiometryPage 2/4Electrodes and titrimetric standard substances for determiningthe titer of different titrantsTable 1: Acid-base titrations (acidimetry, alkalimetry)Complexometric/chelatometric titrationsTitrant Titrimetric standard Electrode RemarksAqueous acidsHCl, H 2 SO 4Aqueous basesNaOHPerchloric acid HClO 4in glacial acetic acidTrifluoromethanesulfonicacid CF 3 SO 3 Hin glacial acetic acidTrifluoromethanesulfonicacid CF 3 SO 3 Hin isopropanolTetrabutylammoniumhydroxide in isopropanolAlcoholic KOHCyclohexylamineC 6 H 11 NH 2 in methanolEDTA (Komplexon III,Titriplex III or IdranalIII)Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane(CH 2 OH) 3 CNH 2 (TRIS)(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Benzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHBenzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHBenzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHCalcium carbonateCaCO 3(105 °C)Combined pH electrode,e.g. 6.0259.100Combined pH electrode,e.g. 6.0259.100Solvent: waterSolvent: water6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/Lin ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/Lin ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/Lin ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: isopropanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: ethanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: methanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L in ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0504.100 calcium ISEor6.0502.140 copper ISE;6.0726.107 referenceelectrode (filled withc(KCl) = 3 mol/L)Suspend CaCO 3 in water, dissolve inHCl and add buffer pH = 10.0(NH 3 /NH 4 OH).For titrations with the Cu ISE, add1 mL c(Cu-EDTA) = 0.05 mol/L to thesample solution (see also Metrohm ABNo. 101).The indicated electrodes are meant as a suggestion. It is often also possible to use other electrodes or electrodesystems.

Application Bulletin 206/4 eTiter determination in potentiometryPage 3/4Table. 2:Precipitation titrations (argentometry)Redox titrations (cerimetry, iodometry, permanganometry, ferrometry, Karl Fischer titration)Titrant Titrimetric standard Electrode RemarksSilver nitrate AgNO 3Lanthanum nitrateLa(NO 3 ) 3Cerium(IV) in H 2 SO 4 orHClO 4Sodium chloride NaCl(110 °C)Sodium fluoride NaF(110 °C)Arsenic trioxide As 2 O 3(105 °C)Iodine solution KI 3 Arsenic trioxide As 2 O 3(105 °C)Potassium permanganateKMnO 4Sodium thiosulfateNa 2 S 2 O 3Iron(II) solution(NH 4 ) 2 Fe(SO 4 ) 2Sodium oxalateNa 2 C 2 O 4(105 °C)Potassium hydrogendiiodate KH(IO 3 ) 2(100 °C)Potassium dichromateK 2 Cr 2 O 7(105 °C)6.0450.100 combinedAg ring electrode (referenceelectrolyte: KNO 3saturated) or6.0430.100 Ag Titrode6.0502.150 fluoride ISE;6.0726.107 referenceelectrode (filled withc(KCl) = 3 mol/L)6.0451.100 combined Ptring electrode or6.0431.100 Pt Titrode6.0451.100 combined Ptring electrode or6.0431.100 Pt Titrode6.0451.100 combined Ptring electrode or6.0452.100 combinedAu ring electrode6.0451.100 combined Ptring electrode or6.0431.100 Pt Titrode6.0452.100 combinedAu ring electrodeSodium nitrite NaNO 2 Sulfanilic acid 6.0452.100 combinedAu ring electrodeKarl Fischer reagentSodium tartrate dihydrateC 4 H 4 Na 2 O 6 x2 H 2 O orwater standards inampoules (Riedel-deHaën)6.0338.100 polarizeddouble Pt electrodeDissolve NaCl in 40 mL water, thenadd 2 mL c(HNO 3 ) = 2 mol/L and possibly2 mL 0.2% polyvinyl alcohol solution.(Dissolve polyvinyl alcohol (Merck No.114266) in warm water.)Dissolve NaF in 50 mL water, add10 mL acetate buffer pH = 6.0 andtitrate slowly (see also Metrohm ABNo. 82).Dissolve As 2 O 3 in 10 mL c(NaOH) =1 mol/L, then add 6 mL c(H 2 SO 4 ) =1 mol/L and 2 g NaHCO 3 (see alsoMetrohm AB No. 52).Dissolve As 2 O 3 in 10 mL c(NaOH) =1 mol/L, then add 6 mL c(H 2 SO 4 ) =1 mol/L and 2 g NaHCO 3 .Dissolve Na 2 C 2 O 4 in 40 mL water, thenadd 5 mL concentrated H 2 SO 4 and 1 gMnSO 4 .Stock solution: Dissolve KH(IO 3 ) 2 inwater and make up to 100 mL; use10 mL of this solution, dilute with40 mL water, then add 1 g KI and 4 mLc(HCl) = 1 mol/L.Dissolve K 2 Cr 2 O 7 in 40 mL water, thenadd 3 mL concentrated H 2 SO 4 .Dissolve sulfanilic acid in 50 mL water,add 30 mL w(HBr) = 20% and titrateimmediately using the MET mode(0.10 mL, 25 s).Fill methanol or KF solvent into thetitration vessel and condition. As soonas a steady drift is attained, add thestandard and titrate with the KF reagent.The titer is specified in mg H 2 O / mLKF reagent (documentation availablefrom Riedel-de Haën or Merck).The indicated electrodes are meant as a suggestion. It is often also possible to use other electrodes or electrodesystems.

Application Bullet<strong>in</strong> 206/4 e<strong>Titer</strong> <strong>determ<strong>in</strong>ation</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>potentiometry</strong>Page 2/4Electrodes and titrimetric standard substances for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gthe titer of different titrantsTable 1: Acid-base titrations (acidimetry, alkalimetry)Complexometric/chelatometric titrationsTitrant Titrimetric standard Electrode RemarksAqueous acidsHCl, H 2 SO 4Aqueous basesNaOHPerchloric acid HClO 4<strong>in</strong> glacial acetic acidTrifluoromethanesulfonicacid CF 3 SO 3 H<strong>in</strong> glacial acetic acidTrifluoromethanesulfonicacid CF 3 SO 3 H<strong>in</strong> isopropanolTetrabutylammoniumhydroxide <strong>in</strong> isopropanolAlcoholic KOHCyclohexylam<strong>in</strong>eC 6 H 11 NH 2 <strong>in</strong> methanolEDTA (Komplexon III,Titriplex III or IdranalIII)Tris(hydroxymethyl)-am<strong>in</strong>omethane(CH 2 OH) 3 CNH 2 (TRIS)(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Potassium hydrogenphthalate C 8 H 5 KO 4 orTRIS(105 °C)Benzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHBenzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHBenzoic acidC 6 H 5 COOHCalcium carbonateCaCO 3(105 °C)Comb<strong>in</strong>ed pH electrode,e.g. 6.0259.100Comb<strong>in</strong>ed pH electrode,e.g. 6.0259.100Solvent: waterSolvent: water6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L<strong>in</strong> ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L<strong>in</strong> ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: glacial acetic acidReference electrolyte: c(LiCl) = 2 mol/L<strong>in</strong> ethanol (6.2312.010)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: isopropanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L <strong>in</strong> ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: ethanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L <strong>in</strong> ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0229.100 Solvotrode Solvent: methanolReference electrolyte: c(TEABr) =0.4 mol/L <strong>in</strong> ethylene glycol(6.2320.000)6.0504.100 calcium ISEor6.0502.140 copper ISE;6.0726.107 referenceelectrode (filled withc(KCl) = 3 mol/L)Suspend CaCO 3 <strong>in</strong> water, dissolve <strong>in</strong>HCl and add buffer pH = 10.0(NH 3 /NH 4 OH).For titrations with the Cu ISE, add1 mL c(Cu-EDTA) = 0.05 mol/L to thesample solution (see also <strong>Metrohm</strong> ABNo. 101).The <strong>in</strong>dicated electrodes are meant as a suggestion. It is often also possible to use other electrodes or electrodesystems.

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