Smart earth leakage protection - Circutor

Smart earth leakage protection - Circutor

Smart earth leakage protection - Circutor


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Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>DefinitionWhen the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> systemdetects a fault current, it acts on theelectrical installation being protected,opening the circuit while interruptingthe supply of electrical energy, thus preventingthe danger of electrocution forpersons when the fault current reachesdangerous values, either as a result ofdirect or indirect contact, including anypotential damage caused to goods andmaterials.An <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> system iscomposed of three clearly different parts:}}Detecting element or sensor}}Relay}}Circuit breakerceived by the sensor and either sendsthe trigger signal to the associated circuitbreaker or not, depending on thesensitivity and delay time values programmed.Circuit breaker: This element acts asthe current interrupting element. It canbe a circuit breaker (with trigger coil), acontact, etc.These three elements can be found inCIRCUTOR's products with differentconfigurations:}}All elements separately}}Relay with internal transformerDetecting element or sensor: Currenttransformer that detects the <strong>earth</strong><strong>leakage</strong> current of active conductors inan installation, sending a proportionalsignal to the relay. It can have a toroidalor rectangular geometry, depending onthe arrangement of plates or the wiringof the installation location.The correct operation of the sensor requiresthe path of capacitors to be asperfectly aligned as possible.Relay: <strong>Smart</strong> <strong>protection</strong> element. Itmeasures and treats the signal re-Immunised <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>Nowadays, "sympathy" or unwantedtriggers are quite common in modern installations.In these cases, one or more<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> switches are triggered simultaneously,protecting an installationfrom the <strong>leakage</strong> currents sent to <strong>earth</strong>as a result of capacitive effects causedby the installation.Said capacitive effects can explained bytwo reasons:}}The installation's cables cause <strong>earth</strong>ingcondensation effects. The longer thecable, the greater the capacity effect}}The capacitors of EMI filters in theequipment with electronic power regulationThe different loads or consumption of aninstallation can be classified in two maingroups, depending on the type of insulationfrom <strong>earth</strong>:Loads with no <strong>earth</strong>ed capacitorsThe insulation existing between the unitand the <strong>earth</strong>ing elements can be representedwith a pure Ohmic resistance.If the resistance is not high enough, nocurrent will pass through the <strong>earth</strong>ingelements. The <strong>leakage</strong> current is zero(current passing to <strong>earth</strong> under normalconditions).In case there is an insulation fault, currentwill pass through <strong>earth</strong>ing elements,the so-called fault <strong>earth</strong>ed current, I d.P1-4

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>Measurement in TRMS and Class AThe voltage and current wave shapeshave stopped being complete sinewaves since the loads distributed in theinstallations are not linear. The continuousand harmonic components can distortthe wave shapes, whereby it will benecessary to take more accurate measurements.The current range of electronic <strong>earth</strong><strong>leakage</strong> switches measures the rootmean-square-value(TRMS) of <strong>leakage</strong>currents by sampling it.The wave shapes in installations withlinear resistive loads are pure sinewaves.However, the figure shows howthe mean value will not work to measurethe root-mean-square-value with accuracywhen it stops being a completesine-wave.In accordance with these problems,the IEC 61008-1 Earth Leakage SwitchStandard determines the types of operation,depending on the type of wave.Two types are defined, Class AC andClass A.CLASS ACThe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> devices used in domesticinstallations or that protect loadsthat do not cause distortions can be ofthe AC Type. These devices are markedwith a symbol, in compliancewith the IEC 61008-1Standard.CLASS AIn the presence of non-linear receivers,Type A <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> systemsmust be used, which means thatrectified currents can be measured witha continuous component of up to 6 mA,including non-distorted currents (ACtype), marked by the correspondingIEC 61008-1Standard.Immunity against transient <strong>leakage</strong>sThe IEC 61008-1 Standard defines twotypes of ray-type curves to check thecorrect operation of an <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>device: an overload and an overvoltagewave. The overload wave shows theeffects caused in the measurement ofthe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> device and the overvoltagewave shows the effects in thepower supply.The behaviour of <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>units in the case of transientoverloads and overvoltages is vital tomaintain the continuity in the supply ofelectricity. Therefore, the immunised<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> relays manufacturedby CIRCUTOR can supportvery high peaks.Current: Curve 8 / 20 µs: ≈ 5 kAVoltage: Curve 1.2 / 50 μs: ≈ 4 kVP1-6

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>High-frequency currentThe IEC 479-1 / UNE 20-572-92 Standarddescribes the effects of currentspassing through the human body fora frequency of 50 Hz. As you can see,the effect depends on the root-meansquare-valueof the current passingthrough the body and the time it takesto pass through. In accordance with theeffects, we can establish zones 1 (zonewith no perception) and 2 (perceptionzone) as safe work zones. Therefore, interms of the <strong>protection</strong> of persons, <strong>earth</strong><strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> systems must act onthose zones.previous graph, which indicates that thecurrent is less dangerous.See the tableattached, in accordance with IEC 479-2/ UNE 20-572-93, where a fault currentof, for example, 45 mA at 500 Hz has thesame effect as a fault current of 30 mAat 50 Hz. In the case of receivers withEMI filters, we can consider that theseinject a high-frequency <strong>earth</strong>ed current(>2 kHz) and a low frequency current.The use of type A <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>systems is specified in these cases.Frequency factor F fFrequency fWhen the frequency increases, thecurves are displaced to the right of thea. Perception thresholdb. "No-drop" thresholdc1 / c2 / c3. Fibrilation thresholdDelay time1. No perception2. Perception3. Reversible effects. Muscle tetany4. Potentially irreversible effectsSensitivityAdjustments of I ∆n100 % I ∆nThe IEC 61008-1 Standard specifiesthat <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> switches must betriggered when the fault <strong>earth</strong>ed currentis between 50% and 100% of the sensitivityvalue (I ∆n) selected. This meansthat the values that exceed 50% canset off the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> switch trigger.This type of case is common withelectromechanical switches. In the caseof electrical energy installations, thesehave evolved in such a way that the adjustmentof <strong>protection</strong> can cause greatproblems, since it is too low. The electronic<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> systemsoffered by CIRCUTOR determine thetrigger near 100 % of I ∆n.Therefore, we have a lower risk of triggersand less interruptions in the installation'ssupply than when the fault currentis lower than I ∆n.The following graphs show that with anidentical evolution of the fault <strong>earth</strong>edcurrent in the same installation, the behaviourof the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> switch isdifferent, even when the sensitivity levelof I ∆nis the same in both cases.This adjustment of I ∆nallows us to concentratemore loads that incorporate<strong>earth</strong>ed capacitors within the same linebeing protected. For example, in a computerinstallation: Each unit diverts acurrent, I <strong>leakage</strong>, of 2 mA through the EMIfilter capacitors included. At a sensitivityof (I ∆n) 30 mA, you can install 7 computerswith the electromechanical <strong>earth</strong><strong>leakage</strong> switches. However, if you useCIRCUTOR's electronic switches youcan install a total of 12.Fault <strong>earth</strong>ed current I dFault <strong>earth</strong>ed current I d50 % I ∆nTime, t100 % I ∆n85 % I ∆nTime, tP1-7

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>Inverse curvetI dI ∆nThe IEC 61008-1 Standard allows us toincorporate a circuit opening delay forthe circuit being protected, which willdepend on the <strong>leakage</strong> current level.Therefore, the greater the fault current,the lower the delay.Two types of curves are specified, asshown on the following table of values:}}Instantaneous}}SelectiveThe application of these curves to our<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> systems can be used toincrease the continuity in the installation'spower supply and avoid unwantedtrips.Standardised operating time values (s)Type Instantaneous SelectiveI ∆n(A) All values > 0,03I ∆n0,3 0,52 . I ∆n0,15 0,25 . I ∆n0,04 0,15500 A 0,04 0,15MaximumMonitoring <strong>protection</strong> elementsThe <strong>leakage</strong> current value must beavailable at all times in many applications.This information is quite useful forthe installation's preventive and correctivemaintenance tasks, since we canact before triggers are set off.For example, if the insulation degree ofa machine is reduced, the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>current increases, and since we havethe said information, we can implementthe appropriate corrective actions toavoid the trigger from being set off.The idea is to integrate the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>currents in the installation's energycontrol system, thus controlling an additionalquantity.Depending on the type of product, theinformation can be presented as follows:}}In the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay, throughthe display.}}Through the RS-485 communicationssystem.}}With an auxiliary measurement unit.In addition, records and logs of the insulationbehaviour of the installation canbe taken.Remote control and resetIn the case of <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>systems in installations that require acontinuous supply of energy, with nomaintenance staff present, the remotecontrol and reset (or self-reclosing)functions are very useful.Remote control functions can be carriedout through communications systems(RS-485, Ethernet, etc.), using the PowerStudioScada software. This functioncan control the status of <strong>protection</strong> systemsand perform a set of actions througha computer and communications systems.P1-8

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>Earth <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> systems with self-reclosingGiven the current efficient personal andmaterial <strong>protection</strong> requirements andobligations, and the complexity of someinstallations that require the continuoussupply of electrical energy with the useof overload and <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>systems, CIRCUTOR has developed awide range of units that make safety andservice continuity compatible.Self-reclosing systems are an ideal solutionfor installations that need a constantsupply of electrical energy, without theneed for the usual maintenance staff:}}Rural installations}}Refrigeration chambers}}Public lighting}}Mobile telephony repeaters}}Traffic lights}}Lighting of tunnels}}ATMs}}Cable television}}Etc.The type of <strong>protection</strong> element installed,those that can be reclosed and underwhich reclosing conditions must be knownby all self-reclosing systems.Self-reclosing systems act in accordancewith the following:}}Earth <strong>leakage</strong> current (<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>)}}Earth <strong>leakage</strong> current (<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>) +overload and short-circuit (circuit breaker).Elements that form an self-reclosing systemTRANSFORMERRELAYTreatment of the signal,measurement and triggerCIRCUIT BREAKERmonitoredEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerCircuit breakerThe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformer detectsthe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>. It can be built-in on arelay or as an external element.Self-reclosing relaySelf-reclosing relays add a series ofperformance features (self-reclosing,thermal or overload <strong>protection</strong>) to theproven reliability and security of non-reclosing<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> relays.It performs the following functions:}}Detection of anomalies (<strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>or overload) through the signal generatedby the transducer.}}They analyse the anomaly to see if itmust generate an alarm, depending onthe parameters programmed.}}They also act on power elements,which perform the grid load connectiondisconnectiontasks.The circuit breaker always interrupts theflow of power, which supports the powerin the line protected and is an externalelement of the relay.The circuit breakers that can be associatedto self-reclosing relays are asfollows:}}Motorized circuit breaker (MT)}}Contact circuit breaker with remotecontrol (MCB), with a dual circuit breakerand contact function (the function ofthe contact is bistable).Features of the circuit breaker:}}Nominal current (in contacts)}}Nominal current and thermal <strong>protection</strong>curve (in circuit breakers)}}Features of the control inputs of theoperational element}}Circuit-breaking power}}Auxiliary NO or NC signalling of thecircuit breaker's statusP1-9

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>Parameters related to self-reclosing relaysRelay status indicatorThe indications are associated to thetype of <strong>protection</strong>, distinguishing betweeninstantaneous triggers and interlockings.The indications are sent by therelay (LED) and, optionally, by auxiliarycontacts.Another type of visualisation, dependingon the relay, is the instantaneous triggervalue and the number of total reclosures.Nominal trigger point of <strong>protection</strong>sStandard values:}}Earth <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> 30 mA - 3 A}}Overload <strong>protection</strong> 6 A - 63 ATimer (delay)Minimum time that the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>must last before setting off a relay trigger.Standard values: 20 ms - 1s.Relay power supply and toleranceSelf-reclosing relays need a permanentform of auxiliary power supply in order tomanage the self-reclosing operations.}}Standardised value: 230 Vac ± 15 %}}Optional: 48, 110 or 400 VacReclosing meter reset time.To avoid the accumulation of triggers thatdo not correspond to the same anomaly,a reset time is defined for the reclosingmeters, provided that the maximumnumber of reclosures is not exceeded.Example: The WRU-25 RA relay has amaximum number of reclosures availablebefore being pushed to its interlocking.ON position. This is when the reset timerof the reclosing meter will be set off.The RESET option starts the relay, resettingthe reclosing meters.Local (with the keys) and remotetest and resetSelf-reclosing <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relays offerthe same performance as non-reclosingrelays. It enables the verification of thecorrect operation of the relay with localTEST and RESET functions, using thekeys on the relay, including remote functionswith specific inputs.The RESET option resets the relay andthe reclosing meters.Number of reclosures, distinguishedby type and number ofself-reclosingEach relay enables a maximum numberof reclosures before setting off theinterlocking. The meter will be reset automaticallyif the maximum number ofreclosures is not exceeded within a preestablishedperiod of time (reset time ofreclosing meters).This number will be different, in accordancewith the type of self-reclosing.Output relay}}Number of relays}}With interlocking}}NO or NC Output contactTime between reclosuresTime the relay takes between the triggerand the self-reclosing. It can be linear orexponential.In installations with a transient <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>fault that lasts 50 seconds, the relayis triggered 4 times and reclosed 3 times(8 s + 16 s + 30 s). During the timing ofthe third self-reclosing, the fault disappears,so that the relay will remain in theP1-10

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>SeriesWGCEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformres WGC SeriesDescriptionFeaturesThis new range presents a series of improvements above all in theinstallation of equipment in switchboards.Along with the usual installation fixtures, we add the possibility ofdoing it with a DIN rail by means of an accessory, which would facilitateits installation.The WGC series <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformers have a greater immunityto transitory type current peaks that usually cause differential<strong>protection</strong> triggers.The <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformers of the WGC Series have been designedto work with the relays of the WGC Series. The sensitivity (trigger current)of the transformer-relay set is established by the associated relay.Electrical insulationSafety IEC 60664-1 / IEC 60664-3Maximum assigned service Voltage 720 VAssigned Impulse Voltage / pollution 3 kV / IIIMeasurement circuitAssigned transformation ratio, Kn 30 / 0,06 AAccuracy in measurement 10 ... 15%Direct thermal current60 AShort-circuit thermal current, Ith 1,8 kA / 1 segDynamic current, Idyn2.5 IthOperating conditionsOperating temperature-20 ºC ... +70º CRelative humidity 95%Maximum altitude2000 mMechanical featuresTerminal <strong>protection</strong> IP20 (IEC 60529)Screw down fasteners M-5DIN rail (with accessory)See code belowCasing material / color Lexan 923 / RAL 7035Self-extinguishing classUL94V-0Product standards IEC 60044-1ConnectionTwo wire (S1-S2) connection typeDimensions of rigid/flexible conductorsScrew down fasteners(screw typw pzl0,1 a 2,5 mm2 / 27 ... 12 AWGConnection to the <strong>protection</strong> and measurement devices (RCD, RCM)Cabling with wire section ≥ 1 mm2Cabling of braidedand shielded wiresection ≥ 1 mm20 ... 1 m0 ... 10 mP1-11

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesWGCEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformres WGC SeriesReferencesUseful diameter(mm)Weight(g) I n(A) Type Code25 Ø 80 acc. relay WGC 25 P1015135 Ø 120 acc. relay WGC 35 P1015255 Ø 160 acc. relay WGC 55 P1015380 Ø 300 acc. relay WGC 80 P10154110 Ø 420 acc. relay WGC 110 P10155140 Ø 760 acc. relay WGC 140 P10156220 x 105 3740 acc. relay WGC-220x105 P10158350 x 150 7800 acc. relay WGC-350x150 P10159500 x 200 11300 acc. relay WGC-500x200 P10160DIN rail mounting accessory for WG-35 up toWG-210, and WGC-25, WGC-35 and WGC-55PA-TC/WGP19921(mm)EDimensionsAD(mm)A/2 A/2BCFGHKIJType A B C DWGC 25 25 60,5 64 -WGC 35 35 70,5 75,5 -WGC 55 55 92 98 38WGC 80 80 124,5 130 60WGC 110 110 163 168 84,5WGC 140 140 201 206 110Type WGC-220x105 WGC-350x150 WGC-500x200A 200 340 460B 7 7 7C 35 30 40D 54,2 50,2 306E 195 279 64F 314 479 614G 275 430 550H 220 350 500I 105 165 180J 102 143 155K 105 150 200P1-12

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesWGWG Series Earth Leakage transformersDescriptionThe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformers of the WG Series have been designedto work with the relays of the WG Series. The sensitivity (trigger current)of the transformer-relay set is established by the associated relay.ReferencesWG DimensionsUseful diameter(mm)Weight(g) I n(A) Type Code20 Ø 76 acc. relay WGS-20 P1013130 Ø 95 acc. relay WGS-30 P1013235 Ø 181 acc. relay WG-35 P1011170 Ø 274 acc. relay WG-70 P10112105 Ø 545 acc. relay WG-105 P10113140 Ø 1 222 acc. relay WG-140 P10114210 Ø 2 040 acc. relay WG-210 P1011570 x 175 2 400 acc. relay WG-70x175 P10116115 x 305 5 450 acc. relay WG-115x305 P10117150 x 350 7 400 acc. relay WG-150x350 P10118Type A B C D EWG-35 100 79 26 48,5 35WG-70 130 110 32 66 70WG-105 170 146 38 94 105WG-140 220 196 48,5 123 140WG-210 299 284 69 161 210200 x 500 13 400 acc. relay WG-200x500 P10119WGS DimensionsWGS-20WGS-30Type A B C D E F G H IWG-70X175 70 175 225 85 22 46 261 176 7,5WG-115X305 115 305 360 116 25 55 402 240 8WG-150X350 150 350 415 140 28 55 460 285 8Type A B C D E F G H IWG-200X500 200 500 - 140 - 62 585 285 -P1-13

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRG1MElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG / WGC SeriesDescriptionFeaturesWG series electronic differential <strong>protection</strong>relay for connection to external WG / WGS /WGC series toroidal transformers}}These are highly reliable electronic relayswith the option of a fixed or adjustable sensitivityand delay}}Measurement using true root mean square(TRMS) value}}DIN 46277 (En50022) Rail mounting}}Reduced one module size.}}LED status indication.• yPower ON LED.• yLeakage led ON. Tripped relay.• yPower LED flashing and <strong>leakage</strong> LEDON. Detection of a transformer continuityfaultApplicationThe RG1M relays combined with the WG /WGC transformer provides complete differential<strong>protection</strong>, both on single-phase andthree-phase lines.ProtecciónClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTest and ResetRemote ControlAssociated circuit breakerLED indicatorCircuit breaker controlA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)30 or 300 mA20 msExternal WG / WGC SeriesWith built-in buttons, T & RExternal Test OptionContactor or automatic circuit breaker using a coiltrigger• Power supply voltage• Leakage trigger• Disconnection of external transformerThrough a NO/NC switched relay, dependingon the connection with the circuit breakerFeaturesAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 / 60 HzOutput contacts250 Vac, 6 AOperating temperature -10 ... +65 ºCConstruction featuresFixing DIN Rail 46277 (EN 50022)Dimensions1 moduleWeight85 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 terminalsStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008P1-14

64 mm90 mmIndustrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRG1MElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG SeriesDimensions45 mm66 mm72 mm 17.5 mm‏ReferencesSize Attachment I n(A) Delay Type Code1 modules DIN rail 0.03 0.02 s RG1M-0.03 P122041 modules DIN rail 0.3 0.02 s RG1M-0.3 P12214Connections50/60 Hz230 V±20%L1 L2 L3 N50/60 Hz230 V±20%L1 L2 L3 N7 87 85 6RG1M1S11S2Type WG5 6RG1M1S11S2Type WGTest / Reset230V;5ATest / Reset230V;5A3 41 2Disparo por BOBINA DE MÍNIMA- Rearme manual.CARGA3 41 2CARGADisparo por BOBINA DE EMISIÓN- Rearme manual.P1-15

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRGE / RGE-RElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG / WGC SeriesDescriptionFeaturesElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> relay,used to connect to the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformersWG / WGC Series}}These electronic relays offer a high reliability,with the option of a fixed or adjustablesensitivity and delay}}Type A relay with high frequency currentfiltering and high immunity. Monitoring of thetrue root mean square (TRMS)}}Assembly on DIN rail 46277}}Reduced size: 2 modules}}LED indicators:• yPermanently lit leak indicator• yLED: Trigger relay• yFlashing power LED and lit leak LED:detection of faults in the transformer's continuity• yFlashing leak LED indicator (only RGE-Rand RGE-R1): Leak with a value under thevalue selected• y1 flash every 2 s: 25 ... 50 % of the <strong>leakage</strong>current• y1 flash every 1 s: 50 ... 75 %• y2 flashes every 1 s: 75 ...

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRGE / RGE-RElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG SeriesDimensionsReferencesSize Fixing I n(A) Delay Type Code2 modules DIN rail 0,03 0.02 s RGE-0.03 P122012 modules DIN rail 0,3 0.02 s RGE-0.3 P122112 modules DIN rail 0,03 ... 3 0.02 ... 1 s RGE-R1 P122312 modules DIN rail 0,03 ... 5 0.02 ... 5 s RGE-R P12232ConnectionsShunt coil trippingUndervoltage coil trippingEXTERNAL RESETEXTERNAL RESETEXTERNAL RESETEXTERNAL RESETSHUNTCOILSHUNTCOILUNDERVOLTAGECOILUNDERVOLTAGECOILLOADLOADLOADLOADP1-17

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRGU-10 / RGU-10 CElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG / WGC SeriesDescriptionFeaturesElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> relay,used to connect to the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformersWG / WGC Series}}Superimmunized Type A relay with highfrequency current filtering and high immunity}}Monitoring of the true root mean square(TRMS)}}Display of data on the screenTwo independentprogrammable outputs (main andpre-alarm)}}External input for remote control functions( 230 Vac).ApplicationThe RGU-10 relays associated to the transformersof the WG / WGC series allow ansmart <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>. Their designfeatures guarantee maximum security andcontinuity of the electrical service, avoidingunwanted tripping.Showing the value of the leak instantaneouslyon the display with the pre-alarm indicationsprovides the information about thestate of lines being protected, thus allowingthe implementation of an adequate preventivemaintenance approach.In addition, version RGU-10 C with RS-485communications is used with the Power Studiosoftware, which allows the centralisedsupervision of the system in real time, with arecord log that can be analysed later on.ProtectionClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTest and ResetRemote ControlAssociated circuit breakerLED indicatorDisplay ViewRemote signalingCircuit breaker controlFeaturesAuxiliary power supplyOutput contactsA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)0.03 ... 3 A0.03 ... 30 A(PROGRAMMING)Time defined: 0,02 ... 10 sInverse curve: Instantaneous or selectiveExternal, TRANSFORMERS WG / WGCWith built-in buttons, T & RExternal Test OptionContact or Circuit breaker + trigger coil• Power supply voltage• Trip due to <strong>leakage</strong>• Disconnection of the external transformer• Pre-alarm• Current trip (red display when triggered)• Programming parameters• Instantaneous <strong>leakage</strong> current• Disconnection of the external transformer• Pre-alarm• Display of parameters with RS-485communications (RGU-10 C)Through an NO/NC switched relay, dependingon the connection with the circuit breaker230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 / 60 Hz(other values on demand)250 Vac, 6 AOperating temperature -10 ... +50 ºCConstruction featuresFixing DIN Rail 46277 (EN 50022)Dimensions3 modulesWeight236 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 Terminals, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008P1-18

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesRGU-10 / RGU-10 CElectronic <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relay with externaltransformer of the WG / WGC SeriesDimensionsReferencesSize Communications I n(A) Delay Type Code3 modules -3 modules RS-4850.03 ... 3 A0.03 ... 30 A(PROGRAMMING)0.03 ... 3 A0.03 ... 30 A(PROGRAMMING)0.02...10 s, INS, SEL RGU-10 P119410.02...10 s, INS, SEL RGU-10 C P11944ConnectionsShunt coilUndervoltage coilP1-19

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesCBS-4 / CBS-4 CEarth <strong>leakage</strong> monitoring and signaling unitof the external transformer of the WG / WGCSeriesDescriptionFeatures}}Unit equivalent to 4 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>networks. 4 independent programmablerelays available}}Four inputs to connect the external toroidaltransformers of the WG}}Superimmunized Type A relay with highfrequency current filtering and high immunity.Monitoring in true root mean square (TRMS)}}Reduced size, with 3 modules}}5 independent programmable outputs(4 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> trip relays and 1 pre-alarmtrip).ApplicationThe CBS-4 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> unit associated tothe transformers of the WG / WGC Series allowsan smart <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>. Itsdesign features guarantee maximum securityand continuity of the electrical service, avoidingunwanted tripping.Showing the value of the leak instantaneouslyon the display with the pre-alarm indicationsprovides the information about thestate of lines being protected, thus allowingthe implementation of an adequate preventivemaintenance approach.ProtectionNo. of <strong>protection</strong>sClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTest and ResetAssociated circuit breakerLED indicatorDisplay View4 Independent linesA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)0.03 A ... 30 ATime defined: 0,02 ... 10 sInverse curve: instantaneous or selectiveExternal, TRANSFORMERS WG/WGPWith built-in buttons, T & RContact or Circuit breaker + trigger coil• Power supply voltage• Leakage trip• Pre-alarm• Interlocked <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> self-reclosing• Current trip (red display when triggered)• Instantaneous leak level indicator in each channel• Parameter programming• State of the self-reclosing- Disconnected externaltrans. indicator- Automatic self-reclosing enabledFeaturesAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 ... 60 HzOutput contacts250 Vac, 5 AOperating temperature -10 ... +50 ºCConstruction featuresFixing DIN Rail 46277 (EN 50022)Dimensions3 modulesWeight236 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 Terminals, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008In addition, version CBS-4 C with RS-485communications is used with the PowerStudiosoftware, which allows the centralisedsupervision of the system in real time, witha record log that can be analysed later on.P1-20

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesCBS-4 / CBS-4 CEarth <strong>leakage</strong> monitoring and signaling unitof the external transformer of the WG / WGCSeriesDimensionsReferencesSize Communications No. of Relays I n(A) Type Code3 modules - 4 0.03 ... 30 s CBS-4 P127113 modules RS-485 4 0.03 ... 30 s CBS-4 C P12712ConnectionsP1-21

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesCBS-8Earth <strong>leakage</strong> monitoring and signaling unitof the external transformer of the WG / WGPSeriesDescriptionFeatures}}Unit equivalent to 8 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>networks. 8 independent programmablerelays available}}8 inputs to connect the external toroidaltransformers of the WG / WGP}}Superimmunized Type A relay with highfrequency current filtering and high immunity.Monitoring in true root mean square (TRMS)}}Size adapted for 8 modules}}9 independent programmable outputs(8 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> trip relays and 1 pre-alarmtrip).ApplicationThe CBS-8 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> station associatedto the transformers of the WG / WGP Seriesallows an smart <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>. Itsdesign features guarantee maximum securityand continuity of the electrical service, avoidingunwanted tripping.Showing the value of the leak instantaneouslyon the display with the pre-alarm indicationsprovides the information about thestate of lines being protected, thus allowingthe implementation of an adequate preventivemaintenance approach.In addition, RS-485 communications areused with the Power Studio software, whichallows the centralised supervision of the systemin real time, with a record log that can beanalysed later on.ProtectionNo. of <strong>protection</strong>sClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTest and ResetAssociated circuit breaker8 Independent linesA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)0.03 A ... 6.3 A external transformers WG / WGS0.03 A ... 63 A external transformers WGP/WGSPTime defined: 0,02 ... 10 sInverse curve: instantaneous or selectiveExternal, TRANSFORMERS WG / WGPWith built-in buttons, T & RContact or Circuit breaker + trigger coilSelf-reclosingNo. of reclosures 0 Programming option ... 10Time between reclosures0 Programming option ... 900 sPartial counter reset timeDouble the reclosing time• Power supply voltage• Leakage tripLED indicator• Pre-alarm• Interlocked <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> reclosing• Automatic self-reclosing enabled• Instantaneous leak level indicator in each channelDisplay View• Parameter programming• Self-reclosing statusFeaturesAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 ... 60 HzOutput contacts250 Vac, 5 AOperating temperature -10 ... +50 ºCConstruction featuresFixing DIN Rail 46277 (EN 50022)Dimensions8 modulesWeight609 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 Terminals, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008P1-22

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesCBS-8Earth <strong>leakage</strong> monitoring and signaling unitof the external transformer of the WG / WGPSeriesDimensions11045140 70CBS-8ReferencesSize Communications No. of Relays I n(A) Type Code8 modules RS-485 8 0.03 ... 63 A CBS-8 (*) P12811(*) In the case of the 0.3 ... 63 A scale, use <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformers of the WGP / WGSPConnectionsP1-23

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WG SeriesWGPEarth <strong>leakage</strong> Transformers of the WGPSeries (only for CBS-8)DescriptionThe <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformers of the WGP Series have been designedto work only with the CBS-8 relay unit and a sensitivity of 0.3 ...63 A. These transformers have a 1/5000 ratio.ReferencesWGP DimensionsUseful diameter(mm) Weight (g) I n(A) Type Code20 Ø 76 0,3 ... 63 WGSP-20 P1014130 Ø 95 0,3 ... 63 WGSP-30 P1014235 Ø 181 0,3 ... 63 WGP-35 P1012170 Ø 274 0,3 ... 63 WGP-70 P10122105 Ø 545 0,3 ... 63 WGP-105 P10123140 Ø 1 222 0,3 ... 63 WGP-140 P10124210 Ø 2 040 0,3 ... 63 WGP-210 P1012570 x 175 2 400 0,3 ... 63 WGP-70x175 P10126115 x 305 5 450 0,3 ... 63 WGP-115x305 P10127150 x 350 7 400 0,3 ... 63 WGP-150x350 P10128WGSP DimensionsType A B C D EWGP-35 100 79 26 48,5 35WGP-70 130 110 32 66 70WGP-105 170 146 38 94 105WGP-140 220 196 48,5 123 140WGP-210 299 284 69 161 210WGSP-20WGSP-30Type A B C D E F G H IWGP-70X175 70 175 225 85 22 46 261 176 7,5WGP-115X305 115 305 360 116 25 55 402 240 8WGP-150X350 150 350 415 140 28 55 460 285 8P1-24

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WRU-10Differential relay with built-in transformerand displayDescriptionFeaturesElectronic differential <strong>protection</strong> relay with builtin28 mm transformer, constituting one unit.}}Type A high-insulation, with high-frequencycurrent filter and high insulation. Monitoringusing true root mean square.}}Display with LEDs and display:- differential <strong>protection</strong> settings.- <strong>protection</strong> trigger current.- <strong>protection</strong> status messages, etc.}}Units with three programmable output contactrelays, one switched and two simple. Themain relay is for the <strong>protection</strong> provided by thecontact or trigger relay of the automatic switchwhile the two others are for the pre-alarm.}}It also has a voltage input for external triggeringand re-arming.}}Assembly on DIN Rail 46277 (EN 50022)}}Reduced three-module size.}}Connection by pluggable terminals.ApplicationWRU-10 relays allow for intelligent differential<strong>protection</strong>. Due to their design features, theyassure maximum safety and continuity in electricalservice, avoiding unwanted tripping..Information on the state of the protected linesis made available through the visualization ofthe instantaneous <strong>leakage</strong> value on the displayscreen together with prealarm signals, allowingfor effective preventive maintenance.ProtectionClassMeasurementSensitivity PROGRAMABLEDelay PROGRAMABLETest y ResetRemote ControlAssociated circuit breakerLED indicatorCircuit breaker controlA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)0,03 ... 3 A, scalable up to 30 A by SETUPTime defined: 0,02 ...1 s, scalable up to 10s by SETUP.Inverse curve: Instantaneous or selective (IEC 60947-2)With built-in buttons, T & RExternal Test Option, voltage-free input tripping.Contact or Circuit breaker + trigger coil• Power supply voltage• Trip due to <strong>leakage</strong>• Pre-alarm- Protection parameters- Leakage current/trip reading- Leakage current/trip reading.-TEST statuses and externaltripping.Through an NO/NC switched relay, dependingon the connection with the circuit breakerElectric featuresAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 30 %) 50 / 60 HzOutput contacts250 Vac, 5 A / 230 Vac, 250 mAOperating temperature -20 ...+70 ºCConstruction featuresFixing DIN Rail 46722 (EN 50022)Dimensions3 modulesWeight275 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008P1-25

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WGBUTransformer with built-in <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relayDescriptionFeaturesThe WGBU Series is a compact <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong><strong>protection</strong> system. It is composed of atoroidal transformer with a built-in <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong>relay.}}Multi-range electronic relay• yThe sensitivity can be adjusted to 0.03 ... 3 A• yTrigger delay of 0.02 ... 1 ws, adjustable}}Type A relay with high frequency currentfiltering and high immunity. Monitoring in trueroot mean square (TRMS).}}LED indicators:• yGrid connection LED• yPre-alarm and trigger LED: 1 flash every2 s, leak between 25 and 50 % of the sensitivityselected; 1 flash every 1 s, leak between50 and 75 % of the sensitivity selected;1 flash every 0.5 s, leak exceeding 75% of the sensitivity selected; permanentlylit, trigger of the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>.ApplicationThe WGBU series offers a reliable <strong>earth</strong><strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>, with simpler cabling andsavings in the assembly time. In addition, installationis very simple, thanks to its compactdimensions.Earth <strong>leakage</strong>ClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTest and ResetAssociated circuit breakerLED indicatorRemote Control (inputs)Circuit breaker controlProtectionA superimmunizedTrue root mean square (TRMS)0.03 ... 3 A0.02 ... 1 sBuilt-in transformers of the WGWith built-in buttons, T & RContact or Circuit breaker + trigger coil• Power supply voltage• Trip due to <strong>leakage</strong>• Pre-alarmExternal Test OptionThrough an NO/NC switched relay, dependingon the connection with the circuit breakerFeaturesAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 / 60 HzOutput contacts250 Vac, 6 AOperating temperature -10 ... +50 ºCConstruction featuresFixingDIN Panel / RailDimensionsDepending on the typeWeightDepending on the typeDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 Terminals, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 60947-2, IEC 60755, IEC 62020, IEC 61008P1-27

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WGBUTransformer with built-in <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relayDimensionsWGBUWGBU-90Type A1 A2 B C D EWGBU-35 (A1) / WGBU-90-35 (A2) 166 100 79 26 48,5 35WGBU-70 (A1) / WGBU-90-70 (A2) 196 130 110 332 66 70WGBU-105 (A1) / WGBU-90-105 (A2) 236 170 146 38 94 105WGBU-140 (A1) / WGBU-90-140 (A2) 286 220 196 48,5 123 140WGBU-210 (A1) / WGBU-90-210 (A2) 365 299 284 69 161 210ReferencesWeight (g)Useful diameter(mm) I n(A) Delay (s) Type Code380 35 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-35 P16011474 70 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-70 P16012744 105 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-105 P160131422 140 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-140 P160142240 210 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-210 P16015380 35 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-90-35 P16021474 70 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-90-70 P16022744 105 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-90-105 P160231422 140 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-90-140 P160242240 210 Ø 0,03 ... 3 0,02 ... 1 WGBU-90-210 P16025The delay is cancelled in all relays with a sensitivity adjustment of 0.03 A.P1-28

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WGBUTransformer with built-in <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relayConnectionsShunt coilUndervoltage coilP1-29

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WRN-22Earth <strong>leakage</strong> relay with built-in transformerDescriptionFeaturesThe WRN-22 relay is an <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> relaywith a built-in <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> transformer, witha diameter Ø 22 mm}}DIN 46277 Symmetrical profile coupling(EN 50022)}}The <strong>leakage</strong> is detected by means ofsampling the <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> intensity and calculatingits true root mean square (TRMS)}}Detection of the presence of voltage withLEDs}}TEST button.ApplicationThe WRN-22 <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong> is avery interesting solution for small-scale installationswith reduced space.ProtectionClassMeasurementSensitivityDelayEarth <strong>leakage</strong> transformerTestAssociated circuit breakerRelay signalingATrue root mean square (TRMS)0,01 A / 0,03 A / 0,30 A (depending on the type)0.02 sInternalWith built-in button, TESTCircuit breaker + trigger coil• Power supply voltage• Leakage triggerRemote signaling (outputs) -Remote Control (inputs)External testCircuit breaker controlVoltage 230 VacFeaturesAuxiliary power supply230 Vac (± 20 %) 50 / 60 HzOutput contacts -Operating temperature -10 ... +50 ºCConstruction featuresFixingDIN railDimensions3 modulesWeight146 gDegree of <strong>protection</strong>IP 20 Terminals, IP 41 back panelStandardsIEC 1008, IEC 255-5, UNE 801-2, UNE 801-3, UNE 801-4, UNE 60730-1P1-30

Industrial <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>WRN-22Earth <strong>leakage</strong> relay with built-in transformerDimensionsReferencesSizeUseful diameter(mm) I n(A) Delay (s) Type Code3 modules 22 0,03 0,02 WRN-22-0.03 P142113 modules 22 0,3 0,02 WRN-22-0.3 P142123 modules 22 0,01 0,02 WRN-22-0.01 P14214ConnectionsP1-31

<strong>Smart</strong> <strong>earth</strong> <strong>leakage</strong> <strong>protection</strong>+ information: central@circutor.eswww.circutor.comDesigned by Communication Dept. - CIRCUTOR, SACIRCUTOR, SA - Vial Sant Jordi, s/n08232 Viladecavalls (Barcelona) SpainTel. (+34) 93 745 29 00 - Fax: (+34) 93 745 29 14central@circutor.esCIRCUTOR, SA reserves the right to change any of the information contained in this catalogue.

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