Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova

Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova


86 SUBSTANTIAl INVESTMENTS IN INNoVATIoN The contribution of new products to growth underlines the great importance of research and development at Sonova. Sonova generated 74% of its total sales with hearing instruments that had been on the market for less than two years, emphasizing once again the technological lead over competitors. This can be attributed primarily to the solid success of the new Spice platform. Phonak has introduced a complete product portfolio based on the most powerful chipset in the market in late autumn 2010. With the broadest CRT portfolio in the industry, Phonak is also ideally positioned in the Canal Receiver Technology market, the fastest-growing hearing instrument segment. In spring 2011, Unitron has also launched its new product portfolio based on the latest platform technology, setting the course for growth in the new financial year. Investment in research and development was CHF 107.8 million, clearly above the previous year’s level of CHF 87.0 million, and driven also by the acquisition activities. The Group continues to focus on investment in future technologies. As a consequence, the number of employees in R&d increased by 9% to 525. SAlES By PRodUCT GRoUPS CREATING A HEARING CARE CoMPANy in CHF m 2010/11 2009/10 Sales Share Growth in local currencies In financial year 2009/10 Sonova began reporting on two business segments: hearing instruments and hearing implants. The former can be compared more or less with the results of financial reporting before this date. Sales of InSound Medical are consolidated with the figures for first class hearing instruments. The hearing implants segment primarily reports the results of the Advanced Bionics business that was acquired in late 2009. Both acquisitions were consolidated in the overall performance of the Sonova Group for the first three months of calendar year 2010 in the previous financial year. The Phonak Acoustic Implants business, which is also included in the hearing implants segment, did not generate any sales in 2010/11. Sales Share First class hearing instruments 398 25% 10.8% 378 25% Business class hearing instruments 379 23% 12.4% 353 24% Economy class hearing instruments 481 30% 7.2% 460 31% Wireless communication systems 75 5% 5.0% 75 5% Miscellaneous 213 13% 7.0% 209 13% Total hearing instruments 1,546 96% 10.1% 1,475 98% Hearing implants 71 4% 25 2% Total sales 1,617 100% 13.3% 1,500 100%

ABoVE MARkET GRoWTH IN HEARING INSTRUMENTS SEGMENT Sonova’s core business, the hearing instruments seg ment, has performed well with an exchange rate-adjusted growth of 10.1% (organic growth: 5.8%). overall, the hearing instrument segment achieved an increase in sales of 11% in first class, 12% in business class and 7% in economy class. First class hearing instruments accounted for 25% of Sonova’s total sales in financial year 2010/11, while business class and economy class accounted for 23% and 30% respectively. Sales of wireless communication systems grew by 5% in local currencies in 2010/11. The recently established dynamic FM technology and the development of the new dynamic SoundField set new standards and confirmed Phonak’s leading role within this field. This market segment accounted for 5% of Sonova’s sales in financial year 2010/11. The increase in sales of hearing instruments also reflects an increase in sales of miscellaneous products and services, where sales growth was 7% in local currencies in 2010/11. This component accounted for 13% of Group sales. BEloW ExPECTATIoNS FoR HEARING IMPlANTS SEGMENT With the acquisition of Advanced Bionics at the end of december 2009, Sonova took the strategic step to expand into the market segment of cochlear implants, thus leveraging its leading position as a global provider of hearing systems. Advanced Bionics is one of the world’s leading companies in the development and manufacture of cochlear implants. The full purchase price of USd 496 million (in cluding acquisition-related costs) was paid with CHF 40 million of existing cash and an acquisition loan in the amount of CHF 470 million. FINANCIAl REVIEW The acquisition accounting of Advanced Bionics was finalized in financial year 2010/11 according to IFRS. As a result, the 2009/10 financial results were restated to reflect the various balance sheet and income statement adjustments (see Note 3.7 of the consolidated financial statements 2010/11 for details). In November 2010, Advanced Bionics initiated a voluntary recall of the HiRes 90k cochlear implant device. This was a precautionary measure based on two instances in which the product was removed for safety reasons due to a very rare malfunction. The temporary product recall resulted in lost sales of around CHF 60 million in the current financial year, leaving a total of CHF 70.8 million for sales in financial year 2010/11, well behind the original expectations for this segment. Even though Sonova immediately took measures to address the problem and to receive permission to return to the market, the temporary recall had a significant ly negative impact on the profitability of the segment and reduced the Group’s operating profit by approximately CHF 45 million. Based on this event, and the resulting updated business plan prepared by management, the goodwill originally recorded on the acquisition was reviewed, and an impairment of CHF 156.6 million was reported in the restated financial results for 2009/10. Also in the financial year 2010/11, Advanced Bionics and Phonak Acoustic Implants have been consolidated into a single division, led by the new Group Vice President Me dical, with the objective of leveraging technology and business processes. A preliminary assessment of the potential opportunities between the two businesses, and their respective product roadmaps, indicates that a number of past development projects no longer fit into the combined development plan. As a consequence, CHF 35.5 million of previously capitalized development costs were impaired. 87



<strong>Sonova</strong>’s core business, the hearing instruments seg ment,<br />

has performed well with an exchange rate-adjusted growth<br />

of 10.1% (organic growth: 5.8%). overall, the hearing<br />

instrument segment achieved an increase in sales of <strong>11</strong>%<br />

in first class, 12% in business class and 7% in economy<br />

class. First class hearing instruments accounted for 25% of<br />

<strong>Sonova</strong>’s total sales in financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>, while business<br />

class and economy class accounted for 23% and 30%<br />

respectively.<br />

Sales of wireless communication systems grew by 5% in<br />

local currencies in <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>. The recently established<br />

dynamic FM technology and the development of the new<br />

dynamic SoundField set new standards and confirmed<br />

Phonak’s leading role within this field. This market segment<br />

accounted for 5% of <strong>Sonova</strong>’s sales in financial year<br />

<strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>.<br />

The increase in sales of hearing instruments also reflects an<br />

increase in sales of miscellaneous products and services,<br />

where sales growth was 7% in local currencies in <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>.<br />

This component accounted for 13% of Group sales.<br />



With the acquisition of Advanced Bionics at the end of<br />

december 2009, <strong>Sonova</strong> took the strategic step to expand<br />

into the market segment of cochlear implants, thus leveraging<br />

its leading position as a global provider of hearing<br />

systems. Advanced Bionics is one of the world’s leading<br />

companies in the development and manufacture of cochlear<br />

implants. The full purchase price of USd 496 million<br />

(in cluding acquisition-related costs) was paid with CHF 40<br />

million of existing cash and an acquisition loan in the<br />

amount of CHF 470 million.<br />


The acquisition accounting of Advanced Bionics was<br />

finalized in financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> according to IFRS. As<br />

a result, the 2009/10 financial results were restated to<br />

reflect the various balance sheet and income statement<br />

adjustments (see Note 3.7 of the consolidated financial<br />

statements <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> for details).<br />

In November <strong>2010</strong>, Advanced Bionics initiated a voluntary<br />

recall of the HiRes 90k cochlear implant device. This was<br />

a precautionary measure based on two instances in which<br />

the product was removed for safety reasons due to a very<br />

rare malfunction. The temporary product recall resulted in<br />

lost sales of around CHF 60 million in the current financial<br />

year, leaving a total of CHF 70.8 million for sales in financial<br />

year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>, well behind the original expectations for<br />

this segment. Even though <strong>Sonova</strong> immediately took measures<br />

to address the problem and to receive permission<br />

to return to the market, the temporary recall had a significant<br />

ly negative impact on the profitability of the segment<br />

and reduced the Group’s operating profit by approximately<br />

CHF 45 million. Based on this event, and the resulting<br />

updated business plan prepared by management, the goodwill<br />

originally recorded on the acquisition was reviewed,<br />

and an impairment of CHF 156.6 million was reported in the<br />

restated financial results for 2009/10.<br />

Also in the financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong>, Advanced Bionics and<br />

Phonak Acoustic Implants have been consolidated into<br />

a single division, led by the new Group Vice President Me dical,<br />

with the objective of leveraging technology and<br />

business processes. A preliminary assessment of the potential<br />

opportunities between the two businesses, and their<br />

respective product roadmaps, indicates that a number of<br />

past development projects no longer fit into the combined<br />

development plan. As a consequence, CHF 35.5 million of<br />

previously capitalized development costs were impaired.<br />


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