What is Meningitis? Cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal ...

What is Meningitis? Cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal ...

What is Meningitis? Cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal ...


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<strong>the</strong> “MENINGITIS BELT”,an area of endemic diffusion of meningococcus infection2

Bacterial Meningit<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> very serious, can be contagious <strong>and</strong> requireshospitalization during treatment. Bacterial meningit<strong>is</strong> may result in <strong>brain</strong>damage, hearing loss, learning d<strong>is</strong>ability, <strong>and</strong> even death. For bacterialmeningit<strong>is</strong>, it <strong>is</strong> important to know which type of bacteria <strong>is</strong> causing <strong>the</strong>meningit<strong>is</strong> because antibiotics like CHLORAMPHENICOL can preventsome types from spreading <strong>and</strong> infecting o<strong>the</strong>r people. Ne<strong>is</strong>seriameningitid<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>the</strong> common cause of bacterial meningit<strong>is</strong>. There are 4known types, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>re are vaccines. Unfortunately <strong>the</strong> vaccine <strong>is</strong> notalways effective in young children.3

Symptoms:A very bad headache that won't go awayNeck StiffnessBack StiffnessEye Pain or irritation when exposed to lightNausea or being sick to <strong>the</strong> stomachVomiting or throwing upBody achesFeverFeeling very sleepy or unable to fully wakeupFeeling very confused or out of it*Symptoms can come on very quickly or takea couple of days to appear.4

Diagnos<strong>is</strong>:A <strong>spinal</strong> tap <strong>is</strong> performed to collect cerebro<strong>spinal</strong> <strong>fluid</strong> that surrounds<strong>the</strong> <strong>spinal</strong> cord for examination under <strong>the</strong> microscope. The doctorwill numb an area along <strong>the</strong> spine <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n insert a needle betweentwo vertebras to collect a sample for testing. Treatment depends on<strong>the</strong> type of meningit<strong>is</strong>. If bacterial meningit<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> suspected <strong>the</strong>diagnos<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> usually made by growing bacteria from a sample of <strong>spinal</strong><strong>fluid</strong>.5

Causes of ra<strong>is</strong>ed intracranial pressure in a patient with bacterialmeningit<strong>is</strong>.(A) Diffuse swelling of <strong>the</strong> <strong>brain</strong>. (B) Hydrocephalus results from basalobstruction of <strong>the</strong> cerebro<strong>spinal</strong> <strong>fluid</strong>. (C) Infarcts are caused byinflammatory occlusion of arteries. (D) Thrombos<strong>is</strong> of <strong>the</strong> cerebral veins<strong>and</strong> sinuses.7

Chloramphenicol B.P.SuspensionComposition:Each 5ml (teaspoonful) of homogenous suspension contains Chloramphenicol palmitateequivalent of 125mg Chloramphenicol B.P.Indications:Typhoid <strong>and</strong> paratyphoid fevers caused by S. typhi <strong>and</strong> S. paratyphi <strong>and</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Salmonellainfections, meningit<strong>is</strong> caused by Haemophilus influenza, Reckettsial infections <strong>and</strong> epidemictyphus, chronic infection of urinary tract caused by Proteus vulgar<strong>is</strong> which does not respond totreatment with o<strong>the</strong>r antibiotics.Side Effects:Agranulocytos<strong>is</strong>, aplastic anaemia, thrombocytopenic purpura <strong>and</strong> bone marrow depression mayoccur in long term <strong>the</strong>rapy . O<strong>the</strong>r side effects include renal toxicity, optic neurit<strong>is</strong>, jaundice,dryness of <strong>the</strong> mouth, nausea, vomiting diarrhoea, skin rashes, increase growth of C<strong>and</strong>idaalbicans or o<strong>the</strong>r fungi on <strong>the</strong> mucous membrane may occur causing stomatit<strong>is</strong>, sore tongue <strong>and</strong>rectal or vaginal irritation, <strong>and</strong> haemolytic anaemia in some patients with a genetic deficiency ofglucose – 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity . Large doses on infant may lead to “<strong>the</strong> greysyndrome characterized by ashen colour of <strong>the</strong> skin; irregular respiration, perspiration,progressive pallid cyanos<strong>is</strong>, circulatory collapse <strong>and</strong> eventually death. Prolonged admin<strong>is</strong>trationmay induce bleeding, ei<strong>the</strong>r by bone marrow depression or by reduction of intestinal flora whichleads to inhibition of vitamin K, hence high prothrombin time.Special Precautions:Avoid long-term treatment (not more than 10 days) <strong>and</strong> in hepatic renal impairment regularblood cell count should be performed. Chloramphenicol should not be given during activeimmunization.Drugs interaction:Avoid concomitant use with anticoagulants; antidiabetic agents etc. d<strong>is</strong>continue <strong>the</strong> treatment ifserum iron level <strong>is</strong> high, avoid use in newly born babies. Systemic half-life <strong>is</strong> enhanced by drugsthat inhibit liver oxidative enzymes; such rifampicin, paracetamol, phenobarbitone, phenytoin.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> important in cases of poor liver function, mild toxicity to Chloramphenicol <strong>and</strong> low fullblood count.8

Chloramphenicol has excellent oral bioavailability:The concentration achieved in <strong>brain</strong> <strong>and</strong>cerebro<strong>spinal</strong> <strong>fluid</strong> (CSF) <strong>is</strong> around 30 to 50% evenwhen <strong>the</strong> meninges are not inflamed; th<strong>is</strong> increasesto as high as 89% when <strong>the</strong> meninges are inflamed.9

Gray (or Grey) baby syndromecausata da insufficiente capacità metabolicadel neonato(scarsa glicuronazione + insufficiente escrezione delfarmaco non coniugato)10

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