ARKANSASGAZETTEINDEX An Arkansas Index 1987 By ... - Library

ARKANSASGAZETTEINDEX An Arkansas Index 1987 By ... - Library

ARKANSASGAZETTEINDEX An Arkansas Index 1987 By ... - Library


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A R K A N S A S G A Z E T T E I N D E X<strong>An</strong><strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Index</strong><strong>1987</strong><strong>By</strong>Shannon J.HendersonCopyright <strong>1987</strong><strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech University <strong>Library</strong>Russellville, <strong>Arkansas</strong>

HOW TO USE THE ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE INDEXThe <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat-Gazette <strong>Index</strong> consists of brief summarizingstatements of the news of <strong>Arkansas</strong> as it was published in the finaledition of the <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat-Gazette. Only those articlesdealing with <strong>Arkansas</strong> people, places and events are considered forinclusion. Material not considered useful for future reference isomitted. Routine articles reporting on sports, social events andbusiness activities are omitted.HEADINGSsubject headings (entries) are the main type of entry and are usedwhen possible. Names of prominent persons and of firms andorganizations are used as entries, but most names are crossreferenced to subjects.All subject headings (entries) are arranged alphabetically, wordby-word.Example: Old WashingtonOldhamUse of commas in subject headings result in an unusual filingsystem since the computer considers them when arranging entriesthat are identical up to the comma.Example: Harris, summer MichelleHenderson FarmsHenderson State UniversityHenderson, John DavidHenderson, Shannon ElizabethAbbreviations used as subject headings are arranged alphabeticallyas if they were words.Example:PaynePCBsPea Ridgecross references are arranged in alphabetical order and are listedbefore summaries of articles under that same heading.LOCATION SYMBOLSEach summary is followed by the month, day, year, page and columnnumber where the article appeared in the Final (City) edition ofthe <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat-Gazette.Reference from a person's name to a subjectthe named person is directly involved or isthe topic. In all cases, the articleclarification of this point.does not indicate ifmerely commenting onshould be read for

ARKANSAS GAZEn'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE

ARKANSAS GAZErr'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLFarmer at Marion gambles with produce<strong>Arkansas</strong> Fann Bureau dlief sees new wave of optimisnstate Farm Bureau i;:asses several resolutions at comNew strategies needed for exports, Winrock meeting toldRusting cotton gins raninders of era when cotton was kingFa.on Bureau re-elects <strong>An</strong>draY" Whisenhunt, Jack JonesFann Families of the Year listed for each countyJohl'111Y H Wilson family named state Farm Family of the YearChart sha-1s product, vol, cost of Ark sales to u programIGRIQJL'IURE IEPARTMENT (US)11/08/87 DOl 112/01/87 CO! 212/03/87 C08 112/04/87 C03 512/07 /87 COl 212/10/87 COl 112/11/87 COB 112/12/87 COl 212/14/87 C02 1Walter White Jr says transfer forced after bias complaint 01/24/87 Al3 1Walter White SCffS East Ark officials refused to work with him 01/24/87 Al3 1USD.Z\. finds no evidence KKK affected hiring in agencies in Ark 03/05/87 AOl 2IGRIQJL'IURE HALL OF FAMEHall being established in ArkAIR .FORCE (US)see DefensesAIR roLLUTIOOsee PollutionAIRELANF.Ssee Av iationAIRIDRIBsee AviationALAM:> QIRISTIAN rouTIONQiarges sought against Nashville, Tenn churchIsraeli files suit at Fort Smith wer lease at TiberiasOff ice rs arrest three at Alma compoundALBRIGHT, QIARLF.s11/16/87 ClO 603/04/87 B02 507/22/87 1302 310/06/87 AlO 3see also BooksALBRIGHT, FONCITALittle Rock wanan is professional cla-1n without a circusALnf iscatedsee also Traffic AccidentsDrug-making operation in RanoolJ;il CO mc;w be state' s largest 01/01/87 AO! 2Two arrested, itans for making stimul ant seized in Randol?i 01/01/87 AOl 2Two counties get valuable assets in drug case 01/02/87 A09 3Crittenden County JP accused of buying cocaine 01/03/87 AOl 4Police sting in 5 counties nets 35 warrants, $20,000 in drugs 01/07/87 801 1Cl ark county 'sting• brings 26 arrests in drug case 01/08/87 A03 1Curtis Lee Berry gets SO-month term in Lasater drug case 01/10/87 BO! 5George E Locke begins serving time on drug conviction 01/21/87 Al6 1o men arrested in Ranebli;h Co chgd with drug manufacturing 01/23/87 Al2 1Richard w M:>rgan wants his guilty plea, conviction set aside 01/23/87 AlS 1candor brings shorter tenn for Donald G Bradl.t¥ in drug case 01/24/87 AO! 2state Police imestigator Mike Mahone will not re dlarged 01/24/87 A03 1Donald Glenn BradlE¥ begins 80-rnonth sentence in cocaine case 01/27 /87 BOl 5State Police iruestigator Mike Mahone takes sick leave 01/31/87 BOl 202/06/87 A03 5About 100 lbs of marij uana seized at Ho4

ARKANSAS GAZErr'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPf.GE COLLakeside teacher pleads innocent to marijuana sales 02/06/87 Al 7 1Lakeside Jr High teadler suspenced after drug chgs filed 02/07 /Erl A05 1Guilty plea, 25-yr teDn of Richard Morgan u?i.eld as proper 02/07/87 ruJ7 1Liquor bill spurs war between central , Nol legis delegations 02/08/87 ruJ3 1'lhree LR men arrested in seizure of cocaine near Alma 02/09/87 A03 6Drug test of West Man?i.is officials, anp1.C¥ees proposed 02/13/87 A20 4'lhirty-one dlarged in drug cases around state 02/14/87 AOl 6Alleged lab for making drugs raided near Hot Springs 02/17/frl 002 6Kim C ll:l.vis testifies in federal court 02/18/87 Al.3 1Indictments to re sought in multi-state drug operation 02/18/87 Al6 1Kim C 03.v is oorN icted in drug case 02/20/87 A03 5'!Wo arrested at Hope after 218 lbs of marijuana folll1.d 02/20/87 A08 3Marij uana eradication program led to 359 arrests in 1986 02/22/87 '007 4About 20 arrested on drug charges in Saline county 02/24/87 Al4 1'lWenty-one arrested in drug probe at Benton 02/26/ffl MS 4state Police find drugs in car stoi;:ped at Malvern 03/04/87 Al.2 2Cocaine seized, 3 arrested on I-3 0 near Malvern 03/06/87 Al.9 4Death penalty for drug dealer improbable, steve CI.ark says 03/17/87 A09 5Kim C IBv is gets 3-yr term in drug case 03/21/87 A07 1Large mmber chgd in drug case in Russellville area 04/02/87 Al2 6Pol ice seize 500 lbs of marijuana near ArkadelEtiia 04/03/87 Al5 1Reginald Taylor to stand trial in Lasater drug case 04/04/87 A07 1'IWenty-one arrested in drug probe at Blythar ille 04/04/87 Al.2 3Stiff sentence seen as message to drug traff icers 04/10/87 Al 7 1Dan Lasater seeks shorter prison term in ex>caine use case 04/16/87 BOl 5State Police search of autos illegal , suit ex>ntends 04/17/'07 ruJ7 1Officers arrest 20 in drug probe at Murf reestoro 04/19/87 AlO 3Ten arrested at Presex>tt on drug charges 04/21/87 A09 1Greg Banks aanits guilt in Lasater case, gets 22-month term 04/23/87 AOB 1Eight indicted in case involving 14 labs, $20 million drugs 04/23/87 ruJ9 1Dan Lasater withravs re::;i:uest for term reduction 05/02/87 All 5Pol ice arrest 3, find 139 lbs of marijuana in car at Hope 05/07/87 A07 3Police stop car at Hope, find $420 ,000 worth of marij uana 05/09/87 Al2 4AP&L has drug testing program at its nuclear plant 05/ll/87 AOl 3Faulkner County officials find 995 marijuana plants 05/15/87 COB 5ASP follow 'profile' in 'pretextual ' stopa, suit alleges 05/17 /ffl AOl 4state Police criminal apprehension p:itrol statistics 05/17/87 A06 2Similarities in suspects, vehicles shavn in pol ice repts 05/17/87 006 1Four arrested on marijuana chgs at West MemEtiis traffic dleck 05/22/87 All 4'lhree LR men get total of 130 yrs in cocaine case 06/12/87 AlO 1'.l'amr!Y Mcintosh gets 50-yr term, $250 ,000 fine in drug case 06/12/87 AlO 1Reginald Taylor loses bid to have drug counts disnissed 06/18/87 Al8 1Former Crittenden County JP gets 10-yr prison term 06/20/87 AOS 1Informant says same reptd drug buys in Pike Co not made 06/24/87 001 5Pike Co Sheriff alleges State Police 1:l:y to discredit him 06/24/87 '001 5Pike Co Sheriff accuses State Pol ice of forging ID card 06/27/rn Al.3 1Officers uproot $1 million marijuna field in White County 06/27/87 BOl 4Reginald Taylor pleads guilty in Lasater drug case 07/01/87 AlO 1Drug trial begins for Berryville ex>uple turned in cy- son, 10 07 /02/87 Al 7 1Informant Leroy Rusher chgd with theft in Ba-1ard county 07/04/87 A08 1Lessons asserted in Lasater drug case 07/05/87 Al6 1Officials arrest 112 in Forrest City area on drug charges 07 /09/87 BOl 3Corway Co officers arrest 11 on drug charges 07/09/87 002 3Pike Sheriff George Riley canments on f rey with State Police 07/12/87 A04 15

ARKANSAS GAZETITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLLercy Rusher Jr cxmments on his role as drug informantSix bombs disoovered at marijuana patch in Indepenamce CoDan R Lasater released to facility, George E Lock paroledReginald Taylor sentenced to 15 mos in prisonWilson C Furr, a LR businessnan, dlgd in drug caseEffort begun NCJRMM.i for vote on legalizing marij uana useJustice of long sentence for Taill1!{ Mcintosh questinedDeputy Prosectr Joe Wray keeps heat on drug use in 10th DistJuries in 10th Dist recanmend heavy penalties in drug casesProsecutor says informant lied about cases, 48 to be droppedDrug smuggling ring broken, 14 indictedMarij uana seized in northeast Ark valued at $4 millionAl.cohal and drug treatment center site at NLR vetoedProposed location of serenity House in West LR opposedstuttgart faoner arrested after marij uana plants foundProfile of clients of Serenity House North at NLRLR Planning Ccmm rejects zoning for Serenity HouseDavid A Collins, figure in Lasater drug case, to be p:iraledQuestion arises over legal definition of cocaine as narcoticNLR Council refuses permit for Serenicy House'fyson Foods tegin drug testing of anpl.oyeesFrank W Livesay gets 5-yr :prison term in marij uana caseLack of outrage Ol7er marij uana gru.ving disturbs writerKeith Peterson fails tests for oocaineOfficials seize large 'crank' lab near Hot SpringsSecond drug 1 ab raided near Hot SpringsDrug Law Enforcement Advisory Bd named GOIT ClintonDrug prate brings 74 arrest warrants in NW ArkJohn Russell Lee gets 40-yr term, fine in drug caseKeith Peterson ordered to prison for violating prcmtionArticle on the wanan alcoholicWanen differ fran men in rate of alcohol absorptionPine Bluff school bus driver accused of 'pot' possessionCocaine worth $42 million seized in auto near OscealaBond $5 million for suspect in cocaine case at OsceolaDan R Lasater, Jack Magruder released f ran halfway houseDrug ring menbers await sentencingALQJHCLIC BWERl-GE Q)N'mQL BOARD (ARK)07/12/87 A04 207/17/87 AlO 307/18/87 A07 408/01/87 A09 108/05/87 All 108/06/87 001 208/09/87 C04 308/10/87 AOl 208/10/87 AOl 208/14/87 Al4 108/22/87 001 508/23/87 All 108/29/87 001 209/02/87 001 409/03/87 AlO 409/08/87 A09 109/09/87 001 509/11/87 A03 409/11/87 AlO 409/15/87 A13 109/15/87 COl 509/18/87 A09 109/20/87 C03 410/06/87 Al2 210/07 /87 AO 8 210/14/87 A12 510/31/87 All 111/17/87 A08 511/21/87 AlO 511/24/87 NJ7 212/15/87 BOl 312/15/87 002 412/17/87 A12 112/20/87 AOl 212/22/87 AlO 112/22/87 AlS 112/29/87 A08 5ABC Mnr Charles Singleton resigns, Rotert S re Jr apptd 01/09/87 A03 4AL

ARKANSAS GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE O)LIbgpatch USA purchsed by finn that includes Melvyn BellAccess to pro:fOsed White Winds i:ark is maj or problanWhite Winds S:fOkesnan c.ritical of Eureka Springs officialsJudg:nents of $1.4 million against Ibgptdl, CMners affinnedSierra Club OPfX>sed to White Winds i:ark at Eureka SpringsNew cwners put enchantment. back into Magic Springs ParkKing Kong, dinosaurs replicas featured at carroll Co i;arkANDERSrn' S CAJUN WHARF01/07/87 CO! 301/16/87 Al6 201/16/87 A16 202/04/87 C03 105/12/87 A09 108/02/87 DOl 110/05/87 001 2<strong>An</strong>rson! s te.ardnates f randiises oftwo finns, files suit 10/17/87 Al3 5ANDREWS, mRLENEsee also Pherx:menaAmW AMERICAN INVE'3IDR SERVICES ffiRPsee Stocks Nl7ANIMAL BEHAVIOR ENTERHUSESFim trains hogs to rare 07 /30/87 001 2ANIMALSVeterinarians find challenge in treating exotic pets 01/29/87 001 2Eighteen arrested at pit bull fighting ring near Jefferson 05/24/87 A14 2Humane Society honors media for endeavors 05/25/87 A17 1Fate of pit bulls taken at Redf ield is at issue 06/05/87 A05 1Judge to decide fate af 18 pit bull terriers at Redf ield 06/19/87 AlO 1Pit bulldogs seized at Redfield ordered killed 06/20/87 A09 2Bull terriers get reprie.re when laqyer files aal 06/25/87 A12 4Lee County considers ban on pit pull terriers 07 /02/ffl 001 2Advocates of pi t bulls organiz ing to protect dogs ' image 07/20/'i!J A03 4Statistics on cbg bites at LR listed 08/09/87 A22 1Dog kills 3-yr-old child in Harrison 08/26/87 001 1Judge issues order to kill 17 pit bulldogs seized at Redf ield 09/01/87 001 6Pit bull terrier cwners gather in LR 09/14/87 BOl 2Pit bulldog bites four students at Ashdown 10/14/ffl All 5CMner of pit bull that bit Ashdc7'm students wants dog killed 10/16/87 A20 4Nine plead no oontest in oog fighting case, $5,000 fines set 11/14/87 AOl 2Eleven pit bulls held at Redfield as eviamre a-/itched 12/21/ffl A08 4Two men to be chgd in disappearance of pit bulls at Redf iel.d 12/22/87 AlO 1ANIMALS, FOSSILsee FossilsANNEXATION, MJNICimLsee Area PlanningAN'lHCNY, BERYLsee also Congr ess (US) - <strong>Arkansas</strong> Delegationsee also Congr ess (US) - House - Ark Dist 04ANJHCNY, CLARENCEMr <strong>An</strong>thorw honored by Ouachita Baptist Coll 05/02/87 002 5AN'JHONY, JCEN Esee also ForestsANTI-PBORTION AMENrMENT (PROIDSED)see Birth ControlANTI-RNERTY PROORAMSsee PoorAPPAREL.Article on wardrobe selection for i;ageant contestants 04/16/ffl EDl 1Fane¥' s <strong>An</strong>other World specializes in p:tgeant app:trel. 04/16/87 EDl 18etl Unique at Blythe.rille offers cx:mplete service in clothing 09/12/87 COl 2B Bar A Boot Co of Paris makes roots for wrestlers 09/20/ffl 001 29

ARKANgAg GAZE'l'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPz.GE OOLsee also State Hospi ta1 Board (Ark)see also Suits and Claims, QNtsee also Tax Reform Comnission (Ark)see also Teacher Retirenent system (Ark)see also Traffic Accidentssee also Transportation Regulatory Board (Ark)see also Transportation Safety Agency (Ark)see also Treasurer (Ark)Put-dCMns of <strong>Arkansas</strong> mel.la-tingARKANSAS JBLEsee LaborARKANSAS BAPI'IST CDLLFGE12/04/87 A25 1see COllegesARKANSAS BEST

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLsee also WildlifeTop officials received large salary increasesstandard and Poor lCMers securities rating of stocks, bondsAP&L leases jet formerly a-1ned by friend of Jerry MauldenFinn unhaPP.f with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Times album, will not :EBY' costsFinances of AP&L ranked !Gt for electrical finnsChallenge grants awar

ARKANSAS GAZE.TIE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/lGE CDLsee also RiversLR Dist dlief Robert Wayne Whitehead assigned to new distNew chief of LR Dist is <strong>An</strong>thOI¥ V NidaLittle Rock Dist resp:>nsibilities outlinedMap shews area served by Little Rock Distundaries sought by '!'amt¥ Robinson'l'onm¥ Robinson threatens 'umnitigated hell' for CorpsARN

ARKANSAS GAZ E:I"I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDL<strong>Arkansas</strong> Opera Theater seeks $17.4 million for center 01/09/87 AOl 6Wil&ood Center will be name of PDT oanpl.ex west of LR 01/09/87 AOl 6Fayetteville arts renter to be named for Sam and Helen Walton 01/24/87 Al8 1Wildtlood Center given $1 million cabe families 04/15/87 Al4 5Article on state of the arts in Ark 11/16/87 001 2AR'IB AND rnAFI'Swar Eagle Crafts Fai r still graving, imprwingWoodcarver Willian Miller is skilled at carving animalsA5BES'lmAsbestos-related cases settled in federal courtASHK>RE, HARRYsee also BooksAS:EHYXIATION AND SUFFOCATIONath of 4 in mobile hane ruled accidentalFour in family fotmd dead in mobile hane in Benton CountyASS.liJLTSFormer in-lClbinson gets 50 yrs in prison in beating caseGale F Weeks loses suit in alleged beating of W T LittleAlbert Willians dlgd with using gasoline to set wife afireEmp1.C¥ee accuses state Repr Travis Dowd of assaultAbuse chgs against Sunny Ridge Hane operator drowedOlarges against Travis Dowd, 2 others droi;:pedOne shot, 4 others hurt in brawl at McClellan High School'!Wo held in attack on teacher at TexarkanaASSEmLIES OF GOO ClfUmIsee also Sex EducationASSESSMENT, PROPERTYsee TaxationAS'IHMAsee Disease'PS'mcNOMY10/16/87 BOl 212/26/87 Al.2 105/21/87 A07 203/03/87 A06 412/08/87 AlO 101/14/87 A07 401/27 /87 A03 50]/31/87 Al3 105/13/87 A09 106/04/87 A09 106/05/87 A09 106/29/87 A07 108/02/87 A06 108/04/87 AD7 508/04/87 A07 512/06/87 All 212/16/87 A22 2see Space, outerMHLm'ICSAl ton Baldtlin, I.a.rry Snyder to enter Ark Sports Hall af Fame 01/18/87 FOl 2Jim Lindsey to be inducted into Ark Sports Hall af Fame 01/18/87 FOl 2John McDonnell, Clair Bates to enter Ark Hall of Fame 01/18/87 FOl 2List of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Hall of Fame honorees, 1959-<strong>1987</strong> 01/18/87 Fll 2Biogra}.ilical sketch of Hall-OE-Farner Alton Bal&in 01/24/87 COl 2Biograi;:tiical sketdl of Hall-of-Farner Larry Snyder 02/02/87 COl 2Larry Snyder renanbers his rouc;jl ooginnings in horse racing 02/03/87 DOI 2Biograi:hical sketdl of John Mcn) nnell 02/08/87 FOl 2Biogra}.ilical sketdl of John McD:>nnell 02/09/87 COl 6Biogra}.ilical sketch of Hall of Fame inductee Jim Lindsey 02/11/87 DOl 1Biogra}.ilical sketch of Jim Lindsey 02/12/87 DOl 4Biograi;:ilical sketdl of Hall-of-Farner Cl.air Bates 02/14/87 BOl 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> S:r;x>rts Hall of Fame holds 29th annual induction 02/21/87 COl 1Abuse of officials would be punished unrts officials fran la.1suits 08/02/87 FOB 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> S:r;x>rts Hall of Fame names five 1988 inductees 12/20/87 FOl 1DNight (Paddlefoot) Slam to enter Ark Sports Hall of Fame 12/20/87 FOl 115

ARKAN GAZE.TTE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLGene Bearden to enter Ark Si;:orts Hall af FameGeorge Kok to enter Ark Six>rts Hall af FameJirnnw (Red) Parker to enter Ark Si;:orts Hall af FameLewis carpener to enter Ark SJ;X>rts Hall af FameGazette names Scottie Pippin male athlete af the yearGazette names Tony Cherico sportsnan of the yearGazette names Wenro C of C wants ASU-UAF canpetition in all sports 02/01/87 A09 3Scheduling best left alone legis, James PcMell writes 02/01/87 C03 lJacksonville News critical af Orville Henry on UA-ASU game 02/08/87 C04 3Frank Brq[les says forced game with ASU leads to mediocrity 02/19/87 AOl 2Gov Bill Clinton helped get UA-ASU bill out· af canmittee 02/19/87 AOl 2House pinel votes to ra;iui re UA-ASU basketball game 02/19/87 AOl 2Gov Bill Clinton turned his forces loose for ASU bill 02/19/87 A03 1Nort!Mest legislators have OR;X>sed Clinton re.renue measures 02/19/87 A03 1House votes to send UA-ASU basketball bill back to oonmittee 02/20/87 AOl 2House, Governor swamped with calls fran Razorback supporters 02/20/87 A03 1OIVille Henry explores real reason for ASU drive for UA game 02/20/87 001 1UALR Faculty Assembly declines to get involved in scheduling 02/27/87 A08 4House resolution asks AIB of UA-ASU to discuss playing game 02/27/87 All 3Southwest Times critcal af Bill Clinton rale in UA-ASU debate 03/0l/87 C04 2UA sidestei;s ASU in replacing SM.J on schedule 03/03/87 A08 1Poll shCMs public wants UA-ASU to decide athletic questions 03/05/87 Al.4 1senators Bookout and Allen clash wer ASU-UA resolution 03/17/87 A08 1University af <strong>Arkansas</strong> at Pine Bluff withdraws fran AIC 04/07/87 DOl 6<strong>Arkansas</strong> College mC¥ withdraw fran AIC 04/10/87 DOl 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> College will not leave AIC at this time 04/14/87 001 1UA Trustees have .authority to decide if UAIB leaves AIC 04/28/87 D06 1UAIB plan to increase funds, victories explained 05/01/87 D03 4UALR progran backed Dr Young despite financial crunch 05/02/87 001 4Frank Brq[les, Hog-mania make UAF prof Bill Jackson see red 09/13/87 AOl 2Intervi&1 with William Jackson on criticien af UAF programs 09/13/87 AOl 2Willicm Jackson gives his critician, targets reply 09/13/87 AOl 3Accreditation agency praises athletics at UAF 09/13/87 A06 2Prd:>lens with college athletics not resolved attack on UAF 09/15/87 A03 1UAF Prof Brian Bolton sees raci.an in Razorback football 09/15/87 A03 1Frank Brqf les draws praise af UAF art µ:-af essor 10/15/87 Al8 3ATHLE:I'Ia> - HIGH SCHOO:.see also Basketball - High School16

.ARKANSAS GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLsee Bankssee Boards and Commissions (Ark)BANKRIJPI'CIESsee also Fausett and Cosee also Hooi;:er, Josefh Rsee also LlC¥d, lhillip Lynnsee also Morgan, rav id Lsee also mrFX, Incsee also lhoenix Mall Shoi;ping Centersee also Sherman, Ronsee also Wengroup CompaniesBusiness failures in Ark soarBusiness failures up 71.6 pct in Arkarnng of filings lUlder various chapters explainedBANKSsee also Gibraltor International Bank, Ltd05/14/87 CO! 208/19/87 COl 512/14/87 Al4 6see also HousingTalks fall through on Melvyn Bell plan to buy savers 01/03/87 AOl 2Firstsouth named in suit by two banks 01/03/87 AOS 1Trouble fared by Firstsouth, savers not comparable, IiHLB says 01/06/87 COl 2First Conmercial, Nortl:Mest Bancshares buy bank in Oklahana 01/09/87 COl 2Joe Giroir failed to make payment on First Natl at Harrison 01/09/87 COl 2Joe Giroi r was to rereive funds fran FirstSouth for payments 01/09/87 COl 2Jose!h Giroir says he, FSLIC talking on letter of credit 01/10/87 AlO 4Gunman robs branch of First State Bank at Conway 01/10/87 Al8 4Union Natl credi. t cd interest to rise after mCNe to Oklahana 01/11/87 DOl 1Problans at Savers surprised even wealthy investors 01/11/87 DOl 5John H Johnson joins natl advisory bd of First Conunercial 01/11/87 D02 5Guaranty Federal at Harrison merged into Superior Federal 01/13/87 COl 3William L Cravens resigns as Worthen Banking Corp chief 01/16/87 COl 2Worthen' s new chmn and CEO is Curtis F Bradrerry Jr 01/16/87 COl 2Regional Recriprocal Banking Act likely to piSS Legis (ed) 01/17/87 Al4 1Conviction rate for robbers in Ark is high 01/18/87 003 3First Banc:Corp is name chosen by First American Bancshares 01/18/87 DOl 5Bank of IX>ver mwe to Russellville apprrts loss 01/28/87 CO! 2Gunman robs First Federal branch at LR 01/29/87 AOS 5Interstate banking prop:>sal passes House p:i.ml 01/29/87 A09 1House of Reprs pisses bill for interstate banking 01/30/87 AlO 5Worthen Banking Corp rep:>rts $13 .a million loss 01/30/87 COl 2David and Roxanne Hanilton sent to prison on fraud cowiction 02/01/87 AOl 2Hamiltons were respected in LR financial canmunicy 02/01/87 AOl 2Roxanne Hamilton handled securities at First COOunercial Bank 02/01/87 AOl 2Fi rstsouth gambled with large loans on Dallas real estate 02/01/87 AOl 5Tom Hodges brou

ARKANSAS GAZt'rl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE r asset qual icy 03/26/87 COl 2Senate i:anel again refused to vote out interstate tank bill 03/27 /87 Al.O 1Four members of First Conunercial bd mc;y have to resign 04/02/87 COl 5Merchants and Planters at West Mem:Ehis prored EBI 04/02/87 COS 4Bank of Gravett ranks 48th on list of oommunicy banks 04/09/87 C03 5Former FirstSouth pres Roderick D Reed sued for $150 million 04/12/87 Al.3 1Worthen branch at LR robred 04/1!¥'87 A09 2Savers, Inc shareholders ask no questions at annual meet 04/15/87 COl 5Suspect arrested in robrery of LR banks 04/16/ff/ A08 5FirstSouth ex-cilief Ro

ARKANSAS GAZE'ITE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>TEP/.GE OOLFirst Cormnercial of LR joins suit on OOLU'ltywide banking 08/14/87 COl 5Worthen Corp expects to post loss of $7.3 million 08/18/87 COl 2Foreclosure halted on $1.86 million a> backing J Giroir loan 08/19/87 001 5Josei;h Giror used $1.86 million CD as oollateral to buy bank 08/19/87 001 5Worthen officially posts net loss of $7 .4 million 08/19/87 COl 2'!Wo masked robters take cash fran Riverside at LR 08/22/87 A07 1Suit accuses Stei:hens Inc of fraudtlent oontrol of Worthen 08/27/87 A03 4Washington :Et>st dlronicl.es rise and fall of Fi rstSouth 09/01/87 COl 2First Conunerci al Corp seeks to bey Securicy Bank of Harrison 09/02/87 COl 2Suspect in robbery of Blytherille mnk arrested in Memi;his 09/03/87 A0 8 lEd Bethune resigns fran First Fesed brandling bill, wants to buy Cabot bank 09/18/87 A03 1Bank of Caoot fending off takewer try l:y First Commercial 09/19/87 COl 2Bank of Caoot dlief warns heads of other snall banks 09/25/87 A03 1Redfield to lose its only bank 09/29/87 COl 2stockholders

ARKANSAS GAZEm'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPG E CDLHane Savings Assn a:mpl.etes staff cutsHane Savings Assn says emp1.C¥ee dianissals overPink slips fly as Hane Savings Assn takes 011er RiversideHane Savings Assn raises stakes in interest war in ArkTable cc.mp:i.res rates at thrift f ims in oentral ArkIndependence Federal drops 3 fran fraud suitHane Savings Assn resunes bane loans at lcw ratesS&Ls in Ark lost $27 million during last quarterSavers S&L brandl at LR robted againFirst State af Sherwood seeks to mo.re to Studebaker's bldgOne National Bank of NLR opens mortgage subsidiarySteEflens f anily to buy Riady stock in Worthen Banking CorpSavers Federal S&L earnings and losses (graEfl)savers Feaaral S&L seeks to avoid auisi tion ty canpeti ti onFirst Commercial Corp buys Securicy Bank of HarrisonFi rst Commercial settles lav'suit o.rer Hamilton sdlaneWorthen Banking Corp ts $12.5 million fran failed finnSavers Federal S&L, First Federal af Ark rept more lossesBANKS, OIARLES A (CllUCK)see al.so Cburts (US) - District af Eastern <strong>Arkansas</strong>BANKS, OIHMANsee also Olildrensee also Murders - Banks, r.'Broel RancwnBANNED PROllJ Cl'Ssee Product Recalls12/12/87 COl 512/13/87 NJ7 112/13/87 DOl 412/20/87 AOl 212/20/87 AOl 212/20/87 Al2 212/22/87 COl 412/22/87 CO! 512/23/87 A07 212/23/87 COl 212/23/87 COl 312/24/87 COl 212/27/87 DOl 312/27 /87 DOl 312/29/87 C02 112/30/87 COl 612/31/87 COl 212/31/87 COl 6BAPl'IST CHUROISecond Baptist at LR plans major reno\.7ation J;raject 06/29/87 A09 1Texas volunteer Baptists build church at HunEflrey 08/12/87 AOl 2Southern Baptists mc;w face struggle in state OOrnT 11/16/87 AlO lsouthern Baptist State Cornr adopts budget of $12.87 million 11/18/87 All 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bapt Cornr resolutions adopted on social issues 11/19/87 AlO 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ba}.X.ist Cornr elects less-mil itant amdidate for pres 11/19/87 AlO 1BAPl'IST MEDICAL SYSTEMsee M:di cinesee Nursing HanesBAR ASScx::IATION, ARKANSASsee Legal ProfessionBARAN, MELJNM.see also Governnent Empl.cy-ees (Local)BARBER HID BENJTY SHOIS'l'cmrrf Morrison retires after 39 yrs as tarter at LR 05/18/87 001 4Nashville' s 'Whiteway ' is thrcwback to glory days of barbers 11/21/87 001 3BAOOER, JPNsee alsoBAOOF.s J\.ND SCI'MSsee ShipsBARNES, MARTYBookssee also Basketball - College nBARNES, S'l'E.VEsee also Telw isi onEssay on sumner delights with his sonLetter says Barnes appreciates actions of KARKBARNES, TCsee alsoMurders - Curry, ca thy Branson09/06/87 C03 409/10/87 804 124

ARKANSAS GAZET.l'E INDEX 19B7DATEPJlGE CDLBARNE11T BRO'IHERS S'!OREsee Retail StoresBARS AND NJGHT CLUBSsee also Traffic AccidentsLegi s E8nel canrel s hearing on orst reacw for use03/23/B7 001 2MSKE'IBALL - OOLLB3E f.ENContrwersial Spanrex suits worn t¥ UALR dancers at games 02/08/B7 AOl 2UA' s Nolan Richardson says he faces racial bias fran refs 02/12/B7 DOl 6Nolan Richardson tells history of qoote on racial bias 02/13/87 DO! 2Banb threat }.X>st}.X>nes UCA-AC game at Batesville 02/13/87 DOl 6Universicy of Central Ark takes 2nd straight AIC title 02/20/87 001 6UALR Trojans win TAAC title 02/22/B7 FOl 1UCA Bears brougit back to AIC praninenoe Coach Ibn Dyer 02/22/B7 FOl 2John Widner retires as coach at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech 02/25/B7 DOl 5Rlilanrer Smith coach angered not reing in NAIA playoff 02/28/B7 C02 6UALR Coach Mike N&1ell suspends McCurdy and Walker 03/03/87 DOl 2University af Central Ark Bears fall in NAIA Dist 17 playoff 03/03/87 DOl 6Public opinion i:x>ll shrt for keeping Richrdson at UA 03/05/87 Al4 lButch Gardner resigns as UAIB coach, cites pressure 03/05/B7 D09 lHarding Univ wins NAIA Di.st 17 for its first trip to KC 03/06/87 001 1Razorbacks routed f ran S'lC tourn t¥ Texas Tedi 03/07/87 COl lUALR eliminated f ran TAAC tournament 03/07 /87 COl 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ ousted fran SLC tournament 03/08/87 FOl 2Univ of Central Ark was in first NAIA tourney in 1937 03/08/B7 FOl 2List of Ark teams who have teen to NAIA tourn 03/0B/B7 F06 3All-AIC team selected (photos) 03/0&/87 Fl3 lUCA' s Don Dyer named top coach in AIC 03/0&/87 Fl3 1UA, ASU to play at Barnhill in first round of NIT 03/09/87 CO! 4UALR to play Baylor in first round of Nrr at Little Rock 03/09/87 COl 4NIT matchup l:ebieen Uh-ASU is topic of day 03/10/B7 A03 125

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLUii.iR Trojans c:Efeat Baylor in Nrr game at LRHarding Univ falls to West Virginia State in NAIA tourn<strong>Arkansas</strong> Razorbacks melt ASU Indians in overtimeUALR shuts

ARKANSAS GAZE.TIE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE 0JLScottie Piwen making adj ustment to life in NBABASKIN, JEFFREYsee also LibrariesBASNE:r, RANDYsee also Murders - Basnet, Rane\'SPSS MASTERS O.,ASSICGeorge COchran leads in <strong>1987</strong> classicGeorge Cochran wins fishing classicBATES, CL.Amsee also AthleticsBATES, r:ru:sYsee also Books

ARKANSAS GAZ EITE JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E COLBENJIDNT, WILLIAM Esee R>liceBEIUTY CONTESTSsee also Apparalsee also Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong>BECKER, J BILLsee also Laborsee also R>llutionsee also workers Comnsation Corranission (Ark)BEEBEsee also R>l iceBEEBE SOICXL DISTRICTsee Education - student ConductBEEBE, MIKEsee also Finance and Budgets (Arksee also R>l itics Jy7Beebe did not say public not interested in ethics oodeBEEF COUNCIL, ARKANSASsee Livestock and Poul tryBEER C'1\N CDLLECl'ORS OF AMERICAAr-carrsas Clapter balds ooruentionBELL, CLARENCEsee also Wildl ifeBELL, JOEsee also Legislature (Ark) Dl3BELL, MELVYNsee also Amusement Parkssee also Bankssee also Hot Springssee also Kaufman Lllllber Cosee also Parkssee also TelevisionEngineering center at UAF named for Bell' s p:trentsBELL, ImERT Nsee also . Congress (US) - House - Ark Dist 04BELLA VISTAsee also Phillips Celebrity Clarity Pro-ImBELLOORMH, FRED M JRn>nates $100,000 to Pine Bluff Cornmunicy Fotm.d:ltionBENHAM, PMJLsee also Transportation Commission (Ark)BENNE.T.I', MARCIA GOCDsee also Murders - Bermett, Marcia GoodBENNE.Tl', WAYNEsee also Agriculture Ag4BEN'IDNBenton size would Cbuble mder proµ>sed axationCi cy Council votes cbw'n annexation proµ>sal of IllC¥OrBEN'IW COUNrYJP Karen Halbrook wants f0Y returned when JPs fail to workBEN'IW OOiCXL DIS'IRICTsee Education - FacilitiesBEN'IDN SEWICES CENTERsee Human Services Dept12/02/87 A09 107/13/87 BOl 204/04/87 BOl 407/19/87 AO! 307 /2 &/87 A03 102/01/87 A09 228

ARKANSAS GAZfil'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLsee Nursing HanesBENim\l'Il.J:..Esee also R>liceM3.yor cuts legal ads in loc:al tater after critical editorial 03/13/87 AlO 1BENWEN, LLOYDTexas Senator raises $50,000 at LR for relection cmnp:iign 05/12/87 S.ll 2BERRY, FREDsee also BooksBERRY, PAULsee also POlitics Ag8 AgllBERRYMAN, FENNYsee also WildlifeBERRY\Tll.J:..ESane residents seek ouster of Il'K¥Or and city ootmcil01/10/87 A09 1Pay raises for city officials rescinred02/05/87 Al3 1Foes of raises assert vote cannot be avoided02/10/87 A03 5Voters take back raises Cicy Colll'lcil gave itself and mcwor 03/05/87 All 4BEIHUNE, EDsee also Bankssee also Housingsee also POlitics F27 Jy7 AglOResigns presidency af First Fereral Savings to i;cactice lcw 09/05/87 AOl 6Bethune rejoins NLR law finn 12/23/87 COl 1BEr.lNER, GARY Wsee also NicaraguaBE.VERIGESsee also Finance and Budgets (Ark)BEVERLY EN'IERPRISEEsee also Nursing HanesBll.LIE, JAMES Dsee also dicine N22BIL'l'Z , JOSEEH Hsee also capital Punishmentsee also Head Start N13Rev Biltz dies of apparent heart attackFriends, colleagues rananber Biltz as an inspi rationBIROOsee Agriculture11/30/87 AOl 612/01/87 A07 2see WildlifeBIR'Ill CDN'mCL .AND 1\BORTIOOunrorn Child Amendnent Corrm to tr:y again on funding ban 01/18/87 BOS 3Christians for Life protest, picket, chant at LR offices 01/23/87 A06 3About 700 join antiaoortion march held at Littl e Rock 01/26/87 AOl 2<strong>An</strong>tiaoortion protestors oorwicted of treSJ;Bss at LR 02/03/87 BOS 5Robert McCord discusses attitu

ARKAN GAZF:ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPG E CDLUnborn Child Education Corrm seeks funds for classesFayetteville anti-picketing lcw struck cb·m qr courtLegal abortions in Ark are

ARKANSAS GAZE.TI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/:GE

ARKANSA5 GAZE!'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E rtuni ties for advancsnent 06/30/87 001 6Urban League cxmducted stuqr oo blacks in Ark 06/30/87 BOl 6Disparity in races in Ark unexplained, Urban League re:p:>rts 07/01/87 Al3 1Black middle class must speak up, Ben Willians writes 07/06/87 Al3 1Urban League grades the <strong>Arkansas</strong> undarclass 07/12/87 C03 1see also Health p:irtment (Ark) 07/24/fn A09 2Speaker at LR conf calls image of black family untrue 08/02/87 A08 2Urban League looks tack on 50 yea.rs of service at LR 08/09/87 001 EF.arl Ed.tiaras tells oourt he wrote ' KKK' letters at Marvell 08/22/87 AlO 1Benj anin Hooks ci. tes G Hanpton case as example of NAACP pc7Ner 10/25/87 AOl 2NAACP national bd holds three-day meeting in Little Rock 10/25/87 AOl 2Shennan Tate is first black to head LR Olamber of Co.rrmeroe 12/19/87 C02 5BLAOWELL, I.JWRENCECb-author af Mack-Blackwell linendnent dies at age 76 02/24/87 AOl 2BLAIR, DIANEsee al so CollegesBIJIND, BCEsee also Housing SlBBLAND, JAMES LFormer state affici.al., key Faubus aide, dies 05/26/87 AD6 5BLAND, RCBEaTsee also International Relations l'lj'7 Ag13BUlNDEORD, MAR:;ARRP vmCENTsee also Leadership 014see also MedicineHonored UALR 05/13/87 Al3 1BI.ANZ , R:BEaTsee also R>llution Control and Ecology COimn (Ark)BIM>S, BmsYsee also DiseaseBLAYLOCK, LEN Esee also Robberies AglO Ag21BLEOOOE, BENNIE GENEsee also BooksBLINDsee Handicapi;:edBUXDsee Hlll\an BO

ARKANSAS GAZE:r.rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-GE intmentsList af recent appnts qr GOil ClintonMarion A HmiJ;ilrEy discusses Gov Clinton' s appnt of blacksLong 1 ist af appnts armounced by Gov ClintonActing Gw Nick Wilson names 20 to toards and camnsLarge nunber of. appnts made by Gov Bill ClintonProbl.ans noted with sane Nick Wilson appntsMore appnts made by Gov Bill ClintonGOITernor announces appnts'!Wo app:d to Henderson State Univ boardstate Hospital Bd eats expensive dinner before meetingsGov Bill Clinton has no opjection to stap:tid diningGov Clinton makes several appntsState Hospital Bd pays intedAppnts by Gov Clinton announcedGov Clinton makes several appntsGov Clinton makes several appnts to bds and canmsGov Clinton makes appntsList of recent appntsNew appnts armounced by Gov Clinton01/15/87 AO 8 401/23/87 A07 101/2&/87 AO! 202/0l/87 m2 i02/03/ff/ BO! 202/0&/87 C04 602/16/ff/ A08 602/21/87 A09 502/2&/87 AlO 603/01/87 Bll 103/15/87 All 103/15/87 All 103/25/87 A13 104/0-t/87 Al4 504/07 /ff/ All 104/08/87 Al6 104/10/87 AO l 204/13/87 A09 104/21/ffl A07 404/29/87 AlO 205/15/87 A18 505/2&/87 A08 406/11/87 AO! 206/12/87 A03 106/20/87 A03 106/26/87 AlO 407 /04/87 Al2 507 /19/87 807 607 /25/87 Al4 508/08/87 AOS 408/21/87 A12 409/05/87 AlO 209/12/87 Al6 533

ARKAN GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLList of recent appnts by GOil Bill ClintonList of manbers appted to several state pinel.sseveral named to roards and camns by GOil Bill ClintonList of recent appnts made by GOil Bill ClintonBOATS HID BOATJN;see also Wildl ifeBill in Legis proposes increase in registration and feesProposed legislation oontains nunerous prwisionsHouse pisses bill increasing registration feesChampions like to practice on COssatot Rivercabin cruiser stranded at Murray Lock and Dam on <strong>Arkansas</strong> ROfficials find 234 boars registered under identiC'.al nunber<strong>Arkansas</strong> canoe team prres for raa: in HcwaiiBODY, HUMANsee H1.1nan BoqrBa..m, lB Rl\1:IAMsee also Gibral tor International Bank, LtdBCLIN, JAMESsee also Sinnnons Family MurdersBOloBS AND BCJoB 00see also Alcohol and Drug Abusesee al so Basket.tall - COllegesee also OscealaBCI\IDSsee G01Jernnent Bondssee StocksBOOKER, J Esee al so BlacksBCXJIDUT, JERRYsee also Prisons09/18/87 A13 109/20/87 AlO 209/24/87 A16 612/11/87 A21 401/26/ffl A03 501/26/ffl A03 502/10/87 All 103/24/87 DOS 106/03/87 A07 109/01/87 A07 110/05/87 A07 1BaES AND WRITIN;IDug Jones article on native writers and tales for postericy Ol/04/87 C04 2Dr Frank BCMe publishes noisabled in 1985" 01/04/87 COS 5Dr Gregory J W Urwin finishes nThe United States Infantry • • • " Ol/04/87 C08 5Elwin L and Kay M Goolsby canplete "Golden Memories" Ol/04/87 COB 5sally MCCl.uskey authors nA 'Ihousand Roses" Ol/04/87 COB 6UALR publishes "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Statistical Abstract" Ol/05/87 001 2DaifY Bates' "Long Shacbw of Little Rock" reprinted 01/09/87 Al3 4Ernie Deane traces names in "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Place Names" Ol/12/87 001 5I:k>uglas A James, JoseJ;h c Neal wrote "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Birds" 01/18/87 COB 1Jim and Juc\7 Lester cxmplete nGreater Little Rock" Ol/18/87 COB 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Pioneers cmtpile articles into pirback rook 01/25/87 COB 1Dee BrGTn' s new book is "conspiracy of Knaves" 01/25/87 COB 1Female narrator is first for Dee BrCMn 01/25/87 COB 4Speer Morgan' s "The Assemmblers' is set in his native Ark 01/27 /87 A05 3Camden history book produced by stud:nts 02/01/87 COS 1University of Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Press has new title out 02/08/87 COB 1Adrian James Cooney, Jan Barger team to publish poan 03/09/87 001 5Kursheed Qner writes Urdu poetry 03/22/87 A09 1Donald Harington wins Porter Fund Award 03/29/87 C07 1Stei;tien Wilson CXlllpletes "HarvE¥ COuch • • • " 03/29/87 C07 3August House to publish series of folklore rooks 04/12/B7 C07 3Bennie Gene Bledsoe publishes "Henderson State University" 04/12/87 C07 6Douglas C Jones honored cy- Univ af Wisconsin at Madison04/18/87 Al.2 634

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLRev"i&1 of Robert Starr's "Yellow O>gs and Dark Horses" 04/26/frl C07 1Robert Starr's anecd:>tes lack context, vericy, Ashmore says 05/12/87 All 1Fred Berry and John Novak write "The History of <strong>Arkansas</strong>" 05/17/frl C08 lR Wayne Lee writing book on fe«.Eral prisons 05/18/87 A09 1Charles E 'lhanas' s "Jelly Roll" story of black neighOOrhood 05/24/87 C07 1Revi&1 of "Rebellion and Real ignment., " by James M Woods 05/24/87 COS 1Trolene Dodd sues Ft Smith SC'hoal Dist Oller oook on w rarby 05/28/87 C02 3Douglas C Jones wins Golden Spur !ward 06/04/87 A16 5Joan Hess' "Malice in Magdy" is set in Ark Ozarks 06/07/fr/ COB lCl.ark Gillespie' s "Your Pregnancy Month by Month" top seller 06/21/87 C07 3Richard DuVall publ ishes "Little Rhyme or Reason" 07/05/87 C07 2Harrison native Carolyn Wright honored in Boone County 07/12/87 All 1Jack Butler revi&1e of C Albright' s "Night of the Possun • •" 07/12/frl C07 1John Workman oolumns collected in "Fireflies in a Fruit Jar" 07/12/87 C07 1Revi&1 of Cllarles Albright' s "Night of the Possun Concert" 07/12/87 C07 1History of UALR to be published this Fall 07 /12/87 C07 2Crescent DragoI1Vagon gats inspiration fran Eureka Springs 07/19/87 C07 3Paul Griffith Sr guided writing of "History of Montgomery Co" 07/26/87 C07 3Ntw finn publishes Thanas Vernon• s "The Age of Unrea.son" 09/09/87 COl 2Jc Taylor writes on adrentures in Navy' s SEN.as unit 09/20/87 Al3 1Douglas C Jones' nawest nwel is "Hickory Cured" 09/27 /87 C07 3Donald R Keller publ ishes "Soviet Politics • • • n 10/07/fr/ A08 4Patricia Mooney Melvin publ ishes "Organic Cicy" 10/11/87 C07 3Fort Smith teacher, stuamts settle suit over rook credit 10/17/frl AOB 5Arthur Keller };hotos to illustrate "The <strong>Arkansas</strong> Odyssey" 11/06/fr/ AlO 5Jan ins writes "Bou:;i:uet for Murder" 11/15/87 Al.4 5Murder of Al ice McArthur detailed in "Bou:;i:uet for Murder" 11/15/87 Al4 5Dr John H McCJ.anahan writes "Man as Sinner" 11/15/87 C07 1Orsini murder case is focus of rook Gene Lyons writing 11/22/87 C07 1cartoonist George Fisher's latest is "There You Go Again" 11/22/87 C07 3"Along the River" is anthology af poetry Arkansans 11/29/87 C07 1Rel/i&1 of Jan Meins' "Bou:;i:uet for Murder" 11/29/fr/ C07 1Ellen Gildlrist' s "All 'lhings considered" publ ished 11/29/87 C07 2Ben Johnson gets grant for writing John Gould Fl etcher biog 12/07/fr/ Al2 6Ivan Duda says "Bou:;i:uet for Murder" gives no insight 12/08/87 A14 3Derek Walcott' s poens titled "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Testament" 12/13/fr/ C07 1Gene Lyons finds troubl ing statenents in "Bou:;i:uet for Murder" 12/15/87 A16 3Revi&1 of John s Workman' s "Fireflies in a Fruit Jar" 12/20/frl C07 1George Lankford writes tx>ok entitled "Native llmerica Legends" 12/26/ff'/ :001 2Revi&1 of Otis Salassi' s "J D Sidewinder and Me" 12/27/87 C07 3BOPP Sl!LOO SERVICES, lNCFinn pr osrs on wa:ve of hair industry grcwth 09/03/87 CO! 2BORK, ImERT Hsee also Electric PowerBOSWELL, DEllN R JRsee also BxyantBGlDEN, CYN'IHIA HEFLEYsee also Murders - BG/den, Q{nthia HefleyBCJo1DEN, MICHAEL DALEsee also Murders - BG/den, Q{nthia HeflE¥BGTE, FRANKsee also BooksBGTEN, WILLIAM Hsee also Banks35

ARKAN GAZE.TIE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJlG E CDLsee also President (US) N25BCJqENS, J'N:;ELAsee also Murders - Bcwens, .<strong>An</strong>gelaBOYLES, BILLYsee also BlacksBOVMAN J.\ND CDsee also Stocks Nl 7 NL 8 N21 D30BOVMAN, MARKsee also Pol iceBOX, TIMMYSearch p:ircy fails to find 3-yr-old TiII111¥ Box at Mtn ViEWsearch oontinues for child in Mot.ntain ViEW areaChild fotmd safe in woods near haneTiimy Box spent 72 hours lost in forestFinding of Timnw Box describedTironw Box to leave hospital todayFollrts he is ooing fineBOY CD TISsee · BlacksBrtation Commission (Ark)BRIBERY AND KIOBsee also Sevier CountyBRICKEY, WILLIAM C JRsee also ShootingsBRII:X;E OF PEACEsee also International RelationsBRiffiERS CDAQI

ARKAN GAZE.l'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE cahontas plant to expand, add 200 jobsPocahontas pl ant to add 200 j ohsBOCWN, DEEsee also BooksBIDYLES, FRANKsee also Athletics - O>llegesee also StadiunsBRJTALITY AND BMENT 1\LLB;ATIONSBill Wortman files $2.5 million suit against federal govtWortman suit grew out of 1983 shootout with officersBRYAN, L Lsee also Legi slature (Ark)BRYANTSpringhill Water and Sew-er Systan garnish city fundsCicy workers to stay on job despite pay deli¥Mayor told to pledge city assets to dissolve garnishmentCicy gets tx>nd to aal verdict in util icy takewerBond apprared in utilicy take01er, funds freeze dissolvedM:l.yor Dean R Boewell Jr works to we his tamBRYANT, WINS'IOOsee also Lieutenant Gwernor (Ark)see also R>litics Jy7see also President (US)see also Prisons Jy28says Ark needs new constitutionBUCBANllN, JAMES MNobel winner for econanics to talk at UAFBlXEANAN, iHOMl\Ssee also di.cine Jy7BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVERsee ParksBOILDJm ( NsmLJC'l'ION)Statistics on oontracts in 4 central Ark counties in OctorerBOILDJID (NS'mlJC'l'ION) - ACCTIENTSDavid Miller CMar

ARKANSA GAZETrE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP!GE CDLTrailws bldg at LR being reoovated for high-tech lookItalian [X>railain tile being installed at MainStreet projectFirstSouth Bldg at LR rents five floors to mMEffort 1.mder w to save old Hoo Hoo Theater at Gurd:>nOtpi.tal ToNer in LR to be renamed TCBY TowerFormal dinner and dance mark opaning of Otpi. tol ToNer at LRcapi. tal Tower cedication features TCBY yogurtMainStreet project at LR was financed J Tucker MorseMainStreet tax le17Y is $37 ,176Tenants named for Main.Street at LRGra-1th of leasable office space at LR shrtation Safecy Board, NationalBURtWPI', RAYK>NDsee al.so North Little RockBURNS 1\ND SCALOOsee al.so Assaultssee also FiresJohruV F.arl Williams falls into vat at Viroo, suffers turnsQSHA probes accident at Vireo plantBURRlY, OiRISsee also Building Services (Ark)01/04/87 DOl 101/18/87 DOl 102/14/87 BOl 203/16/87 001 504/21/87 ADI 2os/21/87 an 205/22/87 COl 208/23/87 DOI 109/02/87 001 109/18/87 COl 209/20/87 DOI 209/20/87 DOl 209/20/87 DOI 209/20/87 DOl 410/18/87 DOl 511/14/87 COl 211/17 /'if/ CO! 211/23/87 C02 111/25/87 COl 302/19/87 coa s04/12/87 Al2 106/14/87 002 411/07 /87 AlO 511/11/87 A08 411/13/87 AlO 538

ARKANSA'3 GAZE.TrE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!G E CDLBUSI, BARB.ARAsee also Republ ican PartyBUSI, GroOOEsee also President (US)BUSJNFSSSix Arkansans featured in book on outstanding entrepreneursBUSINESS CDUNCIL, ARKANSMJsee also Collegessee also Corporationssee also Eoonanic Devel.opnentsee also Edlcation - Financesee also Edlcation - standardssee also Trade Schoal.sArchie Sdlaffer m named executive dirctor of C.OuncilOrganization dubted 'Good Suit Club'Businessnen agree to higher tax if schoal.s reformJohn Brumnett CXIIlments on public announcement C.OuncilMembers hal.d news oonf to rareal. p:trt of plansMembers of C.Ouncil listedCouncil divided into three working camnitteesBUSINmB FAil.URIBsee BankruptciesBUSJNESS JNCIJBATOR PRffiRAM>see Eoonanic Devel opnentBUSSEY, OIARLESsee also Little RockBUILER, JPCKsee also BooksBUJLER, RICHARD CHonored l?z1 UN.RBorIS, JOYCEsee also Simmons Family MurdersBYNUM, JCllNsee also Simnons Family MurdersCABE FAMlLYsee also ArtsCABLE TELB/ISIONsee Tel ar isi onCAB.ysee also WaterCABCYl' SCH

ARKANSAS GAZEI'rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE OOLCALICD ROCK SCECXL DISTRICTsee Education - EnplcyeesCALLIGRAIHYJan Barger is accanplished calligrai:tierCAMIENsee also GCJ17errment BondsCAMP RCBINSCNsee also PrisonsCAMPBELL, ALTONsee also N&1ton CountyCAMEBELL, MARY ANNsee also Fina.noes, J:ersonal N2CAMPMEETm3Ssee Rel igionCAMPS J\ND CAMl?lll;see also Handi.capp:dCANCERsee Diseasesee !\'Edi cineCANCER RESFJ\RO:I CENTER, ARKANSASsee DiseaseCANE ffiEEK LAKEsee LakesC'ANNCN, GEO!GE Dsee also Education - Mn C9 N26see also Education - segregation N6CANOES AND CANCEDGsee BoatsCAPITAL RJNISHMENTsee also Murders - Basnet, Pa.newsee also Murders - Klein, Robert wsee also Murders - &rvin, Lindasee also Murders - Noble, Wesleysee also Murders - Price Familysee also Murders - Ritchie, Marv insee also Murders - stunpp, Willicmsee al so Murders - Bullins, Shermansee also Murders - Warren, James Jcathol ic Bishop <strong>An</strong>dr6'1 Mc.D)nald urges end to death naltycatholic priests urge Ark to end death naltyIrmates on death rON at Cumnins m0\7e closer to executionDeath nalty is mij ust, Rev Josei:ti H Biltz writes<strong>Arkansas</strong> balding 31 persons mider death sentencestate IDi¥ carry out an execution qr year' s end<strong>Arkansas</strong> new has 32 on Death RewLack of executiongs in Ark expl ainedCAPI'IDL BUILDll'G AND GRa.JNOO (ARK)see al so <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial Restorationw J Mceuen uses Burt Tagga.rt for architectural workTagga.rt says friendship with McCuen helpful in getting workInterior of dome rep:i.inted brcwnSecurity µ>lice trained at academyCAPrroL 'ro'lERsee Buildings02/08/87 EDl 101/09/87 A03 101/09/87 A03 101/11/87 C06 105/22/87 A25 405/25/87 Al4 105/25/87 Al4 108/29/87 A03 209/06/87 C03 105/10/87 BOl 205/10/87 001 307/0&1'87 BOl 411/01/87 Al9 140

ARKANSAS GAZ FITE JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK2 E llegesCARNEGIE HERO EUND CDMMISSICNsee HeroisnCARPENTER, JIMMY "REDnsee also Athletics D20CARPENTER, WARREN D.American Legion adj wants carpenter ousted as post oonunandercaprenter allegedly called TamJ¥ Robinson a traitorOmduct l.lllb;!caning Legi onnnaire dlgd qr Hershel GroberGrober alleges carpenter c:hgd Legionnaires with sedition'l'oolnrt Robinson's µ1triotisn defended qr <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazetteExecutive O>mm reno.res carpenter as Legion p:>st canmanderCARRIER, S


ARKANSAS GAZ :m'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE CDLCotton facners suing herbicide finn wer use of chemicalOIEN.AL VN..L'E:i.see also HousingQIERICD, '100Ysee also AthleticsOlESSER, WELOONsee also Transportation Regulatory Board (Ark)CllICDPEENLR f iDil could re chosen for maj or expansionClIICDT MEIDRIAL HOSPITALsee z.EdicineCllIEF BIACK ax; Fi:STlVALsee FestivalsClHLD .ABUSEsee ChildrenCllILD CUSIDDYsee ChildrenClIIl,D LIFE SHOE CDRPClarksville plant to re reoµmed MunroeCHlLIBlR'lHsee BirthsCllILmEN AND FAMlLIES, N:Rl.HWFST ARKANSAS CENTER FORsee M;?ntal Heal thClllLIREN AND IDUIBsee also Birthssee also Courts (Juvenile)see also crimesee also Handicappadsee also Loiteringsee also ntal Heal th and Disorderssee also Murders - Lane, Richardsee also Murders - Yearwood, Terrysee also Prisonssee also Self-Defensesee also Sex Crimessee also Shootingssee also Suici

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPKiE CDLcanQ[ Young to be released to pirents 03/1&'87 Al8 4Onre-suicidal teen-ager turns 1 ife around 03/30/87 001 1Testimorw given in Youngs ' child emhngerment case 04/02/87 Al2 1Increased marriage license fee goes for abused children 04/10/87 Al2 6Pulaski child support enf oroement unit changes urged 04/17 /87 Al3 3Parents of cane¥ Yolmg comr icted of enchngering child 04/22/87 B02 1Mr & Mrs John David Leggett fined in child abuse case 05/19/87 002 1Abducted child quickly recx:wered at NLR 05/26/87 A09 1Ronald Frank Dust enters innocent plea in abduction at NLR 05/27 /87 A07 1Denial of custody to hanosexual mother Ufhel.d qr court 06/11/87 All 1Foster p:irents oontend state systan frustrates their efforts 06/14/87 Al4 5Casey Fdn mC¥ grant LR $7 .s million for disadvantaged program 07/11/87 AOl 2Agencies merge to form Centers for Youth and Families 07/15/87 Al3 41-Erged agencies include Elizabeth Mitchell Children' s Center 07/15/87 Al3 4Suellen Fried calls for cures for child abuse, neglect 07/16/87 001 2casey Fdn looks for oollabortive effort, Hillary Clinton says 08/12/87 A07 1Probl.ans of disadvantaged youth are focus of casey Fdn 08/12/87 A07 1Child' s probl.ans Cb not

ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPP.GE CDLrate'Effort mare to resolve dispute at Sixth and Izard ChurchSixth and Izard elders list oonditions for op;ming recordsPl aintiffs in Sixth and Izard case offer their teensSixth and Izard at LR votes to dissolve oor:EX>ration statusOiURalES (BUILDJNiS}see ArchitectureCIGARS AND CIGAAErl'F.Ssee TobaccoCIVIL LmERTIFS UNION, AMERICANsee also Ed.lcation - Ieligious Issuessee also Prisonssee also VigilantesState chapter in debt, without di.rectorJanes Davis says Aa.U is dafender of Bill of RightsJosefh Jacoooon named director of Ark chapterIRS places lien on Ark Cb.apter wer withholding taxCIVIL RIGlflSsee also Blackssee also HanosexualsCIVIL Sm.TICE rtation Safety Agency (Ark)12/09/S7 A09 212/10/87 A09 212/11/87 001 312/12/87 All 112/13/87 AOl 212/14/87 COl 212/21/87 001 212/27/87 A08 112/21/87 COl 202/10/87 002 103/0l/87 003 103/03/87 002 103/03/87 B02 103/12/S7 EOl 303/17/frl E02 103/18/S7 EOl 103/19/87 cos 403/20/87 A03 603/21/87 AlO 306/11/87 cos 503/30/87 A03 203/30/S7 A0306/07/frl ADS5110/14/87 A13 109/15/87 BOl 209/17/87 AD8 145

ARKANSA5 GAZEI'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP!GE CDLCLARK, JEFFREY Ail srmsee also Murders - Cl.ark, Jeff rE¥ Austinsee also Murders - CI.ark, Jeff rt¥ Austina.ARK, L Wsee also Highwey Cbmmission (Ark)CLARK, SIWEsee al so ConsLiner Protectionsee also Diseasesee also Natural Resources Ag23see also Oil and Gassee also R>litics F27 Jy7 Jy3 0see also Prisons Jy28see also WildlifeO.,ARK, SJSANsee also Education - Adninistrators Ag9 AgllCLARK, Wll..LIAM PContanpt citation re.rersed 2nd time 03/10/87 A07 1CLPSSlroM TEICIERS ASSOCIATION, LITl'LE ROCKsee Education - TeachersO.,AY CDUNIY JAILsee PrisonsO.,AY., ANDREWsee also R>liceCLEARaJTl'OOsee Forestsa.mumE muNIY HOSPITALsee ftledicineCLEEK, HEmERT Hsee al so Education Dept (Ark) Jy22 Jy26CT.iF..VELAND l icesee also R>llutiona.IMER, RJCNOO.see also Birthsa.IN'IOO'lllree praninent natives l:eing honored city 04/15/87 001 1CL INiitN, BilLsee also Governor (Ark)see also President (OS)a.IN'ION, Hn.LARY ROIEAMMrs Clinton models g:Mn she will wear for inaugural ball 01/08/87 EDl 1Article on wardrol:e for inaugural activities01/11/87 ED! 1Judge Woods appts Mrs Clinton atty to school advisory panel 04/16/87 AOl 3Urges long-term education efforts05/06/87 A14 2Says media ooverage reflects return to traditional values 07 /29/87 002 1Urges LR canmuni ty cooi;eration to obtain Casey Fdn grant 08/12/87 A07 1CLIN'IOO, KEERClinton reports on probl.ans in prisons07/12/87 Al8 5a.OAR, CARRCLLsee also Arta.amoosee Apparela.OVNSsee Albright, Fonci. ta 01/21/87 001 146

ARKANSAS GAZE.TrE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPf.GE CDLCDALsee also Minessee al.so Real Estaterters not weloome at gameoock cl.umOOHN, Dl\V ID JForrest City grooer pleads guilty to tax evasionCDLLIGE OF '!HE QZ;ARKS02/15/87 Al803/31/87 All35see O>ll egesCDLLEGE STATIONCbnmuni t¥ hopes for annext.ion to LRFereral program gives official status to nameCOLLR;F.S AND UNlVERSrrIES07 /12/87 00110/12/87 A0921see also Diseasesee also GO\Ternnent EmplC¥ees (Ark)Rec.xmnendations of Qualicy Higher Edie Stuc\7 Omn folla-ted 01/01/87 A09 5Legislative Council appr 01es Gw Clinton' s budget 01/09/87 AD7 1Harding Univ announces speakers for spring lecture series 01/09/87 A13 1Orrer to reduce budgets cy- $10 million discussed 01/09/87 AlS 1'!Welve p:iges of violations listed in audit of UAF 01/10/87 A18 3Beverly Sills, Vladimar sakharw to speak at UCA 01/16/87 A13 3Percentage of high sdlool grads enrolling rises 01/17/87 AlO 5Brandi of F.ast <strong>Arkansas</strong> COnununicy Coll at Wynne protx>sed 01/18/87 C04 6<strong>Arkansas</strong> Teen cuts oot cy- $405,471 01/20/87 008 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech raises $365,206 in armual fund drive 01/20/87 :008 5Dean Hudson rea.PfOinbnent as A'!U trustee rejected Sen 01/22/87 A08 1Reapp:>intment of Dean Hudson was opp:>sed Sen Nick Wilson 01/22/87 A08 1Several UALR athletes cheated on exam, UN..R Forun retx:>rts 01/22/87 DOI 4Dean Hudson can oontinue on A'lU bd until replacement. named 01/23/87 A08 1Hen

ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLFscort service at UAF is for safety, not for social function 02/01/87 Bl.1 4Teeth for Higher Educ Board (ed) 02/01/87 C02 1Pranise and perfocnance af Gov Clinton on funding discussed 02/01/87 C04 2House i;asses bill requiring faculty praf iciency in Engl ish 02/05/87 AlO 4Janice Sutton oonf inned to A'ltJ bd at request of Nick Wilson 02/06/87 AOl 2Nick Wilson used looiflale in law to tmvart Clinton on A'IU bd 02/06/87 AOl 2Ea.st Ark Communicy COll enrolls 1,304 02/06/87 A09 5Gov Clinton cmnnents on appnt maoo cy- Senate to ATU board 02/07/87 A09 3F.nrallment up at 5 campus of UA E>Ystan 02/07 /87 :002 6UALR CXI1lpletes pr ct cheating on test 02/07/87 COl 6<strong>Arkansas</strong> Student Assn urges legis to increase funding 02/08/87 Al.2 2Robert McCord calls for eoonanies in progrCJitS, schools 02/08/87 C03 4Univ af Central Ark faculty urges speedup of search for pres 02/08/87 C04 6UALR' s Mike Newell says sane cheating allegations are true 02/09/87 COl 1UAIB gets NASA grant for reaearch on sp;ice, 100tion sickness 02/10/87 A02 2Dr Janes H Young makes aal for increased state funds 02/10/87 NJ7 3Henderson names Arts and Sciences Coll for Dr Matt Ellis 02/10/87 002 6Mississippi County repts enrallrnent rise 02/12/87 :002 3Robert Lee Jones encbv's fund at Hent in lab 02/15/87 All 5Gov Clinton adds $18 million to higher educ budgets 02/17/87 A08 3ASU rnC¥ raise tuition if rwenue package fails in Legis 02/17/87 A09 1Ul\LR Cbach Mike Ne;rell stays out of cheating probe 02/17/87 COl 2Consol idation of law schools at LR sout in House bill 02/18/87 Al.O 1Funding bills

ARKANSAS GAZF.m'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllG E COLllllllUALR Data center head seeks apology fran Fayette'v"ille group 03/17/87 A03 5Battle lines dram wer expanding Hi

ARKANSNJ GAZETI'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE ll 06/03/87 coa 5House p:tsses resolution for p:ta;l to stuctf higher educ 06/05/87 All 1Shorter Coll reorganization pl.an reing placed into effect 06/05/87 Al2 4Ark si;ending per studant (actual and inflated

ARKANSN> GAZ:m'rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPP.G E (J)LSurvey shews Arkansans have oonfidence in higher educ 06/28/87 001 2Bob Lcmb says l:usiness wants more money for oolleges 06/28/87 C03 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Comcil to seek impr011ed higher educ 07/01/87 A03 3UAIB gets $100,000 federal grant for a;1uaculture stu

ARKAN SN> GAZ RrrE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E nates $200,000 to fund for UA' s Old Main 09/29/87 AlO 2UAF <strong>Library</strong> tracks cbtln <strong>Arkansas</strong> newspars of the pi.st 10/04/87 A13 lHigher educ must estab higher prof ile, John Brunmett writes 10/06/87 A07 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Business COuncil Jili'W hire Ernest BC¥er for stucw 10/07 /87 A07 1Oler 90 pct of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business council f ran LR or Ark 10/07 /87 A07 1UAIB adds skills test pissage in maj or as degree requi ranent 10/07/87 A07 2ReCXllUllendation to drop programs largely ignored 10/08/87 Al4 1Good management credited for new library at West.ark 10/09/87 AlO 5asles inmunization lCM' causes problans at <strong>Arkansas</strong> State 10/10/87 AlO 3Universities shQI their muscle (ed) 10/11/87 C02 1Four oolleges to oonsider cuts in programs 10/12/87 AlO 5New graduate programs appro.red for UAF, UALR 10/12/87 Alo sASU academics learns to book Convocation center in advance 10/13/87 A08 1UAF says its graduate journal isn degree is tmique 10/15/87 Al2 5Universities do not ogx>se co-ordination, Charles Dunn sa,ys 10/15/87 Al8 3ASU students i:eti tion to keep loCBl. 1N dance shQI on air 10/16/87 A20 1UALR finds reducing divisions tough job 10/17/87 Al3 1Nearness of UN..R, UCT\, MU mentioned in ed on dupl ication 10/18/87 C04 5carnegie Fotmdation hired to make stuc\7 of higher educ in Ark 10/20/87 A09 2OUtl ine of areas carnegie Foundation to stu plan for plus and minus grading 10/22/87 AlO 2Dr Helen Lynch sues um over grading incident, other matters 10/24/87 A21 2UALR celebrates 60th anniversary 10/25/87 All 4When one more stucy- isn't too marw (ed on Carnegie stu

ARKANSM> GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE OL.MU studant' s artwork brings &bate on rensorship 11/13/87 A13 1UALR needs to reduce risk of assault on campus, teacher says 11/13/87 A23 lRanedial courses to oo manditory if soores lcw on ACT 11/14/87 AOl 5Article on UAIB Chanrellor Charles A Wal ker 11/15/87 AOl 2UA!B long rebuffed by Pine Bluff white oonmunity 11/15/87 A18 5H L Henbree appnt to UA Boa.rd of Trustee not widely rep:>rted 11/15/87 A20 lRooort McCord article on thrOt1ing of objects at UA games 11/15/87 C03 4Harding Univ plan allOtls tuition IEYment new for future years 11/16/87 COl 3UAF tuition :EXoj ected to oo $2 ,947 by 2005 11/16/87 COl 5Olinese educators to visit three univs in Ark 11/19/87 AOS lHarry L R>ndar writes on presidents' fight for autonany 11/19/87 A20 4Rl.ilander Smith students protest about adn of the college 11/21/87 A09 3Conmuni ty oolls want to oo adninistered by sep:uate l:x>ard 11/22/87 A20 lDr Gerald Fisher says LR needs a oommuni cy oollege 11/22/87 A20 1Role of ammuni ty colleges ref ended by presidents 11/22/87 A20 lDr l\7er L Titus named president of Philandar Smith U>ll 11/26/87 All 4F.ducators divided on need for oornmunity coll at LR 11/26/87 A16 1Trada sdlools cb not view camnunicy oolleges as oompetition 11/26/87 A16 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tedi seeks apprwal for nucl ear reactor for campus 11/28/87 AlO 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech wants reactor for researdl, training 11/28/87 AlO 4Enrallnent in Ark sets reoord total of 75,522 12/03/87 A12 4MU business dapt ammended for ethics anfilasis 12/04/87 A24 3UALR stucents given crimprevention tips 12/06/87 A20 2Bread-based approadl led to agreanent for carnegie stu4f 12/06/87 Bl.3 1Dr Warren B Martin in charge af. Ark carnegie stu4f 12/06/87 Bl3 4Ray ornton accused of leading fight for inefficiency 12/06/87 C04 1UAfB gets Ford Fdn grant for stucv af. rural areas of SE Ark 12/10/87 AlO 1Univ of Central Ark rereives papers of Dr F Hampton Roy 12/11/87 AlO 5Johnqf K Morgan apptd to <strong>Arkansas</strong> Tech l:x>ard of trustees 12/11/87 A21 4Hendrix College gets $10 ,000 gift f ran E:1ll Bell 12/12/87 Al2 5Qlachita Baptist Univ President Ianiel R Grant retiring 12/12/87 A13 1C.Olleges need to re more accanmodating to business, ed says 12/13/87 C03 lIm:r;x>rtanre of non-traditional studants shGTn stucy- 12/13/87 C03 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ ertj oys grGTth in private Cbnations 12/14/87 AlO 1Univ of Central Ark lists 5 finalists for ?-"esident' s post 12/19/87 A19 6G

l!RKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLsee Educational Telw isionsee Governor (Ark)see .Et>l icesee Public Service Connnission (Ark)COLUM3USsee al so Col tlllbus Day

ARKANSA5 GAZE.Tm INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE COLsee also Intox Lalx>ratories, Incsee also Iver Johnson Arms, Incsee al so J M Products Cosee also Jacuzzi Brothers, Incsee al so UN Aerospace and Defense Cosee al so Lanier, Incsee also teanillan Ring-Free Oil Cosee also M:lnnon Groupsee also Marquardt CDrpsee also Mass Merchandisers, Incsee also Madall ion Foods, Incsee also Mi.coil, Incsee also Mi d-Imerica Packaging, Incsee also Mid-South Bottling cosee also Mountain Valley Spring Cosee al so Mul tiwey Associatessee also Munsey Products, Incsee also North American Hitech Group, Incsee also Qnega Ture and COndui t Cosee also P A M Transt:0rtation Servicessee also EOM, Incsee also J?eterson Industriessee also Pl anters Peanutssee also Ponderosa Trailerssee also Process Technoloc;r{, Incsee also Rel.toe Manufacturing Cosee also Ranington Arms Cosee also Reynolds Metal s Cosee also Roadrunnersee also Rahr Industries, Incsee also Sarah Lee Corpsee also Sico, Incsee also Southland Manufacturing Cosee also Stark Manufacturing Cosee also Stoneworkssee also Superior Industries International, Incsee also Systematics, Incsee also TCBY Enterprises, Incsee also Trade Bins, Incsee also Transkrit Corpsee also USA 'lbdaysee also Victor Industriessee also Walk-Winn Plastics Cosee also West Helena-Helena Stx>rt.SYear CDsee al so Whirlpool Corpsee also Wood Manufacturing Co, Incsee also Yarnell' s Ice Cream CoSeveral Ark f inns rank high in Fortes ratingsOld Reynolds plant site called ideal for snall fiIInsHarrison plans massive 'thank you• for industries in countyFortes ranks 5 Ark f iIIns on its 500 listsMagazine lists 7 Ark f iIIns in top 1,000 most valuableFour state f im1s make list af 100 fastest gra\'ingArkansans take wer snall failed f imlS in Canada01/08/87 COl 402/19/87 COl 204/03/87 COl 204/14/87 COl 204/16/87 COl 207/25/87 C06 208/30/87 001 555

ARKANSAS GAZ El'rE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPziGE CDLJeffercon county could l:e chosen for weai;x>ns projects 09/29/87 001 2COMPREHENSIVE SOCIAL ECDNCJollC SUWEY OF ARKANSASsee Public Opinionrts on camp:lign finances of manbers and their opp:ments 08/03/87 A09 1'l'amey' Robinson most visible manber of delegation 08/18/87 A03 1All manbers acoept $12,100 annual p;ty raise 08/30/87 Al9 lHighl ights of activities sinoe Jan 08/30/87 Al9 1Group calls US attack on Iran oil platforms appropriate 10/20/87 A05 1COmments on budget talks 11/21/87 Al6 1Arms treaty with Soviet Union pleases Ark delegation 12/09/87 A03 1CON;RESS (US) - Hnsors bill to simplify u pr ograms 02/14/87 Al6 4Speaker Jim Wright of Texas raises funds for camp:iign debt 02/18/87 Sll 1Effort for rice sales to CUba has Stuttgart Leader support 02/22/87 C04 5Plan set for Bill Alexander to rep;ty camp:iign loan 02/24/87 A03 5Fann problans discussed cy- Bill Al exander 02/26/87 COl 6B Alexander unveils 5-point plan to deal with fann crisis 03/0l/87 A16 lGeorge Bush stand on alcohol fuels pleases Bill Alexander 03/05/87 A07 5Funds for Blythe11 ille AFB sought by Bill Alexander 03/14/87 A09 5Fann anergency declaration is 1st step, Alexander says 03/18/87 A03 1ste for solving fann crisis outl ined Bill Alexander 03/18/87 A03 1Alcohol fuels would l:e rEquired under bill by Alexander 04/10/87 Al3 3GOP adns create top deficits, Bill Alexander i;x>ints out 04/18/87 A02 1ASa> suppl.anental appropriation supported cy Bill Alexander 04/24/87 COl 5Bill Alexander asks COng comm to prote FirstSouth S&L case 05/07/Erl A19 3Bill al.lCl'ling trade with Cuba introduced cy Bill Alexander 05/14/87 801 2Warehouse for fann debt advocated cy- Bill Alexander 05/22/87 A07 1Alcohol fuels can ease two crises, Bill Alexander says 05/25/Erl A21 lJohn Hudgens metions ruse used cy- Jim Wood in Dem primacy 06/12/87 A09 1Alexander says effort for contras raised funds against him 06/15/87 AOS 13Bill Alexander expected to draw Dem, Rep.lb ORX>si tion next yr 06/16/87 A0356

ARKANSAS GAZ Eil'1'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!GE CDLAl exander has contra aid debate µilil.ished in Cong Reoord 06/17/ffl AOl 2cost of publishing debate put at $197 ,382 06/17/ffl AOl 2Bill Al exander refuses to tack awey fran printing debate 06/18/87 AOl 6Darrell Glasoock not sent cy Pat Buchanan, Jercy Russell says 06/19/87 A03 5Darrell Glasoock seeks oonservative foe for Bill Alexander 06/20/ff/ 002 5Reaction in Ark to Alexander plan to pr int oontra debates 06/21/87 A14 1Washington :Et>st ac::rmneruE Alexander on inting contra debate 06/21/87 Al4 1Bill Alexander oontinues crusade for al.cohal fuels use 06/25/87 C03 1Editorial response to :Erinting of oontra debate 06/2&/87 C04 1Bill Alexander gets in plea for alcohol fuel s bill 07/11/87 A08 6Darrell Glasoock appears to t.e prading Dist for candidate 07/17/87 A03 1National Securicy Council not above lat1, Bill Alexander seys 07/24/87 A19 1Bill Alexander lauds frankness of George Shul. tz before pmel 07 /25/87 Al4 5Darrell Glasoock forming natl conservative funding coalition 08/11/87 AO! 2Target of Glasoock' s group will t.e dists such as Alexander 's 08/11/87 AOl 2Alexander sees Darrell Glasoock motivation as money 08/12/87 A03 1Darrell Glasoock says he l:a.cked Bill Alexander in 1982 race 08/15/87 A03 5It seaned he' d hardly left (ed on Glasoock' s new venture) 08/17/ffl AlO 1Bill Alexander joins suit against US flags on Kuwaiti ships 08/88/87 A06 3Alcohal fuel s pushed cy- Bill Alexander in talk at LR 09/06/ff/ 002 5Jinmie Lou Fisher mentioned as possible Alexander ow>nent 09/20/87 Al7 1RE:quire blended fuels, Bill Alexander tells panel 09/24/87 C03 1Bill Alexander included in took, nA House of. Ill Reputen 10/16/87 A07 lBook cy- Tip O' Neill praises work of Bill Alexander 10/16/87 A07 1Author of ill repute (ed on war wimps as authors) 10/17/87 A23 1Conservative Repubs ask look at closing Blytheville MB 11/05/87 AOl 5Repr Bill Alexander responds to GOP on closing Air Force Base 11/05/87 AOl 5Alexander praises GPO for rejecting Blytharille MB stuqr 11/06/ff/ A09 5Bill Alexander tacks cabinet larel. for Veterans Affairs 11/12/87 Al3 6Alexander sees Irarrcontra rept as just tip of the ireberg 11/19/87 A08 1Bill Alexander in dalegation l itical tarbs exchanged t.etween Alexandar, Gl.asoock 12/23/87 AOl 2Darrell Glasoock has been all wer political spectrun 12/24/87 A07 1Darrell Glacock critical of Alexander attending party 12/25/87 A14 6Eligibilicy of Darrell Glascock challenged 12/29/87 A08 2Democrats daf¥ ballot s:r;.ot to Darrell Glasoock 12/31/87 AOl 2CORESS (US) - HOOSE - ARK DIST 02'l'ann¥ Robinson to cx:mplain atout military funding for ArkSCNiets aided Iran-contra scandll , Robinson seysFaon lat1 change predicted cy- Bill Alexander01/08/87 A16 101/11/87 008 201/18/87 001 357

ARRANSAS GAZETl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE sed T Robinson 02/07 /87 C09 2'1tmn¥ Robinson berates Judge Henry Woods on Pulaski sclloals 02/12/87 A03 1Will to te judge-bashing or leadership? (ed) 02/13/87 A22 1'l'oimlW Robinson oontinues criticisn af Judge Henry Woods 02/18/87 A03 4Release f ran military given Robinson' s son 02/18/87 Al.2 5Robinson says B lli:ers, Pryor should halt effort for LRAFB 02/19/87 A09 1Tamey' tries to get in the wey (ed on action on LRAEB) 02/21/87 Al8 1Robinson asks Reagan to make full disclosure on Iran arms 02/27/87 Al.6 1Toney Robinson forming group to stu

ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE COL Robinson srores high with lmer:ican Conservative Union 07/12/87 A08 1'l:'rnlrqy Robinson calls Iran-contra hearings a sideshcw 07/12/87 1iJ.7 6'l:'rnlrqy Robinson calls for law on talanred budget 07 /13/87 A03 5'l'aniey Robinson says James PutX:ed, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette says 07/26/87 C02 1Robinson election cx:mmittees shew different signs of health 08/01/87 Al3 1Stop ayatollah nor or fare him in LR streets, Robinson says 0&/06/87 A0 8 3court suqx:>ena for Robinson to testify is quashed 08/06/87 Al.5 5Robinson litical expectations 08/12/87 A03 1Archie Sdlaffer raises funds for Tamrrf Robinson 08/12/87 A03 6Robinson roast attended 900, raises funds for charity 08/21/87 Al3 1'l'ann¥ Robinson reconsidering military training in forests 08/26/87 A03 5Robinson says Bill Clinton natural for presidential naninee 08/31/87 A02 1Robinson not likely to change Bill Clinton on pres rare 09/04/87 A03 1'l'amey Robinson favors line-itan veto IX'W'er for president 09/06/87 002 5Defense contracts for dist sounent 09/20/87 Al.7 1 Robinson defends US destruction of Iranian ship 09/29/87 001 2'l'ormW Robinson set to battle Army wer prisoners at Robinson 10/01/87 Al.4 5'l'aniey Robinsons saks out on War RMers Act 10/12/87 A0 9 5T Robinson undeterred t¥ facts, logic on Persian Gulf (ed) 10/l&/87 C02 l'ltmey Robinson ronoerned about c:Efici t reduction bill 10/28/87 A09 2Change in boundaries of MITr:f Cbrps LR Dist sou

ARKAN SM GAZ E'ITE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE OOLCDM3RESS (US) - HClJSE - ARK DIST 04Beryl <strong>An</strong>thoey rises to lofty heights in leases tax change to keep research funds in USBeryl <strong>An</strong>thoey canmends Jim Wright for cx:mgressional agend3.W J Mceuen will not seek seat in 1988Beryl <strong>An</strong>thoey seeks weatx>ns projects for Jefferson Co lltyBeryl <strong>An</strong>thoey pleased with deficit-reduction FCOp:>sa.lsR>ul tcy fiim tax break vital, Beryl <strong>An</strong>thoI¥ assertsNo re-election oax>sition likely for Beryl <strong>An</strong>thoeyRoger N Bell seeks Re?Jb naninationCDN'.iRESS (US) - SENATE01/04/87 A03 101/10/87 001 201/30/87 A03 502/01/87 AOl 402/01/87 All 102/05/87 AOl 202/27 /87 Al.6 103/26/87 Al 7 303/27 /87 AO 8 304/09/87 A08 504/29/87 Al.2 105/05/87 A04 105/08/87 Al 7 105/28/87 A03 406/11/87 A03 106/14/87 AOS 106/14/87 AOS 106/16/87 A03 607 /11/87 COl 207 /26/87 A03 408/06/87 Al.2 308/07 /87 Al.3 108/20/87 :001 409/29/87 001 210/15/87 A05 410/23/87 COl 312/06/87 AOl 212/30/87 Al.6 4Dile Bllil!Ers, D Pryor praise agreenent on canadi an Lumber 01/02/87 A09 1Re!Eal of aircraft tax break sougit Dile Bllil!Ers 01/08/87 C03 5Dale Bllil!Ers battles to keep tax break for Hudson, 'fyson 01/14/87 A03 1Re!Eal of tax break for ai rcraft makers sou9J.t by D BlIIlpers 01/14/87 C03 5Dale BlIIl!Ers takes helm of two i;anels 01/15/87 Al5 2David Pryor ro-sp:msors bill for soybean subsidy program 01/15/87 C03 1Bum!Ers Ea;/S aqy agri bill favorable to farmers faces veto 01/17/87 Al.5 1David Pryor d:tairs subcanmittee on farm exports 01/18/87 :004 5Benton Courier enCbrses Dale BunIErs for U S President 01/18/87 C04 5David Pryor trying to expedite p:iyment to East Ark farmers 01/22/87 NJ7 1Dale Bunpers seeks soc aid to prwent take01er of Cllampion 01/22/87 Al.O 1Food program for the neec\7 has b:tcking of Sen David Pryor 01/30/87 A08 1Dale Bllil!Ers introduces plan to force honoring of s.N:,T II 01/30/87 Al 7 1Dav id Pryor says sinpler W-4 form due soon 02/03/87 AOl 6Bumpers, Pryor expect block of mwe of ai r group to Tinker 02/05/87 AOS 1Nuclear test US condemned cy- Sen llile BunIErs 02/05/87 A09 3David Pryor ro-sponsors annibus trade bill 02/06/87 A09 1Dale Bllil!ErS discusses foreign p:>l icy with foreign students 02/08/87 Al.0 1David Pryor wants VA director tx>sition to te at cabinet level 02/08/87 Al.2 2David Pryor ' s bill seeks aid on exports of rice 02/09/87 A07 1Dale Bllilpers could sell Dem liberal isn to South, ool lln Ea;fS 02/10/87 Al3 1u. s. should note fX)sitive changes in Swiet Union, Pryor says 02/11/87 001 1Tax on electrati.c transfer of funds suggested cy David Pryor 02/11/87 002 1David Pryor critical of agency regul ating arms sales 02/21/87 A20 160

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlG E COLPre>OO af P03s wried by Texas Eastern asked by lltle Bun:i;:ers 02/22/87 AOl 5Dav id Pryor joins 10 businessnen in visit to Soviets on trade 02/22/87 A05 1Taxpayers bill af rights has support of David Pryor 02/25/87 A03 1Dale Buni;ers assails 'girrmicks' for SBA 03/02/87 A09 5senator Pryor returns fran Russia hoi;eful for trade p;tct 03/10/87 A06 1Drug policy af Reagan adn ineffective, David Pryor says 03/25/87 A03 3U S licensing of arms sales faulted by Da.vid Pryor 03/25/87 A17 3MM tre:ity jeop:trdized cy SDI, Iale Bun:i;:ers says 03/27/87 A09 1Reagan veto of highway, transit bill discussed by D Bun:i;:ers 03/29/87 Al4 1IRS 'bullies' blasted by Da.vid Pryor 04/11/87 AOl 2Marketing loan program for cx:mmodi ties has Pryor sug:x>rt 04/11/87 A07 1David Pryor pushes taxpayer rights bill 04/12/87 001 1Dale Buni;:ers ho:i;:eful about Shul t.z trip to Russia 04/13/87 A03 1David Pryor makes case for Bill Clinton race for president 04/14/87 A03 1senator Pryor expects drive to change tax code next year 04/14/87 A05 1D Pryor attacks ArIJ¥ plan for private guards at m Arsenal 04/16/87 A12 5Lee Creek dam project has full support of Da.v id Pryor 04/17/87 A07 1Dale Bun:i;:ers supports Judge Woods order on LR teacher plan 04/17/87 A13 4senator Bun:i;:ers encouraged about possible aons pict 04/19/87 A12 1Medicare Hane Health Care Act introduced by David Pryor 04/23/87 A03 3Mandatory health insurance not solution, Iale Bun:i;:ers says 04/24/87 C03 1David Pryor sui:ports widening of marketing loan program 04/25/87 Al9 1Reagan leadership most irresponsible, Iale Bun:i;:ers says 04/28/87 A06 6senator Buni;ers urges suwcrt for youth public service work 04/30/87 A09 2Dnpro.red nursing hane care is obj ect of bill by D Pryor 04/30/87 C02 4Dale Bun:i;:ers dlides Meese on quest for prison funds 05/01/87 A03 1Bill to rework farm credit introduced by Dav id Pryor 05/07/87 C02 1Dale Bun:i;:ers to hold talks on military use of forests 05/08/87 A03 5Dale Bunpers seeks aru:wers f ran DEA on Secord allegations 05/08/87 Al2 1David Pryor says Bill Clinton should run for President 05/12/87 A03 3Bum:i;:ers and Pryor help Llqfd Bentsen raise camp;tign funds 05/12/87 001 2Farm credit System bailout inevitable, D:lvid Pryor says 05/12/87 COl 3Sna.11 Business Adn criticized cy- lltle Bun:i;:ers 05/13/87 A07 2David Pryor bill makes grain crop loans mandatory 05/15/87 AlO 5David Pryor honored for work in rehalf af snall business 05/15/87 Al8 6POul. try indus def ended by Senator Da.v id Pryor 05/16/87 Al9 1Dale Bunpers urges center on business initiatives 05/20/87 C02 1David Pryor repts Navy has cecertified Bigeye OOmb 05/22/frl Al2 5Bl.lllpers wants War Powers Resolution in Persian Gulf situation 06/01/87 A09 1senate plan for health bill draws praise of David Pryor 06/02/frl A06 5Health insurance bill could pass soon, Dav id Pryor says 06/07/87 AlO 2David Pryor has support for Taxpayers Bill of Rights 06/07/87 005 1Dale Bunpers pushes measure to aid Ark aviation industry 06/13/87 A08 1Bl.111,t=ers' bill to imoke war pc:wers measure to get attention 06/14/87 Al2 5David Pryor ro-sponsors claims bd for radiation reses 06/21/87 001 5Panel chaired cy IBvid Pryor hears tactics of IRS 06/23/87 AOl 6Dale Buni;:ers asserts failure in Reagan rudget plea 06/28/87 AlO 4senate adds talanced b.ldget plan at request of. Dav id Pryor 06/30/87 A03 1David Pryor suggests HOW'ard H Baker Jr for us SUprane Court 07 /01/87 A05 5Veterans neglected, ravid Pryor says 07/01/87 Al2 2senate joins David Pryor in resolution on Japlll faIID trade 07/03/87 C03 4Dale Bun:i;:ers sha-ts ex>ncern on Bork nanination for Suprane Ct 07/04/87 All 1Dale Bun:i;:ers says presidential race m for Bill Clinton 07/06/87 AlO 5Interviewed on Bill Clinton deci si on not to run for pres 07/16/87 Al5 461

ARKANSAS GAZEP.rE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIG E le to be GOP candidate for pres 09/06/87 002 6David Pryor tries to ed up i;aoe of Senate 09/06/87 C04 3Arms export office remiss, Senator David Pryor says 09/12/87 AOS 1Senate c:Efeats Bunpers proix>sal to invoke War Powers Act 09/19/87 AlS lDale Bunpers, o:tvid Pryor suax>rt a011s oontrol i;act 09/23/87 All 5David Pryor loses effort to halt Big-&re ses Rotert Bork nanination to oourt 10/02/87 AOl 5David Pryor is first Southern senator to OH;X>se Bork only 10/02/87 AlO 1David Pryor suggests Heward Baker be naninated for Suprane Ct 10/02/87 AlO 1David Pryor unveils measure to aid taxpayers 10/03/87 ADS 1David Pryor ' s amdt on acns sales appr01ed 10/0EV'87 A08 5Dale Bunpers will not vote to oonf inn Robert Bork 10/09/87 AOl 5Renewed challenge to US :tersian Gulf };X)licy seen Bunpers 10/09/87 A08 1Dale Bunpers assails Reagan ranarks on Bork foes 10/12/87 A07 5George Bush stand on IRS applaured cy 03.vid Pryor 10/14/87 A03 6David Pryor sees Robert Bork as GOP political pawn 10/21/ff'l A03 4BlJllpers, Pryor o?:imistic wer TAC'AID for LRAIB 10/22/87 A03 6War J:Qwers Act issue is maj or ooncern of senator Bl.IIlpers 10/25/87 Al 7 1Dale Bunrs urges US-Russia m01e teyond sumnit 10/31/87 A07 1Dale Bunpers urges oollegues to give Ginsberg fair hearing ll/04/87 A03 5Delcw of Trident test urged cy Senator D:lle Bunpers 11/05/87 A06 lDale Bunpers urges Dems to oontim:e budget reduction talks 11/05/87 A06 4Dale Bunpers camnents on withdraw! af n>uglas H Ginsburg ll/08/87 AlO 4Dale Bunper r;;;ws he has not tried 'ix>t' 11/09/87 A03 3Dale Buni:ers cmunents on indiscretions of Pat Robertson 11/09/87 A03 3Politicians who obey Jesus' camnandnents labeled 'liberal ' 11/09/87 A03 3David Pryor urges fast action on Suprane Ct nanination 11/10/87 A03 5Dale Bunpers corrects wrong impression on ranark on Roberts:>n 11/12/87 A20 4Senators Bunrs and Pryor vocal en budget necptiations 11/13/ff'l A03 5Dale Bunpers seeks long-tenn water supply for Little Rock 11/17/87 A08 462

ARKANSAS GAZE'l'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLrav id Pryor gives adlrice on auniaigning for officeDale Bunpers opp:>ses tax cut for wealthyDale Bunpers prop:>sal on Salt II killed in conf cnmnitteeDavid Pryor calls nerve gas boolb a $2 billion wasteDale Bunpers hosts Paul Simon appearance in LRBudget, trade deficits threat future, Dile Buni;ers saysDavid Pryor still seeking taxpayer bill of rightsDavid Pryor takes 30,000 lrs f ran Ark children to S011ietsDale Bunpers may be keynote speaker at Democratic cornrentionSenators Buni;ers and Pryor save tax break for poultry indusDale Bunpers says budget cuts inalll try finnsCONLEE, CDCLIOOEsee also St Francis Cbtmtya>NLEY, MIKEsee also Track and FieldOONSERV'ATIOO ( NAWRl\L RIBWRCES)see Natural Resourcessee Wildernessa>NSERIJATlVE UNION, AMERICANsee al so Congress {US) - House - Ark Dist 02see also Congress (US) - Ark DelegationCPNSTrIUTION (ARK)Joint legis p:tnel selects 3 prop:>sed amdts for considerationSenate apprwes prop:>sed amdt to raise officials' salariesLegislature refers 3 prop:>sed amdts to votersSlip-up may kill amdt vote on c:anm to set officials' salaryMichael. D:>ugan reoanmends changes in archiac prwisionsstate needs new charter, Winston Bryant saysCONSTrIUTION (US)Constitution deserves respect, not fireworksAll 75 cotmties to mark bi rthday af Constitution

ARKANSAS GAZ E:rl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl(;E CDLCities must take bids for most ,EZafessional services, ct says 07/21/87 AOS 5CDN\TENTIONS J\ND OONFERENCE:SLR will no longer supply sales leads to NLR hotels09/03/ffl A03 4NLR hotels, officials seek to rooi;:erate with LR on oonvs 09/04/87 AO 9 3LR, NLR to work together to attract oonventions10/22/87 A09 5Delegates at Statehouse Conv Center have spent $60 million 11/19/87 C03 2statehouse ccmpl.ex, Excelsior Hotel deaned successes11/29/87 DOl 2Convention planners not generally cware af LR offerings 11/29/87 DOI 6aJNilAYsee also Willians, M:lrvinRestored flagstone sidewalk dedicated 04/27 /ffl AO! 4Mayor nave KinlE¥ vetoes Robbins reappointment to Conway Corp 05/14/87 Al.3 1CDNilAY CDUNTYsee also Alcoholic BeveragesCDOLEY, ARCE IEsee also CollegesOJON SJPmR ( GILLEP!')see FestivalsOJONEY, AIRAIN JAMESsee also BooksCDRLEY, NJRMANsee al so Food Contamination Ag9CDRNlNG CDMKJNITY HOOPITALsee M:di cine

ARKANSPS GAZE.'ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE rted 11/29/87 AJ.6 1COURIS (JUTENILE)<strong>Arkansas</strong> juvenile ct systen ruled unconstitutional 01/21/87 AOl 2Circuit, chancery cts to te asked to handle juvenile cases 01/21/fn AOl 2Cowity jurisdiction wer juveniles called erraneous court 01/21/87 AO! 6<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Assn seeking amdt on juvenile ct systan 01/21/87 A05 1Juvenile oourts thrQoln into confusion rul ing 01/21/87 AOS 1Legis IIlOl7ing to get juvenile systan on constitutional basis 01/22/87 AOl 2PUlaski Cb trial judges willing to take juvenile ct duties 01/22/87 AOl 2<strong>An</strong> old inj ustice rollapses (ed) 01/22/fn Al4 1Rul ing on val idity of ct frees stabbing suspect 01/23/87 Al2 5Juvenile cases n0t1 Iro11ing to adult court 01/24/87 AOl 6Gov Clinton names p:trEl. to seek long-term solution to i;:coblan 01/24/87 A06 3Lawsuit that felled systan unnoticed news medi a 01/25/87 001 2Legislation introduced to create divisions for juvenile cts 01/27 /87 AOS 1Rate of juveniles in adult jails dro,ES 01/29/87 001 2CoWlty judges Cb not want jurisdiction in p;i.ternicy suits 01/29/87 001 6'!Wo juvenile judges oonduct hearin

ARKANSPS GAZIFI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE

ARKANSAS GAZE'l'l'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.OOE CDLStei;hen M Reasoner has appuently been cilosen for judge 11/12/87 AOl 2stetiien M Reasoner dlosen for j udgemip 12/19/87 AOl 6Judge Elsijane Trinhle R celebrates 10 yrs on federal bend>. 12/21/87 A07 4

ARKANSM> GAZE.'l'IE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLsee al so St Francis CbuntyCriminals lost prorcy to federal govt last year in Ark 01/04/87 C06 3Russell Kum claims guilcy plea wasa ooerced 01/17/ffl Al3 301/30/87 Al2 4Dumas has ooen site af several violent reaths 04/23/87 AOl 4Lengthy prison sentences uµteld cy state Suprane ct 04/28/87 A08 1Crime Watch organized in Cbllege Station 05/03/ffl B04 1McCurtain C.ounty, Okla, called 'outlew country' 05/26/ffl BOl 5se Crime Watch program 06/03/87 001 1Gand Jury to meet in Piazza' s off ice 06/09/87 002 1Maj or crimes on increase in Ark 06/lol/87 A09 1Rufus Qiance, a Georgia fugitive, arrested at ca.bot 06/20/87 001 5Pulaski Cbunty Grand Jury en

ARKANSM> GAZE.Tl'E JNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE CDLOlYSTALS<strong>Arkansas</strong> crystals used for marv p.irposesQJBAsee also AgricultureQJBBK;E, NANCYsee also Murders - CUbbage, Nancyl itics Jy7OJPP, DICKIE LYNNsee also Hunan Serv ioes DeptCIJPlLES :EROilJCI'SPittsburgh f iIIn to oi;en Batesville plantOJRFDTSsee al so Cllildren and YouthClJRRY, CA'lllY BRl\Nfn;Jsee also Murders - Olrry, Oltey BransonD!\ISY MANUFACIU ())Rrs plant to produce training riflesDAL'roN, '!OMsee al.so Little RockIY\.f.5 P.ND DIKESsee ReservoirsDANA CDRIDRJllrIONFi illl to oi;en plant at RussellvilleDAN AND DANCERSsee also EntertairmentDANIEL Il\ITERNATIONAL, lNCsee also North Little RockDANIEL, JAMES Wsee also Publ ic Service O'Xnmission (Ark)DARBY, w.nJ,IAMsee also World war IIDARDANELLE SClHXL DISlffi.ICl'see Ed.J.cation - student Conductsee Suicid:DAVENFORT, MAroAREI'see al so Leadership 014DAVIS, HESTERsee also ArcheologyDAVIS, JAMESsee al so Civil Lil::erties Union, ffilericanDAV IS, JEFF JRsee also R>llution Control and Ecology Commission (Ark)DAVIS, KIM Csee also Alcohal and Drug AbuseDAV IS, U'WRENCE A SR10/01/87 001 202/21/87 001 202/11/87 COl 210/30/87 COl 507 /03/ffl COl 269

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl'(;E CDLsee also Colleges 029MVIS, IUYCE:see also Murders - Hardin, Bani ver JMY CARE CENTERS EOR Qlll.DRENNeeed for day care for working mothers discussedLR' s First Methodist Church plans large centerDrive oi;ens for imprwed day careDE QUEENsee also WaterCity atty accused of making threatening calls is firedJ:hil Barton apologizes for making threatening callsDE QUEEN LAKEsee WaterIE QUEEN RXJL'IRY PROilJCI'SFi on to FCoduce chicken sausageDEl!NF., .mNIE02/23/87 00106/16/87 00112/06/87 AlB12/04/87 Al212/24/87 AOB12/20/87 A09222511see also Books and WritingDEMEBill in Legis gives tenninally ill right to avoid care 03/12/87 AlO 3Bill allat1ing choice on life-support i;raised 03/23/ff/ AD7 1House approves bill to let p:ttient, proxy refuse life-sl.lpFOrt 03/2&/87 All 3Hospice workers share life, death with i;atients 03/30/ff/ 001 4Informed, caring nel should make death decision, group told 05/30/87 Al5 1Pros and cons of new Ark Rights of the Terminally Ill act 06/24/87 Al.5 1DEMH PENALTYseeDEMHSsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsosee al sosee alsosee alsosee alsosee al.sosee al.sosee alsosee alsosee al.sosee alsosee alsosee al.sosee alsosee alsosee al.sosee alsosee alsosee al sosee alsosee alsosee alsocapital PunisdmtentBiltz, Jose:i;:h HBlackwell, LawrenceBland, James LChadick, Farl LO>tnam, NellFi resFord, Arch WGrundf est, ll:lve JrHardin, wt.her SHargrwe, W NKoon, FrankKumi;e, PDl7 FLawson, Cleo JacksonLedbetter, Jeff rE¥Mackey, B FrankMullins, r:evid WMurdersNursing HanesOverton, Willian RPilgrim, lbert RR>rtis, Alice WaddellPregnancy and Maternal WelfarePurcell, JoeRail roads - AccidentsRichardson, i\TonneScreeton, Jeny JSmith, El.mer70

ARKANSA5 GAZ Eil'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLsee also Wells, John Fsee also Wilson, Robert E L IIIAdcock, R AAllard, Bessie Butler Newsanlmis, &:Ward S Srhnmons, F.dgar wBain, Janes A JrBanks, Warren E JrBeard, Alice GcanbleBell, A HGTardBell, rganBrcwn, &.Ward EzellBrcwn, Russell MBrcwne, GeneBullion, M:lry FordBuxton, John E<strong>By</strong>rd,

.ARKANSAS GAZE.'l'l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLGallOday, sarah wGiller, Violet MGoodloe, .Albert TheodoreGordon, Aden LarryGordon, &Ward JrGoss, James HGraves, Kenneth HGriffin, Walter wGrinage, Benjamine sGroshong, ReginaHall, Louise BoazHarris, Jose.Eh BHart, J Clyde JrHenl:est, IJ.oyd GHenl e.t, Benj cmin CharlesHice, w oHoffman, John Wilks SrHofmeier, Mi ricrn McKinnieHubbell, Wellster FdlardHudgins, Miry Deng]. erHuff, PD JrHlJlli;ilries, William LaveryHLmter, Jose}:il BooneHunter, Luther .AllenJackson, rothy SelfMdiillen, 0 WMeade, Fayette MMiller, M:l.rvin AMilum, MixMo, Basil MM:>orman, BeulahMorgan, Frank EMuncrief, Clifton PhillipMur.EhY, W DParker, Sellers JerialParks, .Albert FieldingPatterson, C'atherine Raganl0/2s/ro6/108/29/Al.2/ 4Ol/25/a>6/512/07/AOB/207/04/Al.2/603/12/COB/ 607 /30/Al.4/312/11/Al.5/207/23/COB/510/17/Al.8/l09/19/Al.6/504/11/Al.2/401/09/Al.4/ 405/0&'C08/311/27 /A2 0/312/01/Al.0/504/17/Dl2/l11/06/Al. 8/504/15/Al0/610/21/Al.4/501/15/008/104/16/Al.7/309/06/A20/507/16/C02403/09/A08/l11/12./Al.6/ 401/01/COB/601/12/a>B/l07/17/CD8/l07 /29/C08/l12/02/Al.8/ 407 /01/COB/ 512/22/Al.6/l04/24/COB/310/27/Al0/404/16/Al. 4/302/02/008/ 409/14/AOB/412/16/Al.8/507/16/C02/505/27 /COB/306/13/Al.2/307 /09/COB/l07/09/COB/612/04/Al.6/304/16/Al.7/403/l&'COB/405/07 /Al.4/109/0&'Al.0/212/03/Al.6/512/27 /006/501/06/008/311/25/Al.2/310/27 /Al O/l72

ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE

ARKANSAC:> GAZRrl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!GE CDLIEERsee Wildl ifeIEER RUNel.Ofer seeks $2.3 million f ran state a.rer lr Woodnm wrote 01/20/87 C08 1Robert Waldrun wrote lr while on staff af Attorney General OJ/20/87 C08 1DEFENSES AND ARMED FORCES (US)see also Pine Bluff ArsenalNaani Heye trep:tring to api;eal. adultery COI'lV'iction at LRAEBGro says ta.sing navy group at LRAEB would save $60 millionFwiding for navy plans at Tinker AEB blocked in Senate p:tnel'!he senators are in the hunt (ed on navy air group)FBI, OOI probing rept of missing f 1.mds at LRAEBLawyer plans to api;eal adultry COI'lV'iction of Naani HeyeAir bases at Little Rock, Blytheville p.:>ssible MX sitesReaction generally favorable to storing MX at Ark l:asesBtmrers, Pryor should halt LRAEB efforts, T Robinson saysRobinson releases re.EX: shQi ing Tinker cheai;er than LRAEBHobcy'ist at LR collects, restores military equipnentFort Chaffee control will not be turned ooer to Natl GuardTitan missile era ensal for using for est landsNames of Army Reservists killed in helicopter crash in TexasLast Titan II missile rana.red fran siloMilitary probing helicopter crash at Fort HoodMemorial servi held for 4 killed in helicopter crashTwo give accom.t of 'hot

ARRANSA GAZE'ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE for LRAFB 10/24/87 A03 6Sonic roans over Ark are thing of the p:i.st 10/24/87 001 2Bill apprwed Senate anits TACAID f ran Tinker funding 10/28/87 A08 4O>nservative Repul:s ask look at closing Blythwille AEB 11/05/87 AOl 5GKJ rejects GOP call for stuqr of cutbacks at Blythwille AEB 11/06/87 A09 5terch planned to protest nerve gas production at Arsenal 11/13/87 AlO 1Eawironmental groups enci>rse march to Pine Bluff Arsenal 11/20/87 Al2 5'l'amey' Robinson cefends chanical weapons at Pine Bluff Arsenal 11/21/87 AlO 4Senator David Pryor atlls nerve gas production a waste 11/24/87 A07 1Group rallies at Pine Bluff Arsenal gate to oa;x>se nerve gas 11/23/87 A07 1Pine Bluff Arsenal gearing up to make nerve gas oomponent 11/30/87 AOl 2Gas production at Pine Bluff Arsenal begins toc'hy 12/16/87 A20 2Pine Bluff Arsenal chosen to make two binary gas agents 12/24/87 AOl 6DELILLE, JFJ\NENEFormer UALR official killed in Washington plane crash 11/06/87 AlS 1DELTA CAREER CDLLR;Esee also Trade SchoolsIELTA FINANCIAL INV'ESTME:NT

ARKAN SM:; GAZ E.TI'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE COLsee Education - Finance and BudgetsDESHh-DREW SCHCXL DISTRICTsee Education - consol idationIEVEI..OPMENT FINPNCE JUiHORITY (ARK)see Governnent BondsIEVELOPMENTAL DISIBU.,ITIES SERVIa.:S DIVISIOO (ARK)see HlJilan Services Dep;i.rtment (Ark)DIAMJNllIF.ADEquity Builders, Inc buys tm

ARKANSAS GAZE'I'IB INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLsee also Housingsee al so Insurancesee also Lee Countysee also M=iriannasee also Mississippi countysee also Newspaperssee also Oaklcwn Jockey Cl. ubsee also Pine Bluffsee al so R:>l icesee also Prisonssee also Railroadssee also River View .Paradisesee also Televisionsee also Trade Schoolssee also West Memi;:hisBlack recalls breaking lundl cx:>tmter oolor cosal made for state tax checkoff for cancer research 01/21/87 A08 3Taiwan flu cases reptd at Little Rock, Lonoke 01/22/87 :002 3Meeting held with hanosexuals to discuss protection fran AIIS 01/25/87 :007 4Drug for AIIS patients available in Ark for first time 01/25/87 007 5Hunt&Ville schools closed flu 01/29/87 Al3 3Proµ>sed bill would nquire AIIS test tefore marriage 02/01/87 C07 5contract for AII13 educ program appro.red cy legis :p:lnel 02/10/87 All 3senate appro.res rSiuiring all coll stu

ARKAN GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE CDLAIIS test for couples planning marriage und active life 05/08/87 Al6 6AIIS i;atient fran Ark es to Mexia> to b.Iy medication 05/10/87 Al3 1Innate in Pulaski O>unty Jail fotmd to have AII'S 05/29/87 A03 1Dentists roncerned about i;x>ssible AII:S infection qr i;atients 06/06/87 BOl 3state's first heart transplant IEtient oi;:timistic alx>ut life 06/07/87 BOl 5AIIS fear pranpts use of gl.wes by Rogers EMS persormel 06/10/87 All 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> League of lio Survivors seeks to aid patients 06/22/87 AOl 2FOst-i;x>l io f¥ndrane often strikes victims 30 yrs later 06/22/87 AOl 2Ottenbeimer Brothers Fdn Cbnates $500 ,000 to cancer Center 06/25/87 All 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> eating service offers to matc:h AIIS-free p:1.rtners 06/29/87 A06 4Bone marrcw transplant experiences eescribed M Wednore 07/01/87 A17 1<strong>An</strong>tilx>dies for AIIS found in 18 innates in Ark prisons 07/01/87 BO! 6La¥ signed to prwice free testing for AIIS 07/02/87 Al5 1n>ols available to eradicate AIIS, Little Rock group told 07/10/87 All 1Expert on epile speaks at LR 07/16/87 All 1Rei;x>rts on AII:'S spread receptive, Dr Ter.ty Yamauchi says 07/17/87 C08 5Jul ie Haynes hoping for hea.rt-llmg transplant 07/20/87 AO! 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> cancer Research Center groundbreaking scheduled 07 /20/87 AOS 1BetJ:¥ Blass has led drive for ftmds for ArnA building 07/20/87 AOS 1Cancer Research Center to be fully a;iuipped 07/20/ffl AOS 1cancer Research Center will be a oomprehensive center 07 /20/87 AOS 1Heart surgery gives Eric Hopkins new, active life 07/22/87 BO! 2Charla Pike' s cancer cure was miraculous 07/26/87 Al3 1Dr Terry Yamauchi talks on AIIS at natl governors' cornr 07/28/87 A03 4Asthma p:1.tient shares mountain climbing experience 07/30/87 A07 1Court rules ins f iIIns must ronsider manic depression piysical 07 /30/87 A07 1Man with AIIS virus allegedly threatened El :t:brado 07/31/87 Al3 1I¥me disease has been in Ark since at least 1982 08/03/87 A05 1Suspected carrier of Lyme disease is Lone Star Tick 08/03/87 AOS 1J.i.n:tey G Etheridge mew have exposed Ark children to AIIS 08/05/87 A06 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> lx>ys mew have teen exposed to AIIl> Jim Etheridge 08/07/87 A03 4Authorities unsure if Ji.rmw Etheridge had AIIS virus 08/15/87 AOS 1Jimlr¥ Etheridge was free of AIIS at death, test shaqs 08/18/87 A04 4Cllarles J eel.la gives $250 ,000 to Ark Cancer Researdl Center 08/22/87 A05 1Prostitute at LR is mrrier of AIIS virus, policanan says 08/26/ffl AOS 4Prostitute not AIIS virus mrrier, LR FOlice Chief says 08/27/87 Al3 6iiwo bitten rabid Chg 08/29/87 A09 4Health workers have trainins session on AIIl> protection 09/01/87 BOl 2No child knaqn to mr.ty AIIS in Ark sdlools 09/04/87 Al7 2AII.l> statistics for <strong>Arkansas</strong> 09/06/87 BOS 1AIIS virus carrier tells haq he ros with uncertainty 09/06/87 005 1Pranising cancer treatment cetailed expert at CARTI ronf 09/07 /rn All 1LR firefighters fear AIIS, seek data on man they' treated 09/09/87 AOl 2Firemen want ootails of rondition of man they' aiood 09/10/87 Al3 1Firefighters to get diagnosis of man they' suspect had AIIS 09/16/rn All 1stu

ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE nors, recipients linked Ark agency (Arora) 10/05/87 AlO 1UMB stucent Lincoln Ehillips needs $130,000 liver transplant 10/0fV87 A09 2Joining AIOO fight not fashionable in Ark, expert says 10/09/87 Al2 1Dnrnunization lcw troubl ing to <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ students 10/10/87 AlO 3AIIS prevention guidelines aoopted Ark Heal th Board 10/23/87 A16 1cases Of AIIlJ in Ark oouble to 81 , with 42 deaths rep>rted 10/23/87 A16 1state Health Dept AII:S prop>sal called counterproductive 10/24/87 A14 5Ole snal.l shot may keep 3 strains of influenza at1ay 10/27/f!l 001 2Snithville girl gets rabies shots after d:>g bite 11/13/87 Al2 1Legis i;arel. apprwes funds for <strong>Arkansas</strong> AII:S Foundation 11/13/87 A20 6Mancatory AIIl> educ in p.ibl ic schools urged tanel 11/18/87 Al9 1statistics on AIIS in Ark, sex, age groups, risk groups ll/lfV87 Al9 3'Graruv' walks shog;>ing malls seeking funds for child' s need 11/29/87 AOl 2,M.g oounselor Victoria Fountain a:unp:iigns for equipnent 11/30/87 A08 2'!Wo hospitals at LR oonsidering doing heart transplants 12/03/87 AOl 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> Sheriffs Assn wants safeguards against AII:S 12/04/87 All 5R>l ioo, anergency rsonnel take J:Xere.utions against AII:S 12/04/87 All 6Arkansans needing transplants find cost

ARKANSA5 GAZErl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPM; E CDLDishonrtedl.y failed securities dealer testsDimongh calls for disnissal of chgs against himDISORIERLY CDNWCI'Viewer vents anger on ailile bldg at DierksDIVOOMuy Dl.Jmolooe\r of LR sets new scuba reoord for wanenFeature article on feat of Marcy Dunwooe\rDIVORCEsee Marriage and DivorceDIIDN, S MHonored cy- Universi cy of Arkasnas for di cal Sciencesrocr'ORS HOOPITAL (LrrrLE ROCK)see dicinerooo, MVID 0ll/05/87 AOl 212/26/87 Al4 212/31/87 A09 603/10/87 BOl 212/21/87 D03 112/27 /87 F06 105/10/87 A06 1see HistorJ (P.xk)OODD, 'ffiOLENEsee al.so BooksOOI:RJLL, ARTsee al.so Cburts (Iccal)Im FIGHTIN3see <strong>An</strong>imalsixx; RACIK;southland track seeks longer racing season 03/03/87 AOB 1Extension of season eru:brsed qr Senate µmel. 03/06/87 AlO 1Extending season wins vote in Senate 03/10/87 AlO 6House pin:il enCbrses extending season 03/11/87 A08 1southland Park not worried about prop:>sed Mem!bis horse track 10/13/87 AlO 2Boarding faan for grE:¥hounds located in Montery Cbunty 11/09/87 001 2ImPATCH USAsee lrnusement Parksixx;ssee <strong>An</strong>imalsIDLE, KBERT Jsee al.so President (US)OONREY MEDIA GRCXJPsee al.so CollegesIXXJ:IAN, mrERsee also Tennis - ProfessionalIXJUGIAS, KBERT RDiscusses re

ARKAN GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>see al so BooksWins zoning apprwal for restaurant at Eureka Springs 11/07 /87 A13 1DREW UXJNTYsee also R>l iceJ:RIFIWoa:>, JIMMYsee also Fi resJ:RNEl-IN 'IllFATERSsee '!heatersJ:RO.:EOUTS, SCBCXLsee Education - Drop:mtsDRCWN.Il\X;SBodies of father, tl'/o sons re

ARKANSAS GAZE'ITE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE

ARKANSPS GAZErTE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE COLCi cy af Little Rock asked to help srt business incumtor 01/15/87 All 1Ill\Testors fran Taiwan to visit state 01/16/87 COl 5Workers are key to state' s future, Olarles Morgan says 01/18/87 C03 1Business lead:!rs fonn group to pranote econ d:!vel.opnent 01/21/87 COl 2sam M Walton beads group seeking econ d:!vel.opnent af Ark 01/21/87 COl 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Business COmcil formed to aid econ, social goals 01/22/87 COl 5SCIII Wal ton led in fonnation af <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business COuncil 01/22/87 COl 5Grwed legis p:inel. 02/10/87 AlO 1 jobs in Ark in 1986 put at 13,069 02/10/87 COl 5House p:inel p:isses tax-inoentitive bill for steel mill 02/11/87 All 1senate apprwes tax break legis for Blytheville steel mill 02/12/87 AlO 3Senate apprwes, sends g::N bill allc:wing tax breaks for Nucor 02/13/87 A13 1Survey shews econaey is top concern of Ark residents 02/15/87 AOl 2Sal.an is first rural communicy to get incu1:Btor grant 03/07/87 Cll 2Value af enterprise zones still questionable 03/08/87 001 2Enterprise zone act has teen tenaficial 03/08/87 001 6Inamtitives for Blytheville plant seen as unfair to others 03/08/87 COS 2<strong>Arkansas</strong>-SOITiet trace conf soucjlt for Ark 03/11/87 001 2Tax break for Nucor could aid other steel mills 03/12/87 All 1Cal ico Rock gears up to recruit industry 03/12/87 COl 2Tax incentives prw ide jobs to fund schools, writer says 03/13/87 Al9 3state, LR plan to put $500 ,000 into Tedmology Center in LR 03/15/87 AOl 2Technol ogy Center at LR is p:irt af business incumtor program 03/15/87 AOl 2Technology Center program explained 03/15/87 AOl 2Technology Center p;i.rtner Tan Ferstl is foe of govt subsiqy 03/15/87 AOl 3state gets sane fail ing marks in stuc\' on grc:wth potential 03/19/87 COl 3State takes wrong turn for attracting industry, IUnas writes 03/22/87 COl 5Little Rock ranked 70th in vitalicy 03/27/87 COl 5AP&L to spend up to $15 million to i;;canote jobs in Ark 04/15/87 COl 2Higher educ, vo-tech training linked to eoonaey 04/17/87 A17 1Jeny Maulden oomments on AP&L pranotion plan 04/17 /87 COB 1AIOC seeks to match state finns with state products 04/18/87 AlO 5New WCf:/ need:!d to i;;canote rural econ grcwth, mnkers say 04/24/87 COl 2Oler 600 grocery stores pranote buying of Ark products 05/02/87 ClO 2Trunann returning f ran brink after Singer closing 05/03/87 DOI 1Act 475 allcws AP&L to tass oost af ads on to consuners 05/07/87 A03 1G

ARKANSM> GAZFJITE JNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE CDLScott Trotter rontinues attack on AP&L ' s ad chargesArk ts high marks in manufacturing cl imateEducation is issue in attracting industry, survE¥ shOtisLegislative panel to stuc\7 weys to make Ark more attractiveFewer f inns formed in Ark, more jots created, rept S'lOtisTown of salan hatches incul:Btor plan using retired expertsNew plants at Fort Smith, Russellville mey add 500 jotsBusiness incubator program at Salen anbroiled in a:mtrwer&yAIDC courts Taiwanese groupSmall business incul:ator program at Sal.an object of proreTan Walsh files suit in dispute with Frank Burge at SalenJacksonville sets marketing strategy for new industryWinthrop Rockefeller Fdn upd:ites repl: on econ cev elopnentWinthrop Rockefeller Fdn reµ: suggests weys Ark can inpr01eBusiness incut:a.tor bd at Sal.an ad>Ets new rulesRussellville' s ciNelopnent efforts i;aying offRussellville' s eronanic profileJoint effort Franklin and Logan County draws praisePine Bluff irwestors to erect bldg to attract new industryFinns say state needs pranotion'r

ARKANSAS GAZ mTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJlGE CDLEWCATION - AIJUNIS'IRMORSSpringdale principil who l:egan experimental pr ogram resigns 01/15/87 Al7 1About 200 stuamts protest Springdale princi.pil resignation 01/16/87 A03 4Gurd:m School Dist supt fired despite local support 01/22/87 A12 1Former Springdal e princi.p:U offers no reason for resignation 01/22/87 Al6 1Little Rock Dist Supt Ed Kelly takes Virgini a job 05/27/87 AOl 2LR School Board manl:er says Dr Kelly will be missed 05/27 /ffl AO 9 1F.d Kelly's tenure as LR Dist Supt was full of oontrwer&y 05/27/ffl A09 2Ed Kelly sc.ws his work at LR is complete 05/28/87 :001 5Use of. businessnan for interim supt suggested cy- R McCord 06/14/87 C03 1Little Rock names Vance Jones interim chief executive 07/01/87 A05 1Judge Woods orders LR Dist cEJ.ay in choosing new supt 07/09/87 Al4 1Pine Bluff board names Dr Willis B Alderson supt 07/23/87 AlO 4Only Guroon, Fourche Valle¥ have wanen superintendents 08/09/87 AOl 2Guroon Supt Susan Clark asks out of her cxmtract, bd says no 08/11/87 001 5LR Dist releases names of applicants for supt i:osi tion 08/25/87 002 1LR Dist sues to avoid disclosure of appl icants' names 09/05/87 A09 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat sues for names of LR supt applicants 09/09/87 A03 4Vance Jones oould .te subject to arrest in FOI case at LR 09/10/87 A09 1LR Bd to pursue suit wer FOI issue 09/ll/87 AlS 1LR Dist ordered to release names of supt appl ications 09/22/87 A03 1Marianna Bd hears chg Supt Charles Moore assaulted pr incii;al 09/26/87 A03 1LR Dist accreditation at risk sinre Vanre Jones not rertified 09/30/87 AO! 2LR School Bd recides to aH;X>int interim supt 10/01/87 Al2 1Judge Her:y Woods orders LR to wait for election to name supt 10/02/87 'PJ.7 1LR Dist in state of anarchy, Gale Stewart writes 10/04/87 COl 1Dr George D cannon is interim chief of LR Dist 10/09/87 A09 5Interim Supt Cannon .tegins examining LR Dist priorities 10/10/87 A09 1Sheffield Nelson willing to serve as loaned executive 10/12/87 A09 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Assn of Schoal Adninistrators meeting in LR 10/21/87 AO? 2Well-trained adnrs neeced for schoal reform to succeed ll/22/87 C03 1Seven seminf inal ists 1 isted for LR supt i:ost 11/24/87 AOl 3Profiles of seven candidates for LR supt post 11/24/87 AOS 5List of candidates for LR Dist supt reduced to six 11/25/87 AOl 2LR Schoal Bd wants Dr George Cannon for superintendent 11/26/87 AOl 4Bid to hire Dr George D Cannon favorably recd by LR patrons 11/26/87 A08 5John Walker aills att.anpt to hire Dr Cannon patently unfair 11/26/87 A08 5LR Bd seeks apprwal for imnediate hiring of George D Cannon 11/26/87 AOB 5NLR fires principal Earnest Ford wer expi red certificate 11/27/87 A23 2Rise to top was rapid for Dr George D Cannon 11/29/87 AOl 5SYLR residents ask judge to set aside choice of Dr Cannon 12/01/87 All 1Dr George D Cannon hired as LR Dist Supt 12/24/87 AOl 6EWC'ATION - ALCOOINine blacks who cE!segregated LR Central hald joyous reunionReception held at Gwernor' s Mansion for Little Rock nineLittle Rock 9 visit Central High SchoolEWCATIOO - MTENDANCE ZCNESOil Trou

ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ'GE CDLWatson Chapil blacks advised to seek election !:¥ wardsLR Dist me:nbers tour schoolsSkip Rutherford seeks seat in LR DistElection me¥ change l:x>ard' s focus at LRcandidates for LR School Bd hald f orunElection results in LR racesTurnout 1 ight in LR votingSna.ckover Sdlool Dist Bd accused of EOI v ialationSnackwer Dist atty will not recanmend release af ta?=sOna Jarovelli elected to LR Dist Bd in runoff electionEOOCATION - (X)NSCLIDA.TIONsee also Edlcation - standardsKermit Moss urges redlction to 100 districts, or lessReduction to 100 dists would save $50 million, rei;t: shewsBill in Sen would merge LR and Pulaski DistsProIX>sal in House would reduce di.sts to 100, or lessJCIIles Powell discusses prop:>sed merger af Pulaski, LR distsPulaski-LR merger prop:>sal by Max HCMell was shockingMaski County would have 2 dists under bill in HouseMerger af Palestine Dist with Wheatley Dist setJud Woods sets state' s share in Pulaski dists costHouse Edie Comm rej ects bill for 2 dists in Pulaski Co lltyDesha-DrEW High School. students to attend McGehee or DumasState Senate votes merger af LR, Maski County DistsBill to join LR-Maski Dists amendedLast bill to merge Pulaski Col.lllty-Little Rock Dists diesHarrisburg and Marked Tree Dists considering mergerJunior cl.ass at Leola will graduate early to avoid transferHarrisburg and Marked Tree aumot agree on l:x>ard makeupOil Trougi Dist to vote on consol idation issueOnly 3 dists ordered to consol idate under new standudsOil Troucjl Dist divided wer prop:>sed merger with Ne.warkOil Troucjl annexation to Ne.wark denied by oounty l:x>ardstafford studies offers f ran three neighbor districtsStanford Dist to request consol idation with Greene Co TechEllJCATION - COOPERM'lVE maJEC!'S<strong>Arkansas</strong> Edlcation Rene.wal Consortiun gets $165,549 grantEOOCATION -

ARKANSAS GAZm-rE mDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE ut rate among LR high schools 05/0l/87 Al.8 2Truants, :fB.rents get untain propertyPulaski Q:>unty Bd votes to oondemn Timex plantPulaski Dist to name school for Daisy BatesFi re destrcy-s µtrt of Benton High SchoolBenton school fire apparently was arsonBenton High students rarx:y on activities despite recent fireMtlvern High Sdlool receives donation of cxmputer a:iuipnentNLR Di.st me'.¥ close 7 small schools to save moneyEWC'ATION - FINANCE .AND Bl.mEr.rS07/17/87 Al.5 408/19/87 Al.5 308/29/87 A09 109/29/87 A09 509/29/87 A09 506/25/87 AO 9 103/07 /87 001 404/13/87 All 107 /15/87 All 107 /19/87 B07 107 /28/87 A06 108/12/87 A08 209/06/87 Al.4 109/08/87 A09 409/09/87 BO! 210/28/87 Al.0 l11/04/87 A07 4see also TaxationLR, NLR Di.sts ask Judge Woods to oontinoo tax levy 01/01/87 AOl 4B:tnel urges retention of property tax to finanre schools 01/03/87 A03 1&Ii torials discuss funding problens facing state 01/04/87 C04 1Extension of millages in Pulaski dists reinstated judge 01/08/87' AO! 2Constitutionality of orcer extending taxes discussed 01/08/87 Al.5 1Sdlools to lose $27 million in new round of state budget cuts 01/09/87 AOl 4Legislative Q:>unci.l appr wes G0\1 Clinton' s budget 01/09/87 A07 1Educators fear state budget cut to forre mary early closings 01/09/87 Al.5 1Reduction of dists to about 100 woul d save $50 million 01/15/87 AOl 6Task force rep: shews haq schools am save wer $100 million 01/15/87 AOl 6Little Rock teachers will not get faY raises 01/15/87 A20 3Budget cuts mcy forre 70 dists to close early 01/17/87 BOl 2Running the schools, rosiness]. ike (ed) 01/18/87 C02 1Delay in school standards called for Searcy Daily Ci tizen 01/18/87 C04 2Bill in Legis calls for local effort to finanre SJ;X>rts 01/21/87 A08 1Fast action urged Legis for raremi= program 01/22/87 AOS 3Des Arc parents asked to donate money to keep school O:E2n 01/23/87 AOS 1Several dists need state aid to survive 01/23/87 A05 1House votes to oonsider school ftmding as first priority 01/23/87 A08 3F.ducation Dept studies oost of Gor.r Clinton' s proIX>salS 01/25/87 C07 1AEA, Ark School Bds Assn united on funding goals 01/27/87 A09 187

ARKAN GAZETl'E rnDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE CDLLoail rontributions keep Des Arc schools oµm 01/2&/87 AlO 4Gov Clinton' s proi;osals gain manentun in Legis 01/30/87 AO! 2LlseS tax 01/30/87 A03 1Des Arc resi.dents cp to capitol, plead for school funds 01/30/87 A09 1About 300 meet at Capi. tal tO lob!:¥ for school funds 01/30/87 AlO 3state Hse of Reprs votes increases for schools, but not taxes 01/30/87 AlO 3Ll

ARKANSAS GAZE'r.l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPltGE Uts (ed)senate rejects bill to test p;trents who teach at haneBill on testing of bane school teachers withdrawnFree Methodist Fella-Tship to oi;en six-grade acaceey at LROtter Creek group ah:lncbns pl.ans for i;xivate school&ylvan Learning Center called the Macn>nald' s of teadlingHane school ing lcw u{ileld cy Judge Morris S ArnoldJonesboro Alternative School oi:erated <strong>An</strong>n SmithNeighbors opp:>se Trinity

ARKANSAg GAZE.Tl'E llIDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE CDLsee Edlcation - Disad17-antagedEWCATION - REIJNIONSsee Education - AlunniEilJCATION - SIGRIGATIOOsee also Education - AllllUlisee also Education - Private SchoolsPulaski Cbunty Dist files cetails of assignment plan 01/02/87 AOl 5John W Walker, atty for blacks, says Pulaski plan a:iuitable 01/04/87 A03 1Ma.1.IIlel.le residents tcy to mun lcmg-distance busing 01/14/87 All 1State Educ Dept offers plan on magnet schools for Pulaski Ol/16/87 AOl 6Maunel.le, Otter creek organizing to avoid busing 01/18/87 C06 1Pulaski Dist seeks to hold hearings on pupil assignment plan 01/19/87 AOl 4LR Dist accepts state plan for magnet i;.rogram 01/21/87 AOl 2Ma llel.le residents di.spleased with school assigrunent plan 01/21/87 AOl 4NLR, FU.l.aski. Dists back magnet school plan of &luc Dept 01/22/87 001 5LR Dist refuses to end::>rse Edlc Dept plan for magnet schools 01/23/87 Al6 1Magnet school plan for Pulaski districts explained (map) Ol/23/87 Al6 1LR Dist critical of Edlc Dept plan on magnet schools Ol/23/87 Al6 6City of LR annexation oould create areas for white flight Ol/25/87 AOl 2Bounduy disruptions criticized cy- Forc¥oe News-.Mvocate 01/25/87 C04 5Cbmpranise on magnet schools for Pulaski dists did not last 01/25/87 C06 1Bad side of desegregation noted cy- Dr Trudi.er Harris 01/26/87 A07 2Busing plan angers Sylvan Hills p:irents at meeting Ol/27 /87 AOS 5Taraw Venters questions Ed Kelley• s sincerity on magnet plans 01/27 /'if! 001 2<strong>An</strong>nexing land and schools at LR (ED) 01/2e/87 Al2 1Pupil assignments force Pulaski Dist to faoo reality Ol/2e/87 Al3 1Pulaski Dist officials oontinue pupil assignment hearings Ol/2e/87 008 4Farl Peeples sees 1 ittl.e renef it f ran Pulaski di..sts suit 01/29/87 Al5 1COmmittee manbers def end plan for Pulaski magnet schools 01/30/87 Al6 1Judge Henry Woods urges

ARKANSAS GAZm'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.llGE CDLParties in Pulaski di.sts reach acoord on ma:}let schools 02/17/87 AOl 4Busing plan of Pulaski Dist rejected cy Judge Henry Woods 02/18/87 AOl 2Text of Judge Wood' s statement rejecting Pulaski rosing plan 02/18/87 AOl 3Tamey Robinson oontinuas criticisn of Judge Henry Wooc'E 02/18/87 A03 4Pulaski Dist i;repuing plan with less blsing 02/19/87 AO! 2Ju Henr:y Woods enci3 hearings in Pulaski Cbunty case 02/20/87 Al4 1Austin Porter Jr, a black atty, critical of Pulaski Dist plan 02/21/87 AOl 2Busing and the ?Jblic cl.cmor (ed) 02/21/87 Al8 lPulaski Co Dist seeks rninimun busing in

ARKAN GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLLack Of black input in Pulaski di sts cases criticized 04/13/87 A09 1LR central High stud;nts protest teacher reassignments 04/14/87 AOl 2Central High stud;nts tell Judge Woods Of their unha!¢ness 04/15/87 AOl 3Gw Bill Clinton upset CJ/er Central teacher transfers 04/15/87 AOl 3Judge Woods sympathetic to Central concerns wer teamers 04/15/87 AOl 3Central Hiunty schools case 04/29/87 AOl 6Judge Heru:y Woods will not step aside in Pulaski smoals case 04/30/87 AOl 2LR Dist violated wn plan, i;anel. named Judge Woods says 04/30/87 A12 1Judge Henry Woods chides LR Dist wer re;tuest he step aside 05/01/87 AOl 6Pulaski Dist, teachers say LR Dist deviated f ran plan 05/02/87 AOS 1Reµ>rt of p:tnel named qr Judge Woods drcws critician 05/03/87 001 6Next dispute in Pulaski sdloals case mrses LR Dist stu

ARKANSAS GAZ E.Tl'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE CDLFl exible stucent assignment plan end:>rsed LR School Bdstaunchest LR Dist suw:>rters critical of pupil assignmentsLR central teachers pleased with change in assignmentsLR Di.st denial of teacher transfer ra;iuest brings cnnplaintsJudge Henry Woods gets advice on magnet schoolssettlenent near on LR Dist magnet schools rudget, staffJudge Henry Woods will not del ay LR magnet school planPupil assignments clarified LR School BdLR pupil assignment plan apprared cy- Judge Henry WoodsBlytheville to follaq school zonesLittle Rock Dist teachers get their <strong>1987</strong>-88 assignmentsMinisters l::ack Judge Heru:y Woods in LR Di.st rul ingParents tegin appealing LR ?Jpil assi guidelines for pupil , teacher assignmentsPulaski Dist plan to recall black teadlers meets resistancePrincipil at Stelhens El.an at LR seeks to reassure i;arentsReluctant i;arents leaving LR DistLR crisis of 1957 called triunpi wer lawlessnessJudge Henry Woods reinforces magnet p;inel as policymakersane LR parents dlecJdng on i;:civate schools for this FallDr H Benj anin Williams di.saptninted that black not LR suptState piyS $1.3 million to settle suit with South CorMey CoRe!X)rt shGls 1,007 stu

ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E (l)l,Atty John w Walker oould ask for huge fees in LR llist a:tse 0&116/87 AO! 2John w Walker has led legal fight for 23 years 08/16/87 AOl 2Bei1ildering beginning of the magnet schools (McCord col ll) 08/16/87 C03 5urexpected surge of new stucents sl.0r1s LR assignments 08/18/87 BOl 5LR Dist aff icials urge i:arents to stick to schoals 08/19/87 A08 5stucent tally at LR shais 24 ,527 to return this year 08/21/87 A03 1Districts near Pulaski O> keep watch for stu seek to attract white flight 08/23/87 AOl 5NLR llist calls LR ra;iuest on magnet schoals unfair 08/25/87 BOl 2LR llist enrolls 26 ,800 pupils 08/27 /87 BOl 2LR llist p:ojecting more fUpils, closer racial balance 08/29/87 AOl 2Black group protests pupil assignments in LR llist 08/29/87 AOl 3LR Dist schoals oi;en with prcblens, but no chaos 09/01/87 AOl 2Changes in Pulaski O> districts make o,;ening day exceptional. 09/01/87 A06 1LR Dist has higher attendance on second clay 09/02/87 AOl 2Racially identifiable schools could end quickly at LR 09/02/87 Al.O 2Yardstick for measuring racially identifiable schoals changed 09/03/87 AOl 2Vi&1s Of present LR ntral High stuut prospective transfer af children 09/21/87 AOl 2LR Bd agrees to begin planning for transfers 09/22/87 AOl 3Black parents errl>rse plan adr0a:tted cy citizens pmel. 09/22/87 A0 8 1Prd:ll.ens linger for LR Dist month into school year 09/23/87 AOl 2Magnet i;:anel asks LR to explain eel in transfer of blacks 09/23/87 Al.2 lState cenies liabil ity for racially identifiable LR schools 09/23/87 A12 4IVRgnet cmun sui;.ports transfer af 200 blacks at LR 09/24/87 AlO 1Orval E Faubus, Wiley Branton cebate LR crisis of 1957 09/25/87 AOl 2State argues it not obligatied to i;:ay for 'a:mpensatoz.y educ' 09/25/87 Al.9 1Orval Faubus decision was Faustian, Judge Woods says 09/26/87 A03 1Villians in 1957 LR ntral crisis named Robert McCord 09/27 /87 C02 194

ARKANSAS GAZEI"l'E :INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLOrval E Faubus defends his actions in 1957 Central crisis 09/30/87 Al 7 1Hugh Patterson discusses Orval Faubus and Central High crisis 10/01/87 Al.9 4Racial ratios at NLR within oourt-ordered plan 10/02/87 Al.2 5Blacks ask that state b:! forced to EBY for renedi.al effort 10/06/87 All 5LR Di.st app!als order to hold bd election in Decanber 10/07/87 Al.0 2Judge Hemy Woods names master to form LR assignnent plan 10/10/87 AOl 2Special master for LR i;x.ipil assignment plan is A V Mutdleon 10/10/87 AOl 2Little Rock Dist is 61 pct black 10/16/87 AOl 2List of racially identifiable schools in LR Di.st 10/16/87 AOl 4Judge Hemy Woods explains appnt of master for LR Dist 10/16/87 Al.3 1Melanie Hunt wins right to ranain at Sylvan Hills High School 10/18/87 :001 6Melanie Hunt's family nmed into mobile hane at Sylvan Hills 10/18/87 :007 1Aubrey- V McCutdlem Jr gathering data in LR Di.st for task 10/21/87 A07 4LR Di.st loses bid to d:il early election of board manbers 10/23/87 AOl 2Blacks who desegregated Central High hold reunion in LR 10/23/87 A09 2Blacks who desegregated Central High recall turmoil 10/23/87 A09 2LR Dist Bd discusses getting sdlool case out of court 10/23/87 Al.6 4Maski Cbunty Dist enrollment is 25 pct black 10/23/87 Al.6 5LR Di.st in p.irsuit of settJ.anent of court suits 10/24/87 AOl 2Blacks who desegregated Central visit school 10/24/87 A09 1Scattering publ ic housing seen as aid to LR desegregation 10/25/87 AOl 2Appeals Cburt fanel to hear nunerous issues in LR Di.st oase 10/25/87 001 5Only one of LR Omtral nine live in Ark 10/26/87 All 3LR interim chief, lcwyers discuss possible settlanent 10/27/87 A09 1Panel questions LR bd on Lmresol ved probl.ens 11/01/87 A04 1US Circuit Ct of Appeals i::anel. caning to LR to hear case 11/01/87 A09 1LR Dist told it irr¢anented plan in reverse 11/02/87 AOl 6LR Di.st Bd gets adrice fran cambridge on pupil assignments 11/03/87 AOl 2Sl111Inary of LR Di.st Bd ideas for imprw ing assigrment plan 11/03/87 AOl 2Dr Gord>n Morgan theorizes on LR Di.st cesegregation plan 11/03/87 A08 5Appeal judges critize rulings Judge Henry Woods 11/04/87 AOl 2Judge Richard Arnold criticizes Woods on Pulaski Dist plan 11/04/87 AOl 2Actions taken Judge Woods without hearing disturb Arnold 11/04/87 AOl 4Pulaski Dist Supt Lester worried al ct cmunents 11/05/87 AOl 3'lhreats recd family wer plan, Bobcy C Lester says 11/05/87 AOl 3LR SUpt, Pres of School Bd cb not fcwor api;eal of rul ings 11/06/87 AOl 3Judge Wood to ranain on oase, early bd election app:wed 11/06/87 AOl 6Text of Appeals Ct decision in LR school case 11/06/87 A12 1Co-operation of LR and LR Dist oµ>sed Budqf Villines 11/06/87 Al.4 1LR unlikely to imitate Norfolk schools 11/09/87 AO! 3<strong>An</strong>nexed LR schools short on library rooks 11/12/87 A09 2LR i;x.ipil plan, prohlens rari&1ed 11/12/87 A09 6Changes in assignment plan at LR suggested consultants 11/13/87 Al.7 4F.ducator laments marw back cbors for minority youths 11/14/87 Al.3 1More LR students teing shifted for racial balance 11/16/87 AOl 3Experts on desegregation discuss LR plan 11/17/87 A07 6Master outlines itens to te covered at LR hearing 11/18/87 Al.7 4Prej udi.ce, not busing, is the illness, Becky Vinson says 11/19/87 A21 1John Walker questions relationship of special master, expert 11/27 /87 Al.8 5Proµ:>sal for i:arent information renters in LR studied 12/01/87 All 4Hearings focus on money for i::arent info renters at LR 12/02/87 Al.4 1F.nhanred LR plan would meet cpal.s, ronsul tant says 12/03/87 A15 1Parents, teachers fear proi:aganca fran LR info centers 12/07/87 A09 2Judge Henry Woods chices attorney John W Walker 12/12/87 All 295

ARKANSAS GAZET!'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIG E CDLWs explored to save Little Rock planInformation centers not l:est for LR, two testifyControlled choice aanoot succeed at LR, witness saysLR School Bd hears FCOp:>sal for 5 attencance zones in distDr Michael J Stoles suggests neighborhood/cohort plan for LRLR Dist Bd ult neighborhood schools to be allQ/edFriday finn loaded with experience in school desegregationSkip Rutherford rale on bd is subj ect af Brllil!llett oollllUlNo exodus of sturents fran LR Dist schools seenElnergenae af neosegregation (ed on firing of LR lcwyers)Judge Woods apprwes LR Dist change af attorneysLawyers search for a:mmon ground in LR pupil assignmentsRobert Mcintosh seeks to file ror suit against LR Dist BdEWCATION - STANDARffisee also Education - Fdninistrators12/14/87 A09 112/15/87 A09 612/16/87 All 212/16/87 All 512/17/87 All 512/18/87 A09 212/24/87 AOl 612/24/87 A09 112/25/87 AOl 212/25/87 A06 112/25/87 A06 412/25/87 A13 112/25/87 Al.3 212/26/87 A24 112/29/87 A07 512/31/87 A09 112/31/87 A09 1see al so Education - Grares and TestsEducation Dept keep; close watch on progress of schools 01/11/87 AOl 4Lu Hardin, w F Foster discusss eaaing of standirds 01/18/87 A03 1Searcy IBily Citizen ail ls for ses post:µ>nenent of standards Ol/28/87 A06 1Ark standards exceed those af nearcyo states, stuqr shQ/s Ol/3l/87 All lEffort l:eing made in Legis to weaken standirds 02/03/87 AO 8 1state Educ Dept lists 64 dists facing difficulties 02/04/87 AOl 3Listing of cbultful schools prwes oontrwersial. 02/05/87 A08 5F.ducational bankruptcy la-1 urged to force dists to cnnply 02/06/87 AOS lState Education Dept list of cbultiul schools protested 02/08/87 C06 2Bills to

ARIubts retlain wer new standards 08/30/87 :001 2Closing of Okolona sc:hoal brings 50-yr era to end 08/30/87 004 1New education standards not simple 08/30/87 :004 1Tiiv district of Lym teats odds, meets standards 0&/30/87 004 1Bright Star starts n&1 year after reprieve 09/01/87 A06 5Arkadelpiia School. Bd studies n&1 high school diplana &ystan 09/07/87 Al3 4standirds draw criticisn fran Fort Smith supt 09/12/87 A03 1Education DeJ;t watches to see if standards met 09/22/87 801 5Keeping the spirit of sdloal. stanmrds (ed) 09/24/87 Al8 1Wilmar Dist seeks to force return of 50 students or $50 ,000 10/17/87 Al6 4Charles Muri;ily urges l:x>ld reforms to impro.re sdloals 10/22/87 AOl 3Tax surcharge mentioned cy C Muri:bY would raise $9.9 million 10/24/87 Al2 697

ARKANSAS GAZETl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/JGE ClLftl.lr{ily' s J:etter lcw on education (ed)Learning to read is verty pls role in Lee County probl.ansEmmet School Dist supt resigns, stresses need to oonsol idateBill Clinton says state i;x>licy on educ needs restructuringGo!/ Clinton 1 ists 15 dists that will lead education reformEllJC'ATION - Sl'ATISTICSRlhlic sdloal. enrollment in Ark contim.es to d:clineLR Di.st enrollment readies 26,385EllJC'ATION - SIUDENT CDNIIJC1' AND DISCIILINEsee also Suicide10/24/87 A20 110/26/87 AOl 210/26/87 AOl 611/11/87 AOl 211/15/87 AOl 211/15/87 AOl 212/12/87 Al8 l12/13/87 A03 112/15/87 A09 201/20/87 A03 409/lZ/87 AOB 1Black surrom

.MKANSAS GAZ E.T:rE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-GE CDLNLR School Bd will alter alcohol and drug policy 11/14/87 All 1NLR Bd changes drug policy fall Dist agrees to accept stuamt expelled at Beel:e 11/17/87 All 6Sheridm CB!ls off game with M].icy says acy- knife brout to school Ill'¥ mean expulsion 11/20/87 A21 3Parents at Beebe file lc:wsuit challerging legality of J.X>l icy 12/01/87 AD7 2Use of expulsion has strong backing of Ark Supprene Court 12/08/87 Al.3 5LR Supt cannon to visit seoonda.r.y schools, talk discipl ine 12/09/87 Afll 6Seven arrested after fight at LR Parkview basketbtll game 12/09/87 Afll 6Dr carmon orders increased security at LR schools 12/10/87 Afll 2Mrted in LR schools 12/14/87 A09 2Increased security at LR schoals ordered Dr cannon 12/18/87 A09 2Beebe High School allnductsee also Edlcation Deputment (Ark)see also Freed:m of Speechsee also Gwernnent Emplcy-ees (Ark)AFr petitions Gov Clinton not to reduce retirenent fund 01/12/87 A07 1State budget cut means LR teachers will not get 3 .6 pct raise 01/14/87 AOl 3LRC!'A to sue dist wer refusal to increase salaries 01/17/87 :001 3Fwerage teacher salary estimated at $20,386 for 1986-87 01/20/87 A03 4State Pension Revi&1 Bd backs bill to increase reti red pay 01/24/87 AD6 3LR Dist criticized l:?r' CI'A for failure to i;r01ide salacy raise 01/30/87 A03 lGOIT Clinton assures teachers retirement funds not to suffer 02/01/87 006 2LR crA plans suit wer P1Y raises 02/01/87 007 1House µire! backs 2 bills to increase retirenent renef its 02/03/87 A08 3Stuttgart teacher entitled to p:ty, not reinstatenent, ct says 02/07/87 AOS 2LR Cl'A sues CNer teacher p:ty raises 02/07 /87 001 2Bryant principal fed up with regulations, resigns 02/07/f!l :001 3House of Reprs apprwes multiplier increase for pensions 02/10/87 Al.O 3'!Wo bills raising benef its for retired teachers backed 02/10/87 Al.0 3LR Dist officials back teacher EBY raise 02/13/87 A15 1Chraiology af contr01er&y wer skills testing 02/17/87 A09 4O>w of teacher skills test sent to Rorert Mcintosh 02/20/87 A06 1Test sent to Mcintosh is ol d one that is no longer used 02/20/87 A06 1Bill guaranteeing duty-ree lunch break pulled ckMn in Legis 02/20/87 Al.3 1Senate votes bill to increase renef its for retired teachers 02/25/87 Al.O 3Bill to increase retirement remfits apprwed l:?r' House 03/06/87 AlO 3LR teacher reassignment plan apprwed board 03/06/87 Al.4 1State Educ Bd bars giving skills test in private 03/10/87 AOl 2Pulaski Dist offers i;ay to those who retire early 03/ll/87 C03 4Senate rerjects tou

ARKANS&i GAZm'l'E INrEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIG E ut ing on strike 09/24/87 AlO 5LRCI'A votes to strike i;endi.ng talks with tx>ard 09/25/87 AOl 6LR schoo.ls closed t?t teamer walkout, first in Ark 09/26/87 AOl 6sane LR stu

ARKANSAS GAZ :m'l'E JNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ.IG E CDLLR stikers, those crossing lines keep it civil 09/29/87 A04 1Slltl1llaty of activities in LR teadler strike 09/29/87 A04 1Students, teachers ooncerned as strike extends sdloal yr 09/29/87 A04 4Acoelerated Learning Program took salar.y xooney, teachers sey 09/29/87 A04 6LR teadler strike enters 5th day with l:x>th sides holding f im 09/30/87 AO! 6LR businessnen ooncerned al:x>ut eoon effect of teadler strike 09/30/87 A06 1Skip Rutherford offers 7-point fXOp:>sal to settle strike 09/30/87 A06 1LRCI'A President Grainger Ledretter articulate, used to media 09/30/87 A06 2Comp:trison of salaries in districts in Pulaski Cbunty 09/30/87 A06 5Gntract agreanent enrt for teacher strike 10/05/87 AOl 3sunmai:y of agreenent that ended LR Di.st teacher strike 10/05/87 ADS 1LR schools reop:m after end to teacher strike 10/06/87 AOl 2Paul ine Hoeltzel recalls her days as a teacher 10/07/87 BOl 2LR teacher strike oonv inces people that schools need help 10/11/87 C03 3AEA president Ed Bullington sees LR strike as positive step 10/18/87 AlO 1Vi&11::x>ints on LR teadler strike varied 10/18/87 AlO lRoger Sutterfield suit seys Southside Dist violated rights 10/20/87 Al4 lSouthside Dist (Indenrter David Davies gets teacher's perspective 11/19/87 A09 l&lucation Dept mi¥ offer plan for educators who failed test 11/22/87 Al6 1101

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE sal. acoeabl.e, officials say'lWo Fountain Hill teachers balk at lrs to Gorbachev'lWo Fountain Hill teachers suspenc:Ed over Gorbachev incidentFountain Hill teachers to keep jots'!Wo Fountain Hill teachers return to classroansGo/ Bill Clinton to seek pay raises for teachersHard case at Fountain Hill (ed)EWC'ATION - TEAQim; .ME'!HCJ:SParent critical af hanogeneous abil ity grouping in AlmaSpringdal e' s School Within School. meets graduation stand:lrdsSixth graders at Hot Springs practice econanics skills&ylvan Hills cl.ub ill\7ested in Wal-rt as econanics proj ectBill Dempsey uses unusual vehicl. es to teach Eby sicsWriting to Read program used 1::¥' Pulaski Activity

ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E lN1EX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPM;E COLGov Clinton wants Attorney Gen to review Venters rt to Tatm¥ Venters 02/20/87 AOl 4Banus letters alleged Venters did not earn Cbctorate 05/10/87 008 1Top mgnt officials in General Div leaving posts 06/07 /87 A05 1General Education Director Tst 06/09/87 A06 4GO! Bill Clinton evasive on retiranent of '1'am1¥ Venters 06/11/87 Al.2 5Dr Ruth Steele named director of General Division 06/23/87 AO! 3Feature article on Dr Ruth Steele 06/2&t'87 Al6 1Dr Herbert H Cleek named deputy dir af General Educ Div 07/22/87 AOl 5Dr Herbert H Cleek brings weal th of experience to job 07 /26/Er/ 005 2Dr Ruth Steele names 4 assistants to De?: 08/20/87 COS 5Di rector Ruth Steele returns to classroan teaching for cay 10/29/87 Al6 2Private atty for state Education Bd to l:e p:lid $150 per hour 12/17/87 Al5 1Private atty to re used in Pulaski Co

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE CDLsee Sex EducationELDERS, M Jntains no AP&L, Grand Gulf bill 01/22/87 A03 3Goal of Patei:eyers Fight Back is to sever AP&L f ran Mid South 01/28/87 Al2 3PSC staff favors pr oµ>sed contract of AP&L with Great Lakes 01/28/87 008 3All AP&L custaners to p:ty more if Great Lakes rontract denied 02/04/87 C02 1Shutc:hv'n of Unit 1 of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear One advomted 02/10/87 A09 4Ua> lists problems alrea.st $575,000 02/24/87 All 1Bill on µ;u:chase of util ities cy- cities reCBJ.led f ran Gw 02/27/87 All 5AP&L installing ea£¥-to-read meters 03/03/87 001 3Ra:Juired buying of Ark ex>al will increase rates, AP&L says 03/04/87 All 1SCott Trotter says city purchase bill protects AP&L 03/04/87 All 4senate passes bill on city purchase ct:. utilities 03/04/87 All 4Pl ing games on city J;XMer (ed on Clinton and city bill) 03/04/87 Al4 1Bill filed to allcw AP&L take011er state 03/07/87 Al3 4AP&L to p;i.y less for co-generated er un

ARKANSAS GAZEI'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLDrill tests nuclear accident readiness at ANO at Russellville 03/29/87 AOl 2Grand Gulf rase re1 iEW U S als Ct oould cost <strong>Arkansas</strong> 04/04/87 AOl 2No discrimination found in AP&L rates for indus custaners 04/09/87 All 1AP&L suit alleges AECC owes $18.2 million on plants 04/11/87 A09 1Special AP&L rate for Great Lakes api;rwed PSC 04/14/87 001 5Rates of AP&L to increase 0 .6 pct on July 1 04/16/87 A09 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Nuclear One unit taken dMn after leak found 04/25/87 AOl 2AP&L says Soott Trotter wrong on CBJ;Sci ty of plants 04/25/87 Al.O 5AP&L rei;cs 13 pct rise in net inoome in 1986 04/25/87 Al2 3Nuclear pl.ant staff seeking sourre of 2nd leak in Unit 2 04/26/87 Al2 1AP&L bills oould re l

ARKANS>S GAZ:m:TE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE CDL'lhree former quality inspectors at Nuclear One plant sue 10/17/87 Al8 5Middle South plan for plants in Bahamas roncerns AP&L users 10/18/87 A07 lBill in us Cbng could stop al¥ state takeO\Ter cf AP&L 10/28/87 Al.5 1MSU Pres Flc:t'd W Lewis says he was candid with state 11/01/87 C02 3Scott c Trotter lr on Floyd Lewis and Grand Gulf plan 11/04/87 A20 3AP&L canpletes planned workforce reduction ty 568 jobs 11/05/87 COl 5Paul Greenberg responds to Floyd Lewis statanent 11/07/87 A20 3Floyd W I.ads writes again on Grand Gulf transactions 11/13/87 A22 3AP&L readies accord with railroads that carry coal 11/18/87 All 1Labor judge favors dianissal of Richard Couty canplaint 11/20/87 Al2 1SITEPCD told to cut rates ty 7. 7 pct 11/20/87 C03 4FERC' s latest Grand Gulf recision seen as 9)0d news ty AP&L 12/01/87 101 2Gra:Efiic shews allocation of Grand Gulf costs among MSU units 12/01/87 AOl 1FERC will stick with 1985 allocation of Grand Gulf costs 12/01/87 AOl 2Ark nCM looks to Suprane Ct for relief on Grand Gulf costs 12/02/87 Al2 5Design flews threat to ANO reactor's safety, NRC informs AP&L 12/08/87 A08 1construct.ion of NLR l¥dro plant on sdledule 12/12/87 COl 2Questions, ararers about NLR I¥dro electric proj ect 12/12/87 C02 4FERC orrer for AP&L to raY 36 pct of Grand Gulf cost stands 12/15/87 AOl 3Grand Gulf case review refused ty us Suprane Court 12/15/87 AOl 3List of Grand Gulf revelopnents over 17-yr period 12/15/87 AO! 3'Ihe final judg:nent on Grand Gulf (ed) 12/18/87 A24 1Pl ans ty Nashville to help build generator in Okla threatened 12/20/87 005 1New fereral lcw makes state take011er of AP&L less 1 ikely 12/23/87 AlO 1ELECrRCNIC M.TA SYSTEM>see also ?JedicineELK HORN BANKsee BanksELKINS Sr ton and CoEMEffiENCT SERVICESEmergency services groups plan i;a.ckage of legislationParamedic asks cy-stan personnelRural, urban amblulance services fight wer Prairie GrCNePike county ambulances to stop serviceEMMET saICXL DISTRICI1see Education - StandardsEMELOYEF..S,

ARKAN SM> GAZ El'rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE CDLsee al so Waste MaterialsENER;Y AND Rl'lERsee also Electric Pllution Control and Eoology camnrter accused of fraudERNST, TIMsee al.so ParksE'lHICB CDDE CDMMISSION (ARK)see R>l iticsE'lEICB lN GOT:mNMENTsee Gwerrment Emplcy-ees (Local)see R:>l i ti csfilrlQ UE.Tl'EJlll'le Moore teach.es social grares in her LR schoolEUBANKS, GARYsee also Legal ProfessionEUREKA sm.m;ssee also .Arnusanent Parkssee also Hell's <strong>An</strong>gelssee also HotelsPIL founder Jim Bakker invited to mo.re to Eureka Springs07/17/87 AOl 509/09/87 Al.3 112/04/87 Al4 503/18/87 C02 408/06/87 Al.9 104/12/87 008 101/06/87 C03 205/16/87 Al.6 307 /26/87 Al 7 110/29/87 001 206/05/87 A03 4107

ARKANSAS GAZFrl'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLNew ministry not .EBrt of offer f ran hotelier to Jim BakkerH llorous article on possibilities if Bakkers cane to tcwnBakkers can relive Eureka tradition, James Powell writesTown has had several unusual residents in p:i.stJim and Tail1Il¥ Bakker turn urteau family at Elkins offers oovered wagon toursEXEQJTIONSsee Oipi tal PunishmentEXEaJTlVE MANSION (ARK)Staircase getting rellOl/ation cy- Wal. nut Fork artisansLife at the mansion detailed in articleaiotograihs of Olristmas decorationsEXEOJTIVESHighest i;aid executives in Ark listedsalaries of 35 top executives in Ark listedEXPLOSIVES AND EXPLOOIONSsee also Blackssee also Celesoo Industries, Inc06/08/87 001 506/10/87 A03 106/10/87 Al 7 406/10/87 Al 7 406/10/87 001 106/13/87 AOl 206/13/87 AJ.3 106/14/87 A03 106/17 /87 001 406/25/87 Al.2 109/06/87 F06 209/10/87 001 210/19/87 001 212/25/87 EDl 106/02/87 C03 206/21/87 DOl 1see al so Tracor, IncExplosion, fire destrcy Reaves residenre in North Little Rock 01/15/87 001 3Arkla replacing part of gas main at NLR explosion area 01/16/87 AOl 2NLR father describes family's escai;e f ran Reelres hane 01/16/87 Al 7 1Arkla cr€Ws checking area where explosion occurred in NLR 01/19/87 AOl 3Arkla finds no new leaks on Shamrock in NLR 01/20/87 002 4Banbing of black' s car at Augusta l:Bffles pol ice 05/01/87 Al.5 1Truck filled with oil explodes at Greerwood 05/07/87 A07 1Hananade tanb destrcys station wagon at Dardanelle 11/27/87 Al.9 2Hananade OOmb under car at LR starts fire 12/01/87 A09 3students sa:y thE¥ ma.de tanb that damaged car in LR 12/03/87 Al.2 2Banb at Dardanelle described as 'childish prank' 12/04/87 A20 2Students maee 'OOmb' that rolled under car at LR 12/04/87 A20 3EXOORIS l\ND IMIOR'IEsee al so AgricultureEXOOSITIONS AND FAIRSNo i;arade scheduled for <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Fair<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Fair Op:!ns with record crcwdState Fair official. atten

ARKANSAS GAZ E'Pl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLFiIIn trims nunber c£ directors, cuts out dividendsFai.rf ield announces $17 .2 million lossFin:n expect s to oogin shing profit soonFAIRNmS (I)MMI'ITTEE, ARKANSASsee also Fina.nee and Budgets (Ark)FALLIS, JCEN Rsee also Murders - Fallis, Jdln RFALLS (ACCHENTS)Man killed in fall f ran cliff along highwayFALSE ARRESTSsee Kidnappingsee :E\:>l iceFAMILIES AND FAMILY LIFEProject takes aim at problen of marital. rape, rattered wanenLindi Bloo&orth-1hanason tribute to her mother-lcwstate la.I mew be changed to !Etter protect rattered wanenPine Bluff shelter aids neglected, beaten wanenFAMILY LIFE AMERICA GODFLJG supports Rotert H Bork for US Suprene CtFAMILY R.l\NNIOOsee Birth ControlFANNIE MAEsee Federal National Mortgage AssociationFARKL EBERRY FOLLIESR>liticians spoofed at biennial sh and dinnerFARM AIDsee AgricultureFARM BURENJ, ARKANSPSsee AgricultureFARM mMILY OF iniE YEARsee AgricultureFARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK (ROOERS)see BanksFARMERS HGE Ail-iINIS'!RM'ION (US)Billy Hartness, Brend:l Keener on trial in fraud chargesHane buyer testifies he signed falsified formsWitness in Hartness case says he was told to lieFonner tookkeeper testifies in Billy Hartness trialNo verdict readied in oonspiracy trial c£ Hartness, KeenerBilly Hartness, Brend:l Keener oonvicted in fraud caseBilly Hartness, Brenda Keener get i;cison term, fineGene McBride oomicted on four oountsGene McBride gets 3-mo prison teon on fraud oountGene McBride to get new trialFARRAR, MELVlNsee also Workers Cklnpensation Commission (Ark)FARRIF.R, GERALD WNavy to name center for <strong>Arkansas</strong> heroFARRIS, JEFFDr Farris discusses work as NAIA Cl:munissionerFASHIONSsee ApparelFAIJB US, CJNN... Esee also Ecilcation - Segregation S3 sis S2602/24/87 C02 303/08/87 C03 105/14/87 CO! 501/30/87 A09 104/26/87 001 205/10/87 EDl 110/19/87 A08 411/27 /87 AO! 20 9/11/87 Al 7 104/22/87 A04l03/24/87 Al2 103/25/87 002 103/26/ffl A20 603/27 /ffl Al 7 104/01/87 A09 104/02/87 Al6 l06/09/87 A09 108/15/87 AOS 308/27 /87 All 4l0/2P/87 AlO 507/11/ffl AlO 103/22/87 F07 1109

ARIrtia UJ,ilalds tradi. ti on with annual picnicFirst <strong>Arkansas</strong> River Blues Festival. held at NLRWhite River Water Festival. begins 44th annual runHo watermelon Festival. IIl'¥ attract 40,000 visitors02/1W87 C04 202/27 /f!l Al.6 512/1&/87 A22 402/14/87 AO! 20 8/11/87 A03 604/01/87 AOS 102/21/87 Al.4 103/12/87 AOl 401/11/87 A03 104/13/87 BOl 604/17/87 001 305/01/87 001 205/04/87 001 505/17/87 JOl 105/22/87 001 605/23/87 001 505/24/87 001 205/25/87 001 105/28/87 COl 206/14/87 AOl 206/22/87 001 207 /04/87 001 607 /26/ff/ 001 208/07/87 001 108/14/87 001 3110

ARKANSAS GAZ.erTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-GE se finance measures for state budget 01/07/ff/ AOl 6Budget cut in range of $50 mill ion seen qr GC7l Clinton 01/07/ff/ A06 1GC7l Clinton mey suggest tanp:>rary tax for schools 01/07/87 A06 3GC7l Clinton' s plan greeted coolly qr legislators 01/08/87 AO! 5Written sunmary of Clinton i;cop:>sals not reacw 01/08/87 AO! 6Colunnist John Brunmett discusses Clinton' s trial balloons Ol/0&187 A03 4Keep the (prorty) tax, b.lt make it fair (ed) 01/08/87 A14 1state b.ldget has en cut 6 times during pa.st 2 years 01/09/87 AOl 4state ordered to cut budget $55.8 million 01/09/87 AOl 4GC7l Bill Clinton says he oi;p:>ses sales tax rise 01/09/87 AOl 5Agencies consider ws they can live with latest budget cut 01/09/87 Al.5 1'lhink-tank re};t advocates long-term tax reforms for Ark 01/10/87 AOS 1Clinton takes middle road in his tax plan, Ernest Dumas says 01/11/87 COl 1Bill Clinton' s modest ix-ogram (ed) 01/11/87 C02 1capital gains lcw def enced tax lcwyer Gene Sayre 01/11/87 C03 4Editorials discuss fmdi.ng dilanma fore Legislature 01/11/87 C04 1Legisl ators say voters opp:>se general tax increase 01/13/ff/ AOl 4GC7l Bill Clinton serious atx>ut plan to troaden tax base 01/13/87 A03 lTax on soft drinks discussed, but not likely to gain SUJ:'.P>rt 01/14/87 A03 1Ll

ARKANSA5 GAZE'I'I'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE Q)LFi scal crisis discussed editorials in state i;ress 01/18/87 C04 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Fai rness O>uncil suggests WCf./S to raise revenue 01/19/87 BOl 2Highl ights of Gov Clinton's plan as presented to Legis 01/20/87 AOl 3Sllllmaty of Gw Clinton' s revenue i;rop:>sal 01/20/87 A07 3Sumnary of Gw Clinton' s reventE plan for this fisail year 01/20/87 A07 5Sumnary of Gov Clinton' s spending prop>sal for next fiscal yr Ol/20/87 A07 5Article on cnnponents of GOil Clinton' s reventE program 01/21/87 AOl 4One bill contains all of Clinton' s prop:>sals on exempt taxes 01/21/87 AOl 4Gsal 01/21/87 A09 2Gsed nexus tax would apply to out-of-state vend:>rs 01/30/87 AlO 1Plan to suspend disoount for retailers stalls 01/30/87 AlO 3state Senate i;asses 'nexus' tax plan 01/30/87 All 1Bill p:i.sses for sales tax on cigarettes 01/31/87 AOl 2GOllernor ' s rarenue plan more than hal.fwc;w hane 01/31/87 AOl 2Januar:y was slav m::>nth for state tax collections 01/31/87 AOS 1GOil Clinton calls for action on reveru.e i;rogram 01/31/87 All 3Nick Wilson predicts 1-cent sales tax increase 01/31/87 All 3Higher sales tax mew re given serious oonsideration 02/01/87 A03 1Nick Wilson outlines scenario for increase in sales tax 02/01/87 A03 1Llcy-d George modifies Reagananics for Ark, Ernest Dlmlas says 02/01/87 C03 5Bnergency fund bill prwokes skeptician anong sane senators 02/01/87 C06 1i:evenue prOJ;X)sals of Gov Clinton mw ing through Legis 02/01/87 C06 3Revenue {%OJ;X)sals make no progress in Legis 02/03/87 A08 3State Sen W D Moore strcngly OPJ:X>seS determent of PERS funds 02/04/87 AOl 1Measure for PERS funding delCf.i wins cb-p:iss in budget canm 02/04/87 A08 3Split ci:!ci.sion given on Clinton revenue p;ickage in cnrunittee 02/04/87 A08 6GOil Clinton' s revenue i:rop:>sals make i:rogress 02/05/87 AOl 2John Brumnett discusses ramifications of adced sales tax 02/05/87 A03 1Senate apprwes suspension of p:i.yments to PERS 02/05/87 All 1Re\Tenue bills mwing throucjl Legis slavly 02/06/87 AlO 3PERS surplus not as large as state c£ficials claim, Hall says 02/06/87 AlO 6House rejects PERS bill one vote 02/07/87 AOl 2Tax on tel.eiiJ,one calls, out-of-state vend:>rs discussed 02/0&/87 :00 8 102/10/87 AOl 2House c;pes along on PERS funds prop:>sal112


ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJlG E CDLGOl7 Clinton says sane House members lied to school childrenDramatic turnaround in incane tax vote discussed in oollll\llHouse votes manges in state inoone taxesBill anenced to ses quarter-cent sales tax increaseSal.es tax increase o:a:osed by AEir-CIOCbllection of quarter-cent sales tax explainedSales tax increase needed for sdlool standards, GOl7 saysRevenue Stabil ization Act prop:>sal outl ined by John MillerTime not ideal for selling tax increaseProp:>sed soda pop tax fizzles out under o:a:ositionTax on soda p:>p urged James ell ool unnGOl7 Clinton to fight to end for sales taxLegislators evaluate Bill Clinton speedl on tax increaseSales tax rise takes beating in House CXlllmitteeGOl7 Clinton and staff lob for sales tax increaseRevenue collections ramained flat during MarcilJoint Budget Cbmm begins re11iEW of Revenue Stabil ization ActSales tax supported in two votesSal.es tax opp:>nents adnit voting for mazv emnptionsLobcy'ists disnanbered CJ.:inton• s tax package, Brumnett Si!l¥SSales tax fate lies with lobists, John Brunmett writesSenators say re11enue plan insufficient for state's needsSales tax bill backed by House cxmnittee on 3rd try'!Wo versions of Revenue Stabilization Act circulatesRevenue Stabil ization Act gets legis attentionState c;pvt functions facing funding cutsSales tax pre>p:>sal af Clinton adn defeated in HouseRevenur Stabil ization Act i;:asses LegisAbout $65 million in additional rei1enue raised by LegisPrisons, colleges, Hunan Serv ioes big losers in fundingLion• s share of new rerenues to publ ic schoolsLegislature left sane budget II'obl.ans unresolvedJoe¥ Mahorw blanes Educ Dept for revenue program failureFate of GOl7 Clinton• s rerenue i:rop:>sals shewn in dlartModest prop:>sal for taxes made writer James PowellSpending cut of $8 million ordered for this fiscal yearState revenue forecast shar1s less expected for programs<strong>An</strong>ti-tax feeling in Legis mc;w have decl ined, Cbvernor Si!l¥SBetsey Wright pr017 ides datails on tax oft.ions under stuc\'ree legislators cxxnment on raising sales taxErnest Dumas discusses possible sources of re11enueErnest Cunningham calls gen tax increase poor ideaImpact .tenI¥ tax rise would have on family budgetLegislators cool to Clinton prop:>sal on tax rise03/18/87 AOl 403/19/87 AOl 103/19/87 AOl 403/20/87 AlO 303/21/87 All 103/22/87 A03 103/2.3/'ifl Al2 403/24/87 AO! 503/25/87 AOl 503/25/87 AO 8 303/26/87 AO! 503/26/87 AOl 503/28/87 AOl 403/28/87 AO! 403/28/87 AOl 403/28/87 AOl 503/28/87 AOl 603/28/87 All 603/29/87 A03 103/29/87 A05 103/29/87 COl 403/31/87 AOl 203/31/'ifl A09 104/01/87 AOl 504/01/87 AOl 604/01/87 Al.3 104/01/87 Al.3 204/02/87 AOl 304/02/87 AOl 404/02/87 A03 104/02/87 A03 104/02/87 Al.0 504/03/87 AOl 304/03/87 A03 104/03/87 A12 304/03/87 Al2 604/04/87 AOl 304/04/87 AOl 404/05/87 All l04/05/87 Al.2 204/05/87 Al.2 504/07/87 AOl 204/07 /87 A07 104/12/87 Al.O 104/12/87 C03 104/16/87 A03 105/01/87 cos 505/02/87 A07 105/07 /'if! A03 105/08/87 A03 105/10/87 COl 105/11/'ifl A02 305/12/87 A03 105/15/87 cos 5114

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPro E CDLlllWLegislative leaders lack courage to raise taxes, article say s 05/17/87 COl lLarier tax on utilities, not food, favored State Chamber 05/17/87 C03 1COnsideration of tax prO!X)salS mew be more favorable IlOo\f 05/19/87 A03 1State Repr ug Wood lists six wews to avoid tax increase 05/20/87 A21 1House Speaker Ernest CUnningham ixepuing finan pl.an 05/21/87 A03 1state rontribution to Teadler Reti onent fund set at 11 .5 pct 05/21/87 A07 1Sfeci.al legis session on rerenues called Gw Clinton 05/23/87 AOl 5House cf Rep:-s blaned for state's funding plight 05/24/87 COl 1Olange inane tax to raise money, John C Pickett suggests 05/24/87 C03 1Goal of legis session is raising of $20 million 05/28/87 AOl 3Revenue collection for May sets nEM record of $193 .1 million 05/30/87 AOl 6Windfall credited with record month' s collection 05/30/87 AOl 6Pro!X)sals for raising rerelllJe listed 05/30/87 A05 1Legislature to wrestle with old funding problans 05/31/87 AOl 5Gov Clinton to address state on TV 05/31/87 A03 1Ten stores f aoe most loss if discount for sales tax cut 05/31/87 A04 4Ark has long history of tortued tax policy 05/31/87 col 1Surcharge suggested Rotert McCord to solve money crunch 05/31/87 C03 1Gov Clinton asks gr

ARKAN GAZE'l'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/G E CILArIJ¥ workers 01/17/g'! Al6 1House of Rep.rs votes to require volunteers to fight all fires 02/04/87 AOS 3Firefighting school being built at Joneaooro needs state fund 03/16/87 A09 1Proix>sal to split Fire Training Aca pranpts turf battle 04/03/87 Al2 3Fi re Training AcacEmy director evaluates changes in lew 04/08/87 All 4Move af <strong>Arkansas</strong> Fire Training AcacEmy not pl.armed 04/15/87 Al5 1Fire Training Academy authority switch mew not te legal 07/08/87 A05 1Fire Training Aca to te managed SifJ and the state 10/08/87 Al4 3Transfer c£ Fire Training Academy adn ruled illegal 10/18/87 005 lFIRESsee alsosee alsosee alsosee alsoFi reaonsForest and Brush FiresOsceolaR>llutionsee also RestaurantsMills Hicjl School reopms after fireIncinerator warehouse at NLR aestrcy-ed in suspected arsonArson fire forces evacuation of Job Corps center at LR<strong>An</strong>other arson fie rep:>rted at Job Corp center in LRFrightened cxrer Job Corps fires, sane leaving centerHouse fire kills two, critically inj ures one at LRFire mes $55,000 damage at hone af AL LockhartSuspect charged in Job Corps center fireTrailer destrc:yed on Job Corps proJ;erty at LRJob Corps center at LR hit sixth suspicious fireJail terms imposed in arson-for-hire achene<strong>An</strong>other fire hits Job COr:ps center at LRSUit alleges Ku Klux Kl.an set fire that killed five childrenWanan di.es in house fire at LewisvilleWanan, child die in house fire at LR'!Wo children die in house fire at CorwayWanan killed in house fire at R>cahontasAdcock Inc Custan Interiors suffers heavy lossDerrell w Henry dies in apnt fire at LRArson hotline reward fund nearly depleted01/06/87 001 201/12/87 A07 101/25/87 B03 501/26/87 002 401/27 /87 All 401/28/87 001 101/28/87 1301 201/29/87 Al2 102/01/87 Al2 102/03/87 B02 102/06/87 Al2 602/14/87 008 l02/19/87 A08 303/05/87 Al6 503/14/87 A03 403/16/87 A05 l03/17/87 All l05/07/87 ADS 205/11/87 AOl 205/14/87 COl 4116

ARKAN SN> GAZ ETl'E mIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE nci;, escapes f ran burning house 11/09/87 A07 4Federal judge refuses to di.sniss digs against Walter White Jr 11/19/87 Al7 4Walter White Jr accused of setting up so{ilisticated alibi 11/20/87 All 2John H Adams testifies Walter White Jr asked him to burn hse 11/21/87 Al.O 1Witness in arson trial

ARKANSAS GAZm-I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!GE ClLsee BanksFIRST EXCll.lroE Bl!NK (LI'l'ILE ROCK)see BanksFIRST FEIERAL SN'Il\GS OF ARKANSASsee Bankssee HousingFIRST INVESTMENT SEXJJRITIF.ssee also Stocks Nl 7FIRST NATIONAL BANK (BEN'IUWlLLE)see BanksFIRST NATIONAL Bl\NK (HARRISCli)see BanksFIRST STATE BANK (Nm!ORT)see BanksFIRST STATE Bl!NK ( ffiElWOCD)see BanksFIRST S'mTE BUJLDJN:; AND LOJIN PSSOCIATIDN 0DJNI'AIN HartE)see BanksFIRSTSClJ'lH sun.om:; { LI'ITLE ROCK)see BuildingsFIRSI'SClJ'lli SATIN:;S AND LOM PSSOCIATIONsee BanksFISQ!ER HCliEY CDMPANYNorth Little Rock f im is largest honey canp:tI¥ in stateFISHsee Foodsee Pollutionsee WildlifeFISH AND CRAYFISH QJL'lUREUAM3 research involves cx:>ntolled Sp:lWil of catfishFISH FARMIN3see Fish and Crayfish CultureFISHm, GIDOOEsee also Bookssee also cartoonsSoviets enjoy pirty thrcwn for autoonist in WashingtonFISHm, GERK.Dsee also Colleges N22FISHER, JIMMIE LaJsee also Congress (US) - House - Ark Dist 01see also Treasurer (Ark)FISHsee Bass Masters Classicsee Wildl. if eFITQI, Jrnsee also Assaults.FLEr

ARKANSN3 GAZEITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLFourche flood control project dlristered at LRsane flooding rep::>rted in LR and in Ashley, Cl.ark CountiesCllristrnas Eve rains muse flooding in sane areas of stateWest Mem!ilis tattered t¥" tornad:> last week, hit cy- floodingWarnings issued for enti re stateSewage plant at Fayettar ille floodedContimed rains and ice persist in stateDamage in Crittenden County and West MemI.ilis risesJacksonville family, rescuers pulled fran Bayou MetoLR, NLR, Maski O>unty hit floodingWest Mem!ilis attenpting to oope with flooding, tornadoLittle Rock 4-day total rainfall is 12 inchesReµ>rts on flooding in LRWest Mem};ilis insurance agents flooded with CBllsRaifall totals for Ark cities during past 4 daysHundreds still haneless in flooded areasBait-fish industry in Ark hard hit cy- floodingTen hanes destroyed in Pulaski O>Flood caused one death at West Memi;hisMap shG\'s areas of serious flooding in ArkFlooding patterns differ fran pist rains'.Ihircy-five hanes destroyed in Pulaski CountyFish bait µ>mis wiped out floods in Lonoke O>untyResidents returning to banes in LR-NLR areaDamage f ran flood surveyedFlooding along lcwer Ollachita River reµ>rtedFLC:WERS08/21/87 CO! 211/17/87 AOl 412/25/87 AOl 212/26/87 AO! 212/26/87 AOl 612/26/87 AO 8 612/27/87 AOl 612/27/87 AOl 612/27 /fn All 412/27/87 Al9 212/2&/87 AOl 212/28/87 AOl 512/28/87 A07 112/28/87 A07 412/28/87 A07 512/29/87 AOl 212/29/87 A07 212/29/87 All 112/30/87 AOl 212/30/87 A08 512/30/87 AO 9 212/30/87 A09 212/30/87 CO! 212/31/87 A07 112/31/87 A07 512/31/87 A07 5IBvid O Dodd rose (photograI.il) 06/14/87 BOl 2David 0 Dodd rose nGI being proµ>gated at nursery06/14/87 1309 lWildflcwers l::eing pl anted along Ark highways 12/05/87 001 2List of varieties of wildflCMers being planted along highways 12/05/87 001 5Dr F H001.pton Roy led way for roadside beautification 12/05/87 B04 1FLYIN:; SlOCERSsee Unidentified Flying ObjectsEMC ubles in 4 yrsFOOD 4 LESS SroRESsee lbillips COFOOD CDNTAMINATIONsee also J E w, IncTyson Foods official says

ARKANSAS GAZRI"l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLR>ul. try finns cry foul wer W news program on inspectionsSen oavid Pryor d?fends efforts of p:>ultry industryJerry L Finley pleads guilty on two oounts in feed caseO:>ndi.tions at [X>ul.try plants cescribed in rept to us SenateHep:achlor quarantine ruins d:liiy of Kenneth CorleyArsenic note i;ranpts LR store to ranwe ooffee fran ShelvesFOOD STAMPSsee Fraudssee R>orFOO'JBALLSpecial <strong>1987</strong> pre-season re[X>rtFOO'IBALL - CXLLH.;E04/19/87 AOl 205/16/87 Al.9 105/19/87 BOl 505/20/87 Al 7 108/09/87 AOl 208/13/87 AOS 308/30/87 JOl 1see also Rel igionOkl.ahana crushes <strong>Arkansas</strong> in Orange Ba-11, 42-8 01/02/87 COl 5Adella Gray chg of sex bias in Razorback of fioe being heard 02/25/87 AOS 1Coach Ken Hatfield testifies about Gray's performance 02/25/87 AOS 1Hired All 08/26/87 DO! 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> State ranked no. 2 in I-AA poll 08/26/'in D06 2SJ;eci.al pre-season re[X>rt 08/30/87 JO! 1Ken Hatfield reserves Ou:istian tacking R Withers[X>On says 09/15/87 Al.5 1Razorback fans hog wild for car oond:>s at Razorback Stadiun 09/20/87 AOl 4Razorbacks ranked 10th in i:x>lls 09/22/87 DOI 2Miami hands Ark a 5I-7 thrashing at Little Rock 09/27/87 FOl 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> State µmi.shes East Texas 77-22 09/27 /'in F03 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Razorbacks drop out of top 20 rankings 09/29/87 DOS 6UA Cbach Ken Hatf ield disnisses I:onnie C.enters after arrest 10/09/87 DOI 2Farly starting times for Razorback games hurt LR businesses 10/25/'irl Al.5 1Texas A&M kills Razorback Cotton Ba-11 hoi;es 11/15/87 FOl 5Universicy of Qmtral Ark secures 5th oonsecutive AIC title 11/15/87 FOl 5UA P.azorl:acks to play Georgia Bul.loogs in Libercy Ba-11 11/17/fJ/ DOI 2Univ of <strong>Arkansas</strong> accepts Libercy Bad invitation 11/22/87 FOl 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> State faces Jackson State in I-AA plC¥off 11/23/87 DOl 2Univ of Central Ark faces Nortl'Mestern Okla in playoff 11/23/87 D07 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Univ

ARKANSAS GAZETrE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIG E a>LText of statements l:?z7 Ken Hatfield, Frank Brc:ylesFrank Brc:yles advised Ken Hatfield to stop quoting Bible<strong>Arkansas</strong> State honored with two All-1merican selectionsList of top high school prospects in ArkArticle c:Etails effort to establish bods in ArkSareral .AIC players named AJ.1-hnericansFeature article on Libert¥ Bew!, <strong>Arkansas</strong> and GeorgiaRazorbacks fall to Georgia, 20-17 in Libert¥ BCMlFOO'JBALL - HJGH SO:IOCLFast defeats West in Ark All-Star gameSpreci.al pr e-season ret:0rtBrackets for state playoffMcGehee wins state Class AAArkadelJ;ilia wins state Class "AAA titleGazette' s Super Team for <strong>1987</strong> namedGazette names All-State teams, cy classificationFOO'lBALL - mOEESSIONALWillie Fears, a Tucker prison guard, played 3 weeks in NR.FOmFS, RX.BI Psee also R:>litics and Elections (Ark)Conducts ceranoq[ in manoi:y of Libert¥ attack victimsFORD, AROI WFormer education a:mmr di.es at age 81MMISSION (ARK)see also Forests Jy7 Ag3 J\g6 Ag7FORESTS AND FORES'.IRYsee also Menses and Armed Forces12/09/87 006 112/10/87 DOl 212/18/87 DOl 312/20/87 F09 112/21/87 DOl 112/23/87 001 212/27 /87 JOl 112/30/87 DOl 608/02/87 FOl 208/30/87 JOl 111/08/87 Fl2 212/06/87 Fll 112/06/87 Fll 512/20/87 FOB 112/20/87 F09 110/23/87 AOl 306/09/87 A08 406/06/87 AOl 206/06/87 AOl 205/05/87 002 402/08/87 All 107 /05/87 003 102/25/87 A12 202/27/87 AOS 105/05/87 AOS 405/06/87 Al 7 102/12/87 A08 603/22/87 AOl 203/23/87 AOl 211/07/87 A09 1ll/OW87 A19 111/19/87 AJ.O 5Ol/2W87 001 610/29/87 AlO 3121

ARKANSAS GAZErr'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE rts clearcutting policy 12/27/87 FlO 5FURREST CITY SO:IOCL DIS'IRICI'see Education - Discriminationsee MusicFORS'lER, FERDINP.NDsee also Hunan Boc'tfIDRT O:IAFff:Esee DefensesFORT SMllHsee also Econanic Conditionssee also Parks, Recreation and Tourisnsee also ProstitutionTrallEy cars mew cane back to d:::Mnt

ARKANSAS GAZ.mwm INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E llars for publ ic purposes 10/18/87 AOl 2Private foundations often augnent work of Ark public agencies 10/18/87 AOl 22nd article in series on i;:rivate d:>llars for public purposes 10/19/87 AOl 2Views on µiblic insi:ection of reoords vacy anong fdns 10/19/87 All 1FOUN'mIN HILL SClHXL DISTRICI'see Education - Teachersrourorn VALLEY SOKX:L DIS'lRICI'see Education - MninistratorsFRANKLlN CDUNlYsee also Eoonanic DevelopnentFRATERNITIFS RID SOOORITIESMartin cenetery at LR has marker honoring Signa Nu10/11/87 AOS 1FRKJOO .AND S\TINILJN;see also Bankssee al so ui ty Investorssee also Fanners Hane Adninistration (US)see also Gibraltor International Bank, Ltdsee also Intox Latorator ies, Incsee also roorton and Cosee al so Nooner, Lindasee al so Over wanen conned out of $160011/04/87 AlO 5Six LR residents face cllarges in MCI scam12/16/87 A22 2FREEroM OF INroRMATIONsee also Audi ts and Management Rariewssee also Collegessee also Ecilcation - Mninistratorssee also Education - Boards of Educationsee also Go.rernnent Empl.C¥ees (Ark)see also Go.rernnent FlnplC¥ees (Local)see al.so Head Startsee al.so M:lrkle, Jahnsee also Newarksee also R>l iceLegis p:inels consider prop>sed amdts to FOI ActAttorney-client relationship not i;:rotected under EOI ActShannon Hills ordered to a>Qi 10 pages per day for groupFREEOOM OF Sff!EQI03/20/87 All 105/12/87 AD7 106/11/87 A08 1123

ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE ore one af world' s best fruit breet'ErsDr Janes N f.t>ore honored for developing better berriesLate freeze chilled hoi;e for increased table grai;e harvestSane faoners lost entire i;eadl crop to rol.d this yearIvan Bright family grcws champion wateonelonsBright future predicted for grafe devel.oi;ed by UA researcherFUIBRIGHT, J WILLIAMHonored as outstanding centennial all.IIlnus of Univ af Arksays sunrnit meeting with Russia shews new atti tudaFULLER, CAREL OONsee also ShootingsFUND IJUVESsee Fhilanthroi;yFUNERK.SHouse i;:anel CEfers action on blrial insurance measureRoller name added to finn' s various funeral hemesBoc\1 af Winslararea man cremated at site on land he lovedQuestions arise on cremation auried out by friendAllie E Freanan canments on use of. his drive-by viadngRule dld to pro.ride for i;:ayment of cash benefitscremation beaaning more pop.ll.ar in ArkFactors c:i.ted for increase in crenationsFURR, w:n.srn csee al so Al.oohal. and Drugs Ag5FUTRELL A?-ENJlwtENTsee Finance and Budgets (Ark)GALLUP, GEOR:iE JRR>llster f3Feaks at Little RockGAM3LIK2see also Horse RacingBatearille Guard ed on Cbuble standards on lotteriesBailey R>ll says 55 pct fwor al lcwing lottery in ArkNineteen feloJ¥ dlarges against Tat1'ey C Wheel.er drodParacpuld pol ioe will arrest bincp playersRealtor at Mountain Bane wins $25,000 in Missouri lotterySheriffs Assn discusses state lottery as funding source<strong>Arkansas</strong> youth wins, loses $1 million jackpot in Las Vegas06/02/87 A07 1Ol/25/87 DOl 402/05/87 AlO 102/13/87 Al2 102/23/87 A04 105/24/87 Al3 106/ll/87 A06 207/18/87 COl 208/0l/87 COl 209/30/87 :001 612/24/87 C02 1ll/10/87 A06 212/06/87 AOS l02/28/87 AD9 405/31/87 DOl 506/29/87 :001 407 /07/87 A07 1ll/16/87 COl l12/17 /87 C02 412/29/87 :001 112/29/87 BOl 510/17 /87 COl 201/11/87 C04 6Ol/15/87 AOB 302/03/87 :001 502/15/87 All 202/28/87 :00 8 107/16/87 BOl 508/09/87 Al.4 5124

.ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INOOX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE t seeks to dmlage his businessGEOR;E, LLOYDsee also Finanoo and Budgets (Ark)10/18/87 A09 110/14/87 ro1 206/03/87 A09 106/14/87 AO? 108/04/87 A07 212/16/87 Al.3 1use 02/26/87 col 202/26/87 COl 204/13/87 AO? 205/16/87 A08 6125

ARKANSAS GAZE.TrE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK; E sed for LR bond financingFast LR to J:enefit fran bond iss projects, IBlton assertscamren Haliday Inn bond case settied for $3 . 75 million04/10/87 C0205/14/87 AOl05/14/87 All05/15/87 A0305/23/87 AOl15212126

ARKANSAS GAZ m-l'E INlEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl{;E CDL'!WO law finns, financial finn µiy in camden Holiday Inn mse 05/23/87 AO! 2senate drops attanpt to require oond review 06/06/87 Al.4 5Gov C1inton, Senator Ben Allen skinnish wer bond business 06/07/87 A03 1Developnent Finaoe Authorit:y to battle Legis on wersight 06/19/87 A03 5ALC concedes lcw requiring legis apprwal. of bonsal for PERS investment 08/25/87 AOl 2PERS real estate imestment wise, Jul ia Jones asserts 08/26/87 001 5PERS will not accept aty real estate irNestment new 08/27 /87 A07 1Real estate otx>sal to PERS was effort to reat rush08/28/87 A09 lInvestment guides on South Africa limits PERS irNestments 09/25/87 A09 lTom Ferstl , Maski Prot:ert:v CMners Assn fault bond protnsal 10/08/87 Al.3 1LR residents faoe cmlplicated choioe in bond issue vote 10/09/87 Al.8 1New :i;:ark platform for LR bond issLE 10/09/87 Al.9 1street pro{X>salS included in LR bond issue prop:>sal 10/10/87 Al.3 1LR proix>sal inclus p:>ol , parks pr ojects 10/11/87 A06 2LR bond election iresents intriguing questions 10/11/87 A07 1LR protx>sal incl udes nunerous projects 10/12/87 Al3 lLR bond issLE supporters expect 10 ,000 to turn out 10/13/87 A07 6LR voters apprwe all 12 bond issues on tallot 10/14/87 AOl 2M:i.in support for LR bonds issue cmne fran Heights, Hillcrest 10/15/87 All 5Realty irNestment of PERS f llds errl>rsed qr Board panel 10/28/87 All 1Prop:>sal for PERS to irNest in Helena port criticized 11/05/87 All 1PERS adviser hired Jul ia Jones was fined, censured in 1983 11/13/87 Al.O 3 Drew was hired cy Jones to review Helena i:urt txmds 11/13/87 AlO 3LR bond issue caught cy- cap on interest rate 11/28/87 AlO 1Helena i:urt Authorit:y needs PERS loan qr December 31 12/11/87 A09 2PERS panel says Helena Port bond isst.E is private placement 12/11/87 A09 2PERS p:>licy bars private placement of irNestments 12/11/87 A09 2PERS votes to buy Helena Port Authorit:y bonds 12/17/87 Al.0 2GOIERNMENT EMR.OYEES {ARK)see also GCNerrment Bondssee also Hunan Services oe:i;:artment (Ark)see also l iticsLegi s panel votes to recamnend freezing of salariesRotert Mrd discusses pr otnsed pension chsPay freeze for state workers discussed in LegisJoint Budget Comm gives '

ARKANSAS GAZE'I'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE COL.Early reti ranent bill draws tie vote fran Pension Review Bd 02/13/87 Al2 1Bill for early reti nnent gets apprwal. of Joint c.ommittee 02/19/87 All 1Don G Drake suit alleges fired for bJ.aqing whistle on waste 02/21/87 MJ7 4Senate

ARKANSAS GAZE'r.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDL00/EmMENT OFFICI:ALS (ARK)see Names of agencies and officessee :EbliticsGO/ERNOR {ARK)GOl1 Bill Clinton and fanily attending Orange Bad game1.Wo mtmicii;al juds ap¢d 1:¥ GOIT Clintonseat telt measure has supp:>rt of GOIT Bill Clintonstate Revolving Loan Fund needs money, Governor Clinton saysstate l:xldget cut of $50 million seen cy GOIT ClintonTenporary tax for schools may te suggested qr Bill ClintonLegislators greet Clinton' s finance plan coollyoax>ses sales tax increase, G:1I Bill Clinton saysGSition to new state bldg signifies changeNAACP calls Clinton black appnts a c:beap trade-offCl inton' s emergency plan (ed on state f inanc:i.ng}Clinton names palEl to resolve jwenile oourt systan probl.ansource of Nick WilsoBill Clinton friction discussedCl inton a:nunents on Highway, Transportation appointmentsLegislative i.:rogram aimed at giving children tetter startEditorials cxnu:nent on ?ernor ' s revern.e programInsurance reform program proi:osal calls for acoountabil icy01/01/87 A09 201/01/87 All 101/05/87 AlO 101/07 /87 A06 101/07/87 A06 101/07 /87 A06 301/08/87 AOl 501/09/87 AOl 501/09/87 AO? 101/11/87 C06 101/12/87 A07 101/14/87 AOl 201/14/87 AOl 501/14/87 AOl 501/14/87 A08 301/1-\/87 A09 101/14/87 A09 501/16/87 AOl 201/16/87 AOl 201/16/87 AOl 201/17/87 AOl 201/17/87 AOl 201/17/87 AOl 201/17/87 A09 101/17/87 :001 201/18/87 :004 501/20/87 AOl 201/20/87 AOl 301/20/87 AOl 601/20/87 A03 101/20/87 A06 301/20/87 A07 301/21/87 A03 101/21/87 AO 8 601/21/87 A09 101/22/87 AOl 201/22/87 AOl 201/22/87 A03 301/22/87 A08 101/23/87 AOl 201/23/87 AOl 401/23/87 A03 101/23/87 A07 1OJ/23/87 Al 8 1OJ/2

ARKAN GAZE!'TE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPf:GE CDLEoonanic teans high! ight Clinton' s 'Good Joa; ' prop:>sal 01/25/87 DOl 1Gov Clinton makes appnts to toards and camnissions 01/28/87 AOl 2Tax program suffers setl:acks in Legis 01/29/87 A08 2Legislature urged to p:i.ss his program 01/29/87 A08 3Legislature urged to act on ernor' s revemE program 01/31/87 All 3Cl inton assures teachers retiranent fund not to te hacned 02/01/87 006 2More appnts to toards and camnissions announced 02/01/87 B.l.2 1Cl inton disapµ>ints higher educ supporters, editorial. says 02/01/87 C04 2Mike Conwell aars to be Clinton choice for G&FC appnt 02/02/87 C02 1Gov Clinton makes appnts to state p:i.nels 02/03/87 001 2Mike Corrwell apP:d to Game and Fish Comm 02/03/87 :001 2Cl inton armnot11ces prop:>sal for steel mill at Blythar ille 02/04/87 AOl 2Cl inton' s re11enue i:rogram makes progress in Legis 02/05/87 AOl 2Cl inton oonments on appnts lcw used by Senate 02/07/87 A09 3Veto of o?:anetiy bill vcwed by Gov Clinton 02/07/87 A09 3Gov Clinton discusses several issues in talk to lator group 02/09/87 :008 5Governor reiterates call for improved educ in Washington talk 02/13/87 AlS 1Bill Clinton VONS to keep plugging tcward legis rtation Conm case 02/15/87 A03 1Clinton ooncerned that teacher skills test given in private 02/15/87 A21 2Reviel of actions cy Tamey Venters ra:iuested by Clinton 02/16/87 AOl 3Gov Clinton amounces appnts to b:>ards, canms 02/16/87 A08 6Governor upset with T Venters on private teacher skills tests 02/17/87 AOl 6Clinton has oonsirered replacing Talln¥ Venters, writer says 02/17/87 A03 1Bill Cl inton agrees to add $18 million to oollege budts 02/17/87 A08 3Cl inton signs nine bills 02/17/87 A08 6Gov Clinton Ehrugs off questions atout i;residenti al. ambitions 02/18/87 A09 4Olerhaul. of natl welfare S¥stan backed by Bill Clinton 02/18/87 A09 5Gov Clinton helt:ed dislodge bill rSiuiring Uh-ASU games 02/19/87 AOl 2Legislators off er strcng support for Tamey Venters 02/20/87 AOl 4Pazorback fans EWamp Gov with calls pr otesting ASU bill 02/20/87 A03 1List of recent appnts to toar

ARKANSPE GAZEI'TE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE (J)LCUnton names app::iintments to t:x>ards, oamnissions 03/01/87 Bll 1List of capital imprwanent projects proJ;X>sed cy Clinton 03/03/87 A08 3Shoul d veto bill on city cllase ct. utiliti es, ed say s 03/04/87 Al4 1F.arly retiranent plan for state anpl C!{ees tacked cy Clinton 03/05/87 A09 2Mandatory school age of 5 yrs encbrsed cy Goll Clinton 03/06/87 AlO 1Mr Clinton still confident alx>ut his rwenue i;ackage in Legis 03/06/87 AlO 3Lat:x>r Secy Brock cllallenges statistics used cy Gov Clinton 03/07/87 002 1Statistics used cy Gov Clinton came f ran u S Qmsus Bureau 03/07/87 002 1Execution date for Steven I:bugl.as Hill 03/10/87 A09 3Attorney General qual ifications bill vetoed cy Gov Clinton 03/10/87 All 1Clinton supports lobcy bill, has reservations on affire bldg9 03/11/87 AOl 2Colll11Il on 1983 tax i;ackage draws response fran GOil Clinton 03/11/87 A03 1AIIE educ pr ogram nee

ARKANSAS GAZE.'l'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLClinton to make 'N speech on eve af special legis session 05/31/87 A03 1Clinton did not get c2ta on Arkl.a, AP&L taxes fran state file 05/31/87 A03 4Gov and Mrs Clinton honor state' s high schoal honors grads 05/31/87 001 2Grocers asked Clinton to ta.ck cut in tax fee thE¥ collect 06/01/87 A08 4Clinton rt for rarenue :EXogram 06/02/87 AOl 6Clinton attends roast honoring Ernest CUnningham at Helena 06/02/87 A03 1Ernest Cunningham praises Bill Clinton' s TV address 06/02/87 A08 1Gov Cl intoo adds 20 itens to call for legis session 06/03/87 AOl 2Legislative p:i.nel quickly appr01es Clinton re.renue bills 06/03/87 AOl 2List af itans Clinton addad to call for legis session 06/03/87 All 2Clinton si;eaks at dinner honoring Mr and Mrs Hugh Patterson 06/05/87 Al.O 4Clinton referred to Jim Baker, not Jim Bakker in si;eedl 06/10/87 AOJ 4Tax reform and ethics cxrmnission manbers aPIX>inted Clinton 06/10/87 AOS 1SllTIItlar:y of speech at Girls State 06/11/87 A06 6Cl inton evasive on retiranent af Tami'¥ Venters 06/11/87 Al.2 5Gov Clinton has no obj ection to dinners state lx>ards 06/12/87 A03 lJOO.n Hudgins outlines failed strategy of Frank White in 1988 06/12/87 A09 l&mnary af renarks made at Bcy-s State 06/12/87 A09 1Darrell Glasoock camnents on his pr obl.an duing campaign 06/13/87 001 2w J McCuen says he IDC¥ seek office in 1990 06/14/87 AOS lBlack apP:d circuit-chancery judge for Jefferson-Linool.n Dist 06/17/87 NJ7 4Gov Clinton makes appnts to lx>ards and camns 06/20/87 A03 1Cl inton names p:lnel to stuC!/ alternatives to prison 06/20/87 NJS 3Bill Clinton urges officials to help recruit industry 06/22/87 A09 1Veto af sane bills cy. Bill Clinton came too late 07 /Ol/87 Al.5 1Gov Clinton names two aides to state posts 07/03/87 A03 1Gov Clinton finds Bork nanination to us Suprane ct disturbing 07/03/87 Al.3 4Gov Clinton names manbers of boards and comms 07/04/87 Al.2 5Second wwe af educ reform needad in .America, Clinton writes 07/05/87 007 1Jim Pl edger resigns Yell CO p:>st to join Clinton staff 07/07/87 A03 4Gov Bill Clinton to treside at Education Comm af the States 07/09/87 A0 8 3Apµ>intments to bds and canms anoounoed cy Clinton' s office 07/19/frl 007 6Gov Clinton attends announcement of century Tube expansion 07/22/frl COl 3More riards and canmissions 07/25/ffl Al4 5Clinton appr01es Paul ans for PC&E director 07/25/87 001 2N:;A panels named Clinton repl: on social probl.ans 07/26/87 N.Jl 2Gov Clinton expresses political thanes at ?l;A meeting 07/26/87 Al.2 2Bill Clinton asked to help resolve natl welfare reform issues 07/27/87 N.Jl 3Cl inton uses unidentified private ards and canmissions 08/08/87 AOS 4Code af ethics prop:>sal likely to

ARKANSA5 GAZRITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLGw Clinton urged end to free food for p:ison anplards, cmans 08/21/f!l Al2 4Gov cnmnent' 11/10/87 AOl 2134

ARKAN GAZEr.rE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLGOP win in 1988 could pranpt Clinton race for pres in 1992 11/10/87 A07 lJolm Brunmett explains cx>ntext of his question on 't' use 11/11/87 A07 1sane vi&1s fran Bill Clinton on presidential candidates 11/13/87 A09 1Prisons should try to obey ct orders, Bill Clinton says 11/13/87 Al.O 3Bill Clinton stresses education needs in talk at Asheville 11/16/87 A07 4Clinton sees his future in national l itics, colunnist says 11/17/87 M7 lErnest CWminghan is governor for one day 11/17/87 MB 3Gov Bill Clinton urges support for welfare reform 11/20/87 Al.7 1state has pressing need for ethics lcw, G::N Clinton says 11/21/87 A09 5GOl7 Bill Clinton mC¥ seek 5th te!Ill in 1990 11/22/87 A03 1Gov Clinton says Legis session in <strong>1987</strong> unlikely 11/25/87 All 1Travel expenses of Gov Bill Clinton to te released 11/25/87 All 3Goll Clinton says restriction on state travel 1 ifted 11/26/87 All 1Book entitled "The Next Agenda" has chapter on Bill Clinton 11/27/87 Al.5 1Bill Clinton failed foreign affairs test of Norman Lear 11/29/87 A03 1Clinton favors sane contraceptive distribution in schools 12/02/87 A09 5Clinton a:mment on contraceptives draws minimal. reaction 12/03/87 Al.2 3Role of Maurice Smith on Bill Clinton' s staff outl ined 12/04/87 All lGov Clinton cx:mments on 03.rrell Glascock' l itical plans 12/06/87 Kl.7 5Pay raises for teachers to te sought Gov Clinton 12/09/87 Al.4 1List of recent appnts to toards and CXJnmissions 12/11/87 Kll 4state educ policy needs restructuring, G::N Clinton says 12/13/87 A03 lBill Clinton listed among nation's top six govs in survf¥ 12/13/87 Al.7 1Bill Clinton lists school dists that will lead educ reform 12/15/87 A09 3Cl inton praises us House vote on welfare reform 12/17/87 AOB 3Ark has too f&i stud:!nts, not too mary oolleges, Clinton says 12/19/87 COl 2Gov Clinton cEl ivers dlecks to West Mem:Eilis tornaoo victims 12/25/87 Al.3 3Gov Clinton seeks disaster assistance funds for Crittend:!n C.o 12/30/87 A09 6G

.ARKANSAS GAZ El'1'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLsee also PrisonsGRNEPl'E SO!OCL DIS'lRICI'see Educa ti.on - standardsGRAY, AIELLAsee also Foot:OOJ.l - CollegeGRAY, HENRYsee also R>l ioeGRAY, HENRY Csee also Highway and Transi;x>rtation I:ept (Ark)GRAY, LARRY ELGINsee also Murders - Norwood, Norman D:>uglasGREAT LAKES ClIF.MIC'AL CDRPsee also Electric PowerGRF.AT PSION ILAY (EUREKA SIROOS)Bill in Legis would designate play as state • s offici al oneState shoul.dn • t dloose religious pageants (ed)GREEN, NMHANIELsee also Murders - Simpson, AaronG REEN, WILLIEsee also Murders - Si mpson, AaronG REENBEK;, PAULsee also NewspapersGREERS FERRY LAKEsee WildlifeGRIDG ( LAFAYETI'E) HOO SEsee Historic BuildingsGRIGORY, IOLAN RAYsee al so Murders - Gregory, D:>l an RayGREYHCIJND BUS LINESFi rm merges Trail ways operations into NLR terminalGRIF.FI'IH, PAUL G SRsee al so BooksGRIMES, BEN WESLEY JRsee also Murders - Hilton, 'lbndaleyoGR:BER, HmSHELsee also Carµmt.er, Warren DGKXDCK, JOsee al so l iceG ROSS STATE mowersee Econanic ConditionsGROONIECGSsee WildlifeGRJNDFEST, DA.VE JRLR businessnan killed in Colorado plane crashFatal crash came at end of week of recreation in Colorad:>GUARANTY FEIEAAL SNm;s 1'ND LOAN (HARRIS(l\l')see BanksGUARDIAN RID WARDGuardianship lcw overruled ty <strong>Arkansas</strong> Suprane CtRul.ing canplicates problan with juvenile rourtsCourt files re.real problans in Ark guardianship casesGUFN'mER, NINAsee al so Education - Adninistrators Ag9GUEST, AL:EHCNSO02/24/87 A06 102/25/87 Al4 108/05/87 COl 207 /06/87 AOS 507/07/87 :001 202/03/87 Al2 102/05/87 A09 109/2EV'87 Al2 1136

ARKANSAS GAZEI'I'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.N:;E O)Lsee also Vol unteersGULLEY, JANEsee also Wil dlifeGUN30ATSsee MuseunsGUNSsee FireannsGUROONsee also BuildingsGUROON SCECXL DISTRICTsee Education - ldninistratorsHAIR AND BEARDNew drug offers sane ho for bald menHl\LBRCX>K, MARCIJ Ssee also Legislative Research Bureau (Ark)HALL, WALLYsee also Sµ>rtscasters and Sµ>rtsvriters Association, NatlHPl.LOlEENl ice l1f23 My25 1'\726 My29 Je3 Jel.2 Jel3 Je27 Ag lsee also R>l ice Ag ll .Agl2 se6 C5 lice 027 029 N4 Ni Nl Nl.3 Nl.4 N'.1.9 N30 D26HANDI CAP.PEDsee also Education - Handicappedsee also nta l Hea l th and Disorderssee also Sex Crimessee also Special Olympicssee also Track and Field - High School.state has first session on adaptive seatingDisabled attend seldefense courseChris McKerrz:ie honored for her work with the blindLighthouse for the Blind emplcy-ees critical of conditionscamp Aldersgate has new caring Center for chi ldrenUnited Methodist Olurch wanen funded Aldersgate facilicycampout rare treat for visu:illy impai redApril Baggett wer

ARKANSM> GAZE'r!'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-GE CDLDisabled children discover art in cl'¥ 06/15/87 :001 5Kelly Rf¥nolds wins role in I Up With People' cespi.te deafness 08/02/87 001 2State condenSMENT .AND BRJTALITYsee Brutal iqr and Harassnent Allegationssee Education - Studant conductHAmORS 1iND IQR'ISHel ena harbor project languishing 5 yrs after annmmcement 02/17/ff/ A03 5Prop:>sed Yellow Bend Port Project offers <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ciqr ho 02/22/87 A09 1Helena interests take plea to Presicent Reagan 03/04/87 M2 5Funds for Helena project suax>rted J:?ir congressional. conf oomm 12/17/87 AOl 5Publ ic Flnpl.(¥ees Retiranent Systan to bt.¥ Helena Harbor bonds 12/17/ITT MO 2HARDIN, Hl!NlVER Jsee also Murcers - Hardin, Hani ver JHARDIN, W'JHERsee also colleges Selsee also Legislature (Ark)see also Taxation J e5HARDIN, IlJ'lHER SRetired official. af vo-tedl education in Ark dies 10/22/ITT M2 5HARD UNIVERSITYsee Basketbtll - Collegesee collegesHl'RiIDTE, W NFonner state senator f ran Stuttgart dies after fall at hane 09/24/87 M6 5HARING'IDN, IX>NPLDsee also BooksHARf.ONIC

ARKANSAS GAZETm INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLHARRimillG SOiCXL DISTRICTsee Education - Cbnsol idationHJ.\RRISCN SQiCXL DISTRICTsee also Free


ARKANSAS GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>Eureka Springs resi.dants have no serious cxmplaintsHEf.BREE, H LMr and Mrs Hembree fund end:wment at Univ of ArkAppnt to UA Board of Trustees not widely reportedHENDERS:N S'mTE UNlVmBITYsee Bookssee CDllegessee DiseaseHENrRIC&Slleges NJ.HlGIWAY AND TMNSIOR'IM'ION IEPARTr-ENT (ARK)see al.so R>l icesee also Roadssee al.so Transportation CD1l'l1lission (Ark)see al.so TrucksDi rector Henry C Grey retiring next monthSpeculation renters on Maurire Smith as Grey replacementMaurice Smith offered post of director, others cxmsiceredJohn Brumnett analyzes Henry Gray retirenent08/05/87 1301 603/12/87 Al9 6ll/1 5/87 A20 109/10/87 A08 508/0l/87 001 511/26/87 A29 112/23/87 AO l 304/10/87 A22 111/06/87 AOl 2ll/06/87 AOl 2ll/07 /87 AOl 5ll/08/ rn A03 i141

ARKANSAS GAZEl'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE rtedl.y told director post is full-time jobMaurice Smith decides he is available to 1:e Dept directorCl:>mmission oonsidering at least 4 rsons for directorHenry Gray' s success stanmed f ran refusal to feel IXMerfulExpect Maurice Smith to 1:e named director, Brunmett ad\TisesMaurice Smith ties to Bill Clinton outlinedMaurice Smith not ill\1olved in 'midnight p:iy raise' scandtl.sMaurice Smith selected for highway directorSO much for Mack-Blackwell (ed on selection of Snith)HIGBVAY liceHlGiilAYSsee RoadsHlLL, DIANEsee also Murders - Hill, DianeHn.L, JACKsee also St Francis COt.mtyHlLL, JOE Msee al so i:oorHlLL, STE.VEN I:OUGLASsee also Murders - Klein, Rol:ert wHn.L, 'lOMMYsee also Murders - Hill, DianeH D:i'IDN, '.IONDALEIDsee also Murders - Hilton, TondaleyoHISPANICS lN ARKANSA5see Foreign Descent GroupsHISIDRIC BUILDIN3S AND SITF.Ssee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial RestorationLafC¥ette Gregg house in Fayetteville restoredLittle Rock' s Qua paw Quarter :E;CeservedFifteen-block area af LR on National RegisterPacket House restaurant furnishings sold at auctionBeaver residents cxmplain historic bridge ruinedBathouse RCM at Hot Springs named National Historic LandnarkBid to raze house at 609 East 11th in LR denied 1:¥ canrnPines Hotel at Pine Bluff likely to re razedFire destrC¥s 117-yr ald Austin House at Pine BluffUCA Geograthy Dept locates, maps log structure locations01/02/87 EDl 105/08/87 EDl 105/11/87 A03 105/13/87 COl 205/2 5/87 A07 106/03/87 001 206/07/87 A08 406/07/87 A09 108/02/87 001 509/01/87 All 1142

ARKANSll:l GAZEm'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLFi re TERsee also Colleges D29HOEL'IZ EL, PAULINEMiss Hoel tzel fondly recollects days as a teacherHOFffiAN, BCB10/07 /87 BOl 2see also Transportation Regulatory Board (Ark)HOOAN (BEN M) ensee also RoadsHOOSsee LivestockHCLLOOStlORlH, P Asee also Little RockHCLL IS AND en'!Wo trustees settle $3 million suit wer trust fundsHCLT, PIJBREY OLAN05/29/87 COl 2see also FiresHCLT, JACK SR143

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E JNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLBolt injured in auto accident at LRHCLY ALAM) CHRISTIAN ClHJROIsee Alano Qiristian FoundationHCLY AroELS CDNVENTsee Olthalic ChurchHCM! REPAIRS 1lND IMPRO/EMENTHanke Siding and Allied Builders are major siding fiIInsHOME SNOOS ASSOCIATIONsee BanksHOMELESC3see Rx>rHOMICIIEsee MurdersHQK)SE>![J.AL ssee also

ARKANSAS GAZFrrE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.KiE CDLLegislation in works for fall season at Oakl. c;wn 02/21/87 AOl 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette opp>ses fall racing season 02/25/87 Al4 1John Brunmett cx>l.unn discusses prop:>sed fall season 02/26/87 A03 1Gov Bill Clinton rere?:ive to 2nd season if held this fall 03/01/87 A03 1Bill to extend Oakl am season introduced 03/05/87 A0 8 3One raci ng season is plenty, Jmtes Powell writes 03/09/87 All lBill to extend Oaklat1n season encbrsed senate cnmn 03/10/87 AOl 2Expansion foucjlt Christian Ci vic Fdn of <strong>Arkansas</strong> 03/10/87 AOl 2Senate apprwes racing bill, 20-1403/12/87 All lJames Powell sees folly in extending racing season 03/13/87 Al.9 1Bill on extending oakl.a-m season still held in canmittee 03/18/87 AlO lHot Springs gro oi;p:>se fall racing season 03/19/87 :001 5House i;anel encbrses 2 bills to allcw exotic wagering 03/20/87 AOl 2House panel encbrses reduction in state take at Oaklcwn 03/20/87 AOl 2Lonr season at Oakl c;wn amenrnogra:Eflysee also Reti ranentNY fashion magazine says Hot Springs "in" for jet setCity settl ing into city manager form of govtOaklc;wn and tourisn punp life into econanyCity considering annexation of large area around cityComprehensive plan for city's future detailed in reportCity tackles problans of eyesore structuresHill Wheatl ey cwns large i;art of downtcwn Hot SpringsMel vyn Bell gets o?:ion to rent 7 of Wheatley' s bldsal rejected votersMayor John L Starr lashes Hot Springs Sentinel RecordReal estate agent, Hill Wheatl E!f work to

ARKANSAS GAZ Erl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJlGE (l)LHor SPROOS NATIONAL PARKsee ParksHDr SPROOS VILLIGERsee N&1sp:i.persHOJ.'ELSsee also CbnventionsExcelsior in LR feeds Wal-Mart COll\Tention of 3 ,400 02/14/87 1301 2FJ.na M Smith Fd joins partnership to build motel-restaurant 03/05/87 All 1Sane canplaints voiced on Smith Fdn plan for private business 03/05/87 All 1Arl ington expands facilities cy adding large e:xhibit hall 04/24/87 COl 2Kemmons Wilson seeks site for Wilson World facility in LR 06/25/87 COl 2Hot Springs hotels, motels experience occupancy decl ine 09/20/87 DOl 4Broadv'ay Hotel at Presoott offers roan, meal for $15.00 11/02/87 A08 1Excelsior to ranit fart af revemes to LR 11/18/87 A09 2Mor tgage foreclosure on Hot Springs Hilton sought cy bank 11/21/87 C02 4Pine Bluff to get Wilson World hotel at ex>ll\Tention oenter 12/11/87 COl 2Hotel Pines at Pine Bluff sold to mor tgagee 12/12/87 Al2 1Crescent Hotel at Eureka Springs closes early for season 12/13/87 A08 2HaJSil'XJsee also Architecturesee also O

ARKANSAS GAZEr.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPz.GE CDLChar t:well Valley subdivision pl anned for Sal ine County area 05/24/87 AOl 2Terrare Green project at LR marked well-kept facilities 05/25/87 All 1Chart:well Valley develoi;er told LR tx>l icy on servires 05/27/87 001 3Alliance to push allegations of bias First Federal of Ark 05/29/87 AOS 4Bill Rush resigns NLR Q:mununity Ievelopnent Agency tx>sition 06/13/87 A03 5LR water officials want Chart:well Valley anmxed to city 06/13/87 001 5Distri ct CXllUll backs sewer tie-ins for Chartwell Valley 06/le/87 A0 8 2Foes of zoning near St John' s at LR win deferral on plan 07/01/87 Al3 4'IWo Little Ro ck finns Wild small, inexpensive houses 07/01/87 COl 2League of Wanen Voters questions Saline Co subdivision plans 07/01/87 C02 3Saline Co vi&1s differ on Chart:well Valley annexation to LR 07/04/87 A03 1Opµ>nents to discuss 'cluster' housing near St John' s Qanter 07/11/87 001 2Opponents of St John cluster proi;x>sal. plan fight 07/12/87 A04 1Decision on cluster housing near St John' s again deferred 07/15/87 001 1bu ry Park tenants at LR di sgruntled over conditions, rules 07/le/87 001 2St.ate lcw ffii¥ affect Chartwell annexation to LR 07 /19/87 001 6Housing starts soar in NLR 07 /21/87 CO! 4Operator of Asbury Park refuses rn to meet on housing progr am rontrwerf21 08/22/87 AOl 3Little Rock ranwing cr lJllbling structures 08/23/87 AOl 2LR officials meet with rep; of Acorn aff ilate on program 08/25/87 A03 1LR City Mgr Tan Dalton favors keeping contract with Acorn 08/27/87 A09 1Acorn affiliate shews off house set for r6'1orking 08/28/ffl AlO 1LR City Bd spl it wer rontinui.ng Acorn affiliate housing work 09/01/87 001 5LR City Bd hears range of vi&1s on Acorn aff ilate i:cogram 09/02/87 A09 1Zoning plan for NLR' s Argenta Preservation Area assailed 09/06/87 006 4Housing rehab progr am at LR to survive with key changes 09/10/87 AlS 1Bob Bland fired f ran job at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Community Housing Corp 09/18/87 Al9 6House at Maunelle put up in cay qr professional builders 10/04/ffl 001 6Fund-raising house at Maunelle sold qui ckly 10/05/ffl A07 5Methodist Olurch group building co-op housing at Hot Spgs 10/09/87 COl 2NLR plan for housing on iark land drC&ls opp:>sition 10/ 11/87 002 lBooker, Hollingsworth plan aids segregation, Jahn Walker Si:rJS 10/14/ffl All 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Community Housing Corp to end pact with Little Ro ck 10/15/87 All 2John Walker wants publi c housing in LR scattered a.bout city 10/16/87 .A09 5Housing projects for the tx>Qr in LR mC¥ be scattered 10/25/87 AOl 2Scattering public housing seen as aid to sdlool desegregation 10/25/87 AOl 2LR has 1,040 family units, with waiting list of 700 families 10/25/ffl AOl 3LR City Bd apprwes plan for housing at St John' s Qanter 11/04/87 Al7 1Survtey of new and existing hane ixires in 8 Ark cities ll/09/87 COl lNLR fair housing off irer Mary Iavis told to pi}' HUD $8,258.99 11/ll/ffl A07 3Major ohstacl.es seen in readling accord on scattered sites ll/ll/87 Al2 1147

ARKANSA':l GAZE.T.l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.lGE CDLTan Mil ton wants Acorn to return $1 50 ,000 to LROierdr am account led to HUD prore of Mary D:lv isRev O C Jones says he did not sign housing bd checksArticle on restored Morris house near Dermark (White Colm.ty)Chart oc:mi;ares total housing units with mobile hane unitsCost of mobile hane comi;a red with comentional housingFigures shew 250,000 Arkansans live in mobile hanesZoning change mcy allav mobile hanes in LR' s Pleasant VallE¥LR Planning Conmrs respond to article on mobile hanesHCIJSOO AND UIBAN IEVEL OPMENT IEPI' (US)see also Real EstateHCWARD, CDRLISS MAYSHonored for cx:mtribution to edu c in ArkHOVARD, WlLLIAM JCl:INsee al so Murders - Havard, William JahnHCWELL, MAXsee al so President (US)see also Pulaski County Ag6 Ag8 Ag22see al so WildlifeHOXIEsee al so Econani c Devel. opnentHIBBELL, WEBSTERsee also Little RockHtBm, BARRYsee Reproduction (Hunan)HUtSCN roars, me11 /12/87 Al3 111/12/87 Al 7 111/18/87 A09 211 /20/87 EDl 112/14/87 CO! 212/14/87 COl 212/14/87 COl 212/20/87 AOl 512/27 /87 008 107 /20 /87 A07 4see also Agri culturesee al so R>llutionBoard proi;oses plan to all

ARKAN GAZETl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.roE CDLBenton Services center enpl.cy-ees ask layoff cancellation 02/11/87 001 4GCN Clinton planning to set up rneri t &ysten within cept 02/12/87 All 5Kevin App1.E:¥ard fcrnily discuss his st at end of <strong>1987</strong> 10 /15 /87 AOl 2Pay Scott i;r:wed his abilicy as an adninistrator 10/31/87 A09 5Wal t Patterson picked to succeed Ray scott as di rector 11 /14/87 AOl 4Ar ticle on new director Walt Patterson 11/27 /ID AOl 2Deputy directors named 12/10/87 A23 2Rehabilitation Services Director Russell Baxter retiring 12/13 /ID 001 2HUMAN SERVI CES SYSTEM, NCR'Ill ARKANSASLegislators c.ritical of &ystan orations 01/10 /87 Al.7 5HUMANE SOCIETYsee <strong>An</strong>imalsHUMANISMsee also Education - .Rel igious IssuesHUMANITIES, ARKANSAS ENI:xl'lMENT K>Rsee CUltureHUMmREY, PAT WESTsee also workers Onµmsation Commission (Ark)HUN:;ERsee PoorHUNT, J BJ B Hunt devel op:!d a trucking empire'fypical day in life of J B HuntForres lists Hunt among America 's 400 wealthiest p:!rsonsHUNTER, CARLsee also WildlifeHUNl'II.'lisee WildlifeHURST, .FRllNKsee also Murders - Hurst, FrankHURST, JAME'Ssee also Murders - Hurst, FrankHUTCHINSCN, ASAsee also Courts (US) - District of F.a.stern <strong>Arkansas</strong>see also VigilantesHUTCHIN SCN, TIMsee also Finance and Budgets (Ark).HlJT'IO, TERRELL OONsee also Prisons Agl OHYPERMART USAFeature on new stores planned cy Wal-Mart, IncHYmOOIS04/05/87 DO! 104/05/87 DOl 510 /13 /87 COl 307 /22/87 001 606 /07 /87 DOl 1149

ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLsee also Murders - Lehman, D:mald HArk Attorney Gen argues hyfllosis case before U s Supreme ctFact, fiction mingle under lwfllosis, steire Cl.ark arguesAr k case tefore us SUprane ct roncerns Frank Rock murderUS SUpr ene Ct rules states mcy not ban

.ARKAN G.AZE.'I'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ'(;E ard of ixivate foundationINFLUENiAsee DiseaseIN SJ RANCEsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Blue Cross and Blue Shield03/25/87 Al.3 104/17/87 Al.7 110/18/87 AOl 310/18/87 A09 1see also Fi rst <strong>Arkansas</strong> Insurancesee also Workers canpensation InsuranceGw Clinton' s reform ixogram calls for acoountabil ity 01/25/87 C07 4Mand:ltory car insurance bills fail to clear Senate i;:anel 01/28/87 NJ7 1Mandatory auto liabi.l icy insurana! bills p:lss Senate p:tnel 02/13/87 Al.3 lsenate api;rwes bills on drivers' insurance 02/17/87 NJ8 3Four bills in Legis woul d require auto liabil icy insurance 02/26/87 Al.O 4Prop:>sed tort reform legislation has not material. ized 03/06/87 NJ3 1Legis i;:asses bill to re:iuire liabi.licy ins for all drivers 03/12/87 All 3Blue Cross Blue Shield fights direct reimbursement bill 03/18/87 AlO 3Blue Cross Blue Shield says measure would dam oost oontral 03/18/87 AlO 3UnIllplex 04/21/87 A03 5dicare-dicaid Assistance Proj ect al'lStlers questions 05/11/87 NJ3 1<strong>An</strong>nual insurance ixaniuns listed for several COOlJ;ani es 06/13/87 A03 1State Insurance Dei;;t cx:mpiled, issued auto ixaniun oosts 06/13/87 A03 1Corrections made in auto ins pr aniun list ixei;:ared qr state 06/18/87 A09 1List of 60 ioore auto insurers with i;:reniun oosts 06/19/87 C03 4Insurance f imi ons of fires next to state rcvernE offices 07/16/frl COl 2New lcws rqui ring auto liability COl/erage g:>es into effect 07/21/87 NJ3 1Mininun insurance COl/erages re:iuired for auto lirense 07/31/87 NJS 1List of pranitmS chgd cy various fiIInS for haneG1ner' s ins 08/08/87 COl 2Cities, tQtlns can i;:rosecute motorists lacking liability ins 09/03/87 AOl 5Fi rst-time auto liablilit¥ COl/erage can re oostly 09/06/87 NJl 2Drivers should not drop uninsured motorist i;rotection 09/06/87 Al.0 4Qmnr Rorert Eubanks waons auto liability carriers on oosts 09/11/frl COl 2PrOOlans with first-time liabil ity ins purchases illustrated 09/11/87 COl 3Insurance canmr bars sales cy <strong>Arkansas</strong> Auto Insurance Agency 09/12/87 COl 5Few in Ark carry eartlquake insurance 10/16/87 A09 2LR' s new health insurance ixogram lists no black fhysicians 12/20/87 Al.5 1Black ooctors sue Prudential. for anitting than in LR program 12/24/87 AOl 21N5URF!NCE IEPARATivENT (ARK)Issues 1 ist of ix aniun costs for auto ins qr various f innsINTEffiOJERNfoENTAL RELATIONSsee Fbl itics and Gwt (Local)see Maski CbuntymTERNATION .lL BUS lNESS MAOimES CDRPsee also BuildingsJerry Heil going to

ARKANSM> GAZErrTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE COLO:>nstruction starts on facil ities at FayettevilleINTERNATIONllL CENTER, ARKANWalter Nunn directs center, which is i;art of UN..RINTERNATIONAL FESTsee FestivalsINTERNATIONAL PAFER a>see also R>llutionEmplcy-ees of Qunden tag plant vote to strikeFiIJn takes plea for union p:ict to Pine Bluff businessesUnited Paperworkers head rejects :r;act appr:wed at Pine BluffLabor woes irrp:!ril eoonaey of Pine Bluff areaINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSsee also NicaraguaAbout 100 gather at state Olpi. tol for peaes to Russia to pranote Peace LinksFive in Puente de Paz sit-in at LR offi

ARKANSAS GAZE'r.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIG E CDLsee also Courts (US) - District af Fa.stern ArkIZARD OOUNl'Ysee also Prorcy, CbnfisratedJ E W, INCChange af venue for trial is denied in heptadll.or caseHeachlor rase involves oontamination of dairy herasPercy Edolaras says he knew of no tainted grain salesR>isonous seed used in gasohol, former anpl

ARKANSAS GAZETI'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE COLsee also BooksJAMES, OPALsee al so Murders - Ritdlie, MarvinJAMESCN, OIARL FSsee also Murders - Jameson, CharlesJAPANsee also 'fyson Foods, IncJIS, IDIS 'IUVNSENDsee also Murders - bnsend FamilyJEFFERSCN CDUN1'YCounty Judge Earl L Chadick dies03/19/87 Al4 1Florene Oaks Chadick sworn in as County Judge03/26/87 A07 2JEHOJAH' S WITNESSESHundreds of volunteers raise church at Marked Tree in 3 days 10/17/87 A07 1JENNOOS, PLS'lrn SRsee also TobaccoJ E.'IT, HAR\.TEYsee also MusicJF:.IT, JAMES Psee al so BanksJEWELL, JERRY DMedicaid bill re1 iG'I af Dr Jewell droR;ed Human Services 03/05/87 AJ.6 4JBVSRabbi Eugene Lwy sees his rale as a teacher10/24/87 Al 7 1JCBSsee Empl cymentJCEN BROVN UNIVERSITYsee CollegesJCHmCN CIXJNI'Ysee al.so Transportation Comnission (Ark)JCENSCN, mNsee also BooksJCBNSCN, JCBN Hsee al.so BanksJCHNSOO, LORIsee also BirthsJCBNS'!OO, HEmsee also Simmons Family MurdersJCHm'IDN, KBERT Esee also PUblic service Commission (Ark)Seeks presidency af Univ af Central <strong>Arkansas</strong>07 /30/87 Al3 3JCNES (SCIPIO A) SOIOCLsee MuseunsJCNES, MV IDLed in cEv'elopnent af Metro{X>l.itan Emergency Medical Services 02/15/87 F.Dl 1JONES, OOUGIAS Csee al so Books and WritingJCNES, EARLsee also Legislature (Ark)JCNES, EDI'lH IRBYMuch-honored black doctor to speak at Hot Springs03/04/87 Al2 3JCIUS, JAMES B JRsee al.so JournalisnJCNES, JERRALL W154

ARKANSPS GAZ E'l'l1E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPM;E CDLsee also Congress (US) - House - Ark Dist 02JC.MES, JCHNNYsee also Murders - lbdgers, BobbieJCNF.S, JULIA HOOHESsee also Auditor (Ark)see also Congress (US) - House - Ark Dist 02see also Gwerrment Bonds and Invesbnentssee also President (US) N5JCNESBOROsee also Firessee also R>l iaeJCNESBORO R..TERNATIVE SCHCXLsee Education - PrivateJCNEEBOID SOIOCL DISTRICTsee SuicideJOSHUA, ERNESTsee also J M Products CoJClJ!tW.ISMsee also CollegesSociety af Professional Journal ists meet in LR'fypewriter af Janes H Jones Jr cbnated to UA deptHugh B Patterson Jr honored as <strong>Arkansas</strong> Journal ist <strong>1987</strong>JUr:GESsee CourtsJUNErEEN'.IH CELEBRATIONsee FestivalsJUIDKIND HIOIO-GRAHIICSales of LR f inn climb to $25 millionJUNIOR LE1G UE OF L I'rlLE ROCKLeague has anpiled impressive achievenents in 65-yr historyCelebrating 65 years of serviceFacial dispute in 1968 pranpted sane resignationsJUNKsee Waste MaterialsJURIES .AND JURY WTYsee also Courts (Ark)JUSTICE IEPAR'DENT (US)see al.so North Little RockJUVENlLE CDUR'IBsee Courts (Juvenile)JWENlLE IEL]NJUENCYsee crimeK MART RATIONsee also Retail Stores.KAHL, OOROONsee al so Vigilantes My6 Jy27 Agl5 007 019KARATEsee also Self-DefenseKAUFMAN LUftBER

ARKANSN; GAZE.'ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK; E CDLKELL, GEOroEFeature on retired Detroit Tigers l:asetall great 08/10/87 COl 2KELLAR, AR'lBURsee also History (Ark)KELLEM, SURLEYsee also WildlifeKELLE:l'I', ARMl'L LEEsee also Murders - Gregory, u:>lan RayKELLEY, IONALD Rsee also BooksKELLY, EDsee also Education - Mninistratorssee also Education - SegregationI

ARKAN SAc:> GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPN; E CDLServioes at Little Rock mark bi rthd:tyKing <strong>Arkansas</strong> Holiday Comm gives visvs of King's lifeGOl7 Bill Clinton, others ohserve hol idayKlroSLllND SQIOCL OISTRICI'see Education - Facil itiesKINSEY, PJ\ULsee Muroors - n>yle, MirianKISSiroER, HENRY AScheduled to speak at Harding Univ this springSlll1rllacy of cxmnents at Searcy lectureKIWANIS O:.UBSClubs will acoept wanen manbersKLEIN, KBERT Wsee also Murders - Klein, Rorert wKLIPSCll ASSOCIATES, JNCRock musicians EBY top prioes for Klipsch a;{uipnentPersonal icy af Paul W Klipsch discussed cy- friendsKLIPSQI, PAUL Wsee al so Kl ipsdl and Associates, Inc:KNIVESBlaresnith school to te OOil t at Old Washington State ParkKNOX, JACKsee also Vigilantes Ap28 1116KOON, NATEsee also lwk>tion PicturesIDK, GEDR;Esee also Athletics 020KCXlN, FRANKKoon dascribed as a character-builder who also wonKROOER EOO SIDRESUnions extend contract with Kroger, avert strikeKRIJB3ER (W A) COJoneslx>ro printing firm plans expansion to cost $13 millionKU KLUX KLANsee also Agriculture Dep:trtment (US)see also Blackssee also Firessee also VigilantesI

ARKANSAS GAZ E.'1TE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl'lGE CDL<strong>Arkansas</strong> Able helµ:; older workers find j ol::BCbmmon law 'anpl.C!{ment at will' ooctrine slightly alteredJobless rate in Ark drots to 8 pctOne of e1ery twelve workers in Ark work in p:>ul try industrystate AFL-CIO resolutions sumnarizedUnempl

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE CDLEffort to declare Engl ish official creates sane divisionSenate p:inel favots making Engl ish official state languagesenate apprares bill on English languagestate language (ed)Bill making English off iclal language cpes to cpvernorGovernor Clinton signs official language act into lawEnglish vital to our natl identity, Terr:y Kearns arguesLANIER, INCBatear ille poultry finn sold to Townsends, IncU!NKEORD, GEOIGEsee also BooksLAFERRIERE, OONNA WHITFIELDsee also Murders - Whitf ield, DmielLAR&N, JAMES Lsee also Rel igionLN)ATER .AND CDSettl.anent reached cy- David Collins and Dan LasaterLASATER,. DANsee also Alcohol and Drug AbuseNJ fiIIll threatens to sue Lasater arer oontractLasater will not face digs in ceal ings with Horcwitz FinanceReleased f ran halfway house on piroleLAST MAN CLtBsee VeteransLNJNDRIF.ssee also ApparelL1WSCN, CARCLE LYNNWins Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> titleInterv i6\1ed after winning Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> titleMiss Lawson models wardrobe she will wear at Atlantic Cityuwsrn, a,ro JACKSCJ'lSuicide ruled in death af veteran state troorIJWYERSsee Legal ProfessionLAXAlJLT, PAULsee also Legislative Conference, SouthernLAIDFFSsee LaborLEAIERSHIPThree wanen honored for leadership roleLEl:BE.T.rER, CAL JRDr Ledbetter asked to head JFK Librar:y at BostonDr Ledbetter declines Kennectf Libr acy postLEIEETI'ER, ERsee also Education - 'leadlersLEIB:m'l'ER, JEFFREYSon of Dr Oil and Brcwnie Ledbetter dies at WashingtonObituary<strong>Arkansas</strong> Legis p:isses resolution honoring LedbetterMembers of Kennec\7 family attend f Wleral in Little RockLErERLE LPBOAAIDRIESsee al so DrugsLEE CDUNIYJustice in Marianna (ed on RC¥ C Lewellen mse)01/16/87 All 101/21/87 A08 301/23/87 A09 102/01/87 C04 502/10/87 AlO 102/14/87 A09 102/18/87 A15 101/08/87 C03 107/02/ffl AlS 104/16/ffl 001 508/28/87 A24 109/03/87 A16 512/22/87 Al 5 107 /12/87 AOl 201 /13/ffl ro1 209/03/87 EDl 101/16/ffl A20 110/14/87 COl 208/21/87 AOl 609/15/87 A09 102/02/ffl A07 602/03/ffl roa 202/04/87 A08 102/05/87 A03 101/04/87 C04 3159

ARKANSAS GAZE.'l'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ'.G E OJLBlacks seek new JP districts, new election for quorun oourtCOmpranise IDC¥ be reached in suit wer Quorun Ct di strictsConfl icting contentions in RC¥ C Lewellen case to t:e heardRoy c Lewellen claims prosecution ta.sea on his raceState erred in halting case against Lewellen, state arguesLEE CREEKsee RiversLEE, R WAYNEsee al so BooksLEFISLATlVE RESFJ\R.Cll BUREN.J (ARK)Marcus Halbrook recalls his 34 years at postLEFLAR, R:BERT ALwe for bane ties UA la-1 professor to <strong>Arkansas</strong>LB3AL :EROFESSION01/21/87 001 602/13/87 A03 l10/11/87 AOl 610/11/87 AOl 610/15/87 A07 111/21/87 AO? 101/26/87 AlO 1see also Nishimura, GlennLCfNsuit filed to disbar Judge Harry E Claiborne af Las Vegas 01/01/87 Al.7 1Ark lers got 31 reprimands during 1986 01/11/87 Al6 1Bar delegates rariew Clinton reren\E pl.an, other issues 01/25/87 007 2State Senate votes measure prohibiting certain ads by lCMyers 02/03/87 A09 2Wayland A Rirker repcimanced by panel 02/07/87 Al.4 6Legis passes bill restricting lcwyer advertising 03/12/87 All 4Federal ct balds Wright firm liahle for malpractice 03/20/87 A09 1State tar exam passed by 88 of 110 who took test 03/22/87 AlS 1Feature on black attorney, Austin R>rter Jr 04/05/87 BOl 1Wal i Muhanmed accused of forging $4 ,062 lien release 04/09/87 A03 1Midlael Van Smith f mmd dead of gunshot woi.mds 04/09/87 A03 3Wal i Muharrmed pleads innocent in forgery case 04/10/87 All 1Robert E Irwin, Garner Taylor Jr reprimanced 06/13/87 C06 3Stmnary of pcoceedings of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Assn conv 06/14/87 A08 5San Weems, disbarred in 1973, seeks reinstatement to pcactice 06/26/87 Al5 1Wal i Muharraned practices without license, rept says 07/03/87 C08 4Panel finds Wal i Muhammed still practicing lc:w 07/16/87 B02 3Wal i Muharrmed says his practice is legal 07/HV'87 A06 2Direct sol icitation by lCMyers prchibited by new la.1 07/19/87 DOl lGary Eum.nks firm p.il.ling 'N ads since new law passed 07/19/87 DO! 1Gary Eubanks says ads greatly incr eased his firm' s business 07/19/87 DOl 4State Rep.r D:>ug Wood S\Ed for $170,000 by Illinois 07/29/87 AOS 1Wal i Muhammed dlgd with forgery, theft by deception 08/05/87 Al.3 3COnunittee files suit to disbar Wali Muhammed 08/06/87 Al.7 2Old trick used by atcy in LR M.micipal Ct tackfires 08/07/87 A03 1State tar exam passed by 122 08/23/87 All 1conduct panel votes to suspend license oc Sam Sexton 08/30/87 A09 1Lawyers seek to inpr01e image 09/13/87 Al.8 1Gary Eubanks finn cleared Of dig 09/24/87 002 3Ethics panel censures several lcwyers 10/07/87 A08 2License of Bob Scott af NLR susndad for a year 11/06/87 Al.5 4Advertising 1 imi ts dlallenged by Gary L Eubanks 11/19/87 Al 7 3NLR lawyer Ron Heller chgd with theft of estate funds 11/20/87 AlS 4Starting avg salaries for la.1 graduates in central Ark 11/30/87 COl 4LR; ISLATlVE CDNFERENCE, SClJ'IHERNGroup to hald 4lst annual conv in LR ·Maeting this year takes on added significanceMore than 1,600 attending conf in LRPresicential aspirants Paul Laxaul. t, Paul Simon arrive at LR07 /22/87 AOl 408/04/87 A03 l08/16/87 AOl 308/17/87 AOl 2160

ARKANSAS GAZmTE rnDEx <strong>1987</strong>DATEP!G E COLPaul Laxaul t, Paul Simon stress oonservatisn in talk to oonvPanelists discuss Super TuesChyConference digestAlbert Gore, Robert Dole, Richard Ge};ilart, B Babbitt aksenator Dale Bunrs imfXesses group with talkConference digestJesse Jackson, Mi dlael Dukakis address oonf in LRPresidential candidates make no clear impr essionConferen digestIalmakers end 4-day conference at LR'lhree noncandidates stole si:x>tlightLEGISLATIVE RESEARCH BURFJlIJ (ARK)Marcus Halbrook retiring as head of BureauKern L Treat named to succeed Marcus HalbrookLegislators present Ford Bronoo to retiring Marcus HalbrookLm!SLMURE (ARK)see also Alcohalic Beveragessee also Archeologysee also Attorney General (Ark)see also Audits and Management Revi&1ssee also Bars and Night CluJ:ssee also Birthssee also Boatssee also Constitution (Ark)see also Contracts and Purdlasing (Ark)see also Corix>rationssee also Courts (Juvenile)see also I:eathsee also Diet and Nutrition,. Hunansee also Diseasesee also Ecxmanic Developnentsee also Education - Boards of Educationsee also Education - Consolidationsee also Education - Financesee also Education - Kindergartensee also Education - Privatesee also Education - StanChrdssee also Education - Teacherssee also Education I:epirtment (Ark)see also FJ.ectric Powersee also Emergency Servicessee also Finance and Budgets (Ark)see also Fruit and Vegetablessee also Funeralssee also Gane and Fish Coounission (Ark)see also G01ernnent Emplc:yees (Ark)see also Great Passion Play (Eureka Springs)see also Industrial. i:::evelopnent carmission (Ark)see also Insurancesee also Languagesee also Legislative Research Bureau (Ark)see also Librariessee also Leng, 03.ralynsee also Man08/18/87 AOl 208/18/87 A09 108/18/87 A09 508/19/87 AO! 308/19/87 A07 10 8/19/87 A07 508/20/87 AOl 208/20/87 A04 108/20/87 A04 508/21/87 Al.2 508/23/87 AOS 111/21/87 AOl 212/19/87 A09 212/19/87 A09 3161

ARKAN GAZETl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLllsee al.so Marriage and Divorcesee al.so di.cine and Heal thsee al.so Mantal Heal.th and Disorderssee also Mines and Mineralssee also Musicsee also Nursing Board (Ark)see also Oil and Gassee al.so Optanetrysee al so :EOl icesee al so i:t>l i ti cssee also Prisonssee also Privileges and Inrnunitiessee also Real Estatesee al.so Recreation Vehiclessee also Soil and Water Conservation Commission (Ark)see also South Africasee also Suits and Claims, Govt (Ark)see al so Tel.ev isionsee al.so Tobacoosee al.so Transportation Commission (Ark)see al.so Truckssee al.so Walker, William Lsee also Wildl. ifeSuamary af new bills introduced 01/0l/87 Al8 1Clark recmunends rena.ctrnent af 58 lcws passed in 1976 01/06/87 BOl 5More µ:-oposed bills sul::mitted 01/0&1'87 A09 lLegi slative Council appr01es buts r ecxmnenced by G01ernor 01/09/87 NJ7 1More proposed bills filed 01/09/87 AOB 4Sumnary af subcanrnittee actions on several bills 01/09/87 A16 1cial re[.Ort on upcaning session af General Assembly 01/11/87 AOl 2Special issues cra,.rd agenda 01/11/87 A06 1Lobt¥ists for major organizations listed 01/11/87 A07 1Members of Governor Clinton• s legislative aides listed 01/11/87 A07 1Rund::Mn on lcwrnakers to watch during session 01/11/87 A07 1Demografhy of 76th General Assembly 01/11/87 A07 4Legislators passed 50 pct of bills introduced in 10-yr :period 01/11/87 C03 1Agenda for blacks discussed by <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Press Ol/ll/87 C04 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gereral Assembly convenes for 76th session 01/13/87 AOl 3Ernest Cunningham asks colleagues to use courage, wisCbn 01/13/87 AOl 3Slitllilary af legis action 01/13/87 A08 1List of new bills introduced 01/13/87 AOB 5Comments on message af Gov Bill Clinton to General Assembly 01/14/87 AOl 2GOl7 Clinton addresses General Assembly, stresses f inanoes 01/14/87 AOl 5simnary of day's events in Assembly 01/14/87 A08 1List of new bills introduced 01/14/87 A09 5Jcrnes Powell col on o:pening of session 01/14/87 A1 5 4Slll\Iilary of activities 01/15/87 AOB 1Legislators slew p;tre, await bills fran camnittees 01/15/87 A08 3Directory of members, occupations, residenre, telel,ilone 01/15/87 A09 1Sunmary of cnnmittee action, and list af new bills 01/15/87 A09 5Sunmar:y of action in Legislature 01/16/87 AlO 1Smunar:y of oonmittee action, list of new bills 01/16/87 All 5Regional Reciprocal Banking Act likely to :.i;:a.ss (ed) 01/17/87 A14 101/18/87 A03 1Lu Hardin, W F Fbster differ oo easing school standards162

ARKANSAS GAZEI'TE JNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE CDLCoounents on Gcw Clinton's St.ate-of-the-state address 01/20/87 AOl 2Sen Nick Wilson sed laws 02/09/87 A07 4Sl.Jnrnacy of legislative action 02/10/87 AlO 1several bills clear Legislature 02/10/87 All 1Slll1tlary of new bills and acts 02/10/87 All 5Sllilnaty of legislative action 02/ll/87 AlO 1Sllrmacy of bills appro.red 02/11/87 AlO 6Smmacy of cx:mrnittee action and new bills 02/11/87 All 5Smlnacy of legis action 02/12/87 AlO 1Nick Wilson alm::>st Vernor' s chair 02/12/87 AlO 3Sllllilacy of cnnrnittee action, new bills and acts 02/12/87 All 5Budget cuts for agencies threatened by frustrated House 02/13/87 AOl 3163

ARRANSAS GAZE.Tm INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP E CDLHouse menbers frustrated by non-irNolvanent in budget making 02/13/87 AOl 3Surmary of activities 02/13/87 A12 1SUrmary of bills p:tssed in Senate 02/13/87 A13 1S lllilary of canmittee action, new bills 02/13/87 A13 5Let legislators re legislators (ed) 02/13/87 A22 1surmary of activities 02/14/87 A09 1Rerellious junior menbers want more SHf on budget matters 02/15/87 A12 1First half af session marked by sl ONness 02/15/87 B06 2Fun and meddl ing by Legis discussed by Rorert Mrd 02/15/87 C03 4Sumnary of cxrnmittee action, new bills 02/17/ffl A08 1S lllilary of legislative action 02/18/87 A10 1St.mnary of canmittee action, new bills 02/18/87 All 5Surmary of legislative action 02/19/87 A10 1Legisl ature mw ing at snail 's pace 02/19/87 A10 3senate appro.res several bills 02/19/87 All 1Surmary of oommittee action, new bills, new acts 02/19/87 All 5Surmary of legislative action 02/20/87 A12 1S lllary of oomni.tte action, new bills, new acts 02/20/87 A13 5Sumnary of OOJmni.ttee action and new bills 02/21/87 A09 1SUrmary of legislative action 02/21/87 A09 1Need for lobbyist disclosure la+1 discussed by John Brumnett 02/22/87 A03 1State's editors discuss events in Legis session to dlte 02/22/87 C04 1Surmary of legislative action 02/24/87 A06 1Surrmary of new bills, oommittee action 02/24/87 A07 5Su:mnary of legislative action 02/25/87 AlO 1Sumnary of camnittee action, new bills 02/25/87 All 5Sllllilary of legis action 02/26/87 AlO 1Summary of leg is la ti on new bills, new acts 02/26/87 All 5Travels by GOil Clinton during session slews legis p:tce 02/27/87 A03 1Summary of Legis action 02/27 /87 AlO 1Surmary of canmi ttee action, new bills, 02/27 /ffl All 5Surmary of canmittee action, new bills, new acts 02/28/87 A09 1Surmnary of legis action 02/28/87 A09 1Host of issues left at dly 50 of current session 03/01/87 AOl 1GOil Bill Clinton has left state 6 times during session 03/0l/87 B03 1<strong>An</strong>nual sessions am keep budget current, sen James Scott says 03/0l/87 C03 1Summary of legis action 03/03/87 A0 8 1SL1IIIllary of canmittee action, new bills 03/03/87 A09 5Summary of legis action 03/04/87 AlO 1B G Hendrix elected speaker for 1989 session 03/04/87 AlO 3Smanary of cmnnittee action, new bills, new acts 03/04/87 All 5Prop:>sed amdt to lobby' bill calls for less disclosure 03/05/87 A08 1Summary of legis action 03/05/87 A08 1Resolutions pro.ride for extension of session 03/05/87 A08 3Smanary of

ARKAN GAZETl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE COLList of new bills, new acts 03/10/87 All 5Lbt¥ bill has suwcrt of Gw Cl. inton 03/11/87 AOl 2Smmar:y of legis activities 03/11/87 A08 1Lobt¥ist disclosure bill backed House c:nnm 03/11/87 A08 3S llar:y of legis activity 03/12./87 AlO 1Sumnar:y of camnittee action, new acts 03/12./87 All 5Stmnar:y of Legis activities 03/13/87 A08 1Senat.e appro.res several bills 03/13/87 A08 3Sumnar:y of cnnmittee action, new acts 03/13/87 A09 5Sumnary of Legis activities 03/14/87 All 1Legis danrIX>rate tune, Ernest Dumas writes 03/1W87 COl 1Sumnar:y of Legis activities 03/17/87 A08 1sumnary of cmunittee action, new acts 03/17/87 A09 5Legislators talk of extending session into April 03/18/87 A03 1S llacy of activities 03/18/87 AlO 1Sl.mnar:y of c:nnmittee action, new acts 03/18/87 All 5<strong>An</strong>gry legislators chastise Gw Clinton for renarks 03/19/87 AOl 5IJ.C¥d George vents his angar at Gw Bill Clinton 03/19/87 AOl 5Slllillacy of activities 03/19/87 AlO 1Senator Ben Allen loses plea on branch banking bill 03/19/87 All 1Stmnary of camnittee action 03/19/87 All 5Sumnacy Of Legis action 03/20/87 AlO 1Sumnary of legis action 03/21/87 All 5Nurse Nancy Burris on duty at capital during Legis sessions 03/23/87 AOl 2Sumnar:y Of activities 03/24/87 A08 1Stmnar:y Of activities 03/25/87 A08 1Seoond extension of session sought 03/25/87 A09 5Stmnar:y of activities 03/26/87 AOS 1Session exten

ARKANSAS GAZEITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPi!GE CDLSession ailled unproductive, major disaster for G0\7 Clinton 04/12/87 Al.0 4Winners, losers listed for recent session 04/12/87 AlO 4Statistics shew soope af session 04/12/87 All 4session sumnarized in G0\7 Clinton• swords 04/12/87 All 5i\io rew faces join Big Three as stanc.buts in session 04/12/87 All 5Leaders decide on adj ourrment of Legislature 04/14/87 AOl 5'l'omley Robinson rate as nonprofit organization 04/21/87 an sSession highlight was honoring pink tanato, James IU.rlell says 04/22/87 Al 7 3<strong>An</strong>other unattractive candidacy (ed on L L Bz:yan candidacy) 04/23/87 A16 1White Lights, Inc could make dlange in legis structure 04/26/87 A03 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Motor Carriers Assn, Ed Thicksten call for session 04/2&/87 A03 1Special session requested qr Vo-Tech Educ Board 04/28/87 A03 4state Olr of Commerce calls recent session a sucdess 04/29/87 A03 1Gov Clinton• s target date for session is July 1 04/30/87 AOl 2Chamber af canmerce cmunent draws criticisn 05/01/87 A03 1Session advocated Winston Bz:yant 05/04/87 AlO 2Gov Clinton• s aides survE¥ manbers on special session 05/05/87 A02 2Special session possible without pledged support for taxes 05/08/87 AOl 2Ernest Cunninghan calls gen tax increase poor idaa 05/11/87 A02 2Gov Clinton wants session despite legis ooolness to tax 05/13/87 A03 1Leadars lack influenre because c:£ frequent turnwer 05/17/87 COl 1House Speaker Ernest Cunningham px ep:ires to mew leadership 05/21/87 A03 1Doug Brand:>n scathing on special session and G0\7 Clinton 05/21/87 A21 1Gov Clinton will not re.veal agend:l for session 05/21/87 BOl 5Jodie Mahorw critical af Gw Clinton on !Z'ei;arations for sess 05/22/87 AOl 6GOl7 Bill Clinton aills special session on re.venues 05/23/87 AOl 5Clinton adn mC¥ be rea.c\7 to push for lobcyist disclosure lcw 05/26/87 A03 1LcMmakers feel burden put on then by Gov Clinton 05/28/87 AOl 4Official call for special session to be issued 05/29/87 ADl 5Brief news itans in oonnection with special session 05/29/87 AlO 1G

ARKAN SA':> GAZ Hl'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-GE CDLSpecial session votes funding, adj ourns 06/06/87 AOl 3Legislative sunmary 06/06/87 All 1Last

ARKAN GAZ E.'l'l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!GE CDLsee Hanosexual icyLESTER, JIMsee also BooksLESTER, JIDYsee also BooksLEWELLEN, R:>Y Csee also Lee CountyLEWIS, llN'lHCNYSpeaks on 1957 desegregation crisis and lewlessnessLEWIS, BlLLsee also Freed:m af SpeedlLEWIS, FLOYDsee also Electric PowerLltvlbVlLLEAlleged racial slur Mayor R E CbllLIIl brings protestyor R E Coll ll hospital ized with possible strokeLIMlLITYsee also Priviliges and InmunitiesLlBER'IMIPN PARTYFocner Arkansan Paul Jacob to direct national i:arcyLlBERTY BCIVLsee FootballLIBRARIF.ssee also CollegesCALS trustee wants Perry County excluded f ran systemPerry County turned c':bwn library tax increaseBill in Legis would alla-1 fine of $10-$100 for o.rerdue booksNew brandl in west Little Rock soughtSenate pinel appro.res bill for hefcy chg for werdue rooksNLR empl.C!{ees to meet with trustees over work conditionsNancy Pa.ck disnissed as librarian at NLRLittle Rock trails other cities in library funding and useNancy Pa.ck sues NLR <strong>Library</strong> Bd, seeks job tackJeffrE¥ Baskin named director of Laman <strong>Library</strong> at NLRNLR library official. says 20,000 books missingLIEUTENANT GOJERNOR (ARK)Winston Bryant takes up slack for Clinton in publ ic speedlesWinston Bryant role if Gov Clinton had soug:it presidencyWinston Bryant calls for dafeat of Reagan adn budgetLIGH'lHClJSE FOR 'lHE BLlNDsee HandicappedLIGB'JNIIDLightning called an unpredictable, cx:mplex killerLIGNITEsee Mines and MineralsLJLE, R A (BRICK)Schools, church, hospital beneficiaries of willLlN

ARKAN GAZ E'1'I'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE CDLsee also ArtLIONS O.,UBJonesl:x:>ro club first in Ark to adnit wanenHarrison club appears to hcwe been first to induct wananLIPIW, JOON Msee also Legislature (Ark)LlOUEFIED PETROLEUM GM> (LIG)see Oil and GasLITERACYsee lll iteracyLlTI'ERsee R:>llutionLrrr.LE ROCKsee also Blackssee also Buildingssee also Childrensee also Conventionssee also Di sasterssee also Econanic Developnentsee also Education - Privatesee also Floodssee also GOl7ernnent Bondssee also GOl7ernnent Empl.C¥ees (Local)see also Historic Buildingssee also Housingsee also Insurancesee also R:>licesee also Poorsee also Prisonssee al so Railroadssee al so Real Estatesee also Roads ·see also Robinson centersee also Workers COmi;ensation InuranceCharles Bussey prop:>ses ranses el ection of City Directors wardBill in House is alternative to election cy- wards08/18/87 001 608/20/87 AOS 401/03/87 A07 101/07 /87 All 1Ol/OlV87 Al4 101/10/87 AOl 201/11/87 A03 101/11/87 :002 101/13/87 001 201/18/87 Al4 101/21/87 001 101/25/87 C04 601/27 /87 AOS 101/30/87 Al3 501/30/87 Al.3 502/01/87 005 102/07/87 001 302/08/87 C06 102/12/87 001 202/19/87 All 102/20/87 Al 8 l02/21/87 A09 6169

ARKANSAS GAZE.T!'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATE .PPGE

ARKANSAS GAZErrE mDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE COL?JEtrooentre to lose sane mall clutter 08/01/87 :001 2Entertainers sought for rf ormanoe on Metrooentre Mall 08/03/87 AOl 2Webster Hubbell intends to challenge dlange in elections 08/07/87 A13 4Flcy-d G Vill ines urges city ignore threat of suit 08/08/87 A03 lAcorn rnanbers shew city rei;:s prOOl.ans in neighborhoods 08/09/87 A20 1Tan lllton, Ci.ty Directors satisfied with his work 08/10/87 AOl 2City Directors drc.wing to determine wards for elections 08/13/87 A03 1state Atty Gen finds new election lcw is oonstitutional 08/14/87 A09 1Webster Hubbell files suit to hlock ward vote &ystem 08/15/87 :001 2Drawing held on ward positions 08/19/87 AlO 2New ward system oould force sane incunbents off board 08/20/87 A03 1City furnished $100 ,000 to sed budget of $58.1 million 10/29/87 A09 1Torn OOton discusses prop>sal to add 66 new jobs 10/30/87 A09 2<strong>An</strong> 'aggressive' LR needs more rarentEs, Tan Ial.ton says 11/12/87 A14 5DowntONn Fart:nership wants street oi:ered throu mall 11/13/87 A14 5Metrooentre Mall gets critical review fran 2 LR directors 11/14/87 A21 1Riverfront area dlanged reamt devel.opnent 11/29/87 DO! 1J w Benafield use of teon 'spade' causes jaws to drop 12/03/87 Al.2 2Budget for 1988 apprwed 12/10/87 Al6 2Jim Daily to run for rnc;wor in Nw election 12/24/87 A07 2City Mgr Tan Dal ton g?ts history lesson f ran Robert McCord 12/27 /87 C03 4City Mgr Tan Dalton prop>ses to force anpl.cy-ees to live in LR 12/27/87 C03 4LIT'.ILE ROCK AIR EORCE BASEsee Defenses and <strong>An</strong>ned Forces (US)LlTILE ROCK O:IAm.ER OF OOMMER

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDLBrucellosis status upgraded U 01/17/ffl Al.5 1Map shews statistics on broilers produced in Ark 01/25/87 Al.3 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Beef Q)und.l funds $60,000 in UA programs 03/04/87 BOl 1RanCbli;il and Lawrence Counties seek poul.tr:y devel.opnent 03/29/87 DOl 1Green Forest Super Cow Beef Clinic will drCl'I 5,000 visitors 04/12/87 DOl 1Mustangs fran West find new hanes in Ark 05/10/87 F06 1cattlenen' s Assn holds field day at Wrights.rille prison unit 05/11/87 001 2Law on horse testing spurs emotional debate 05/15/87 COl 3Poul try I'l.Otl princely in area where ootton was king 07 /05/87 DOl 1Disease threatens <strong>Arkansas</strong> pork industry 07/17/ffl COl 3<strong>An</strong>imal Behavior Enterprises trains hogs for racing 07/30/ffl 001 2Beer and massage i:art of regimen for raising Kore reef 10/0l/ffl COl 2ProJ;X>sed end to mink ban would ham Ark poultry industry 11/01/87 Al.5 3Article on turkey production at Jilml!{ Parish faons in R) Co 11/22/87 DOl 1Ark rank as turkey producer, annual per capita oonsunption 11/23/87 COl 1Chart of turkey production in leading counties in Ark 11/23/87 COl 1Horse at Hope is 47 years old 12/06/87 003 1Tax break for poultr:y fiIIDs saved Sena.tors Bunpers, Pryor 12/11/87 A23 1senators save federal tax break for sane poultry fiIIlls 12/14/87 A08 1Fiim at DeQueen to produce chicken sausage 12/20/87 A09 1LlVES'lOCK AND FOUL'l'RY CDMMISSICE (ARK)Budget cuts me¥ :Uni:air services, Cbmm says 06/05/87 A07 1LLOYD, Hln:LIP LYNNLlC¥d gets

ARKANSAS GAZE'ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE a>Lsee Missing PersonsLlitics D20LalE Ysee also RiversLOVERY, PJAYsee also President (US)L'!V AEROSPACE AND IEFENSE CDworkers at Camden l.ll'ltry nusicLYONS, GENEsee also BooksMAND M PRESSGarage press estabd to fill void in publishing1-'k>rton Gitel.nan, M:lrcia Mcivor oi:erate m and m PressMAQl '.mERYsee also InventionsMACK-BI.ACHiELL AMENJ:l.1ENTsee HiginiC¥ and Transµ>rtation DeptMACKEY, B FRANKFormer PUlaski Cbunty judge, sheriff diesMAOOLLl!N R.00-FREE OIL CDNoriiUet refinery to re closedCl osing leaves $3.5 million due local oil producersMA

ARKANSAS GAZE!TE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPro E CDLMALVERNsee also Eoonanic ConditionsMALVERN SJICXL DISTRICTsee Education - FacilitiesMAMKmI SPRil\GCi cy sets aside day to honor actress Tess Haq;erMANArk Supreme Ct rules viable fetus not a hunan undar lawProp>.sed lcw would dafine 26-week-old fetus as h llan beingAtty Gen Steve Clark seeks law on liability in fetus daathMAESUniv af Ark project mapping electrooic atlas of stateMARBLES (GAME)see GanesMARIANNASettlement reached in suit wer election wardsVoting rights of blacks was mis of election ward suitMARIANNA SOICXL DIS'IRICI1see Education - MninistratorsMARLJUPNAsee Al.oohal and Drug AbuseMARlNCNI, PAUL A SRsee also Murders - Marinoni, ul A SrMARKED TREE SOI

ARKANSAC> GAZEI"TE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE CDLDetails of killings, suicises release of crime seem IbotosArk Suprene Ct grants extended stay on crime seem picturesJohn Markle' s father, Willian I Fifield, di.esExecutor of estate obj ects to pipers' interventionMarkle hane to gJ on market soonClunsy burglars aband:m loot at Markle baneMARLIN, JCNJackson accepts µ>sition with Corway tankMARMAWKEsee also CllildrenMARIDN GROJPCoulson caster at Jonesboro pa.rt of Pritzker family haldi.ngsList p..11.ation and Vital statisticsHouse rejects bill to shorten sei;:aration time refore divorceIndep;nrter 07/27/87 AOl 4MARSHALL, GERllLD Rsee also Banks Jy7MARTIN, FRANKsee also Education - TeadlersMARTIN, JOEsee also Willians, l'E.rvinMARTIN, MAHLCNsee also Finanre and Budts (Ark)MARTIN, l(BBIE LATR.Ia!see also Murders - M:lrtin, Robbie LatriceMARTIN, WARREN BRYANsee also Cblleges D6MARTIN, WllLIAM Vsee also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Western Gas CbMARVFLL ACAIEMYsee :Ehillips County175

ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl(;E


ARKANSAS GAZ EPI1E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE COLMEANS, PAULsee also Pollutionsee also Pollution Control and Ecology COmrnMEDALLION room, INCHead:Iuarters, food processing plant to m01e to Ne1portNe1port plant reac¥ to produce tortilla chipsCbmp:ll'!f plans major food processing complex at Ne1portFinn wants to b\.¥ raN products directly f ran farmersMEDICAID02/12/87 COl06/03/87 C0206/28/87 DOl06/28/87 DOl5511see Drugssee JEMell, Jercy Dsee Medicinesee Nursing HanesMEDICAL BOARD (ARK)Medical Board sues Vickey Deatherage, Bank of HarrisburgDispute erupts between Dr Joe Verser, Dr Vernon carterMEDICAL FACILITIESsee Medicinesee Nursing HanesMEDICAL REIDRL6 ASSOCIATION, ARKANSN301/0&/87 All04/11/87 AlO36Officers elected05/03/87 009 1MEDICAREsee Medicine and HealthMEDICINE n-ID HF.AL'lHsee also Birthssee also Drugssee also Insurancesee also Nursing HanesSouthwest Hospital at LR is un&r ronstruction 01/16/87 COl 2Finn aband>ns hospitals at Yellville, Eureka Springs 01/31/87 A09 5Bill in Legis all

ARKANSAI IIlC¥ bring proliferation of facilities 04/08/87 l\03 1Dr Richard V Ellert honored by Ftnerican Coll of Physicians 04/10/87 AJ.6 1Funds raised for transplant for Stare uglas 04/10/87 Al 7 4z.tlre 1C¥offs at State Hospital. predicted 04/13/87 A07 1Sherwood seeks fi.crn to build, o:terarate hospital 04/18/87 AOl 4Southwest Hospital statistical stuc\r of service area 04/19/87 004 2State Hospital again faces possible loss of Medicare funding 05/01/87 AlO 1Sherwood officials stuc\r offers to build, run hospital. 05/05/87 C03 4BridSEWC¥ not negligent in death ct Dr c s Glcwallader III 05/08/87 Al.7 2State Nursing Bd reinstates registered nurses 05/15/87 AJ.2 4Cllildren' s Hospital. gets gift fran Stella Boyle Smith 05/21/87 AlO 2State Hospital decertified for Medi.care p:lYll'ents 05/23/87 AOl 5State Hospital. loss of Medicare IX"cied by GCN Bill Clinton 05/24/87 Al.4 4'lhe fall ct. the State Hospital. (ed on Medicare loss) 05/27/87 Al.2 1Needs at Ul\ffS, University Hosp discussed by Janes Powell 05/27/87 A13 1Management oontract studi.ed for State Hospi ta1 OS/2fV87 COl 3State Hospital Director Richard Maxwell to resign soon 05/29/87 Al.O 4Cllicot Memorial Hospital. financial shape called critical 06/01/87 A03 1Dr 'lhanas Tvedten di.scusses oondi. tions at Olicot Memorial. 06/01/87 A03 1'!Wo fims to build hospital. at Sherwood 06/02/87 an 6State Hospital. Bd accepts resignation of Richard Maxwell 06/05/87 AOl 2State Hospital faces closing of unit because of f undi.ng 06/05/87 AO! 2House votes to re-impose regulations on expansions 06/05/87 All 3Health unit at camden faces closing 06/06/f!l A17 1Lack of staffing closes 64-bed unit af State Hospital 06/06/87 001 6Licenses of 8 nurses suspended ooard 06/12/87 C03 4Legislators to hear State Hosp plan to regain Medicare 06/16/87 MB 1State Hosp loses Medi.ca.id, Medicare certification 06/18/87 A16 5Legislators take ste:ES to aid State Hospital 06/19/87 AOB 5Dr Cllarles E Smith rei:r.imanded for quarrel in hospital area 06/19/87 A16 5UAM> says it is not hiring nurses awey fran State Hospital 06/23/87 A06 6DrEW Memorial Hosp seeks to amend suit against Larry Moffett 06/24/87 A12 1St Vincent Physical Assement Center work explained 06/24/87 COl 2State Hospital limits adnissions in try to meet standards 06/27/87 Al.0 3Record keeping not only problem at State Hospital. 07/05/87 001 2Dr 'lhanas Buchanan of Morrilton files suit against cp1t 07/07/87 A09 5Tenninating El ectratlc re.ta System rontract urged by IJAC 07/11/87 A03 4Ma llel.le split on i;roi;osal for okkeepi..ng error in Medicaid acct 07/11/87 AOS 4El.ectrarl.c re.ta Systems has contract for Medicaid payments 07/11/87 A05 4GrC¥ Hospital. at Batewille beseiged by debt, legal dispute 07/13/87 A03 1Ma llelle residents still split on mental facilicy 07/17/87 A03 5Legislators fonn cwn review i;anel on State Hospital oblans 07/17/87 A08 2Legislators take no action on Electratlc Iata System oontract 07/17/87 A17 3Charter Medical gets more sui;port fran Maunelle residents 07/21/87 A08 5Crawford Cotmty Memorial Hosp to build fitness nter 07/23/87 A06 4Electronic Iata System gets 1-yr extension of oontract 07 /24/87 A03 1Lafcwette COtmty Memorial Hosp to close 07/24/87 col 5NLR ftbnorial. Hosp notes deficit in reventEs 07/25/87 AOS 1179

.ARKANSAS GAZE'l:TE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ.IGE CDLDelta Medical Center at BrinklE¥ closes 08/04/87 BOl 2Nursing Bd suspenro 08/11/87 C02 4Cleburne Co Hosp l icy at State Hospital 09/24/87 Al4 1Nurse Linda Rick.et helps i:atients adj ust to multiple problans 09/27/87 All 1Monitor repts state's mental health facilities

ARKANSAS GAZETrE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLNorth Ark Conf names cElegates to General Conf 06/03/87 Al2 6North Ark Conf apprwes resolutions on several issues 06/04/87 AlS 1Pastor assignments in North Ark Conf announced 06/04/87 Al.5 1Membership cbwn, attendanoe up in Little Rock Conf 06/10/87 All 1Summary of meeting of Little Rock Conf 06/10/87 All lPastoral assigrnnents listed for Little Rock Conf 06/ll/87 Al.5 1Resolutions passed Little Rock Conf 06/11/87 AlS 1Winf ield UMC votes to relocate in west Little Rock 07/10/87 A07 3Church left Winfield may be named Quai;:aw thodist 07/11/87 A06 3Winf ield mwe to west LR will not end cbmtc:Mn church 07/11/87 A06 3Assets left Elbert L Fausett cannot re divided cy- churches 07/12/87 A14 6John L lbillips Jr resigns as Ward ChaJ!e]. AME p;istor10/14/87 Al.5 lUnfair practices used against him, Jctm L :Rlillips Jr says 10/14/87 AlS 1Winfield Methodist will not build in

ARKANSAS GAZEr.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE CDLsee also Puhl ic BuildingsMILLER, KErIHsee Ar. chi tect ur eMILLER, :r.AmERTsee also Vigilantes Jy23 N26MILLER, WlLLIAMsee also Arts and CraftsMlLLIONAIRESsee Wealth, BarsonalMILLS, R:BERT ALLENsee al so Shootings Jy21MILLS, WILBUR DMills has carved new career as tax lawyer at WashingtonMills views on politicsMJLIDN, 'IDMsee also Housing Nl2MINERAL SPROOSTown grew up around reputedly heal ing mineral watersMINES AND MINERALSsee al.so Landsee also ParksBill in Legis requires utilities to burn Ark coalHouse pmel. supports bill on use af Ark coalFinn studies lignite vein near BentonBoan times of Ark coal idustry describedPC&E seeks to guarantee reclamation of coal landsCoal mine workers faced illness, dangerRock fall at silica mine near Lonsdale kills minerSecx:md tx>dy found in silica mine accident at LonsdaleArticle on wide variety af minerals found in ArkMap sh0t1s location of various mineral deIX>sits in ArkMINIMJM PERFORMANCE TESTsee Education - GradesMIRANm WARNIR;see CrimeMISS ARKANSASsee also Lcwson, GI.role LyrmMiss America Kellye cash arrives for Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> p:igenatReturning contestants hoi;e experience p:iys offJulie Russell, Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>1987</strong>, interviewedCarole Lar1son wins Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> titleCarole Lyrm Larison interviewed after winning titleBob and Dee Wheeler are hosts, adl7 isers, friendsMISS ARKANSAS USAsee al so Tel E!l7 isionMISSD:JESsee DefensesMISSIR; PERSCNSsee also Box, Tirmysee also Harr, Dula MelissaRose Clay reunited with son who was kidnad 16 years agoSarah Valentine reunited with half-sister after 44 yearsMISSISSIPPI CDUNI'YQoorun Dists redrawn to avoid black discrimination12/10/87 001 212/10/87 001 401/03/87 BOl 202/21/87 AD 9 302/26/87 Al.0 305/05/87 C02 609/16/87 :001 109/16/87 BOl 209/16/87 001 510/03/87 ADl 210/05/87 AD3 112/22/87 :001 112/22/87 BOl 207 /09/87 BOl 207/10/87 ADB 107 /11/87 BO! 407/12/87 AO! 207/13/87 001 209/07/87 001 201/11/87 001 312/26/87 Al 7 101/14/87 001 1183

ARKANSA GAZEITTE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E mLMISSISSIPPI CDU:m.'Y OOMMJNITY CDLLWEsee CollegesMISSISSIPPI RIVERsee HarborsMISSRE, OIARLESsee also Go.rernemnt Empl.C¥ees (Ark)MOORE, JAMES Nsee also FruitM:nRE, LARE!'I'Asee also Education - Teachers Jy22MJORE, HiYLLIS GARNEITsee also l?ollution Control and Ecology Commission (Ark)01/04/87 ED! 111/17 /ffl 001 302/01/ffl FOl 202/01/87 FOB 109/22/87 CO! 206/0l/87 001 606/05/87 AlO 106/09/87 All l02/08/87 A08 103/02/87 :001 503/07/87 AOl 203/08/87 AO! 205/16/87 A08 108/09/87 Al 7 111/12/87 A09 311/12/87 Al.O 5184

ARKAN GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPGE CDLsee also R>llution, Sewage and HazarCbus MaterialsMJORE, Rl3ERTFeature on retired Dean of Students at ASU03/29/87 A09 1MOORE, Rl3ERT Ssee also Alcohol ic Barerage Control Board (Ark)MOR3AN, mV ID LMorgan files l::ankruptcy for himself and two finns 11/14/87 COl 2Morgan's finns are Sender 's Clloioe and Southland Securities 11/14/87 COl 2M'JR3AN, OORr.ONsee also Education - Segregation N3MOR;AN, MARY RDmsee also Education - TeadlersMJR3AN, SI-EERsee also Books and WritingMOmnunty ta>1n10/21/87 Al.0 1MORO OO'r.LOM3see WildernessIDRRJL'lmsee also z.t>tion Picturessee also StormsIDRSE, J 'IUCI'lHERSsee BirthsMY.l'ION PICIURESsee also Erucation - Textbooks and Teaching Aidssee also TheatersFilnmaker seeks 500 people for film to re made at Eureka Spgs Ol/10/87 AOl 3Tess Harper unhamr about plans for "<strong>An</strong>d Pass the Arnmuni tion" 01/20/87 BOl 2Eureka Springs minister denot.moes " • •. kid Pass the Ammunition" 01/21/87 001 1Parts Of "Biloxi Blues' to re filmed at Fort Qiaffee 01/29/87 Al.O 5Producer discusses plans for "<strong>An</strong>d Pass the lmnunition" 02/04/87 :001 6Filming of "Biloxi Blues" scheduled for Fort Smith 02/06/87 Al.2 1Eureka Springs still div ided over mo.rie, but debate quieting 02/14/87 :001 6Christ of the Ozarks statue wrad in plastic 02/25/87 A04 5Filming in Eureka Springs brings business, johs to area 03/03/87 A06 1New state lcw alla-1s state to invest in mo.r ies made in Ark 04/29/87 Al.4 5'!Wo Pine Bluff residents were pioneers in industry 05/02/87 A03 4Van Buren transfonned for filming of "Biloxi Blues" 05/18/87 A09 1Morrilton to re site Of filming of "A ntousand Sons" 06/07/87 A03 1Christiaoo twins at Jonesboro produce religious films 06/2&/87 All 1Movie production finn seeks to build studio near NLR 07/22/87 All 5knerican Film Co plans major studio in LR area 07/30/87 COl 5185

ARKANSAS GM.E'l'l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE CDLFilm '<strong>An</strong>gel af Vengeanoo". to ha11e world preniere at Jonesboro 08/13/87 All 1Jeffrey C Hogue of Jonestx>ro, produood '<strong>An</strong>gel of Vengeanoo' 08/13/87 All 1Filntl'rust af <strong>Arkansas</strong>, Inc rncv build studio in LR area 08/25/87 COl 2Filntrrust af <strong>Arkansas</strong>, Inc headed Nate Kohn 08/25/87 COl 2LR f iIJ1\ to co-produoo film "Staggerwing" in <strong>Arkansas</strong> arks 0&!'25/87 COl 2Miry steenburgen, Gil Gerard in LR for prenier of film 0&!'27/87 A08 4Prenier of "End of the Line" offers glitter, excitement 08/27/87 AOB 4Article on mw i&-making in Ark 11/09/87 COl 1<strong>Arkansas</strong>-filnecl features sinoo 1980 and expenditures in state 11/09/87 COl 2Statistics on theaters in Ark and the US 11/22/87 DOl 4Article on grCMth af video rentals in Ark 11/23/87 COl 2Four chains handle 80 pct af video rentals in Ark 11/23/87 C09 4Dollar mwies save UA Ebur at LR 11/29/87 Bll 1l«.JIDR CARRIERS MSOCIATION, ARKANSASsee Legislature (Ark)z.D'IOR VEHICLE COMMISSION (ARK)see al so AutanobilesKYIORCYO:,E O..UBSsee also Hell's <strong>An</strong>gel sK>Tl.OFSsee SlogansKXJNr WGM.INEsee also ParksMJUNI2UN HOMEsee also RetiranentResidents reject prop:>sed motel tax07 /23/ffl All 2MJUNrAIN VALLEY smoo roBottled water fi.an sold to Sammons Enterprises, Inc of Dallas 04/14/87 COl 2f

ARKAN GAZ ErI'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEproE CDLothman Banks pleads innoamt to multiple chargesMURERS - BARNHART, MICHAEL DAV ID SRWanan held in death of Barnhart in trailer fireMURDERS - BASNFll.1, RANDYJohn Ed-lard Swindler asserts jury should have been told moreStlindler is under death sentence for 1976 slayingMURDERS - BENNErl', MARCIA GCXDOhio ct finds Richard Bennett liable in death of wifeRichard Bennett pleads innocent, is released on J::ailSl.C¥ing suspect allegedly married J:efore 'for oonvenience 'MURDERS - BLACK, msm MAETrial of Whitmore begins at WaldronMurder trial delC¥ed defense objectionTrial of Jonas H Whitmore unoor WI:¥Jonas Whitmore says he mC¥ have killed Mrs BlackJonas Whitmore gets death i;enalty for slaying of Black'lWo Alabama wanen refuse raV'ard for aid in Whitmore caseMURLi:RS - BOVDEN, CTN'IHIA HER.EYMichael Bcwden chgd in slC¥ing of Bc:wden and Johnq{ HefleyMichael Jl:.\le Bcwden oonvicted, gets lifwithout-paraleMJRrERS - BOV'ENS, AR;EL<strong>An</strong>>ugl.as Monroe is suspect in slaying of BcwensMother of Miss Bc:wens gives .tackgromd on cau

ARKANSM3 GAZE'r.l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE

ARKAN GAZEP.l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl\GE COLsee also CrimeMJRDERS - HCl'JARD, WILLIAM JCliNHai1ard found shot to daath, eJCecution style, at Hot SpringsMJRDERS - HURST, FRP.NK EJames Hurst, 17, arrested in shooting death of fatherTerry Shaun Osburn, 17, arrested in slaying caseJohn Hurst reotlls trauna of his father's murderBond for Terry Shawn Osrurn set at $50,000M.JRDERS - JAMESCN, QIARLF.SR>lice determined that Jameson met with fould playRelatives questioned in l'I77 disappearance of JamesonGrand Jury finds no t:asis for indictmentftfJRERS - JCENSCN, TDD'JBY BRYANShooting of Johnson was accident, IB.v id M Blankenship saysBlankenship testifies he did not intend to shoot youthDavid Blankenship fo lld guilty of manslaughterDavid M Blankenship ts 7-yr teIIn in shooting deathMURERS - JCNES, MIQIAELMichael Jones, 6, killed qr WeslE¥ FbrresterWesley Fbrrester killed hllnsel.f during shooting spreeMURlERS - JORmN, LlNN\ GAYESharai Barksdlle arrested in stabbing death er. Joruglas Hill stayed cy- state Suprane ctExecution date for Steren uglas Hill set Gw ClintonUS Suprane ct amies apal of steJ;i'l.en uglas HillMJIDERS - IJINF., RIQIARD'J.'oJnn¥ Pay caster, 17 I chgd in slaying of LaneKJiu:RS - LEE, LED SBoe¥ of Lee found on roadside near Hartford haneJohruw E 'lhanpson Sr cbgd in shooting death of neighlx:>rMURlERS - LEHMAN, IX>N.li..D HFbur ron

ARKANSAC> G.AZErTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDL'IWo tapes of Barry Fairchild viEWed in oourtFairchild alleges threats l:?i1 Tanrr¥ Robinson, Larry DillBarty Lee Fairchild loses appeal, stays on Death RCMMJRDERS - MC1\R'lHUR, Pl.ICEsee also BooksMURDERS - MCXLAIN, AN'JHCNYJul ia Hughes ts life tenn in drCMning of her sonMJIDERS - MICHEL, DA.V IDParQle for William C Horne l..ll'lcer stunvicted of killing four in Crawford County 03/19/87 Al.8 5190

ARKANSAS GAZ ETTE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE ERS - SERRJINO, OM.IOMexican f aon worker slain near Pine BluffSlain man identified as SerranoMUIDERS - SIMIDNS FAMILYsee Simmons Family MurERS - SIMPSrn, .MRCN05/25/87 Al.4 105/07 /ffl A19 l05/07 /ffl Al9 105/07/ffl Al.9 105/0&1'87 Al5 107/21/ffl 001 207/21/87 001 20 8/18/87 001 208/20/87 A03 508/21/ffl A08 608/25/ffl BOl 408/25/87 BOl 408/26/87 001 208/27 /ffl AOl 209/30/87 AlO 110/14/87 Al3 304/30/87 A07 10 4/30/ffl A07 l12/01/ffl AOB 410/13/87 Al.3 509/02/87 A07 109/24/87 002 109/25/87 A23 109/26/87 Al.3 109/29/87 002 110/01/87 A15 104/22/87 AOl 204/22/87 AOl 204/22/87 AOl 204/23/87 AOl 304/23/87 A04 107/21/87 001 210/09/87 AOl 210/10/87 A07 310/ll/ffl A12 110/13/ffl A07 210/14/87 AOl 310/18/87 A05 107 /13/87 A07 107/14/87 A05 1191

ARKAN GAZE.Tl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE CDLWillie and Nathaniel Green sout in slaying near Marianna 08/07/87 A09 3Green brothers arrested without incident 08/08/87 Al5 3ltlJRERS - SMI'IH, Q.AREI'l'A ELIZ.ABE'lHClaretta Smith and Herbert Williams shot to ath at LR 07 /28/87 001 3MURDERS - SNOYDEN, VELMA

ARKANSM> GAZET!'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPz.GE nv ictions, death penal ties of William Parker reversed 06/16/87 AOS 1MURDERS - WATrS, TERRYBodies of Terry and Kathy Watts found in Ash Flat hane 01/01/87 A07 2FBI begins prcte of slayings01/07/87 Al.0 6MURDERS - WEI.CB, J(]lNath penalty waived for Carl Albert Collins03/14/87 Al.5 lMURDERS - Wl!S'IM>RELPND, JERRY ABoc\7 of Wesbnoreland found in woods in Cleveland County 11/26/87 AOl 4Patrick Key, Mike Gault chgd in dy set afire at BrinklE:Y10/03/87 Al3 3MURFREESBOROsee also R>llutionMJREHY On.

ARKAN GAZ EI'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPf.GE CDLsee also President (US) Sl8Forbes estimates Muqhy fanily wealth at $600 millionMURlHY, CllIP10/16/87 COl 1see also Housing.MURlHY, GUYsee also Historic Buildings and SitesKJRlHY, NBsee also Autanobiles Jyl9MJSEIJMSMusellII of Scienoe and History seeks to identify donorsFundg shortage m prevent cx:mverting silo to museunGrant County Museun hol ds pieces of oounty' s p:tst<strong>An</strong>tique faan irnplanents oollected by Lewis SullivanNational Park AquarillII at Hot Springs is successMusellII of Scienoe and History seeks to irrq;rwe statusGroup hoi;es to build replica of ironclad CSA <strong>Arkansas</strong>Private museun at Mammoth Spring holds unusual itansAl.llilni hop! to estahlish Scipio A Jones School rnuseunMuseun of Autanobiles in Hot Springs has historic itansMJSIC02/02/87 BOl02/20/87 Al510/19/87 A0710/22/87 00111/15/87 00111/15/87 00111/19/87 All11/22/87 00112/13/87 A1912/20/87 00121122412l2see also Artssee also Kl.ipsch and Associates, IncState House of Reprs designates two official. state songs 01/24/87 AOl 2Forrest City High School band to march in Washington i;arade 02/01/87 A09 2Legis m011es closer to appro.ral of 4 state songs 02/03/87 A08 1Former Black Oak, <strong>Arkansas</strong> star HarvE¥ Jett finds new life 08/16/87 All 1Quiet Roan at Barton Coliseun used by p:irents during oonoerts 08/30/87 AOl 4Ronni e 'Ihanpson of Trllilann writes fine music 11/08/87 Al6 lTim Crouch is Ark state fiddle champion 11/22/87 Al5 1MUSIO\L JNS'JHJMENTSNichols and Associates, Inc rebuilds organs04/26/87 DOl 5KJTlLATION, HUMANsee Sex CrimesMX MISSlLE SYSTEMsee DefensesNAIER, Rl\LRISurprised that Bill Clinton signed lcw on chanical cleanupBill Clinton defends lcw, writes letter to NaderNAMES, GEXnRAmICALErnie Deane traoes names in "<strong>Arkansas</strong> Plaoe Names"NARCDTI03see Alcohol and Drug AbuseNACJHVILLEsee also El ectric PowerNMJINILLE SClIOCL DIS'IRICI'see Education - SegregationNATIONAL GUARDsee also CollegesTwo Guardsmen killed in accident at Fort Qiaff eeNATIONAL MERIT SCHCLARSHI:ESsee CollegesNATIONAL

ARKANSAS GAZETl1E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl(;E CDLFinn denies plans to leave <strong>Arkansas</strong>NATIONl!L PARK IQUARJIJM03/11/87 COl 2see l!quariunsNAWRAL AND aJL'lURN. HERITl(;E IEPAR'DENT (ARK)see Heritage Deputment (Ark)NMURAL ARFASsee WildernessNMURAL GASsee Oil and GasNMURAL HERlTl(;E IDMMISSION (ARK)see also WildernessNMURAL RESClJRCESStare Clark favors single superagency on natural reoouroesNMURE IDNSER\l'ANCYsee also Parks Nl9see also WildernessN1WOJC2YK, STE.VE0 8/23/87 007 2see also crime Latoratory (Ark)see also Pulaski CountyNAYLOR, IXlVELLLittle Rock businessnan to re honored with ' roast'1'C1'R ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES IDNSORTllJMsee CollegesNEAL, JOSEEH C03/22/87 DOl 1see also BooksNF.PL, CLLYsee also Agriculture JylSsee also Courts (Ark) - CircuitNELSCN, Ilitics Jy7 Jy9see also TaxationNelson found not liable in i;cctllens with pool at hane 01/0&/87 C03 1Paising funds for shooting simulator for LR ix>l ice use 05/19/87 BO! 2Nelson willing to se.rve as loaned executive to LR School Dist 10/12/87 A09 5NEL SCN, 'JllGV\S LEEsee also BanksNEn'll..mHIP, MAEsee also Rotary ClubNW.Am

ARKANSA5 GAZ E.'l'l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDL04/05/C05/l 04/12/COS/l 04/19/COS/l 04/26/COS/l05/03/C05/l 05/10/COS/l 05/17/COS/l 05/24/C05/l05/31/C05/l 06/07/C03/l 06/21/COS/l 06/28/C05/l07 /05/COS/l 07 /12/C05/l 07 /19/COS/l 07 /26/COS/l0&/02/COS/l 08/09/COS/l 08/16/C05/l 08/23/COS/l08/30/COS/l 09/06/COS/l 09/13/COS/l 09/20/C05/l09/27/C05/l 10/04/C05/l 10/ll/COS/l 10/l&/C05/l10/25/COS/l 11/01/COS/l ll/08/C05/l ll/15/COS/l11/22/COS/l 11/29/CDS/l 12/06/COS/l 12/13/COS/l12/20/COS/l 12/27 /C05/lRevi&1 of unusual news events in Ark during 1986Child lost in Stone County was one af <strong>1987</strong> 's top storiesNEWSPAIERSsee also Blacks01/01/87 Al.O 112/25/87 AOl 2see also Sportscasters and Sport.ewriters Association, Natlriena Star sold to Indian Nations Communications, Inc 01/01/87 Al.2 6Chariqr drives increase Gazette, Ianocrat sul:sc.ription lists 01/01/87 COl 2Gaz ette IlCJil offering free rsonal classified ads 01/04/87 AOl 2Gazette, Ianoc.rat cnnpetition taking unusual twist 01/04/87 AOl 2Pine Bluff camnerci.al. camnents on sale of pi:t:er 01/04/87 C04 6Chart fhnmerici.al tests journal isn ethics 02/15/87 C03 1Black group calls for tx>ycott af <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat 02/17/87 002 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Assn chooses offirers 02/20/87 A03 1Leeanne s Wisro 02/22/87 AOl 6<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette ons news l::ureau at Pine Bluff 03/01/87 AOl 5<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette regins publishing color c:anics daily 03/02/87 008 1Daily color c:anics plcws new ground, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette ed says 03/03/87 001 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette ons bureau in Texarkana 03/0&/87 AOl 6Dorothy Wyre chides Log Cabin on susnsion of nDoonesburyn 03/10/87 Al3 4Log Cabin Democrat suspends n0oonesbury" cites sex subj ect 03/10/87 Al.3 40> 11 ed canments on pulling nDoonesbury n canic strip 03/11/87 A03 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette buys 2nd press to handle circulation rise 04/01/87 COl 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette purchasing 2nd inserter for oollating 04/10/87 COl 2Jerry McCullouunty Lead:!r 04/20/87 001 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette wins AHtm ao1ard for excellence 05/17/87 A07 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette rep:s on 6 mos of gr

ARKANSPS GAZ E11"1'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlt';E COL<strong>Arkansas</strong> Newsp:iper Proj ect seeks to locate newsp:lpersSouthern Standard to cease J.X1b1 ication after 109 yrsPaul Greenl:erg honored with National Press Club award<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette VOl/S to hire more minorities<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette enters its 169th year af puhl ication<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat Sp:lrring year after saleBoth Arkasnas Gazette and <strong>Arkansas</strong> Democrat losing moneyCirculation grcwth c£ Gazette and Democrat chartedNew outlook, format seen in <strong>Arkansas</strong> GazetteSane analysts predict merger of Gazette and DemocratHot Springs Villager in tattle o.rer distribution in tOl/nCarrick H Patterson gets new duti es with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazetteseven blacks allege racial bias in suit against GazetteNEW'IDN CDUNTYCounty Judge Al ton campbell accused of try to buy votesVote-buying indictment al so names Charles Clark, nnis HaltJudge Al ton campbell, 2 other plead innocent to digsTrial in alleged vote-buying un&r Wa;/ in federal courtCounty Judge Alton campbell oonvicted in vote-buying caseJudge Alton CBmpbell to keep job, appeal COrNictionProsecutor to seek ouster af Judge Alton campbellSentencing date set for Col.lllty Judge Al ton campbellJudge campbell gets 3-yr teen, $5 ,ooo fine in vote-buyingCounty Judge Al ton campbell to keep off ice until appealNEW'IDN, ERT Lsee also Education Dep;lrtment (Ark)NICJ\M;UAArkansan Gary Betzner allegedly snuggled drugs with US helpDrug-snuggling profits allegedly bougit rontra weatx>nsGary w Betzner was supposed suicim in White River in 1977Prairie County (Ark) resicents recall Gary W BetznerGunfrfor-drugs tram mscribed Gary BetznerEugene Hasenfus visits Wallace Sawyer family at MagnoliaSurvivors of Wallace Sawyer seek relief f ran his &btsWallace Scwyer incurred bills while suwlying contra rebelsseventy march in Fayetteville in memory of Berrj amin LincerNICHCLS RID PSSOCIATFS, INCsee also Musical InstrunentsNICHCLS, JACRIE Jsee also KidnappingNICHCLSCN, DALEsee also Stx>rtsc:asters and Stx>rt&lriters AssociationNISHIMJRA, GLENNNew head of He.lp Abolish Legal 'fyranqy (HELP) trained in LRNIBLE, WESLEYsee also Murders - Noble, Wesl.E¥NCBLE,g, Iuts of NoonerNooner retx>rts she is living at Atoka, TennNORroRK LAKE10/04/87 Al3 110/21/87 A08 410/23/87 AlO 311/17/87 AlO 211/20/87 AOl12/06/87 DOl2112/06/87 DOl 112/06/ff/ DOI 112/06/87 DOI 112/06/87 DO! 412/19/87 AO! 212/19/87 COl 412/25/87 C02 604/16/87 AOS 104/16/87 AOS 104/29/87 A05 106/17 /87 All 106/18/87 Al..9 506/19/87 Al 7 106/20/87 A03 506/27 /87 All 407/03/87 Al..4 308/06/87 Al5 101/19/87 A03 101/19/87 A03 101/20/87 AO! 601/20/87 AOl 601/21/87 All 101/2&'87 All 104/22/87 AOl 604/22/87 AOl 605/07/87 A09 110/18/87 001 204/30/87 002 404/30/87 002 405/06/87 002 405/13/87 Al..4 4197

ARKAN GAZEI'TE nmEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE NIZMION)see Alcohol and Drug AbuseNCRIH AMERICAN HITEXH GRaJP, meHitedl joins f inn in oil field explosives vwnture 08/15/87 COl 5NOR'IH ARKANSM> BJ\NCSHARESsee BanksNORlH ARKANSM> rters to make interviEW appnts 01/06/87 AOl 5PUhlication of articles in Gazette, Ianocrat irk Mayor 01/06/87 AOl 5Article on Mayor Hartwick' s wntingency fund expenditures 01/11/87 003 1Mayor Hartwick orders city anplcyees to re professional 01/13/87 001 3Mayor Hartwick made rsonal calls on city telethon.es 01/22/87 AOl 6Mayor Terry Hartwick reimbursed ci ty for rsonal calls 01/22/87 AOl 6Mayor Hartwick snt 16 hrs on t:ersonal calls at work 01/23/87 A12 5PUbl.ic Works Dir RayJOOnd Burnett mcy be inel igible for job Ol/24/87 AOl 2Mayor, cicy council have final authoricy wer puks, /lG rules 01/24/87 AOS 5More trouble for Terry (ed) 01/24/87 Al6 1Ci cy Council can erabl.e Burnett to keep Puhl. ic Works job 01/25/87 003 1Mayor Terry Hartwick issues short stat&-af-thicy message 01/25/87 007 1Publ ic works Director Raytrond Burnett resigns, cites articles 01/27/87 AOl 3Mayor Terry Hartwick apologizes without explanation 01/27/87 All 1Mayor Terry Hartwick praises integricy of Raymond Burnett Ol/27/87 All 1Mayor Hartwick co-Qtlns plane with men ooing business with NLR 01/27/87 All 3Terry Hartwick plans to seek r&-election 01/29/87 AOS 1Mayor Hartwick revises ethics statanent to include airplane 02/01/87 BOS 2Mayor Hartwick replaces Ma..r:y Hess, an OH;X)nent, on library bd 02/03/87 Al.2 4Law f inn of Hartwick associate piid $11,806 for legal work 02/04/87 A07 4Mayor Hartwick makes, accepts 14 ail.ls on ci.cy telei;:hones 02/06/87 A19 1Ci cy has piid Hilburn lCM fiDn wer $333 ,000 , reoords shCl\1 02/08/87 007 1Teri:y Hartwick' s ix>litica.l stock has fallen, ed says 02/08/87 C04 5Qualifications for Publ ic Works Di rector revised 02/10/87 A09 1Mayor and Mrs Hartwick granted divorce 02/10/87 A09 6Bill Harris to seek Dem nanination for mcyor in 1988 02/11/87 Al.4 3Hartwick says ci. ty did not i:ay for airl. ine ticket for wanan 02/11/87 Al.4 5Terry Hartwick to leave airplane i;:artnership 02/13/87 A14 1Terry Hartwick apologizes for events that brou

.ARKANSAS G.AZE.Tl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ¥;E CDLMayor Hartwick teIIllS Coloraoo trip rosiness and pleasure 02/18/87 COB 5Mayor Terxy Hartwick tackles suspect fleeing fran affirer 02/20/87 AOl 2Mayor becnnes hero with capture c£ fleeing suspect 02/20/87 A08 4No reoord of City Council appr01al of Garver oontract found 02/21/87 AOl 2ASP investigator assigned to stucll Hartwick adn 02/21/87 A08 3Rayloond (Coach) Burnett says press makes NLR 'whipping boy' 02/26/87 001 6City Comci.l never saw contract with engineers 02/26/87 C08 sHartwick had authoraity to aw01e plant chs, atty says 02/27/87 Al.2 1North Little Rock Times ed on Hartwick' s public apology 03/01/87 C04 5yor Hartwick beromes issue in LR debate on form af govt 03/04/87 001 1Mayor Hartwick responds to mooting, shoplifting srerva 03/05/87 Al5 1roP questionnaire an,;JerS Mayor Terry Hartwick 03/13/87 Al4 1Fifteen workers laid off fran E?a1age plant 03/18/87 AlS 1roP survE¥ finds no oonf idenoe in Terry Hartwick adn 03/19/87 A12 1Mayor Terry Hartwick has no intention of resigning 04/09/87 All 2Chris Piazza rel.eases rept on mc;wor ' s acrepting gifts, trips 05/15/87 AOl 4Prosecutor Piazza will file no dlarges against Mayor Hartwick 05/15/87 AOl 4Restraint marks cx:mments of al dennen on prosecutor' s rept 05/15/87 AOl 4Terxy Hartwick camnents on rept of Chris Piazza 05/15/87 AOl 5Hartwick investigation detailed in lengthy newspaper article 05/15/87 A06 1Role of Gina Fortenberxy very minor, Piazza rept says 05/15/87 A06 3Mayor Hartwick not upset cy- articles, enplcy-ees say 05/16/87 AOl 5Prosecutor rel.eases two depositions given cy- Hartwick 05/17/87 AlO 1Banking f iDD not embarrassed wer expenses for Hartwick 05/20/87 AOl 6Dani el International defends its ethics in contracts 05/21/87 Al.8 1Double billing for legal servires teaned an horest mistake 06/09/87 A08 1Mayor Terxy Hartwick has no intention af resigning 06/12/87 A07 1Windfall af $540,000 goes to Electric Dept 06/20/87 Al2 5City deficient in minority enpl.cy-ees, Justioe Dept say s 06/24/87 A09 1Electric Dept lost $17 ,571, 720 in l:x:md ref inanci.ng 06/27/87 A09 1Vol untary annexation af 1,500 acres re.rersed, vote orsition 07/2l/87 A09 1Mayor Terxy Hartwick orsal mare to ra;i:uire axation for sewer, water servioe 08/06/87 A07 1Developer op:>ses $6.5 million canpl ex on NLR si

ARKAN GAZEl'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE CDLMayor ' s post sought by Terry Hartwick, Patrick Henry HaysTer.cy Hartwick, casey Lanan cl.ash wer renwal. of plantsContractor city hired without bids has no licenseCity app:irently hires 2nd unl. icensed f innMayor 's oontingenqr fund 93 pct expenHARES, INCsee BanksNCRmWEST VO

ARKANSAS GAZETXE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPit;E CDLSenator Nick Wilson apprwes appnt of wife of Dean Hudson 01/23/87 A08 1WRSOO HOMESBeverly Enterprises suad over c'Eath af patient Roger Cl.ark 01/0&/87 AOS 3Roger Cl.ark died at Little Rock Nursing Center in 1984 01/08/87 AOS 3Beverly Enterprises buys health care prorties of stei;tiens 01/09/87 C02 5state funding crisis threatens nursing bane p;ltients 01/28/87 AO! 5Nursing bane reform bills presented to state Senate µmel 02/19/87 Al.0 4State to end Mediciad payments to Rose Care Center at LR 02/19/87 001 5End to Medicaid certification for Southern Nursing Hane asked 02/19/87 BOl 6Witness says i;:atients endangered at Southern Nursing Hane 02/20/87 A03 1Mike Kindard ushers nursing bane hi.lls throu

ARKANSA GAZ E.T1'E INJEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPAGE CDLO' REILLY, MICHAEL Tsee also Sex Crimes Jyl Jy2 Jyll D30 D31OAIrnograCBSERVAroRIES HID P.LPNEl'ARIDM>Obsetvatory being built at HackettCBm'E.TRICBsee BirthsOC(IJLT SCIENCESMm reaoor arrested at Hot Springs on privilege tax chargeFortune-telling tax counts dro:wed at Hot SpringsHot Springs fortune-teller pleads guilty on license fee chgOOOM, JNCJerry Odcm sued for $400 ,000 for alleged fraud in salesOdem ex>untersuit alleges fraud cy First Financial CorpOOOM, JERRYsee al so Odm, IncOOOM, JESS Psee al so Ma.unelleOFF-roAD VEHICLESsee Recreation VehiclesOFFICE BUILDil{;Ssee BuildingsOIL .AND GASsee also Explosives and Explosionssee also R>llutionsee also TaxationPrice-fixing conspiracy alleged against Ll'G finn, officialsLFG canp:irw, 2 officials enter innocent pleasGas rqralty bill draws little opµ>sition in Senate hearingsenate apprwes bill on rqralty p;iymentsArkla expects to file soon for rate ina:easeClass action lcwsuit filed in Frankl in Co c:Ner rqraltiesGas rqral ties l:::eoome center of dispute with ArklaLegis has p;issed one rqraltierelated billDrilling for oil begins near Blythe,, illeArk hurt limits on natural gas, M:tck McLarcy writesArkla seeks rate increaseArkla seeks rate ina:ease, dlanges in billingSpecial Grand Jury to handl.e LP gas prioe-fixi.ng in;iuiz.yArkla seeking rate increase af 18 pct, PSC saysWells that have not oduoed in 12 mos must l:::e pluggedArkla drops re::iuest to reco.Ter $505,000 in air fare expensesPSC concentrating on Arkla' s 18 pct rate ina:ease re::iuestPSC staff, Steve Cl.ark ask big reductions in Ark.la rate casePSC staff SUfPOrts oocrease, :oot rise, in Arkla gas ratesDrop in oil prioes imp.icts South <strong>Arkansas</strong> ecx:m07/14/87 BOl 212/08/87 All 503/15/87 001 208/21/87 AOl 208/22/87 BOl 211/26/87 Al.4 507/17/87 AlO 409/04/87 A09 106/01/87 001 201/24/87 A08 101/28/87 A08 102/03/87 A09 102/05/87 All 102/12/87 AOl 202/19/87 C03 403/11/87 co1 203/11/87 COl 403/15/87 A09 204/22/87 Al.7 105/07/87 A03 505/09/87 AOS 105/10/87 Al.0 205/13/87 COl 505/29/87 C02 106/16/87 AO 8 507/04/87 A03 108/29/87 001 509/19/87 001 510/11/87 001 1202

ARKANSAS GAZE'l"l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE rsed House µinelHouse i;asses re1 ised oi;.t.anetry billO};tanetry bill i;asses Senate, will be signed GwernorOOAM;E BOVLseeORDER, 'lliEsee VigilantesEOOttall - College10/11/87 DOS 112/01/87 COl 212/05/87 All 212/10/87 C02 312/17/87 C02 503/11/87 C03 105/28/87 C02 109/09/87 001 211/04/87 COl 201/22/87 A09 1Ol/2l\187 A07 501/29/87 A09 101/30/87 All 101/31/87 All 402/01/87 C04 602/06/87 All 102/07/87 A0 9 302/12/87 All l02/18/87 AlO 302/24/87 A06 302/26/87 AlO 3203


ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE gniz es his captor in hij acking01/2&/87 001 2PALMIS'JRYsee Occult SciencesPAM TRANSIDRmTION Sm/ICESTontitCltln finn is 12th on list of best snall oonpani.es 11/02/87 AlO 2PARJ.GOOID<strong>An</strong>nexation o:i;:posed cy- Mayor Charles Partl.CM10/22/87 AlO 1PARAMEDICSsee f.EdicinePARAMIL ITARY GIUJPSsee VigilantesPARAPSYCECLffiYsee Psychic PhenanenaPAROONSsee also PrisonsPARWE, BARB.ARAFormer ai

ARKANSAS GAZE.TIE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLVisitors seek diversity, rsonal touches 03/17/r!l COl 2Dianond mining bill end>rsed Senate pmel 03/20/r!l All 1Dianond mining plan en.Cbrsed state Senate 03/25/87 A09 5Jean RaymOnd Boulle behind effort to mine diamonds 03/30/87 Afl7 1Diamond mine measure signed into lcw Gw Bill Clinton 04/09/87 B02 4Nav- lCl\I' on diamond mining pleases f inn 04/10/87 Afl9 1Image af Burns Park needs dlanging, NLR ftbyor Harb-lick says 04/11/87 Al.8 1'lhree wanen hike 235-mile Ouachita Trail in 20 days 04/17/87 DlO 4Quality af work done at NLR' s Old Mill is criticized 04/24/87 Al2 1Buffalo National River animals, birds and plants listed 04/26/fn 004 1Buffalo National River dret alrost a million visitors in 1986 04/26/87 B04 1Buffalo National River is subj ect af lengthy feature article 04/26/87 004 1Buffalo National River landforms cross section shGln 04/26/87 B04 1Buffalo National River timeline shGln fran 12,000 B. C. 04/26/87 B04 1Buffalo River preservation fight was led Dr Neil Cbmpton 04/26/87 004 1Praµ>sed Pindall landfill sparked fight for Buffalo p..irity 04/26/r!l B04 1Sculptor turns

ARKANSAS GAZE'ITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>D.M"EPllGE OOLOld Brunson house finds n&1 hane at Old Washington State Park 10/24/87 :001 2Robert MCCOrd scribes Queen Wilhelmina State Park ll/08/87 C03 1COssatot River section to becnne prorcy of state 11/19/87 AO! 2Nature conservancy aaiui ring Cossatot land for state 11/19/87 AOl 2Wey-erhaeuser Co agrees to sell COssatot land for pirk 11/19/87 AOl 2Map shGTS Cossatot sect.ion to re aaiuired for i:ark 11/19/87 AOl 3Cossatot River pirk could reoone tourist mecca 11/19/87 Al9 5Eleven miles of Cossatot River mew bemme park, natural area 11/20/87 All 5Feature article on digging dianonds at Crater c£ Diamonds 11/26/87 :001 1Gan seekers at Crater af Dianonds enjoy the dig 11/26/87 :001 4seasonal touriBil causes Hot Springs finns to tighten rel.ts 12/07/ffl COl 2riod itens soucjlt for Hot Springs tathhouse 12/26/87 A06 1PARSION !LAYSsee Great Passion Pl ay (Eureka Springs )PATE, CAruLsee al so P&ydlic PhenanenaPATENTSsee InventionsPATI'ERSrn, CARRICK Hsee also N&lspa.rs D19PAT.rERSrn, HmH B JRHonored UALR as <strong>Arkansas</strong> Journal ist <strong>1987</strong>Honored as <strong>Arkansas</strong> Journal ist <strong>1987</strong>Mr and Mrs Patterson win NCCJ hunanitatrian service awardGov Bill Clinton, Ben Saltzman among NCG.J dimer speakersWal ter Mondale speaks at NGJJ dinner honoring PattersonsExcerpts f ran Walter Mondale speech at NCGJ dinnerExcerpts f ran renarks Mr and Mrs Patterson at NCGJ dinnerPA'l'.I'ERsrn, Sl'ELLAsee also Murrs - Rltterson, StellaPAT.l'ERSCN, WALTsee also Hunan Services Dept (Ark)Ptt Miller Liles and HeisterPENNOO'ION, PATRICKsee also Murders - Freanan, ra.vidPENSION REIIEW BOARD (ARK)see Gwernnent EmplC¥ees (Ark)PENSIONS05/03/ffl D03 1207

ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E Il'IDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE

ARKANSAS GAZEm'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPli2E CDLLarge crCJNds line up at Wyrme to view cross in heavensDarlene <strong>An</strong>drews oomforted aparanoe of cross at her baneReporter rescr ibes cross in wincbl at Wyrme resirenoe'lllree crosses seen in wind:M at LR hanePHD:,PNIER SM!'IH CDLLH;Esee Baskettall - COllege Mensee CollegesIfIIl.PN'IlllDPYsee also Union Pacific Foundition10/26/87 AlO 510/28/87 AOl 210/28/87 AOl 210/29/87 All 1Acorn challenges Blytheville, West Mem:Eflis camassing rules ll/25/87 AlO 5IfIILLIPS CDGrocery chain plans grCJNth, new name at 4 Food 4 Less stores 09/06/'irl DOl 4stock CMned exclusively Blillips and Sam Walton families 09/06/'irl 001 4Super 1 Foods, Ibillips Food Centers tart of holdingsIBILLIPS CDUN.LY09/06/ff/ FOl 4Quorlltl a: resolution on Marvell Aca.

ARKANSAS GAZE.Tl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E

ARKANSAS GAZEPl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPP.GE roLl:LASTIC SUffiERYsee dicinel:LAYBOY (PERIODICAL)Miss Se}.Xanber mis-identified as being fran Forrest Cicy 08/01/87 :001 2l:LEh-BAR;AININ:;see Crimel:LEIGER, JAMES Csee also Finance and Adninistration Dept (Ark)see also Governor (Ark) Jy7PLIMPTON, GEOOOEFamed writer says Razorback calling scares him l'l/07/87 Al2 1PLUMERl/n.LEsee also FiresroEl.'RYsee Books and Writing 03/2'}/87 A09 1POISGlOO AND POISCNSsee also Murders - !))yle, M:lrianRX.ICEsee also Governnent Elnpl.C¥ees (Local)see also Monunentssee also North Little RockSuit alleges NLR pol.ice mistakenly invaded C Gibson hane 01/01/87 All 1Legis i;anel wants no budget increase for AH'ID Highway B:>l ice 01/07/fr/ :001 5sen Joe Yates cx:mplains AHTD police anserable to no one 01/07/f!'l :001 5NLR mayor, µ>lice dlief say µ>lice cestrqted Yuk Lo' s film 01/0&/87 AOl 3Police officers to be discipl ined in Yuk Lo film incident 01/0&/87 AOl 3State Repr Oiralyn Pollan was ticketed t!{ AHTD Highway Pol ice 01/08/87 A03 1NITD Highwa;r Police work defended t!{ Henry Gray 01/09/87 AOS 1Chris Piazza to seek disnissal of charges against Yuk Lo 01/09/87 A09 1Bad reasons win support (ed on plan to merge Hig!May Police) 01/09/87 Al8 1Charge against Iflotogra:EDer Yuk Lo drod 01/10/87 Al8 4'!Wo NLR officers disciplined in incident with Iflotograiflers 01/15/87 :001 2Little Rock has nt CJ1er t350,000 fighting bias case 01/1&/87 AOl 2Suit against LR was filed t!{ black officers in 1978 01/18/87 AOl 2NLR pol ice sgt Maurice Juels accused of car theft 01/28/87 BOl 1NLR chief asks more di ta on charge against M P Juels 01/30/87 Al3 4LR pol ice Eiloot Milton Taylor after disturbance call 02/02/87 A07 1Pol icy apparently fal.lCMed in shooting of Milton Taylor 02/03/87 AOl 2NLR Sgt Maurice Juels reek on job after theft charge 02/04/87 A07 1Bill in Legis seeks to abol ish Highway :Ebl ice 02/07/f!'l A09 1Jud rules race behind firing of NLR Officer George Will iams 02/07/87 'PJ.7 4na officer kills I'WI susct in 'Old West' shootout 02/16/f!'l All 1Shooting in Milton Taylor 03.se justified, Police Qiief says 02/25/f!'l Al3 6Bill to al:x>l ish Highway Pol ice killed cy- House i;anel vote 03/04/87 MO 3'lt.miey' Robinson, z.tirk BCMman not imnune to suit in Pulaski Cb 03/17/f!'l 001 5'nl1u'lW Robinson, z.tirk Baiman sued t!{ W E Beaunont, Jo Grocock 03/17/87 :001 5Internal p:obe of officer opm to iction, Atcy Gen rules 03/21/87 A07 4State Trooi;er <strong>An</strong>drew Clay loses $60,000 judgnent on api:eal 04/02/87 'PJ.6 5Suit CNer 1985 shooting names WrightEN ille, Kermeth Ad:mls 04/04/87 Al9 1Off-duty sheriff's ceputy kills man at Food-4-ss store O-t/12/87 Al6 1Shooting at Food-4-Less aPfarently justified, official says 04/13/87 A09 1Shooting at Food-4-ss termed justified t!{ Chris Piazza 04/1.\187 :001 2LR Civil Service camn voids pol ice sgt test results 04/24/87 A07 1Law enforcement of fioors have IXJWer to arrest at al¥ time 04/26/f!'l Al3 1211

ARKANSAS GAZEr.rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLFile of LR Officer Rakro :EX>l icenen cited for heroisnLR pol ice videotape suspects as thE¥ are ming bookedstate Trooper Jim Jenkins recalls foil ing prison esca:p:!Five LR off ice rs lose jobs in drug caseS:p:!cifics of drug case against 5 LR officersLR Cllief, Civil Service Comm discuss firing of 4 officersFour LR officers accused of drug use plan to aal.state Eblice get $260,000 for work on federal cases<strong>An</strong>thoqy and Thurman Steward aal disnissal LR :EX>l iceDrew County Sheriff Iavid Hyatt discusses policing probl.ensHelen Louise Pierce hurt in fight with LR p>lice at wreckHelen L Pierce alleges LR pol ice used excessive forceLR seeks more black cadets for pol ice forceonce case closed, p:>lice files on to public, S Clark rulesSeven officers file suit alleging favoritisn in pranotionsOfficer !repl icated himself, others in drug use, Piazza saysNLR Officer Billy Grace aids teenager in troubleCandidates for captain p:>sts take tou91 new testsStun gun used cy LR pol ice on suspect in grocery storeBoe¥ of Detroit Police sgt returned to Ark for burialPulaski Sheriff's Dept gets speedl:x>at f ran drug case workGregory L Hampton dlgd in ooath of Sal.anon DickersonGregory L Hanpton was fired recently fran LR p>l ice forceMixup in sooring tests angers LR p>l ice 1 ieutenantsBeeOO R:>l ice Chief Harald Armstrong chgd in incidentLR ordered to fBY legal fees in bias case black off ice rsLR p>l ice iranotion mix-up has everyone madLittle Rock and FOP compranise on reoordsFATS to help LR officers inp:-we reaction, marksmanshipG Hampton faces ra, burglary chgs in unrelated incidentsPape, burglary alleged while Hampton was on pol ice forceGregory Hanpton deni ed tx:md on seven chargesz.Dst high-ranking State Police officials retire'lhree appeals of firings of LR officers withdrawnState Troor Bob Roten writes e.yndicated columnSuit alleges pol ice reat Joey Binngharn, a disabled epilepticDrive under wey for funds to piy Hampton's private attorneyDanger is put of job for area police officersRestraint can carry heavy price for policemenBentonville officer shot burglary suspectSuspects in shooting at Bentonville have lengthy records04/29/87 801 505/01/87 AO 8 605/15/87 AlO 105/15/87 AlO 605/19/87 001 205/23/87 AOl 305/25/87 Al6 105/26/87 A07 405/27 /87 AlO l05/28/87 COB 505/29/87 A09 106/03/87 AOl 306/04/87 AlO 606/06/87 Al2 106/07/87 801 206/08/87 AOl 206/11/87 AOl 206/11/87 A06 106/12/87 All 106/13/87 Al.O 206/17 /87 802 106/20/87 A03 506/22/87 A07 106/24/87 A05 106/25/87 A03 506/25/87 801 206/26/87 Al9 106/26/87 Al9 306/27/87 A12 107 /05/87 007 107 /13/87 A07 107 /18/87 001 207 /19/87 AOl 207 /26/87 002 108/01/87 AOl 308/01/87 AOl 308/05/87 AOl 208/05/87 Al.O 408/05/87 001 508/07 /ffl A05 208/08/87 A03 108/09/87 803 108/11/87 AOl 608/11/87 AOl 608/12./87 801 208/14/87 A08 508/28/87 AO! 408/30/87 Al.4 109/04/87 AJ.6 409/06/87 Al8 509/08/87 AOl 209/08/87 AOl 609/18/87 AOl 509/19/87 A08 l212

ARKANSN> GAZerrE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFG E CDLGary Morse arrested in shooting of Bentorwille policeman 09/23/87 1301 6Conrad Pattillo is first black captain for Ark State J:Ol ice 10/04/87 002 4Greg Hampton to gat aid of NAACP, church 10/05/87 A09 1SuptX>rters of Gregory Hampton 60!.f acts out of character 10/07/87 AlO 2Mr and Mrs Ibn Willians are cffioers on LR ix>l ice force 10/08/87 1301 2Judge alla.1s oollection of hair sample f ran Grelice accused in suit of executing John Willie Reeves 10/10/87 AlS 1Rev Robert WillinghGlll explains w}¥ NAACP aiding Greg Hampton 10/18/87 C03 4Gregory L Hampton 91ins sug;:orters in his fight against digs 10/19/87 A09 1Chris Piza will not pursue chgs against Hampton na.1 10/23/87 AOl 2Gregory Han];X.on released f ran jail after Piazza statanent 10/23/87 AOl 2R>l ice knew Gregory L Hampton inoocent, attorney 60!.fS 10/24/87 AOl 5Gregory Hamp:on temdned to relice officer 10/24/87 Al2 1Gregory L Hanpton' s fense on charges outl ined 10/24/87 Al2 6Benj amin Hooks cites Hampton as exampl e af NAACP strength 10/25/87 AOl 2Robert Mcintosh urges Chris Piazza, Jess Hale to resign 10/27 /87 A07 2Fort Smith Chief Bill F Young placed on leave 10/27/87 A09 3NLR pol ice reSIX>nse time varies, records sha.1 10/28/87 A09 2Fort Smith Olief Bill F Young retires 10/2e/87 Al3 4Hair taken fran rape soere d::>es not matdl hair cf G Hanpton 10/29/87 A09 4Black LR R>lice Assn cefends l ice valor CMards presented 10/30/87 A20 2Suit seeks to stop State FOlice Criminal Apprehension Program 10/31/87 AlO 1Trooper used excessive force in shooting, federal suit SO!.JS 10/31/87 Al.O 1Greg Hampton seeks information that led to release f ran jail 10/31/87 Al4 1File on Greg Hampton indicates rale of two ix>licemen 11/0l/87 AOl 2lblice 60!.f killing of oog by LR officer justifiable 11/01/87 Al7 1New lead explored in rape with which GreSQry Hanpton is chgd ll/04/87 AOl 6Brutality at NLR jail alleged against ix>lice affioer 11/05/87 AlO 5Greg Hampton' s atty 60!.fS another man na.1 target of pr 11/06/87 Al7 1Gregory Hempton mi¥ be victim of mistaken iamtity 11/0e/87 AOl 5LR pol ice reEp>nse too sla-1, J W Berefield says 11/12/87 Al4 1Richrd Lee Conley is suspect in case against Greg Hanpton 11/13/87 A09 2All seven chgs against Gregory L Ianpton to re drod 11/14/87 All 1Response time oonoerns LR Director J w Benaf ield 11/14/87 All lLR chief's rept aptEases Benafield on resp:>nse time 11/18/87 Al7 1All seven charges against Gregory L Hampton withdrawn 11/19/87 A09 1Jewel ry wor th $5,000 missing f ran Hot Springs pol ice storage 11/20/87 Al2 1F.ditor files ro1 petition wer Crawford CO i:il.eriff's reoords 11/26/87 A29 5Gregory Hempton says he is victim of LR R>lice Dept racisn 11/30/87 A07 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> Sheriffs Assn wants safeguards against AU:S 12/04/87 All 5craw ford co Sheriff, newspaper end tattle on reoords release 12/04/87 Al.2 1Gregory Hampton still fighting to clear his name 12/26/87 AlS 1roLIOMYELITISsee Di seaseIDLITICAL .ANIMALS CLUBSkip Rutherford led in organizing club 10/15/87 All 1roLITICS .AND GO!T (ARK)see also Aloohol ic Beveragessee also Constitution (Ark)see also Farkleberry Folliessee also Lee Countysee also President (US)New Year's predictions made John Brunmett Ol/02/87 A03 4213

ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.AGE CDLArticle explores role af religion in ix>l itical camp;ligns 01/04/87 COl 1Blacks in the GOP (ed on Ed Bethune effort to attract blacks) 01/04/87 C04 5Federal judge dis.nisses p:trties in Ral.Iil Forbes lcwsuit 01/16/87 Al3 1Super Tuescay would begin endless a:unp:tigning in Ark 01/28/87 A03 1Democratic fmd-raiser at LR honors Martin Luther King III 02/01/87 Bll 1Bill barring seeking off ice in midtenn fails in House 02/03/87 1\09 3senate apprares bill for Super Tuescay election d:l te 02/05/87 All 1Four proµ>sed lc:ws would inhibit running for off ice in Ark 02/08/87 COl 4<strong>Arkansas</strong> has two µ>tential presidential candidates 02/12/87 A03 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> GOP unified, grcwing, .Ed Bethune says 02/25/87 A03 5House apprares bill for Super Tuesaay presidential primary 02/25/87 All 5R>lice, firemen mew not palitick publ icly, Attorney Gen rules 02/27/87 Al4 4Cbnservative Caucus leader to sak at Harding Univ 03/20/87 A03 lFili.torials on Super Tuesday in Southern states 03/22/87 C04 1F.d Bethune sees GOP wins in state and nation 05/19/87 A03 5OUnp:tign financing Re?lblican Part-¥ is being probed 05/22./87 A22 1Legislative raCE ftmding behind probe af GOP f inanci.ng 05/22./87 A22 1GOP ix>sition on CBI11p9.ign spending explained to prosecutor 05/23/87 A08 6E.thics Code canm heaced Cllris Piza, members listed 06/10/87 AOS 1E.thics canm to stused ethics lc:w 09/10/87 AOl 3SJ;X>kesnan for Ark Realtors Assn sees no need for ethics ex>de 09/10/87 AOl 6Jody Mahorw offers advice on lobt.¥ hill, 'picky' disclosures 09/17/ffl A21 3Jodie Mahorw ix>ints out i;cOOlans in proµ>sed ethics oode 09/25/87 Al6 1Nunber a: registered voters sets reoord 10/25/87 :006 6Political climate quiet in Ark as filing period nears ll/08/87 AD7 1Jodie MahQ\' takes interest in ethics oode work 11/08/87 Al3 1Ex.I;anding soo12 of ethics proµ>sal worries sane 11/11/87 Al6 1Committtee finishes its p:trt of state ethics oode work 11/14/87 All 4214

ARKANSM> GAZE.'1'l'E JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.l(;E sed for Ark stiffer than most states ll/23/87 AOl 2Lengthy article discusses prop>sed ethics code for Ark ll/23/87 AOl 2Prop:>sed code would incl ude conflict of interests prchibition 11/23/87 A08 3Ethics oode extended to local-level lob}¥ists 11/24/87 A07 4Legislative session to oonsider ethics code unlikely in <strong>1987</strong> 11/25/87 All 1List cf likely, runored candidates for various offices in '90 12/02/87 A09 lEthics Code COnun dls loan rep>rting rule 12/08/87 A09 4Reµ.ibl ican Parcy goals in Ark discussed }¥ rx>rothy Engl ish 12/09/87 A09 1Long-range, broad-based planning lacking, Nick Wilson says 12/ll/87 A09 1Black vote arused, HQ/ard Lwe tel.ls conf 12/20/87 A07 1Article critical of sane prop:>.sals in new code of ethics 12/20/87 C03 5Pol itical season officially oi;ens in Ark 12/23/87 AOl 2Bubba llolards listed qr Jchn Brunmett 12/23/87 A07 1Coounon cause director camnents on lobqrist-legislators 12/27/87 C03 1Course of Legi s in oonsidering ethics oode predictable 12/30/87 A09 1Ethics Code Comn gives final apprwal to cunent 12/31/87 A07 1roLrrIC:S .AND GOJT (LOCAL)New law created intercprernnental council in each oounty O 8/21/87 Al 7 5IQLITIl iceIOLLSsee PUbl ic OpinionroLLUTION a>NTRCL AND ECDLOOY a:>MMISSION (ARK)see also Minessee also R>llutionsee also Waste MaterialsHearing Officer Jeff D:lvis Jr mew be in trouble wer landfill 04/18/87 ADS 1Jeff D:lvis Jr OPJ.X>sed Phyllis Garnett ltmre on landfill 04/18/87 AOS lPerformance cf. Jeff D:lvis Jr to t:e evaluated t¥ PC&E Cbnm 04/22/87 A03 5Aftennath cf a landfill rul ing (ed on Jeff Davis case) 04/22/87 Al6 1Jeff Davis Jr fired PC&E 04/23/87 001 2Jeff Davis Jr undecided on aal af his firing 04/24/87 A08 1Political interference charged Wildl ife Federation 05/02/87 Al3 1Dr fhyllis Moore resigns as PC&E director to return to UALR 07/15/87 AOS 1Paul ans named PC&E director 07/25/87 001 2Robert Blam resigns as deputy di rector af agency 07 /25/87 001 2Enviromnental

ARKANSAS GJ\Zerl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl(;E CDLState Repr Robin Wynne opp:>ses dunp site in his dist 01/09/87 A20 1Beryl <strong>An</strong>thOI¥ opp:>ses nuclear waste dunp in Cleveland County 01/10/87 BOl 2PC&E explains 'misoonptions' on Cleveland County site 01/10/87 BOS 1Jacksoil\Tille assured air free of haimful dioxin levels 01/11/87 A08 1Too early to pick nuclear waste dunp, :OC&E says 01/13/87 AOB 1Rison mor against nuclear waste dunp in area 01/14/87 BOl 101/14/87 BOl 4Experts rattl ing over Pindall landfill permit01/14/87 BOl 501/14/87 BOS sOil tank at Huntsville leaks into War Eagle Creek 01/15/87 AOl 2Southeast Ark lClolmakers OHX>se lcw-le11el. nucl ear dunp in area 01/15/87 A09 SFhyllis Garnett testifies to stringincy af Pindall revi&T 01/15/87 PJ..7 1Oil spill at Htmtiville oontained 01/16/87 ru..s 1Opp>sition to Cl.e11eland County site continues 01/16/87 A20 3Radioactive waste fran Nucl ear One stored at Russellville 01/18/87 AOl 2Editorials discuss nuclear waste plan for Ark 01/18/87 C04 1Hearing held on order directed at Diaz refinery 01/21/87 PJ..6 3itt/o landfills near Jacksoil\Tille iroJ:X>sed for Superfund list 01/24/87 BOl 4Pine Bluff COmmercial ed on nuclear waste disposal 01/25/87 C04 5Ark House of Reprs passes resolution O.Q;X>sing nucl ear dunp 01/27/87 A08 1EPA and Herculese taking over Vertac waste management 01/29/87 AOl 3State Repr Robin Wynne objects to plan for nuclear storage 01/30/87 PJ..9 lEnsoo, Inc withdraws ra:.iuest for PCB burn rate incr ease 01/31/87 A07 4EPA plans landfill near Ednondson to hald ref ine.r:y waste 01/31/87 PJ..3 2OpJ:X>sition to Pindall landfill plan oontinues 02/01/87 C04 2EPA to stay at Vertac site until solution found 02/04/87 BOl 5State Sen Janes Scott wants nuclear waste stored in Pope Co 02/11/87 BOl 1senate apprwes oounty taxing of hazaroous materials 02/12/87 ru..o 1Tax on hazaroous materials is aimed at Ensoo 02/12/87 ru..o 1:NOAA project at LR studies pollutants in acid rain 02/12/87 :001 2SAND is student orgn against nuclear waste dLinp in South Ark 02/15/87 Ml 1Pullout f ran nuclear waste cx:mp:i.ct apprwed cy- state Senate 02/18/87 ru..o 1Stuct/ finds chanical levels similar at Co:r1t1cw, Jacksoil\Tille 02/18/87 BOl 1Tests on Cor1-n=.w, Jacksoil\1 ille children shew similar results 02/19/87 BO! 2Article on Texas Eastern Pitel ine burial of KBs at Ark sites 02/22/87 AOl 5Gcw Bill Clinton, Senator Dale Bunpers oonrned about KBs 02/22/87 AOl 5P shews Texas Eastern PCB burial sites in Ark 02/22/87 A06 2Local officials surprised at neNs of Texas Eastern PCB sites 02/22/87 A06 4Safety of larlevel radioactive waste disposal discussed 02/22/87 C03 lFederal govt should keep pranise on mci.ear wastes (ed) 02/22/87 C04 3Legis p;tnel hears testimoJ:¥ on nuclear dunp sites 02/24/87 A07 1Groups oppose bill on hmaroous materials 02/24/87 A07 5La-Tren County sheriff iil\Testigates Texas Eastern a:tse 02/24/87 A09 1PCBs called no threat at Bodcaw, but migration possible 02/25/87 BOl 5State PC&E testing for PCBs at Texas Eastern sites 02/26/87 A09 1SUperfund legis changes discussed in NLR meeting 02/26/87 COl 2stuctl names sites in Cleveland, DUlas Counties for dunp site 02/27/87 ADS 1Hazaroous materials in workplare is subj ect of proµ>sed lCM 02/27/87 ru..o 3Prore of dumping of PCB in Ark added to Superfund 02/28/87 All 1Hearing off irer for PC&E recanmends voiding Pindall rmit 02/28/87 B02 1Jacksoil\Tille group prep:i.red to oonf ront tough problans 03/02/87 BOl 2State Sen Janes Scott def ends proJ:X>sal to leave cx:mp:i.ct 03/03/87 A09 1Underground nuclear waste storage called risky 03/03/87 A09 1carroll County residents file suit over 'fyson plant discharge 03/04/87 A03 4Confusion arises Oller potential sites for nuclear wastesMap shews J:X>ssible nuclear waste sites in Cleveland, Iallas216

ARKANSA5 GAZ Erl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP E CDLAct.ion cef erred on bill on notification of workplace hazards 03/04/87 All 1PCB testing at Texas Eastern pi.l ine sites tegins 03/04/87 801 2No unusual levels of PCBs found in El Doraeb residents 03/06/87 A05 1Detectable levels of PCBs found at Bald Knob compressor sta 03/07/87 Al.9 1Joint p1.nel defers bill on leaving nuclear waste canp:tct 03/10/87 Al.0 2Snall PCB trace found at Texas Eastern site at Donaldson 03/11/87 A05 4Right-tcrkncw bill enos fran ogx:>nents 05/28/87 Al.2 1Questions ranain on nuclear dunp site, Dr Phyllis Moore says 05/29/87 A08 6Questions about nuclear dunp listed cy- :Alyllis Garnett Moore 05/30/'ifl ADS 1Lake Pine Bluff rehabil itation plan aw wed 06/02/87 A02 2Ensco told to ooase discharge af PCBs 06/06/87 Al.2 6NLR incinerator relches soot on area hanes 06/07/'ifl 006 1Househal.d haz:ards collected at LR Ensco 06/14/87 Al.8 1Pine Bluff JN¥Or vr f ran plant 07/14/87 A09 5Hudson Foods closes plant in dispute with Murfreeslx>ro 07/20/87 A03 1217

ARKANSAS GAZE'l'l'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE sal on sed surface water standards criticized, praised 12/09/87 A12 6Nebraska pi.eked qr canpact for nuclear waste facility 12/16/87 A07 1Yell county site noted in criticisn of p;lce of EPA 12/16/87 A08 2Details of selection of nuclear waste si. te 12/20/87 001 2Monticello sewage plant experiments with water .l'¥acinths 12/27/87 001 2FOM, lNC218

ARKANSAS GAZEI"TE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/lGE O)LRussellville f im to make solar-ered parking metersFim exports puking meters to all parts Of worldPONIER, HARRY Lsee also Cblleges Nl9:EONIEROOA TRAJLERSChris camp and family orate Cbr.way finnIDORsee also Blackssee also Childrensee also Edlcation - Grades and Testssee also dicine and Healthsee also Pregnancy and Maternal Welfare08/16/87 DOl 108/16/87 DOl 303/06/87 COl 2see also TaxationUnion Rescue Mission ons shelter at NLR 01/12/87 001 2G1!0 rept says workfare not cutting welfare ralls massively 02/04/87 001 1Officials in Ark challenge Gro findings on workfare 02/04/87 001 1Suit filed in dalay CNer datermination Of AFDC eligibility 02/06/87 Al4 1Jefferson Cbunty chosen for state fCobe of food stamp abuse 02/19/87 002 1Food stamp measure appr01ed state House oc Reprs 03/28/87 All 3.<strong>An</strong>nual hunger hike held at Little Rock 04/06/87 A12 4state plans orderly Wff:1 to give electric fans to poor 04/10/87 Al6 5LR to set up boneless shelter with grant fran 'Hands ' 04/29/87 001 2<strong>An</strong>ti-{X>Verty agencies seek more state funds to save pr ograms 05/09/87 Al2 2NE:M agency formed to i;erfoan servic:ss Of defunct Pulaski IDA 05/17/87 AOl 2Terry Hor returns to Soott to work in anti-{X>Verty program 05/25/87 AOl 2Funds raised 'Bands' used in Ark for hungry, haneless 05/25/87 AlO 1Spi rit of Hands Across America lingers in Ark 05/25/87 AlO 1Standards dafining a i;:auper for a:>urt purposes rejected 05/30/87 BOl 4AP&L enplcyees gr CM garden to help feed the hungry 06/28/87 003 1St <strong>An</strong>drtWS Parish Hall 0011\Terted to melter for haneless 06/29/87 A06 1saint Francis House at LR pr01ides aid, social servioes 07/13/87 AOl 2St <strong>An</strong>drtWs Parish Hall beooming shelter for the haneless 08/30/87 B'.>6 1Phone di.sex>unts available to poor families without J;hones 10/07/87 A07 2Community Organization for Poverty Elimination ts di.rector 10/12/87 A09 2Joe M Hill to direct OOPE project 10/12/87 A09 2<strong>Arkansas</strong> Foodl:ank Network is working 11/05/87 A08 4Stucents oonate 25 tons of food to Foodbank Network 11/19/87 Al4 5'lhanksgiving meals offered nee

ARKANSAS GAZRrrE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE

ARKAN GAZE'!'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPM3E CDLsee R:>orArticle on Lee Cotmty i;::overcy and school problans11/15/87 AOl 2Wel fare mother of 7 at Marianna rel.ates struggle11/15/87 Al.O 3catherine Freeman or:EOVELL, EDDIERev i&T of tei:ms as mC¥or of NLR:EOYELL, JAMES 0see also N&1spapers:i=ai'ELL, RJSSELL KELLY12/06/87 :005 2see also Murders - :Ebwel.l, Russell KellyPRAIRIE GRO/E O:,CJlHFSLINE FAIRsee FestivalsFRAIRIESsee also WildernessPRroHER, LFWISsee also Trade Sd>.oal.sPRB:;NJ'.1.NCTsee BirthsPRESIIENT (US)see also History (Ark)see also Legislative Conference, southernDile B llpers must make decison soon on Presidential plans 01/04/87 AOl 2John Brumnett ool lln on possible Bunpers pr esidential race 01/06/87 A03 1Dale Bunpers keeping quiet on presidential plans 01/27 /87 A06 2Sh

ARKANSA5 GAZE.Tl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE COLIale Bumpers taking time on making decisionRidlard A Getilardt attends Dem dinner in Little RockDale Bunpers says he is close to cecision on raceTime near for Bunpers to make deci sionDale Bunpers declines to canment on plansN Y GOIT Mario CUOlno predicts Bunpers to anoounce tod:lyO>nservative leader says Bunpers chance better than ClintonDale Bunpers is master at keeping his CMn a:>unselDale Bunpers declines to seek naninationSpotlight in Ark shifts to Bill ClintonDale Bunpers ci. tes strain on family race would ca.useJohn Brumnet oolumn on llale Bunpers decision not to runPersonal appeal puts Bill Clinton ahead of other candidatesGood chance to win not eoough for Dale BunpersFlnotions mixed in Cllarleston on Bunpers decision not to runA race without Dale Bunpers in '88 (ed)Decision was not simple, Dile Bunpers saysBill Clinton would be od candidate, state legislators sayJesse Jackson visits LR, says South is his for the takingJesse Jackson speaks to tx>th house of Ark LegislatureBill Clinton in.rited to New York foruns for amdidatesBeryl <strong>An</strong>thorw says Bill Clinton can prrt hust:and' s decisionBill Clinton an&1ers questions on foreign policyDemocratic Parcy strategist says Bill Clinton is viableWrong year for Bill Clinton to seek presidency, Gazette saysClinton cautions South on use of veto in candidate choiceDecisiveness of. Bill Clinton questioned reporter Brunmett<strong>Arkansas</strong> will not be neglected cy candidacy, Clinton VOtlSNew Hampshire gives warm welcane to Bill ClintonLottie Shackelford denies rale in plan to thwart JacksonNew Hampshire trip finds Bill Clinton no closer to c"EcisionBill Clinton would have support af Dale BunpersSkip Rutherford canments on Clinton drew canpl.aintsNew Hampshire Democrats impressed with Bill ClintonBill Clinton would have backing of Tamey RobinsonNot too ooncerned about finances, Bill Clinton saysBill Clinton expresses ooncern for Gary Hart fanilyHart tackers urging him to run, Bill Clinton saysAide says Dale Bunpers will not enter raceGary Hart' s withdrawal gives Bill Clinton extra timeBill Clinton discusses possible entry into raceDav id Pryor says Bill Clinton should seek naninationBill Clinton disputes Neweweek report that he is candidateBill Clinton likely to enter rare, John Brumnett saysFormer Gary Hart backers a:>ntacting Gw Bill ClintonGeorge Bush race in Ark to headed Jc:iln P Hammerscbmidt03/13/87 AOl 203/14/87 AO! 403/14/87 A09 103/15/87 A03 103/16/87 001 503/19/87 AOl 403/20/87 A03 103/20/87 A03 103/21/87 AO! 203/21/87 AOl 203/21/87 AOl 603/21/87 A03 103/22/87 A03 103/22/87 All 103/22/87 All 203/24/87 AlO 103/29/87 AOl 503/29/87 A07 103/31/87 001 204/01/87 Al.2 304/05/87 A03 l04/09/87 A08 504/09/87 001 504/13/87 A03 104/14/87 AOl 604/14/87 A03 l04/15/87 AOl 304/15/87 A04 604/16/87 AOl 204/17/87 Al3 404/18/87 A03 404/19/87 Al3 104/19/ 87 C02 104/22/87 A03 104/22/87 A03 104/23/87 AOS 104/27 /87 AOl 604/27/87 AOS 104/2&187 A09 104/30/87 A07 105/01/87 A03 105/03/87 Al6 205/05/87 A09 505/06/87 A03 105/08/87 A20 305/09/87 AOl 405/09/87 A03 105/10/87 A03 105/10/87 A06 505/12/87 A03 305/13/87 AOl 205/13/87 A03 105/15/87 A08 405/15/87 Al3 5222

ARKANSA'> GAZEr.l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/lGE COLBill Clinton must finish job in Ark, James Powell writes 05/15/87 A21 1Bush campaign staff in Ark revealed J P Harmnersdunidt 05/16/87 A09 1Gov Bill Clinton addresses Democratic f inanci.ers 05/17/87 AOl 2Bill Clinton says he feels cpod about his dlances 05/19/87 AOl 6Bill Clinton fears aandidacies will triviaJ. jze !1"0C2SS 05/20/87 A03 5John B rlJllllett lunn on Clinton amdi.dacy and state price 05/22/87 A03 1Boston le pcanotes nanination of Robert IX>le in LR visit 06/05/87 Al3 1state Senator Joe Yates to hed IX>le effort in Ark 06/05/87 Al3 1Bill Clinton is subj ect of half-page in Wamington Post 06/09/87 A03 1Bill Clinton p:>ncering making race 06/10/87 A03 5GOIT Bill Clinton gives speedl in Okla on world trada 06/13/87 A06 5Ark Democratic State Comm urges Bill Clinton to seek office 06/14/87 A08 5Wisconsin Democrats like Bill Clinton' s style 06/14/87 Al6 1Jesse Jackson supporters meet to discuss p:>ssible campaign 06/14/87 A16 5Clinton's new wardrobe mew signal he is in race 06/14/87 :003 5Bill Clinton has charisna, needs muse, Ernest Dumas says 06/14/87 COl 1Pat Robertron holding rally in LR 06/16/87 A03 1Pat Robertron says too late for Clinton to enter campaign 06/16/87 A03 1Bill Clinton' s new wardrobe has transparent pol itical tone 06/17/ff/ A03 1Pat Robertron rally draws 150 enthusiasts at LR 06/17/87 :001 1u s Cbnf of Mayors hears speech cy Bill Clinton 06/18/87 A03 1Bill Clinton nsin 06/21/87 A03 1Bill Clinton needs to cice on race, John Brumnett writes 06/23/87 A03 1Free tra is topic of Bill Clinton speedl to Chicago group 06/23/87 A03 3Bill Clinton adnits time getting short to make decision 06/24/87 A03 1Bill Clinton addresses indapendent businessnen in Washington 06/24/87 A03 4Montana GOil Ted Sdlwinden offers enCbrsanent to Bill Clinton 06/28/87 A17 1Bill Clinton will be mndidate, AP rep:>rts 07/02/87 AOl 2Clinton has nothing to lose running, John Brunmett SS!JS 07 /03/ff/ A03 1New York Times says GOil Bill Clinton will rwi 07/03/87 A03 4Bill Clinton talks on thanes for 1988 race 07/04/87 BO! 2Dale Bunpers says presioontial raae made for Bill Clinton 07/06/87 AlO 5Bill Clinton sets ch te to anoounce decision 07 /08/87 AOl 2Signs point to Clinton making race, John Brunmett SS!JS 07/09/87 A03 1Bill Clinton says he has me decision on p:esidential race 07/09/87 A08 2GOil Bill Clinton discusses what Democrats should cb to win 07/11/87 A03 1striking parallels between Bill Clinton, Michael Dukakis 07 /14/87 A03 1Bill Clinton ts enthusiastic response f ran Natl Counties 07 /14/87 A03 5Joe T Robinson fou

ARKAN GAZETl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.GE

ARKANSAS GAZE'I".l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJGE CDLElizabeth !)'.)le makes brief stop in LR on l:ehalf af husl:and 12/29/87 A07 2ffiF.SS MSOCIATION, l\RKANSASsee Newsi;apersPRFllfNTlVE HIDL'll:ICARE pe County Jail used to house noted state, federal innates Ol/1W87 BOl 6Tan Ferstl urges more prison facilities, not early release 01/19/87 A09 1Little Rock to charge Pulaski County for holding prisoners 01/21/87 BOB 4R>ll sh

ARKANSAS GAZ:mw:l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE

ARKANSAS GAZer!'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEOOE CDLHouse apprwes funding of three regional jails 06/05/87 All 1Texarkana files suit wer debt Miller County Q/es 06/05/87 A14 6Clc;w County Jail ordered closed for failure to meet standards 06/09/87 A02 2Crittenden County Jail conditions cited cy- us Attorney Gen 06/09/87 A02 2Cl ay County studies housing its prisoners in Missouri 06/10/87 AlS 1OlercrQtlding at Lcwrenoe County Jail could br:ing suit 06/ll/87 A07 3Miller County re:ic\7 to EBY on bill for Bi-State facility use 06/13/87 AlO 3IX>n H Snith resigns f ran Correction Board 06/18/87 All 1Panel appointed to stuc.y alternatives to prison 06/20/87 A05 1stuq,r pinel backs i•wing Pulaski County Jail 06/20/87 001 5Clay County closes jail, sends innates to Wyrme 06/23/87 A03 1Pulaski County seeks to use cbubl.e-bwlking in jail 06/24/87 COS 5Fear c£ AIIS cripples pr ison blood plasna plan 06/25/87 AlO 1Health aue to l:e prwided ty mp Healthcare Corp 06/26/87 All 1Abuse of 16-yr-old Chris Segerstran in Fayetteville alleged 06/29/87 A08 4<strong>An</strong>tibodies for AIIS found in 18 irmates 07/01/87 001 6Correction De p:lylllents to jails is sl.Q/ prss 07/02/87 A06 1Tim Hutchinson writes on prison reforms needed in Ark 07/03/87 A21 4Saint Francis House at LR is only private prison in Ark 07/13/87 AOl 21\70 steps mew be taken soon to reduce prison ccQtldi.ng 07/13/87 AOl 2Family of Laverne Sanderlin sues state Correction Dept 07/16/87 AOl 5Laverne Sander! in allegedly killed early release innate 07 /16/87 AOl 5Opening of unit to delay need for early realeases 07/18/87 001 5Correction Dept i;.ays jails for holding prisoners 07/22/87 001 2Expansion of work-release suggested cy- Repr B G Hendrix 07/23/87 All 1David C McCl inton named to state Correction Bd 07/25/87 A14 5Taniey Robinson declines cxmnent on Gravett' s chaining innates 07/28/87 AOl 3Inmates chained to trees t?tr Maski Sheriff ca.rrall Gravett 07/28/87 AOl 6Pulaski Sheriff c Gravett says his jail was wercrQtlded 07/28/87 AOl 6State Atty Gen Steve Clark says Gravett action 'bush league ' 07/28/87 AOl 6Total nunber er. pr isoners Gravett chained to trees is 50 07/2EV'87 AOl 6Winston Bi:yant calls Sheriff Gravett' s action 'irresponsible' 07/28/87 AOl 6Corrections Dept accepts prisoners in chronological order 07/29/87 A03 1Sheriff Gravett expl ains chaining prisoners on prison grounds 07/29/87 A03 1Sheriff Gravett says he mew chain more p:isoners if neoessa.i:y 07/29/87 A03 1Infringing on Robinson's COP.fright (ed on Gravett actions) 07/29/f!l A12 1G

ARKANSAS GAZET.l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP!JG E illLJefferson Q:Hmty lacks funds to build complete jail 08/13/87 Al4 1About 80 prison emplcy'ees still receiving free food 08/17/87 AOl 3Free food for anplcy'ees defen

ARKAN GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/.G E CDLcalico Rock residents opp:>se placing prison unit thereArk law on seizing fed:!ral aid to irmates under wurt rari&7Correction De?: relaxes restrictions on fanale nursesSUit Laverne Sanderl in family disnissed fed:!ral judge'J.Wo esa:ipees fran Tucker Unit quickly recapturedRoxanne Hanilton seeks early release f ran us prisonFederal judge orders officers to allQtl Death RO# inspectionPulaski Sheriff Gravett denies allegations in irmate suitPeggy Sue Ward recamnended for alternative servioe programPeggy Sue Ward to re transferred to alternative IJ:'ograml?Ulaski Cb judge to urge regional facilicy be WiltPrison at calico Rock makes sense (ed)James L M:lson fayors oontracting irmate labor to industryOpponents of unit for calioo Rock seek election on issueO>rrection Bd appro.res lending irmates $10 upon adnissionPrivate finn :i;aid for Judge D:m Venhaus trip to FloridaFoul play not found in reath a. youth at Incepenaenoe Jailstate prisons ignore ct orders on programs, judge oomplainsTrusty recants story that jailer killed Bates.rille youthPrisons should try to obey ct orders on treatment, Grt for calico Rock facil ityLR City Bd rejects resolution a:U.ling for regional. jailO>rrections Bd votes $10 for each irmate entering prisonSuit alleges oonditions unsafe in Faulkner County JailNLR city jail still unoonsti tutional, gal serv ires assertsState cuts nunber of youths held in adult jailsStatistics on juveniles d;tained in <strong>1987</strong> (gra!ils, marts)Reporters experiment with anklet bracl.et monitorsPrisons O\Tercrcwded despite OEM 70bed facilityCorrection Bd faces variety of issuas in cxxning yearmmKER FAMILYsee also Mamon GroupPRIVACY, INVASION CFsee also MadicineffilVILEGES }.ND ImJNITIFSProposed bill would give offici als limited civil inml1IlityProposal to i;rotect oorporate officers

ARKANSAS GAZEr.rE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPXi E CDLmocrOR, GEOIGE WResigns as US Atty for Eastern Dist af ArkInterview with US Atty Proctor as he i:rei;ares to mo.rePROIDCERS RICE MILLsee also Waste MaterialsPROllJCI' REO\LLS 1iND BANSsee also Mlybelline co:moreRTY04/21/87 001 205/04/87 AOl 6Joint G1nership divoroed persons has fiduci ary obligation 11/19/87 Al.7 1PROPERTY CWNERS ASOOCIATION, RJLA5KI CXXJNI'Ysee Governnent BondsPROPERTY, CDNFISCATEDArk lcw calls for sharing conf ismted proi;ercy with state 10/2&/87 AOl 2Izard Co allQls 'i;:ot' gr0t1ers to cbnate proi;ercy to oounty 10/2&187 AOl 2Valuable i:roi;ercy seized fran Izard Co marijuana gr0t1ers 10/2&/87 AOl 2PROSEXIJTOO ATIDRNEYCburts {Ark) - Circuitsee:EROOJHESISsee Hl.Jl'tan Boc\7:EROOTl'lUTIONsee also DiseaseFort Smith ixogram aimed at halting prostitutionPRO'llilD JUNCI'IONO>rrection made in spelling on signs in NLR areaPRIJIENTIAL JNaJRJ.\NCE CDMPANY OF AMERICAsee al.so InsurancemIJE'.rl', MARION Ji.BERTsee al.so Murders - Pruett, M:lrion AlbertmroR, mv m0&119/87 A09 106/22/87 A05 1see also Artsee also Cbngress (US) - Ark Delegationsee al.so Cbngress (US) - senatePSYCBIC BlENGENAPsychic Carol Pate talks on metaiiJysics, dangers of Hall0t1een 10/31/87 001 2Art Hobson says article on Pate µind:rs to superstition 11/05/87 A20 3PSYQICLCGYMurder-suicide am have mazy causes, psychologist says 11/17 /87 AOS 1PrL se Miller fCOp:>sal Ol/20/87 A06 6Opposition voiced on nEM state c£fioe bldg 01/22/87 A09 1Ne.w state cffioo bldg not justified, G:N Bill Clinton says 01/23/87 AOl 2Decision af Gcw Clinton on ne.w oanpl.ex mC¥ signal change Ol/23/87 A03 1State's rent in LR area toi;s $5.5 million Ol/24/87 A06 5John Miller's figures shGI 'Big Mac II' would save money 02/11/87 All 5Jam Miller sees long-range renefits if affioe oanpl.ex built 02/13/87 A03 lLegis panel rejects Big Mac II pr oject 02/25/87 AlO 6National Old Line Bldg owners ask about sale, lease to state 03/07 /87 Al.2 1230

ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ:lGE CDLState should te authorized to buy Old Line Bldg, pmel saysGo\1 Clinton has reservations about new offfioe bldgsPr op:>sal for 'Big Mac II' slips through cnnmitteeHouse refuses to send Big Mac bill back to cmunitteeBill on state tree, rock would thlart Big Mac II billPl an for Big Mac II makes sense, Searcy Daily Citizen saysMac II cost analysis shews savings would oane in 25 yearsHouse tromoes prop:>sed 'Big Mac II'State Building Services made error in 'Big Mac II ' estimatestate Real Estate Carm to ronstruct bldg near capitolRJBLIC EMFLOYEFS (ARK)PERS apprwes policy to diversify 5 pct of p:>rtfolioPUBLIC EMELOYEFS RE!'IREMENT SYSTEM (ARK)see G01Terrment Bonds and Investmentssee South Africasee Stocks and BondsRJBLIC HCIJSOOsee HousingPUBLIC LIBRARIESsee LibrariesRJBLIC OPINION SUWEYSsee also PrisonsBailey p:>.11 on lottery, tax prop:>salsResicents polled on 001.ans facing state ct <strong>Arkansas</strong>O'.>mprehensive Social and Eoon Survey of <strong>Arkansas</strong> findingsSllll!llary of findings on social and eoon surveyBailey Poll on Reagan, Nolan Richardson, UA-ASU athleticsComprehensive Social and Eoon Survey of <strong>Arkansas</strong> findingsF.ducation is of most ronoern to Ark voters, p:>ll shewsRJBLIC SOICXLSsee EducationIUBLIC SER\TICE es not seek Wamington jobHol iday :invitation sent in PSC emel.oRJBLIC UTJLITIFSsee al.so Electric P

ARKANSAS GAZ EITE INIEX 19ff7DATEPJGE sed for Pulaski County 04/13/87 AOS 1Judge l))n Venhaus pr oµ>ses surcharge to replace sales tax 07/01/ffl Al3 1Incane tax surcharge suggested Judge Venhaus 07/17/87 AlO 1Judge Venhaus gets sane suwcrt for incane tax surcharge plan 07 /26/87 :007 1Quorun ct to cx>nsicer 10 pct inCXJile tax surcharge 07 /29/ff'l A03 1Tax pro:i;x>sal of County Judge l))n Venhaus killed JPs 08/05/87 AOl 2Senator Max HCMell says he has reen supportive af Venhaus 08/06/87 BOl 4Don Venhaus blanes Sen Max HCMell for 'strangl ing' finans 08/06/87 COl 4Judge IX>n Venhaus clarifies statenent on Max HCMell 08/08/87 Al4 6County needs reform, not tax rise, John Pagan says 08/16/87 C03 1Intergovernnental council discusses co-orative efforts 08/21/87 Al 7 5Max Haqell res:i;x>nds to l))n Venhaus' criticisn 08/22/87 A05 3Merget of govts possible anBV"er to funding dilenma 10/04/87 :007 1RJL.ASKI

ARKANSAS GAZEI'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPPG E ra <strong>An</strong>na Graz iani and her hCln radioKUAF at Univ of. <strong>Arkansas</strong> nearing 100 ,000 watts of erWGSDILL, IDYsee also Medicine Ag8RAILOOAOOsee also R'>llutionAmtrak depot at LR m relocate in NLRContr011er&y Oller Amtrak depot location at LR cx>ntinuesFederal restrictions ooul.d canpl icate plan to m011e LR depotTrain riders enoorse m011ing LR hntrak stationMissouri Pacific, plaintiffs end long-running bias suitNLR M:lyor Hartl>lick makes pitdl for .Amtrak depotRiverfest dunn oi;p>ses Amtrak mC11e to Statehouse Comr CenterMeeting at office of LR City Mgr on Amtrak upsets Tan Prince'lhree group; oa;ose Amtrak depot in Riverfront Park Centerstate says regulations cpvern Amtrak mC11eJmtrak studies mmber cf o};t:ions for sal to mC11e cepot to Riverfront ParkEngine at Little Rock zoo wrap.[Ed to IX'eserve it<strong>Arkansas</strong> group seeks to save rail lines in stateCost of proposed conunuter &ystan at LR pit at $15 millionProposed canmuter service at LR has enthusaisn, not fundingSeveral vandil. isn incidents rep:d at Jacksonvillemtrak officials look over cepot sites at LRJlntrak narrcws

ARKANSAS GAZm-rE JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLUnion Pacific disregarded cwn plan in derailment at NLR 07/14/87 A03 1Four cars derail in Union Pacific yards at NLR 07/23/87 A09 3Train strikes, kills 2 persons lying on tracks near Alexander 08/24/87 A03 2Teen-agers killed at Alexanard of i;rivate fdn listed10/18/87 A09 1FUnd familiar to seekers of Razorback ticketsProgram keei;s Razorback programs in the blackRE1G.AN, OCNPLD<strong>An</strong>gel ina Weaver, 12, meets president at White HouseREAL &STATE10/19/87 AOl10/19/87 AOl10/03/87 A07251see also G01Terrment Bonds and Investmentssee also HousingRevi&1 of major activities in LR during 1986 01/01/87 COl 2Prop:>sal mare to increase transfer fee 02/03/87 C02 1Bill in Legis prop>ses mandatory continuing ed for real.tors 02/07/87 A09 6Senate i;aw enoorses House bill increasing transfer fee 02/26/87 AlO 4House i;asses bill nquiring continuing educ for salesnen 03/03/87 A08 3Senate appro.res d>ubling of transfer tax 03/04/87 AlO 5MJntioello businessnan loses real estate 1 icense 03/ll/87 C03 5Justin Matth&1s III retires fran Metrop>litan Trust Cb 05/20/87 COl 2HUD seeks halt to Kilc,;pre sale of land for ooal developnent 05/22/87 A07 2Commercial developnents turning us 67-167 into shoi:pi.ng area 05/24/87 DO! 1General Properties, Inc is i;art of Matth&1s family haldings 05/24/87 DOI 1Matthe1s Miles is name apPLied to us 67-167 strip at NLR 05/24/87 DOI 1Matth&1s family's Metrop:>l itan Trust developed Matth&1s Miles 05/24/87 DOl 1Assets of Kilgore f inns, nine individuals fraz:en ct order 06/05/87 AlS 1Judge took extraordinary act.ion in case of ooal lands 06/07 /87 Al9 1Federal Grand Jury indicts 3 in alleged coal-lands schane 06/17/ff"/ ADS 1o enter guilty pleas in ooal mine case 06/24/87 AlO 5Bertsil L Snith pleads guilty to ooal lands sdiane 06/25/87 002 lUnion Pacific still has large tracts of unsold Ark land 10/14/87 COl 2Lots at LR with river vi&1 bring preniun prires of $259,500 10/18/87 DOl 4Land cwned Willian Dillard Sr soUnds 11/25/87 A09 4Average per acre value

.ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEProE CDLREN. ESTATE CDMMISSION (ARK)see also Puhl ic Bllilding.gREALIDRS ASSOCIATION, ARKANSASsee also :EOliticsREN3CN smmm wsee also Cburts (US) - District of F.astern ArkREX:'ALL (ELEO'IONS)see Local GOl/ernnentRECALLED PROIDCl'Ssee Product Reca1lsREXIIBATIONsee ParksRECREATION VEHICLE'SProµ>sed PlN legislation m prOl/e oontrwersial.Trial begins in lcwsuit over NN rider's inj ury in Miller CoYamaha fmmd not liable for accident with A'1V in Miller Costate ranks 6th in US in A'lV-related deathsEighteen rsons died in Ark sinre 1984 in A'N accidentsRED mosssee also StormsRED RIVERsee Riverssee also RoadsREED, ROIERICl< Dsee also BanksREED, ROYDiscusses recent firing of editor at Pine BlUff commercialREHlB Il.ITATION SERVICES DIVISION (ARK)see Hunan Serv ires Dep:i.rbnent (Ark)RELIGIONsee also Alamo Christian Fotm.chtionsee also Assemblies of Godsee also Bap:ist Churchsee also Olthal ic Qiurchsee also

ARKANSAS GAZ Er.l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllG E CDLrav idson campground has 103-year history 07 /25/'in Al6 4several campneetings planned 1:¥ various gro 07/25/87 Al6 4Brangelist James Robison interviEWed at LR 08/29/87 A09 1Mixture of rel igion, UA football criticized Brian Balton 08/30/'in C03 1Statistics on i;ay for ministers 10/12/87 A06 1James Larson article on funcemental ists and conservatives 10/13/87 AlS 3Dr Martin E Marcy speaks on religious libercy in Hendr ix talk 10/18/87 Al4 4Survey 1:¥ <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette shews range af p:tstors' salaries 10/19/87 A08 1James Larson statements dlalled Robert Kerry Bermett 10/23/87 A20 3Jeff Henoorson responds to James L Larson on fundamentalists 11/03/87 Al3 1RELWC MANUFACIURIN:; CDEents fim1 to mo.re into old Levi factory at WymeREMnGIDN ARM> CDLayoff of 160 enplC¥eeB at Laioke plant plannedREi:ROIXJCl'ION (HUMAN)<strong>Arkansas</strong> ooupl.e iI1\1olved in oourt suit with surrogate motherBarry and Glinda Huber file suit to g:iin custody af twinsLaura Ellen Yates, a surrogate mother, is carrying twinsLinda Yates seeks to keep twins fathered 1:¥ Barry HuberYates ooupl.e live in Michigan, Huber oouple in <strong>Arkansas</strong>Rights of father at issue in suit 1:¥ Barry HuberSurrogate mother Laurie Yates gives birth to twinsFather of Laurie Yates wants twins kel;C in family'!Wins oorn to Laurie Yates released f ran hospitalHul:ers get i:ermission to visit twinsHuber case is example of serious nature of. surrogacy<strong>Arkansas</strong> has pioneering statute on surrogate motherhoodLaurie Yates says she decided giving up infants not moralBible :t:eanpted her oocision, Laurie Yates saysScience ahead of law, Dr Raouf Hal writesJudge rejects ra:;iuest af Hubers for more time with blinsLaurie Yates seeks damages f ran Barry and Glinda HuberBarr:y Huber wins 2 legal p:>ints against surrogate motherBarry Huber gains more visitation rights with twinsRERJBLICAN PARTYsee PoliticsRE.Sm/OIRSsee LakesRESCRTS AND SPASsee also River Viav Paradisesee also Taryard Springs VillageRESTAURANTSsee also <strong>An</strong>derson' s cajun WharfRock Cicy Qlfe oi:ens at Ringo and Markham in LRTastee Freei;

ARKANSAS GAZEil'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPK;E CDLWhatta-Burger at Russellville rolls back prices for anniv 11/26/87 PJ.7 1CornIBrison of receipts of classier restaurants in central Ark 11/30/87 COl 1REl'Ail., GOOCERS ASSOCIATION, ARKANSACbnvention held at LRREl'AIL SlOR&S06/01/87 001 4see also Dillard DeIBrtment Stores, Incsee also Eoonanic Conditionssee also Real Estatesee al so Turner Bendsee also Wal-Mirt Stores, IncSouthwest City Mall at LR sol d to Flake groupstore in LR specializes in American Indian itansIntimate app:irel shop; abound at Little RockPark Plaza ShoH;)ing Center reing rebuiltLoehmann' s opms in LR with large crcwdJeff er son Square at Pine Bluff d>es well despite cx:mpeti ti onUniversity Mall at LR to get $15 million expansionNorthwest <strong>Arkansas</strong> Mall at Fayetteville has 95 storesStrawn' s furniture store in LR closingMajor mall in west LR is in planning stageProp:>sed mall in west LR not welcomed cy- allDevelopnent of mopping malls at LR reviEWedLR Planning Cooun appr01es plans ty '!he Sl1111I1it shopping mallArticle on mcrj or mall bldg projects at LRStmnit oonstruction would entail IOOIT ing a hillFeature on The Pines shopping mall at Pine BluffK Mart closing Central Ave store in Hot SpringsBarnett Bros at Bate91 ille closing after 102 yearsSl.ITilllit f im has tie to famed ts in US 09/08/87 002 4Mountain Hane area ranks high for retiranent 09/08/87 002 4Bot Springs to tout its rating as retiranent center 09/10/87 PJ.4 5Article on Ark as land of reti rement opr.ortunity 11/18/87 001 2Influx of retired people tx>on to state eoonaey 11/29/87 003 1SurvE.¥ finds 3 maj or attractions in Ark for retirees ll/29/87 003 1SurvE.¥ in 3 counties shews retired avg net worth a. $194 , 713 12/14/87 COl 1RWIVPLSsee ReligionREYNCLOO METALS


ARKANSAS GAZerrE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ'GE CDLLQ>le family still working to make Red River navigableConservationists announce drive against Lee Creek damPhyllis Moore

ARKANSAS GAZEr.l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIG E ckerrum, I):!loressee also Murders - Warren, Harley Vstolen uring of support reassures theft victim, 99 04/04/87 A20 lBrothers Wesl.£¥ and Eddie Sipes chgd in cattle thefts 04/10/87 Al8 4'Ihiwes take 140-yr old bell fran Gassville dmrch 05/17/87 A02 2Coins, jewelry stolen fran hotel roan at LR 06/14/87 AOl 4Trucker chgd with $250 ,000 theft of goods f ran Wal-M:lrt 06/26/ffl 'PJ.7 1Len Blaylock attacked, robbed wanan at Litt.le Rock 08/10/87 A07 1'lhree arrested in alleged stolen au ring operation 08/12/87 001 4state Trooper Walter V Johnson p..rt: on leave in fund pr 08/18/ffl A03 1state Trooper Walter V Johnson chgd with theft of gun, money 08/19/87 AOB 1Wanan chgd in 10 ind.dents imalving taking of wallets 08/21/87 COB 5Program finds solutions to elderly shopl ifters in Craighead 08/30/87 AlO 5Trucker Malvin Stor(;y gets prison tetm, fine in Wal-Mart case 09/04/87 Al7 1River search at Olyphant yields string of stolen cars 09/12/87 001 2Officers relieve prisoner is Frank Kline 10/22/87 01 3service Merchandise burglary nets robbers $65,000 in jewelry 11/19/87 All 1Robbers of Zales at Jacksonville believed part of gang 11/29/87 BOS 1State Polire head:}uarters victim af $90 ,000 burglary 12/15/87 AOl 3RCBERSCN, JOOEl:HlNE Esee also KidnappingRmm'l5rn, BCBBIE JEPNsee also Murders - Robert.&>n, Bobbie JeanRCBER'l5CN, LARRY IEPNsee also Murders - Sanderlin, Lavernesee also PrisonsRCBERCN, PATsee also President (US)RCBERCN, WJLLIAM Asee al.so Vietnamese C.Onflict NSRm INSCN CENTEROJmmission tacks imprwanent plans for music hall 03/19/87 :002 1RCBlNSCN, auusTrnAsee also Murders - Will imis, Retecca MichelleRCBINSCN, OONsee also· R:>rnograi;:hyRB JNSCN, JOE Tsee also History (Ark)RCBlNSCN, 'IOMMYsee also Congress (US) - Ark Delegationsee also Cbngress (US) - House - Ark Dist 02240

ARKANSAC> GAZEI'm INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE CDLsee al so Murders - M:lson, M:lrjoriesee al so :Et>l iceR03ISCN, IW/Esee also Disease JylOKB ISCN, JAMESsee al so ReligionROCInald house 10/05/87 AO? 5RCOMm; Ha.JSESsee HousingROO.AK>ND, KBERT LRel i&1 of tenns as mayor of NLR12/06/87 005 1roBE LM FIRMsee also GCNerrment Bonds 5/23lnsESsee FlcwersROSS .FOU:tmTIONJane Ross cx>ntributes to g:>od works in Clark Co throu

ARKANSA':> GAZffiT!'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJGE

ARKANSAS GAZEI'l'E llIDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPKiE CDLSANID lWIDFACIURJN; CDRPFbrrest City plant lost $7 .3 million 01er 6 mos periodCl osing oven division at Forrest City will idle 375 workersArticle on reduction of enplC¥ees at Forrest City plantSARA LEE CDRPHoisecy division plant to opm at CJ..arksv illeSAffiENT, SJEFayetteville Bd to stu

ARKANSAS GAZFITE lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP}'(3E

ARKANSAS GAZET.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE llutionSEXHelp, adrice are available in Ark for sex problansSEX BIASsee also Football - CollegeSEX ClUMESsee also Families and Family Lifesee also Murders - Coats, Joseµi Louis03/05/87 1301 403/26/87 Al 707 /23/87 All1110/06/87 A07 610/09/87 PJ.O 110/10/87 AlO 210/06/87 001 6see also R>l iceNLR girl, 14, reports ra 1¥ man she knew 01/05/87 AlO 6Sheriff to reoµm pr e>b: of castration of Weyne Dumond 01/24/87 PJ. 7 5Judge disnisses FOI suit 1¥ Weyne Dumond against Crime Center 02/10/87 A09 3Sexual abuse of two girls, aged 4 and 2 fran Choctaw, reptd 02/11/87 008 lReginal Moore dlarged with sexual abuse of 9-yr-ald girl 02/14/87 002 4Abduction, rape re:r;x>rted wanan at LR 02/16/87 A09 1Youth director at Baptist Church chgd with sexual abuse 02/20/87 AfJ7 4Pa of 8-yr-ald girl charged 02/23/87 BOS 6Russell Av ery Heard conv icted of sexual sol icitation of child 02/24/87 BOS 5Girl, 14, alleges she was rad [¥ 2 teenagers at Granite Mtn 03/06/87 Al6 5Scout leader Clifford Wayne Wright faces rounts in sex case 04/02/87 AfJ9 2Clifford Weyne Wright pleads innocent to sex chgs 04/07/87 A03 6David Weyne 'lbanas chgd with ra of 4-yr-ald-gid 05/01/87 ADS 1'J.Wo arrested in ra of 12-yr-ald-gi rl at LR 05/01/87 aOS 1Lawyer seeks access to w idence in Weyne Dumond case 05/02/87 PJ.2 6Group oogins project to battle sexual abuse af disabled 05/23/87 A03 4Jcmes W Keel chgd with hanosexual ra of b-To children 05/27/87 PJ.O 4Wanan ronvicted of sexual abuse af 11-yr-ald girl 06/03/87 AlO 5O:>urt orders evidence released to Wayne Dumond' s attorney 06/06/87 A07 4Randy R r-t>oranan chgd with kidnapping, ra of male 06/24/87 A09 4Parole Officer Mi chael O' Reilly chgd with ra 07/01/87 AOB 1Michael T O' IEilly enters innocent plea to 7 counts 07/02/87 PJ.3 1Adnissibility of victim' s hearsay testimoey ufheld 07/07/87 A08 1MiC'hael O' Ieilly freed on $60,000 bond 07 /11/87 PJ.O 4Pa rount filed against HC¥t Allen Harris at LR07/23/87 A09 lFingerprints at scere match those of HC¥t Allen Harris 07/24/87 All 1Prosecutor asks action on rase of HC¥t Allen Harris 07 /28/87 AOS 1Lucille Babcock teats off man attacking wanan in neighoorhood 07/30/87 AO! 2LCMrence E Ebot faces ra chg in highly publicized case 07/31/87 AOl 2HC¥t Allen Harris to ranain free on oond 07/31/87 PJ.5 3HC¥t Allen Harris alla-1ed to stay free on oond 09/04/87 PJ.2 4Trial of HC¥t Allen Harris m test 1977 'shield' lcw 09/06/87 A22 1HC¥t Allen Harris alleges Hillcrest wanan mey have used drugs 09/10/87 A09 1HC¥t Allen Harris chgd with 2nd ra 09/11/87 AOl 4HC¥t Allen Harris ranains jailed after trial p:>stp:med 09/14/87 PJ.l 1J D Hendarson, a minister, dlgd with child ras in Po Co 09/24/87 A03 1HC¥t Allen Harris found cantent for trial 10/02/87 Al3 1Billy Joe Brunson gets life term in ra, roboory, abduction 10/0&187 PJ.2 3245

ARKAN GAZE.T.l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIG E Q)LHarvey D Mosley dlgd with rape of gid, 12Hanosexual rape oomriction of Willian Winfrey reversedRueren Harris pleads guilty to misoondlct with 13-yr-ald l:x>yAw Jurney gets life teen for raping his motherGrecpry Wilson aa;iuitted on two c:hgs of abuse of childrenSei/eral rapes rep:>rted at LRLawyer says new evidence will clear Wayne Dllnondstatenent Lrence E Foot ma.cE to police ruled inadnissibl.eE.Vidence in Wayne Dumond case brings call for hearingWayne Dunond' s purported nev evidence sti rs contrwer&yWayne Dlmlond feels certain he will get nev hearingHot Springs wanan abducted, raped, shotAssailant told Fountain Lake wanan he r, rapes wanenDarrell A Wilson chgd in kicbappi.ng, rape at Fountain Lakerence E Foot mse imralved intervention of Mrs L BabcockIalrence E Fbot corwicted of rape, gets life termDarrel Allen Wilson pleads innocent in Fountain Lake caseHC¥t Allen Harris rEquests private p&ychiatric testTed neweese, Western Ark Counsel ing and Guidance Center suedMichael T O' Ieilly denies criminal chargesMichael T o• Ieilly oorwictedSEX EilJCATIONLinooln School Dist fCWides oontraoe}.Xives, sex educProgram at Linooln High School is oontrwersialLincoln Sdlool clinic called place to rp for facts on sexSt.ate' s nev educ standuds rEquire sex educationLittle Rock Dist has sex educ pr ogram at 7th grade levelAssemblies of. God OP!X)se sex clinics in public schoolsEl D:>r aoo Schoal Supt will ap}.X pinel to ad\7 ise on sex educSm'ON, SAMsee also Legal ProcessionSHACKELEORD, LOl'l'IEsee also Little Rocksee also President (US)LR M:lyor to hike in S"'7iet mtns as put of culturalReturns f ran Soviet trip&quire tredicts Shackelford to help shape .Mleria:in societySIARP rouNTYResidents ask irqui ry of µ:act.ices of County Judge F ArnoldSIEN;, ZHEN;ZHIsee also IrwentionsSHEPPARD, LOJIS CLARKNamed distinguished al unni of Univ af ArkSHERIFH> ' ASSOCIATION, ARKANsee also Finance and Budgets (Ark)SHmMT\N, R:NRon and Sheila Sherman file

ARKAN GAZE!'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE (l)LSICES BOOlSsee · ApparelSIOOI'Im Rm'.iESsee · FireannsSHOOI'JN;Ssee also Crimesee also Murderssee al so R>l icesee also SuicideSamuel S Sp:l.rks shot fatally in accidentGunman surrenders at Paraul.d after stanooffWillian C Brickey Jr ail ing, unlikely to survive, atty saysWillian C Brickey Jr was dlgd in shooting of Todd B DillardDa.nq[ Lee Goldnan, 15, enters plea in shooting incidentAlvin D Stone faces atteni;t:ed capital murder dig at COllf/ayLiquor store a,.,ner slays fleeing robber at Mountain HaneKensett Mayor Ik>n Riller' s i;:arents shot while watdling TVz.k>tive for shooting of carthel n:m and Leotta Fuller tmkn

ARKANSAS GAZETI1E JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLRonald Simmons hane is north af lbver on Broanf ield Road 12/29/87 AOl 6Dav id Salyer, Roberta Woolery, Rusty Taylor, Jcy-ce Butts shot 12/29/87 AOS 6Accoll'lt af slayings, woundings in Russellville rosinesses 12/29/87 A06 1Photograi;hs of Ronald Gene Simmons house north of. Ik>ver 12/29/87 A06 1Kin says Ronald Gene Simmons accused of incest in New z.Exi.oo 12/30/87 AOl 2Relatives praise wife, children of Ronald Gene Sirrmons 12/30/87 AOl 2Relatives think Ronald Gene Simnons sexually abused dlughter 12/30/87 AO! 2Nine todies of Simmons family disccwered near hane 12/30/87 AOl 6SWen tx>dies found in grave, two in abanooned autos at hane 12/30/87 AO! 6Slewing toll rises to 16 with disccwe.ry of hidden tx>dies 12/30/87 AOl 6Pr OOa.ble a:iuse hearing held for Ronald Gene Simmons 12/30/87 Al.0 1Ronald Gene Simmons ordered to State Hospital for tests 12/30/87 Al.O 1Ronald Gene Simmons refuses to sak at oourt api;earance 12/30/87 Al.O 1Shells used in slayings are extra deadly 12/30/87 AlO 1Chart of Simnons family relationships 12/30/87 AlO 2List of 14 Sirrrnons family manbers found dead at Ik>ver hane 12/30/87 Al.O 2Sinunons children described as quiet 12/30/87 Al.O 2Rlotograi;hs of yot.mger Sirrmons children 12/30/87 AlO 5Sintnons family sl.cwings recalls other noted cases 12/30/87 All 1Photograµi of shal.lver area acquaintances describe Sinmons as ' odd' 12/30/87 Al.3 1Simmons slayings worst in state's history 12/30/87 Al.3 5List of other multiple slay ings in Ark 12/30/87 Al3 6Pope COt.mty killings among worst recent US mass hanicides 12/30/87 Al.4 1Funerals for McNul cys to be at Com1ay 12/30/87 Al4 5Brother, sister of Ronald Gene Simmons grant interviews 12/31/87 AOl 2J.¥stery still sur roll'lds Ronald Gene Sirrmons 12/31/87 AOl 2Ark Human Services given alert on Simmons in 1982 12/31/87 AOl 5Prosecuting Atcy John <strong>By</strong>nun to seek death peml.cy for Simmons 12/31/87 A04 1Sheriff James Bolin thinks Sinunons methodi a:illy killed kin 12/31/87 A04 1Cllange af venue to be sought for Ronald Gene Simnons trial 12/31/87 A04 4Ex-wife of Ronald G Simmons Jr was invited to fat.al gathering 12/31/87 A04 5state Hospital expedites adnission of Ronald Gene S:imnons 12/31/87 A04 6Funerals for five victims scheduled 12/31/87 AOS 1Natioml. press reprs in Russellville to oover story 12/31/87 AOS 1Sheriff James Bal.in praises media for assistance 12/31/87 AOS 1Sheriff JC1nes Bal.in, R:>l ice Chief Herb Johnston meet medi a 12/31/87 AOS 1Trust fund for victims set up at Russellville 12/31/87 AOS 1Family of Mrs Rebecca Sinunons arrive in Ark 12/31/87 AOS 2SDM>NS, BARBARAsee also Simmons Family MurdersSIMMJNS, OIRISsee also Murders - 'bnsend Familyss, EDDYsee also Simmons Family MurdersSIMIDNS, WREl'l'A248

ARKANSM> GAZ.E.T.l'E JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPro E CDLsee also Sircmons Family MurN, PMJLsee al.so Legislative Conference, southernsee also President (US)SIMPSCN, MROOsee also Murders - Simpson, AaronSJN;LE PERSCNSSingles Network at LR helps rNEYsee al.so HighwC¥ Q:mmi.ssion (Ark)Slater called a rising star in <strong>Arkansas</strong> politicsIntroduced as potenti al governor a. ArkSLEEPsee also Disease and IllnessArticle on sleep disordersSLIKER, wn..LIAM JRsee also Toxicological Research, National Center forSLOAN, mroHT "PADILEFOOT"see also Athletics D20SLOOANS RID M'.>TID&SChange of Ark state slogan suggestedChange of state slogan tacked cy- state travel agencySMACIDTEREbrmer boan tavn chys depicted in muralSMACXNER SQI()(L DISTRICTsee Education - Boards of E'.ducationSMALL CLAIM:l CDUR.ISsee Courts (Local)SMALL, Ill\.VIDsee also z.t.irders - Ritchie, MarvmSMILEY, WALTER Vsee also Systanatics, IncSMITH (ELNA M) FOONOO.TIONsee also Hotels06/04/87 COl 203/30/87 AOl 405/22/87 A06 512/09/87 :001 204/09/87 Al 7 505/22/87 A22 608/08/87 :001 2249

ARKANSAS GAZElTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLSMITH, CLAREITA ELIZllBEnHsee also Murders - Snith, Claretta ElizabethSMITH, OON HIesigns f ran state Con:ection BoardSMI'IH, ELMERFamed coach has long histor:y af wercaning medical problensFormer Southern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Univ ooach di.es at age 79s-II'IH, GrolGE ROSEHides message in last legal opinion he wroteSMI'IH, GRIFFINsee also Cour ts (Ark) - &lprene CourtSMITH, JACK Esee also CollegesSMI'IH, MAURICEsee also Highwey and Transportation Dei;C (Ark)see also RoadsSMITH, S'TELLA BOYLEI:>nates $1 million for <strong>Arkansas</strong> Olildren' s Hosp and UAl-5SMITH, WAYNEsee alsoSIDK:m;di.cine Agl2see TotaccoSNELL, RICHARD WAYNEsee al so Murders - Stunpp, Williansee also Vigilantes My6 fo'.til3 Jy23SNO'l RID SNCl'lFALLsee WeatherSNUFFsee Tota.cooSNYIER, LARRYsee also AthleticsSNYDERMAN, NANCYsee also TelevisionSOCIAL SEXIJRITYcourt rule on non-severe inj uries will not imµict ArkSOci.al Securicy Adn rule uglasSa..ID WPBTESsee Waste MaterialsSCliGSsee MusicSClJ'IH AFRICAArk Sen appr01es divestiture af i;ension funds iI11TestmentsArk House cf Reprs apprwes divestiture billPERS relaxes policy to allcw investment in South AfricaSClJllH CENmAL CAREER CDLLB3E06/18/ 87 All 107/26/87 FOl 108/06/87 DOB 301/17/87 AOl 205/21/87 AlO 206/13/87 All 106/13/87 All 102/07 /ffl A09 305/16/ffl Al 8 101/23/87 A09 101/2&/87 AO? 110/29/87 All l250

ARRAN GAZEl'l'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLsee Trade Sdloal.ssrom CDNi/AY CIXJNTY S

ARKANSAS GAZETI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJl.GE CDL<strong>Arkansas</strong> Spelling Bee dlamp is Jim Kane IIISHUNX MINil'G, INCFort Smith is hane office of. Alaska gold mining finnSPINIOIsee AgricultureSPINIOI CAPITALsee AlmaSIDR'lS Hl\LL CF mME, ARKANSASsee AthleticsSIDR'lSCAS'!ERS Pl-ID SIDR'ISWRITERS ASSOCIATION, NATIONR.,Ark chapter d111inated by Channel 7 anpl.C¥ees, article saysPaul F.el.s, Wally Hall to win awards, Rlul Johnson predictsDale Nicllalson instructs members not to vote for Paul EelsSffiOODALEsee also Aviation04/12/87 A03 108/02/87 DOl 307/17/87 Bl.O07/17/87 Bl.O1107 /23/87 004 1see also stormsLavsuit challenges sanitation fee on two grol.Dlds 01/21/87 008 3City settles lcwsuit, agrees to sol icit garb:ige servioe bids 09/10/87 A09 4SffiOODALE SOIOCL DIS'lRICl'see Education - Adninistratorssee Education - Teaching MethodsSffiOOHlLL WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMsee also BcyantST ANIEEWS CA'lHEmllLsee also R>orST FRANCIS ClXJNTYSheriff Dive Parkman is contrast to Cool idge ConleyEx-Sheriff Cool idge Conley finds no joy in retiranent'lhree indicted in arson fires at 3 gasoline stations'!Wo plead guilty in schane to burn gas stationCrime probe effect is oppressive, CX>l.Dlty judge saysAl.tert Le,.ris discounts aIV link to Coolidge Conlee in arsonAlbert Le,.ris sentenced in arson at Widener servioe stationsJournalist Jack Hill, officers discussed alleged corruptionST FRJ'NCIS HClJSE (LITl'LE ROCK)04/06/87 AOl 204/06/87 AOl 605/21/87 Al.5 405/27 /87 A05 105/27 /87 C03 108/13/87 A03 609/29/87 A09 110/21/87 Al.0 4see al so Rx>rsee also PrisonsST mMICB NATIONPL EORESTsee ForestsST JCJIN' S C'A'IHCLIC CENTERsee also HousingST VINCENT INFIRMARYsee dicineSTADIUMS l'ND ARENASProµ>sal made for $2 surgcharge on UA tickets at War Memorial. 01/06/87 AlO 1war Mamorial. would te imprwed with surcharge fl.Dlds 01/06/87 AlO 1war Memorial. ngr Harald Steelman faces old problans 04/25/87 COl 2Expansion of. War Memorial being studied by legis pirmel 08/26/87 AOl 2Frank BrC¥les tel.ls p:inel War orial. rep:lirs neered first 08/26/87 AOl 2Larcy Lacewell tells p:mel. War :r-Bnorial has enoucjl seats 08/26/87 AOl 2Ardlie CoolE¥ seeks new stadiun for Univ af Ark at Pine Bluff 12/ll/87 D07 1STAFFORD SOIOCL DIS'IRICl'see Ecilcation - ConsolidationSOOECDACEES AND C'ARROOES252

ARKAN SAC:; GAZ :m'rE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl!GE CDLLush buggies shcased in Fort Smith storeSTAMPS SCBCXL DISm!Cl'see Ed.lcation - Student CondictSTAMPS, :EOSTIGEsee stage StampsSTANroRD SCBOCL DIS'lRICl'see Education - Consol idationSTARK MANUFACIURIN3, INCParts f iIID to opm plant at ParisSTARR, BELLEFlorence WilE¥, a Starr

ARKAN GAZE'I'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl(;E CDLsee also Ste,Eilens Si;x>rts Management, IncSTEWARD, mv IDsee also O:>ngress (US) - House - Ark Dist 03S'l»lART, CHARLESHonored UN..RSl'Il..&S, WlLSCNsee also Heritage De,Earbnent (Ark)S RIDBCNmsee also Bankssee also Gwernnent Bonds and InvestmentsState Seruri ties canm ailled understaffedIecketeering allegations di.aniseed in thrift' s suitArk oorporations have raised billions throu junk rondsSEln Walton undaunted stock market nosediveLittle Rock b:okers advise ir.westors to sit tightState i;:ension funds watch ir.westments slip as market divesPanicky custaners soothed brokers at Little RockWall Street pinic f oroes <strong>Arkansas</strong> stocks lQrierState i;:ension systens lose CNer $250 million as stocks diveDillard Depirbnent Stores lose as Wal-Mut posts gainsArk fiims tuying their Qtln stock while priae is lQriMost <strong>Arkansas</strong> stocks rebound fran decline<strong>Arkansas</strong> stocks take a beating on Wall streetPerformance af Ark stocks during current chaotic marketArkansa&-ba.sed f inns rolling with the pmches in marketTen in Ark hit with big losses in nosedive of stock marketArticle cl.aims LR has sane fly--night brokerage f innsEight LR securities f inns subject of serious oonpl aintKansan ronf inns LR securities finns subj ect af in:}uir:yBeverly Bassett cmmtends LR ir.westment fiIInSFive LR f iIInS accused in failure c£ two Kansas mnksArk Teacher Retirenent &'ysten lost $119 million in declineBcMman and Co furious at charge Kansas ratorDel ta Financial Investment Corp closed, rerords shQlKansas tank officials not retracting c.hgs against BQriman CoKansas yet to find link of BQriman and Co to tank failures RID BCNm - INVES'!OR lNIEXES (ARK)01/04/Dl0/4 01/ll/Dl0/4 01/18/Dl0/4 01/25/012/402/0l/Dl3/4 02/08/014/l 02/15/012/4 02/22/Dl3/403/08/014/4 03/15/012/4 03/2z!Dl4/4 03/29/Dl2/404/05/012/4 04/lz!Dll/4 04/19/009/4 04/26/012/405/03/014/4 05/10/012/4 05/17/Dl2/4 05/24/Dl0/405/31/Dll/4 06/07/012/4 06/14/012/4 06/23/Dl0/406/28/010/ 4 07 /05/DlO/ 4 07 /lz!Dl3/ 4 07 /19/Dll/ 407/26/Dl3/4 08/02/Dl0/4 08/09/Dl2/4 08/16/012/40 8/23/012/4 08/30/011/1 09/06/Dll/ 4 09/13/Dll/l09/20/Dll/l 09/27 /Dll/l 10/04/DlO/l 10/11/Dll/l10/18/013/1 10/25/Dll/l ll/02/C07/l ll/09/C06/4ll/16/C08/l ll/23/C05/1 ll/30/C07 /1 12/07 /C07 I 412/14/COS/4 12/21/C05/l 12/2e{C05/l .AND BCNm - MARKET SUMMARIFS (ARK)01/04/010/4 01/ll/Dl0/4 01/18/Dl0/4 01/25/012/402/0l/Dl3/4 02/08/014/4 02/1!¥'012/4 02/22/013/403/08/014/4 03/15/Dl2/ 4 03/22/014/4 03/29/Dl2/405/13/87 A13 102/24/87 COl 306/02/87 A05 109/04/87 COl 510/20/87 AOl 210/20/87 ADS 110/20/87 A08 110/20/87 AO 8 210/20/87 AO 8 410/21/87 AOl 410/21/87 AOl 610/22/87 AOl 310/22/87 AO 8 310/23/87 AO 8 610/25/87 DOl 210/25/87 DOI 410/27/87 COl 311/12/87 C03 111/13/87 COl 511/14/87 COl 511/15/87 001 111/17 /87 COl 511/18/87 A16 611/18/87 COl 511/20/87 C03 511/21/87 C02 512/30/87 COl 3254

ARKANSAS GAZE'.L'I'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPP.GE CDL04/0Dl2/405/03/Dl4/ 405/31/Dll/406/28/DlO/ 407 /26/Dl3/ 408/23/012/409/20/Dll/l10/18/Dl3/l11/16/COB/l12/14/C05/4mmsv04/12/Dll/405/10/012/ 406/07/012/407 /05/DlO/ 408/02/Dl0/408/30/Dll/l09/27 /Dll/l10/25/Dll/l11/23/COS/l12/21/C05/l04/19/009/ 405/17/012/406/14/012/407 /12/013/ 408/09/012/409/06/011/ 410/04/DlO/lll/02/C07 /1ll/30/C07 /112/28/COS/104/26/Dl2/ 405/24/Dl0/406/21/Dl0/407 /19/Dll/ 408/16/Dl2/409/13/Dll/l10/ll/Dll/lll/09/C06/412/07/C07/4Benton CXInpuy proclloes cxmc:rete lcwn decorationsSIDRl-5 RID TOmAOOESTrees, bldgs damaged winds in Lee countyLittle Rock damaged 4 8 nq:h w.indsUp to 20 ,000 lose el.ectricicy as weather bltters stateCllart of killer tornaunty declared a disaster arearenpiis generous with aid for West MampiisDisaster relief expert to aid West Memibis officialsRed Cross has spent $350,000 in West .t-enpiis aidTornad:> leaves lasting mark on West MemfilisWest b!.i;ilis tornad:> v ici tims share meal0 4/30/87 COl 202/16/87 A02 203/01/87 AOl 503/01/87 Al.O 203/01/87 002 403/10/87 A07 504/14/87 AOl 304/15/87 001 505/30/87 A07 506/0l/87 A09 106/03/87 AO 8 406/04/87 Al8 106/21/87 A07 106/24/87 All l08/19/87 001 409/17/ffl 001 212/1W87 AOl 212/16/87 AOl 212/16/87 AOl 612/16/87 Al4 l12/16/87 Al4 112/16/87 Al4 312/16/ffl Al4 412/16/ffl 001 212/16/87 001 312/16/87 001 412/17/87 AOl 212/17/f!l A04 112/17 /ITT A04 512/17/87 AOS l12/17/'0l AOB l12/17/87 COl 312/18/87 AOl 212/18/87 AOl 212/18/87 Al.6 112/18/87 Al.6 412/19/87 A09 512/19/87 A09 612/20/87 AOl 312/20/87 AOS 212/20/87 AlO 112/21/87 AOl 2255

ARKANSAS GAZEPI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEE CDLDisaster aid sought 430 at West Mem{ilisstate aid for West Mem{ilis victims increasedMa.IV at West Manftlis mew fear seeking aid, official. saysChristmas tcy-s cEl ivered to West Mem{ilis childrenGOl7 Bill Clinton cel.ivers dlecks to West Mem{ilis victimsWest Mem{ilis victimes t $125,000 fran state ftmdGannett Fdn apprwes two grants for West MemhisAuthorities disoomt warning about stress-related traunaGoll Clinton seeks $1.16 million aid for Crittenden CountySIORYI'ELLIN3Juc\7 lbckery Yo ung is expert stmytellerSIDlER, WRTISsee also Birth Control and AbortionS'lRNJ SS, SAM SRWill names 6 to share estate af $455,000SIRJWN' S IECDRMOR WAREHaJSEsee Retail StoresS'IRESS JN HUMANSsee Childrensmmssee also Education - Teacherssee also Fc:tvorite Check Printers, Incsee also International Paper Cosee also LTJ Aerospace and Defense CoS1m0'1HER, RAYMOND Dsee also President (US) Jyl 7S'IUMPP, WILLIAMsee also Murders - stunpp, WillianS'llJIDIVPNT, GARYsee also M.lrders - sturdivant, GuyS'lUTIGARTsee also Econanic conditionssee also Econanic Devel.opnentS'IUTJGART SQIOCL DIS'IRICl'see Education - TeachersSJCCESSWanca Fincher wins Clairol Take Charge JWardSJFEOCATIOOsee AsphyxiationSJ I CI IEsee also .Markle, JamDudanelle High School student kills himself on cmnpusLittle Rock youth, 12, takes his own lifeJonesboro 9th gradeer S'loots himself in classseveral cases of shootings at sdloal.s have occurred recentlySJITS AND CLAif-5see also Alamo Christian Fotmc:Btionsee also Asbestossee al so BanJcssee also Bars and Night Clutesee also lesoo Industries, Incsee also Church af Christsee also Drugssee also Ed.ication - student Conduct12/22/87 AlO 412/24/87 AOl 212/24/87 A08 112/25/87 Al3 312/25/87 Al3 312/25/87 Al3 312/25/87 Al3 612/25/87 A27 112/30/87 A09 611/29/87 AlS 101/10/87 Al.2 512/23/87 :001 202/12/87 A15 404/02/87 A05 105/07 /87 AOS 105/07/87 A05 1256

ARKAN G.AZFITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>see also E

ARKANSAS GAZETrE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DA.TEP/JGE CDLllmgers in use af tanning salons pointed outUJ\LR Cbadl Mike Newell uses tanning salon to keep gl.QolFDA offers sane adv ioe on use cf. tanning salonsSJ:EER 1 FOOISsee :Rlill ips O>SU:EER se nanination of Rotert BorkPatepiyers Fight Bork orgn fooned in ArkflJRKGATE ID'JHERSsee Reproduction (Hunan)SUHTEYSsee l\lbl ic OpinionSUHTIVALISTSsee VigilantesrusmcrED CllllJD ABUSE RID NfilLECl' (OCAN)see Oti.ldrenSolRidlard Kersh to a ttenpt 91 im around Manhattan IslandIboto of Richard KershS

ARKANSAS GAZE'.I'11E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATE!YGE

ARKANSA'3 GAZErm lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!G E ax,Cllanber of Omnerce, rosiness groups want oorp tax privacyTax on TV cable services challenged in oourtGo\1' Clinton did not get AP&L, Arltla cllta fran state filesMore groups join foes of disclosure c:£ oorporate tax paid'lax pol icy leaves Ark near lx>ttan in cpvt servicessenate not likely to dlange closed reoord on oorporate taxMeasure to opm corporate tax reoords i;asses HouseJohn Brumnett CX>l. unn on vote to keep oorporate taxes seer etsenate buries i;coposal to reopm oorporate tax reoordsSenator Lu Hardin sought to reopm oorporate tax recordsRiverside Furniture loses challenge af use tax'lax Reform CDmt hea.ardsPoJ;X.llaricy of sales tax graiing in Ark as re1enue sourceTax Reform Comn wants same no of votes for legis to i;ass taxMiller Cotmty fatmers plan suit o.rer tax rate on their land<strong>Arkansas</strong> Electric CO-operative Corp seeks tax reductionSchool dists with AECC plants og:ose tax reductionProperty tax heads 1 ist of cnnplaints, cx:mmittee findsTax Reform Qmn wants amdt to allQI/ thre&-fifths voteVoters mcv get O:RX>rtuni cy to amend oonsti tution on taxesSurvt¥ reports maiv oonf used alx>ut taxes, tax pal icyTAXIOIBSDress oode imposed for White cab drivers at LRCOmpl aints me alx>ut appearance of LR cars, driversCol'lrlay loses taxi serviceFederal gcwt subsidies for senior ci. tizens vans attackedCol'lrlay regains service with help fran cityTAXIIERMYLari:y F Winston uses freeze-dry method to :EZeserve animalsTAYLOR, EREDsee also Colleges Jyl BTAYLOR, JCsee al.so BooksTAYLOR, RJssaLsee also Sinmons Family MurdersTCBY WTERHUSES, INCNet incane up 156 pct in fiscal yearFi DR expands marketing into canadaReµ>rter tours plant at DtllasFiIIn o sooth storestock j \IIld more than 25 pct last weekFarrdngs j unp of 66 pct reportedStock to be split 3-for-2 next monthFrandlise G1ners discuss their success with stores05/30/87 AOB 405/30/87 Al2 405/31/87 A03 405/31/87 A04 605/31/87 COl 106/04/87 A03 106/04/87 All 306/05/87 A03 106/05/87 All 306/05/87 All 306/09/87 A09 506/10/87 AOS 106/15/87 A07 106/15/87 A08 107/02/87 A15 307 /09/87 COl 207/24/87 A17 107/25/87 ADS 508/22/87 A08 408/22/87 All 308/29/87 AOl 608/31/87 001 209/20/87 AO! 209/26/87 AOJ 409/30/87 an 110/15/87 A12 410/15/87 Al2 410/31/87 AO 9 112/05/87 All 512/22/87 A09 212/22/87 A09 401/06/87 001 206/14/87 :001 206/22/87 :001 506/29/87 A03 110/22/87 A09 206/13/87 Al6 201/187 C03 101/24/87 ClO 202/0e/87 DOl l03/187 DOJ 103/18/87 C02 603/24/87 COl 203/26/ffl COl 204/14/87 COl 2260

ARKANSAS GAZEr!E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEOOE CDLO>rporate hea p:lr i;rcf ilea TCBY and Frank Hickingbothan 11/02/87 C03 1Finn ranks hi

ARKANSAS GAZEITE lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE ClLstock market dlaos halts sale of KARK-'lVcable TJ prices in central Ark and the nation cxxnparedKJ'Di Olannel. 38 in LR p.Jrchased Detroit cable finnPl ans canrelled for Lbased American Family NetworkTELEVISION, EIXJCAT.IONALsee Educational TelevisionTENNISFormer u A star Peter ohan defeats Becker at WimbleronPeter ohan foiled at W:imb.1.ecl>n ty SI.obodian Zivoj in01TicVirginia Slims Tournament under Wa:/ at NLRseeded pla:1ers collapse at Virginia Slims tourneySeeded plc;rers take a beating in Virginia SlimsZvereva blasts Minter in Virginia Slims tourneyTop seeds make semis of Virginia Slims tournE¥sandra Cecchini defeats Zvereva for Virginia Slims titleTWNIS - CXLLB3EUJILR swee?3 NAIA Dist 17 tournament.southern <strong>Arkansas</strong> Univ men win trip to NAIA championshipUALR wanen advance at NAIA c:hanpionshipsUJILR wanen' s cbubles gain NAIA crCltlnTEXARKANASane ircblans exist for those living in the twin cityTEXARIllution'llWU

.ARKANSA5 GAZ ETIB lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLsee also Murders - Lee, Leo cassTHCJ.1PSCN, REED WRev i&T of tenns as mor of NLR'lHCH>SCN, SE.'Jll12/06/Erl 005 4see also O>ckf ighting'lH, BETl'Ysee also Murders - 'lhornton, Betty'lHOOWirn, RAYsee also O>llegessee also IOlitics Jy7Heads natl µmel stuunty Sdloal Dist l:a.ns student snoking at school 01/25/87 C06 4Effort to halt snoking on state jobs stalls in Legis 01/30/87 All 4Increased use of snuff in Ark brings increased health oonrern 02/01/87 001 2Smokeless tol:a.cco use levels off in schools in Ark 02/01/87 001 2Smokeless tol:a.cco ads on '1.V to end on Feb 27 02/01/87 1301 3Pol icies vacy among Pulaski O> schools on use of tol:acco 02/01/87 001 5Dr Kent c Westbrook, Alston Jennings had role in oourt case 02/01/87 004 4Senate plnel blocks snoking curb in

ARKAN GAZE'I'IE JNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPKiE nley sets world record in triple j l1llpTRACK AND FIELD - CDLLfilE02/2&/'87 COl 4Univ of Ark successful.ly defends its national title03/15/87 FOl 6Quadlita Baptist to drop track program03/19/87 D02 1UAlB winner of AIC wanen' s championship05/04/87 cos 1Univ of Central Ark takes men' s AIC ti tie05/04/87 cos 1NAIA to bald national championships at Russellville05/13/87 DOI 2Sllllmary of events at NAIA natl meet at Russellville05/22/87 C03 lAzusa Pacific, Wayland lead in NAIA meet at Russellville 05/23/87 COl 1Azusa wins natl men' s title, Prairie View wanen are champs 05/24/87 FOl 2AIC teams fared well in NAIA meet at Russellville05/25/87 C06 4Universit¥ ct Ark Razorbacks wrn SilC cross oomtry title 11/03/87 DOl 5UA Razorbacks win national championship in cross oountry 11/24/87 001 2'mAO< AND FIELD - HlGH OOICXLBi:;ecial oourse helps bl.ind sturents prepue for races 09/21/87 001 2'mACDR, INCBlast blcws out side of bldg at camden' s Traoor Aerospace Ol/27 /87 A03 1TRAIEsee also Econanic J::evelopnentTRAIE BINS, INCLR f itm makes acrylic bins for bulk food trade05/17/87 DOl 4'lRAIE SCBCXLS'!Wo Northwest Vcr'l'ech officials on leave after audit 02/27/87 A03 5Investigation at Northwest VcrTech turned wer to FBI 05/09/87 A12 5Lewis Prather honored for founding Southern Technical Cbll 05/22/87 C02 1Norwest Vcr'l'edl officials restored to jots state bd 06/09/87 A05 3south Central Career O>llege chgd with racial bias 06/10/87 AD7 2students' suit says Southern Tedmical did not keep pr anises 0&/'24/87 A07 lFive wanen expelled fran Forest Echoes for drinking file suit 10/30/87 Al.5 1Delta career O>ll stused Ark Business Cbuncil 11/05/87 All 2Training tailored to indus to re funded Business Council 11/14/87 Al.3 3'IRAFFIC ACCIDENTS RID SAFETY264

ARKAN GAZE:ITE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl-lGE rts seat rel t measure 01/05/87 Al6 1seat belt adlrocates seek SUi:p>rt for manc'htory use 01/07/87 001 1Grant County deputy prosecutor reprimanded over IWI case 01/1&/87 003 1Nl'ffi says driver knew brakes faulty on Ozark Bible Inst bus 01/22/87 AOl 5LR traffic judge issues a:>nten citations in !WI cases 01/23/87 Al.7 1Early prison release a. Peggy SUe Ward denied 01/24/87 A08 5F.d:l.torials CXJ1Ullent on :trOJ;X>sed manc'htory seat relt :EXOJ;X>sal 01/25/87 C04 2C.Onv iction of R K Meacbis in death af fetus reversed 01/27 /87 AOl 6Motorist to fight ticket recd while driving to hospital 02/0&/87 All 2Wanan disabled in 1982 wreck with JIBC agent asks state to i;ay 02/12/87 Al2 1Bars, Uqoor stores held not liable for accidents 02/17/87 NJ7 1Despite inpressive sUi:p>rt, seat belt bill still in oonmittee 02/18/87 Al.O 3Marc Arnold on seat rel.ts, rugged individualisn 02/27/87 Al9 1Ark Senate p:i.nel favors manc'htory seat rel ts 03/05/87 A09 5Driver gets 20-yr !% ison term for traffic-related deaths 03/07 /ffl NJ7 1Areas in LR having most accidents listed 03/0&/87 003 1Suit seeks $24 million fran Sikes fanily in traffic deaths 03/17/87 Bl2 5Oaims canm cwards $188,000 to wanen in wreck with ABC agent 03/18/87 NJ8 IGuy-rkins students form SADD chapter in manory of victim 03/24/87 Al2 4?ok>ther, 3 children killed at train crossirig in Trlll\ann 03/26/ffl Al4 2Rei:eal af motorcycJ.e helnet lar1 killed state Senate 04/02/87 Al.0 1'lbree die in fiery accident at Mansfield 04/21/87 NJl 2TaimI¥ Susan carr, 2 daughters, victims of Mansfield crash 04/22/87 NJ5 1No charges expected in fiery crash at Mansfield 05/02/87 A09 1Steven Dale SlJillllers found guilty af manslaused seat tel t ordinance at LR drwas suwcrt, oaxments 11/18/87 Al 7 1'.lWo drivers chgd in fatal traffic accident at LR 11/19/87 All 5265

ARKANSAS GAZ Err'lE lNllEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLAuto crashes into classroan at West Mami;ilis schoolLR seat J:el.t lcw would create nightmare, J W Benafield saysLR ordinance rEqui res wearing seat J:el. ts21-vehicle pileup on bridge at Pine Bluff kills 1, injures 6LR m'!{ allGl adj ustment J;eriod for seat J:el.t lcw enforcementFour killed at LR hying to outrun train, p:>lice sayLR' s seat rel t ordinance may hamper inj ured seeking damagesstatistics on IlVI off enders sentenced, length af sentenceStatistics on alcohol-related accidents in Arkstatistics on alcohol-related accidents in ArkJudge Bill watt may sentence violators to learn to readIncreased speed limit, deaths linkedStatistics on aldlal-related accidents, deaths in ArkBreath alcohol content and its effects shewn in dlart'IRAlL CF TEARSsee Historic TrailsTRAlLSsee ParksTRAJLS, HIS'IDRICsee Historic Trails'lRAil..WAYS BUS TEMDrivers sue for $80 million in retiranent fundTRAMMELL, NICHCLASsee al so History (Ark)TRANSIrtation Safety Agency (Ark)Legis pmel apprares i:ay cut for Transportation Caron menbers 01/16/87 AlO 3OTeqaying at Transµ>rtation (ed) Ol/HV87 C02 1CUt in i:ay for Transportation Cbmn apixared House, 82-7 01/21/87 A08 3Gaxy Br&1er c2fends need for State Transportation carm 01/23/87 Al9 1Gov Clinton cnmnents on app:>int:ment 01/25/87 A09 2Jim Wood sougit to In01Te Transportation Comm bill to his panel 01/28/87 A06 6Senate refuses to mwe Transp:>rt.ation O>min bill to new panel 01/28/87 A06 6House votes cuts in Transp:>rt.ation Corcm budget 02/04/87 A09 1Lai-profile pinel at politiau center of legis mttle 02/08/87 AOl 2Legislative Council reconmerdad full budget re:iuest of camn 02/08/87 Al.3 1c.oomissi.on has variety af pol itical connections 02/08/87 Al3 2History, duties, c:xmnrs, budget listed 02/08/87 Al.3 2'!Wo on i:a.w contributed to Sen Paul Benhan' s camp:1.ign fund 02/09/87 AOl 4Hoffman p:1.rticipites in case il"Nalving his insuranoo client 02/09/87 AOS 1.Editorial says cut is well deserved 02/10/87 Al2 1Hoffman should have recused in client CBse, C?oJ Clinton says 02/15/87 A03 1Merger with Highw'!f Safety Progran enrsed House CDnm 03/12/87 AlO 3House restores cmunissioners' salaries 03/24/87 A08 3House votes to merge Q:mn with HiC¥ Safety Program 03/27 /87 Al.O 5House refuses to fund Transp:>rtation Safety Aqency 04/03/87 Al.3 5N&1 agency apµtrently left without budget 04/05/87 All 2266

ARKANSAS GAZEnTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPl¥iE CDLTransportation COimn, Road Safecy Program mergedCarmission raises more money that its budget, rei;c saysDispute CNer budget funding endsuse of Jchnson Co rest sto:E;S for truck insp!ction challengedDi spute in Johnson County p..rt on holdFederal Hi Adn opp>ses use

ARKAN GAZE.Tl'E lNIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/G E CDLTruck tax canpranise near, Gov Bill Clinton says 09/02/87 AOl 3Truck tax progress me, CD/ Bill Clinton says 09/03/87 A03 lFuels surcharge studied to resolve tax probl.an 09/04/87 Al.5 1Finding tax campranise IDC¥ be di.ff icul t 09/08/87 A03 1AH'ID and truckers at odds over h

ARKANSAS GAZE.'r.I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLTax break stoutly defenmd by Senators Blll\rs, Pryor'fyson has 2nd highest stock price changeTYSCN, BARBPP.AFbrbes lists Mrs fyson among nation' s 400 wealthiestTYSCN, IONIlH charges against fyson disnissed at FayettevilleU S ASSOCIATESsee also Stocks Nl 7UFOssee Unicentified Flying Obj ectsUIDORN ADsee Real EstateUNION RESOJE MISSIONsee R:>orUNIONS, LllBORsee All ianoe Rubber Cosee International Par Cosee L'lV Aerospace and Defense Cosee Mid-South Bottling CoUNION'IDVNsee also Historic BuildingsUNITARIAN UNIVmsllLIST ClIUKHDelegates f ran across North America meeting in Little RockDenanination seeks to regain its rep.itation for liberalisn<strong>Arkansas</strong> Educational camnunications Fdn filming cowentionMeeting in Bible Belt not unusual, lea

ARKANSPS GAZF:r!E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJIGE CDLsee also Courts (US)see also Defenses and Armed Forces (US)see also Environemntal Protection Agency (US)see also Fanners Hane Adninistration (US)see also Feceral Bureau of Investigation (US)see also Finance and Budgets (US)see also Forest Service (US)see also Gwerrment Officials (US)see also Housing and Urban Devel.opnent Deµ: (US)see also Justice I:eJ;Brtlnent (US)see also Labor Deputment (US)see also Lal:x>r Relations Board, National.see also Nuclear Regulatory Conunission (US)see also President (US)see also Prisonssee also PUhlic Buildings and OffiCEs (US)see also secret Service (US)see also Social Security Adninistration (US)see also Transportatioo Safety Boo.rd, NationalUNITED WAY OF RJLM>KI NTICELLOsee Basketball - College Wanensee CollegesUNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AT PINE BLUFFsee Athletics - Collegesee Basketball - College09/11/87 COl 2270

ARKANSAS GAZEl'l'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPE CDLsee Collegessee Education - Discriminationsee Stadi llSsee Track and FieldUNlVERSlTY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL fa:ENCESsee MedicineUNlVERSITY OF ARRANSAS FCXJIDM'IOO, INCAssets, purpose and board of private fol.Uldation listed 10/18/87 A09 lUNlVERSlTY OF ARKANSAS :ER.ESBBooks stored in UA Student Union destrq[ed fire 09/17/87 001 6UNIVERSITY OF CEN'IRAL ARKANSASsee Basket:btll - College Mensee Collegessee Track and FieldUNMARRIED PERSCNSsee Singl e PersonsUNiED fJD'JHERSsee llligi tmacyCJPl.100, PMRICIA Psee also Aananatique, Incumm LEIGUEsee Blackssee Head StartUIWIN, GRFnORY J Wsee also BooksUSA T

ARKANSAS GAZ:mTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE

ARRANSM> GAZE.TI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE ro 'lV station 04/25/87 AO! 2Pre£ iles of 15 white radicals indicted for sedition 04/25/87 AOl 3White radicals chgd at Fort Smith with sedition 04/25/87 ADI 6Only one suspect renains at large in sedition investigation 04/26/87 AOl 2Christian Identity MJveneJ± meets quietly at Eureka Springs 04/26/87 ADI 4Cllristian Identity Movanent ixotested at Eureka Springs 04/26/87 AOl 4White radical activities that led to indictments 04/27/87 AOl 2FBI agent Jack Knox named as intended victim in alleged plot 04/28/87 001 2'lhree chgd with sc:hane to kill jud, EBI agent held 04/28/87 BOl 2u s Dist Jud Franklin Waters was alleged obj ect af plot 04/28/87 001 2Bond hearing set at Fort Smith for Willian H and Ivan R Wade 04/29/87 A08 6Prel iminary testimorw heard on alleged plot to kill jud 04/30/87 A08 1Petition urges judicial leniency for Willian and Ivan Wade 04/30/87 A08 2Federal authorities in Ark relieved at Glenn Miller arrest 05/01/87 A09 2Willian Wade says his oa:osition spurred arrest 05/02/87 AOl 6Ianbert Miller held without t:x>nd in alleged murder plot 05/06/87 All 1Ianbert Miller was once aff illiated with CSA group in Ark 05/06/87 All 1'lhreat to kill Asa Hutchinson called to Fort Smith newspaper 05/08/87 AOl 6Indictment ct rep.rt:ed suprenacists raises First lindt concerns 05/ll/87 A09 1Bail mtion qr Robert Miles denied 05/13/87 AlO 1Robert E Miles released on $50 ,000 bond 05/14/87 001 2Ardie Md3rearty SGJ¥S he d:>es not want a circus at trial 05/2Z'87 Al2 1One chg against Robert Neil Smallt¥ disnissed at Fort Smith 05/28/87 A03 3Richard Girnt Butler posts b:md at Fort Smith, rel.eased 06/04/87 A03 5Louis Beam was f re:iuent visitor at CSA CDnpound in Marion C.o 07/15/87 A03 1Louis Ray Beam placed on FBI' s 10 st Wanted list 07/15/87 A03 1'lhree c:hgs against three i;:ersons drod at Fort Smith 07/23/87 A08 6Publisher visits site where Gord:>n W Kahl, Gene Matthe.rs died 07/27/87 A09 4Unofficial. bd prcties deaths of G Matthe.rs, Q>rclm W Kahl 08/15/87 A07 1Group aills for Grand Jury probe oc Gord:>n Kahl case 10/27/87 A08 5Louis Ray Beam Jr broU

ARKANSM:i GAZEn"l'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP/GE CDLsee also BurnsVOCATION.AL EIIJTIOOsee Trade Schoolsva;LER, MIKEsee also Vietnamese Conflict N8vtLUNl'EERSAl.Eilonso Guest of LR named outstanding teerragerMichelle Jones is winner of Sea Breeze AwardVarER Rs:;!Smld'IONsee l?OliticsWAIE, IVAN RAYsee al so Vigilantes My6 My29 30W.AIE, WJLLIAM H JRsee also Vigilantes Ap25 Ap29 30WIGES AND SJ\LARIESsee also Agriculturesee also Edlcation - '!eadlerssee also Executivessee also Gorernnent EmplC¥ees (Ark)see also G01Ternor (Ark)see also Religion<strong>Arkansas</strong> ranks 47th in per oapi ta incx:meArkansans 3rd in gain in incane with 4 .3 pct increasel:'6y of average worker at Nuoor steel plant to l:e $34,000'lllree Ark areas lead soutm.test in EBY raisesArk factory wages, qr industry group, piy, total anplcyeesBeginning avg salaries for la.1 graduates in central ArkTotal 1979-1986 personal incane for Ark, usChart shGls 1979-1986 per capita personal incx:me for Ark, USWIGCNSsee ExcursionsWN.J-MART S'IORES, lNCsee also mart USAsee also Robberies and Theftssee also Stocks and BondsManagement meeting at LR to attract 9 ,000 workers, spousesManagers hear Sam Walton at LR ronventionStore to l:e built at ShetwoodExcelsior Hotel feeds 3,400 at oomention in LRQuarter, year shQPI records for Wal-MutSales j unp qr 37 pct for quarterNamed seventh anong retailersWal-Mart to purchase Super Saver dlain of 21 stores<strong>An</strong>nual stockholders meeting to be at Fayetter illeChart of net sales and incane, 1978-<strong>1987</strong>Stockholders cheer news of stock splitcanpuy ranked first in job creationWal-Mart ordered to i:ay $16 .7 million to insurance firmFiIIIl rei:ts 35 pct gain in sales for three months periodWal-Mart paoes August retail salesHarcyetta BailE¥ named to vice-president I:X>sitionWal-Mut stock drops to $25.38 when sales grCXtlth sl.Q>lsStock dips $2.25 on NYSESales climbed in Norenber11/03/87 BO! 111/03/87 001 304/17/87 Al.5 107 /21/87 COl 207 /27/87 AOl 211/11/87 COl 311/16/87 COl 111/30/87 CO! 412/05/87 COl 212/06/87 COl 101/l.V87 001 402/11/87 COl 202/12/87 COl 302/14/87 BOl 203/05/87 col s05/13/87 COl 205/22/87 C02 505/30/87 AO! 206/05/87 COl 206/05/87 COl 206/06/87 COl 206/30/87 C02 607 /Ol\t'87 COl 308/12/87 C02 609/0.V87 C02 l11/17/87 COl 111/26/87 C03 112/04/87 COl 212/04/87 CO! 3274

ARKAN GAZF.TI'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLInsiders bqying stock in f innFinn !X'of iled in Business Week as pcwer retailerFi nn listed as 2nd st managed retailerWal.-Mut opms its first Hypermart in TexasWALCDTl', !EREKsee also BooksWl!LIHJM, R:BERTsee al.so Deer Runsee also Electric PQo/erWALK-WINN H..A'3TICS CDFinn buys Timex-'!eletype plant at LRWALKER, .ANmEsee also Murders - Wal ker, hldreWALKER, CllARLFS Asee also O>lleges NlSWALKER, JAMES IEANCalifornia authorities chg Walker with oocaine salesWalker was twice oonvicted of murder af Jerrell VauLmd over, bail cut to $40 ,000 en cocaine countsNewsnan Mel Hanks reSEX>nds to George BentlE¥ ex>ll.IIU1Walker freed on lx>nd of $25 ,000 at South Lake TahoeWALKER, JOON Wsee al.so Education - hin N'l6see also Education - Segregationsee also Housing 014 016WllLI

ARKAN GAZE'I'I'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPlGE CDL'lbfe list af wealthiest cwners of publicly traded canp:lniesWalton listed among world' s billionairesIeceives Libertas Award in Okl.ahana City ceremoryWal. ton listed by Fbrbes as America' s richest manWal. ton llda llted by $1.5 billion dip in stock valueWAR FJGLE rnAFl'S FAIRsee Arts and CraftsWAR FJGLE CREEKsee :EOll utionWAR MEIDRIAL STADilJMsee Stadiuns and ArenasWARD, PEGGY SUEsee also PrisonsWARD, KNALDsee al.so Murders - 'ItMnsend FamilyWARNm B:ROIN HOOPITALsee MedicineWARRFN, HARLEY Vsee also Murders - Warren, HarlE¥ VWARREN, JAMES Jsee al.so Murders - Warren, James JWA'l'l'E MATERIALSBanb cases reing shredced by A Termenbal.ltl Co S:lredderAir pennit issued cy- PC&E for incinerator at FayettE!Y'illeFayettE!Y'ille incinerator to burn garbage, create electricityFayetteville incinerator appr wed by PC&EFayettevile to locate incinerator at West ForkWest Fork Op!X)ses location of incinerator thereGreat <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cleanup of rivers, lakes, p:irks heldProducers Rice Mill burns rice hulls for energy sourceProducers Rice Mill emplcyees cevelop hull burning prOCEssWATER06/2f¥'87 AOS 109/22/87 C03 l10/06/87 C02 310/13/87 COl 210/20/87 AOl 206/ltV'87 DOl l07/22/87 AlO 101 /22/87 Alo i08/24/87 A08 608/26/87 Al3 409/11/87 AlO 109/13/87 Al2 409/20/87 DOl 609/20/87 001 6Prcbl.ems over water ocings suit against Woodland Hills Assn 02/01/87 A06 1Booneville, ckingbird Hill Assns seek to cefer loan p:iyment 05/16/87 Al8 1DeQueen Officials suqrised by oost cf Lake n:Queen water 08/26/87 A05 1Leland DUVall discusses need for protection of water 09/06/87 COl 1sediment stirred up in ca.oot supply creates prcQl.ans 10/23/87 AlO 4senator Dale Bunpers seeks long-term supply for LR 11/17/87 A08 4Gealogic formation nds money was spent 12/07 /87 Al4 2WATER EOLLUsee :EOllutionWATERMELCNSsee FruitWM'ERS, FRPiNRL INsee al.so Education - Iel.igious Issuessee al.so Vigilantes Ap'2 8 Ap30 z.\76WATSCN OIAm.. SCIICXL DISmICL'see Education - Boards of EducationWATr, BILLCburts (Local) Jy7see also Traffic Accidents276


ARKAN GAZE'rl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE CDLNort!Mest Ark hit by ioe stormWEN RBERTsee also P A M Transportation Serv ioeswroonx;ssee also Fhotogra.EiJ¥Cbuple married in tmderwater settingWEDDIM;'ION, SARAHsee also G01Ternor' s School (Ark)WEEM>, SAMsee also Legal Praf essionWElGHT WElGHT CDN'mCLJames Johnson is international king of 'IDPS Clubw.ELOI APPAREL CDSt Louis fiIJl\ mwing to Dermott as result af local effortWELOOMEArticle on anal.I tam on state line in COlunbia CotmtyWELFAREsee rWELLS, JCEN FPublisher dies in auto accident in LRWENDY' S RESTNJ!U\NTSNamed Business of the Year by city af NLRWEmRaJP CDMPANIF.sSeven in group file for reorganization under b:l.nkruptcy lcwsRegulators say group owes FirstSouth up to $80 millionSidley N Weniger worked di rectly with FirstSouth presidentWFST HELENh-HELENA SfORmvEM CDFimt closing means 350 jots to t:e lostClosing plant would vial.ate oontract with union, suit saysWEST ME.MEHISsee also Aloohal. and Drug Awsesee also Floodssee also Fhilanthrof¥see also StoansNo bias found in Council stripping mC¥or af certain pc:MerWES'mRK GARMENT MANUFACI.URJm, JNCFimt plans to bring new life to tain of Magaz ineWES'lBROa

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPllGE CDLWHE.'l'S'IOOESmith Whetstone, Inc ships 100 ,000 stones monthlyWHlLLOCK, CARLsee al.so TaxationWHIRLRX>L CDRPFort Smith plant m lose 500 jom to Mexia:>WHITE HALL OOIOCL DIS'IRICI'see Edu ca ti on - FinanoeWHITE LIGHTSsee Legislature (Ark)WHITE RlV:msee RiversWHITE RIVER VALLEY CDMMISSIONsee RiversWHITE RIV:m WATER IBSTIVALsee FestivalsWHITE RCSE RENTAL L.NJNmYsee also ApparelWHITE SUPREMACIS'IEsee VigilantesWHITE WlNIS AM.J SIHNT PARKsee llnusement ParksWHITE, EL'IONElton White, Betty White had tickets to galaEl.ton and Betty White ejected fran Designing Wanen µtrcyWHITE, FRJ.'NKsee also Education - SegregationWhite joins investment f illil of. Barnnan and CoWHITE, HENRY Rsee al.so J E w, IncWHITE, JACK Esee al.so J E w, IncWHITE, JCEN Hsee also AviationWHI'JE, WALTER JRsee al.so Agricul. ture Department (US) Ja24see al.so Fires 522 S26 Nl.9 NlO N'll Nl5 N26 DlWHITFIELD, DANIELsee also Murders - Whitfield, DmielWHI'IM)RE, .ALBERT LEEsee also Murders - Whitmore, Al.tert LeeWIEGIERN, H

ARKANSAS GAZE'ITE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP](;E COLsee al.so Pollutionuse cf cross!x:M for deer hunting may bea:me oontrwersial 01/04/87 F06 1Lake Pine Bluff reing drained for re_tairs, restocking cy- G&FC 01/06/87 A07 3<strong>Arkansas</strong> Wildl.i£e Federation urges cp,1 to fill G&FC vacancy 01/12/87 AD7 1Greers Ferry wal.1E¥e draw national attention 01/13/87 DOl 2Hunter dies of shooting injuries 01/17/ffl AD7 1Shooting of eagles reIX>rted in Ark 01/1&!'87 F06 1Sumnary of proceedings of G&FC meeting 01/20/87 DOl 6Di SOO\.Tery af rare fish halts G&FC pond-work at Rogers 01/24/87 BOl 2Dr91 County residents up in anns about rcw

ARKANSAS GAZErl'E INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE CDLRestrictions on use of deer gs retained G&FC 04/15/87 D07 2Legis p:mel seeks opinion on stop to rises in hunting fees 04/30/87 A03 5G&FC will go to oourt wer license fee issue 05/01/87 D07 2New state reoord strid bass weighed 53 pounds 05/05/87 D07 6<strong>An</strong>ey plan to use forests for manewers ogx>sed G&FC 05/06/87 AO! 6G&FC Director Steve N Wilson cnnments on suit 05/06/87 003 5G&FC files suit over Act 939 of <strong>1987</strong> 05/06/87 D03 5Suit G&FC iwalves restrictions irrposed Legislature 05/06/87 D03 5'l\lrnover in NLR lake kills hundreds of fish 05/13/87 001 1Georgia Pacific to lease hunting rights on 525,000 acres 05/15/87 DOl 2G&FC retains restrictions on sale of turtles, snakes 05/19/87 D03 2G&FC considers leasing htmting lands fran timber fi llS 05/19/87 003 4Ehding motor limit on G&FC lakes is under stuQ{ 05/24/87 F06 5Eliding motor limit on G&FC lakes !Eing studied 05/24/87 F06 5Slmnaty of proedings of G&FC meeting 05/24/87 F06 5FisheDnan takes 35-lb catfish fran Lake Ouachita 05/27/ffl DOS 1Felsenthal project has iEmfitted ducks and fish 05/3J/87 F06 1Fl ocks of birds keep sane Van Buren residents inors 06/0l/ffl AOS 1New la-1 restricting G&FC power indefensihle, steve CJ.ark says 06/03/87 All 3Canpl imentar:y rmits list released G&FC 06/04/87 AOl 2steve Clark can vigorously defend n&1 la.1 if changes made 06/04/87 Al.6 1senate votes bill changing restrictions in G&FC oodget act 06/05/87 All 4House apprwes lifting clause f ran G&FC approp:iation bill 06/06/'if/ All 3G&FC consciously defies la-1 on free rmits, s Wilson Sif:iS 06/06/87 001 2Ruffled grouse pop.llation grcwing in North <strong>Arkansas</strong> 06/07/87 F06 5Steve Clark deferuk; all but 3 parts of law on hunting fees 06/12/87 Al.2 2Legislature seeks to rend G&FC to its will, editorial. says 06/13/87 A20 1Hunting cluts can inq;rwe wildlife, I P biologists say 06/14/ffl F06 2Felsenathal :I;roject benefits disputed cy- sp:>rtsnan 06/1'\/87 F06 5G&FC okays leasing par romp:ini es land for i:emit hunting 06/16/87 003 1Land to be purchased cy- G&FC for n&1 management area 06/16/87 003 1Motor lllnits on G&FC lakes dro:E\")ed 06/16/'if/ 003 2Steve Clark likely to be asked to step aside in fees case 06/17/'if/ AJ.3 5Legi slative i;anel says Steve Clark should leave G&FC case 06/le/87 AO! 2Constitutional struggle rebleen G&FC, Iegi.s heaurt 06/19/87 AOl 2Legislative Council decided to intervere in G&FC lar.rsuit 06/20/87 AO! 3steve Clark will not ogpse legislators intervention in suit 06/24/87 A07 1G&FC, ALC deserve each other, Janes Powell writes 06/24/87 Al5 1<strong>Arkansas</strong> bear treks throu

ARKAN GAZEITE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEP.lJGE CDLAtty Gen says legis has test c:hanre on fees irrj unction 08/25/87 A03 4Judga disputes letter 1::¥ Steve Clark ro attempts to drive blackbi rds f ran area 10/20/87 Al.2 1EPA plans to FCotect end:lllllution C.Ontral and Eoology camnission (Ark)see also WildlifeState Atty Gen Steve Cl.ark addresses armual a1ards dinner 08/23/f!l 007 2Wll..IlVCXD CENTER FOR 'lBE PEREORMJID AR'lSsee ArtsWJLHITE, AMANJll.\.see al.so Murders - Wilhite (Cllarles) FamilyWJLHITE, CBARLESsee al.so Murders - Wilhite (Cllarles) FamilyWILLIAMS, ANIREsee also LaborWJLLINS, HERBERTsee al.so Murders - Snith, Claretta El.izarethWJLLIAMS, LARRYsee al.so Traffic Accic.EntsWJLLIAMS, MAR\TINFamily asks ct to reinstate all defendants in case 04/14/87 A05 5Matvin Iberg, O H M.Jllenax, Joe M::lrtin, Joe Castleberry named 04/14/87 ADS 5Original defendmts included city of O>rway 04/14/87 ADS 5Prosecuting Atty George Hartj e Jr ruled imnune fran suit 08/29/87 A07 1Defense Fund helping O H Mullenax pay huge legal fees 12/27 /87 004 2WlLL!Mf3, REBECCA MICHELLE282

ARKANSAS GAZE'I'lE INIEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE l iceWlLMAR SCH

ARKANSM) GAZEllTE INDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPFGE CDLsee also Education - Discriminationsee also Families and Family Lifesee also :EOp..ll.ationRita Shei;ilerd is only fenale county judge in Ark<strong>Arkansas</strong> Wanen' s Rights MPENSM'ION INSURPNCE02/01/87 A09 103/22/87 001 204/24/87 A08 307 /30/87 Al 7 412/06/87 B04 607 /07/Erl D03 l11/24/87 COl 207/26/Efl FOB 108/09/87 DOl 105/24/87 A03 305/25/87 Al4 6ll/30/87 A07 403/08/87 A09 101/16/Efl AO! 203/24/87 A09 103/25/87 BOl 103/27 /87 All 504/05/87 Al3 406/02/87 A07 107 /08/87 C02 107 /09/87 C02 407/10/87 All 412/19/87 Al S 1284

ARKANSAS GAZETl'E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPIGE RIHEN BllN!{Ill; CDRPsee BankingWORTMAN, BlLLsee also Brutal icy and Harassnent Al.legationsWRES'lLOOsee also ApparelArticle on IX'ogram af <strong>Arkansas</strong> Sdloal for the BlindWrestJ. ing helps ASB stu

ARKANSAS GAZEr!E lNDEX <strong>1987</strong>DATEPJ!GE CDLsee al so Reir oduction { Hlll'\an)YEm-IOCD, TERRYsee also Murders - Yearwood, Terrym.L

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