Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova

Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova Annual Report 2010/11 - Sonova


128 foreign currency sensitivity analysis a 5% strengthening/weakening of the following currencies against the swiss franc as of march 31, 2011 and 2010 (for foreign currency rates refer to note 34) would create an impact on income after taxes and equity as shown in the following table. the analysis assumes all other variables to remain constant. 1,000 cHf 2010/11 2009/10 2010/11 2009/10 impact on income after taxes impact on equity change in Usd/cHf +5% 2,548 2,006 19,214 16,402 change in Usd/cHf –5% (2,548) (2,006) (19,214) (16,402) change in eUR/cHf +5% 3,608 3,894 9,309 8,290 change in eUR/cHf –5% (3,608) (3,894) (9,309) (8,290) interest rate risk the Group has only limited exposure to interest rate changes. a substantial portion of the cHf 470 million loan, entered into in connection with the acquisition of advanced Bionics, has already been repaid. for the long-term bank loan of cHf 230 mil lion, the Group entered into a swap agreement that protects the Group against raising interest rates, as the floating interest rates are swapped against fixed rates. as the conditions of the swap are in line with the underlying conditions of the financing agreement, the swap can be considered as 100% effective and hedge accounting has been applied. as of march 31, 2011, the negative fair value of the interest rate swap amounts to cHf 1.9 million and represents the theoretical replacement value. if interest rates had been 0.5% lower/higher, the valuation of the swap would have changed by approximately cHf 4 million and the equity would have been cHf 4 million lower/higher. as of march 31, 2011, the remaining short-term portion of the bank loan of cHf 40 million is affected by interest rate changes. if interest rates for the financial year 2010/11 had been 1% higher/lower, income after taxes would have been cHf 0.4 million lower/higher. except as noted above, no derivative instruments have been used to hedge against changes in interest rates. However, the interest situation and hedging possiblities are continuously monitored. the most substantial interest exposure on assets relates to cash and cash equivalents with an average interest-bearing amount for the financial year 2010/11 of cHf 237 million (previous year cHf 252 million). if interest rates during the financial year 2010/11 had been 1% higher/lower on these accounts, income after taxes would have been cHf 2.1 million higher/lower (previous year cHf 2.2 million). other market risks Risk of price changes of raw materials or components used for production is limited. a change in those prices would not result in financial effects being above the Group’s risk management tolerance level. therefore, no sensitivity analysis has been conducted. the Group holds certain marketable securities which are classified as “financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” and mainly consist of quoted bonds and equity funds. these investments (0.4% of total assets as of march 31, 2011) are also below the Group’s risk management tolerance level. therefore no sensitivity analysis has been conducted.

cRedit RisK consolidated financial statements 129 financial assets which could expose the Group to a potential concentration in credit risk are principally cash and bank balances, receivables from customers and loans. core banking relations are maintained with four first-class financial institutions (as of march 31, 2011, 37% of total cash and cash equivalents related to one counterpart). it is the Group’s policy to only enter into material transactions with financial institutions that are by the major rating agencies at least “a” rated. the Group performs continuous credit checks on its receivables and credit limits are assigned to all customers. due to the customer diversity there is no single credit limit for all customers, however the Group assesses its customers by applying a standard methodology and taking into account their financial position, past experience, and other factors. due to the fragmented customer base (no single customer balance is greater than 10% of total trade accounts receivable), the Group is not exposed to any significant concentration risk. for loans to third and related parties, the Group assesses its risk by its counterpart taking into account their financial position, past experience, and other factors. the Group does not expect any significant losses either from receivables or from other financial assets. the maximum exposure for credit risk relating to financial assets is the total of the carrying amounts recorded in the balance sheet. liQUidity RisK Group finance is responsible for centrally managing the net cash/debt position and to ensure that the Group’s obligations can be settled on time. the Group aims to grow further and wants to remain flexible in making time-sensitive investment decisions. this overall objective is included in the asset allocation strategy. a rolling forecast based on the expected cash flows is conducted and updated regularly to monitor and control liquidity and to ensure that the financial covenants are met and to ensure the contractual repayment of the bank debt. as of march 31, 2011, the covenants are met.

128<br />

foreign currency sensitivity analysis<br />

a 5% strengthening/weakening of the following currencies against the swiss franc as of march 31, 20<strong>11</strong> and <strong>2010</strong> (for<br />

foreign currency rates refer to note 34) would create an impact on income after taxes and equity as shown in the following<br />

table. the analysis assumes all other variables to remain constant.<br />

1,000 cHf <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> 2009/10 <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> 2009/10<br />

impact<br />

on income<br />

after taxes<br />

impact<br />

on equity<br />

change in Usd/cHf +5% 2,548 2,006 19,214 16,402<br />

change in Usd/cHf –5% (2,548) (2,006) (19,214) (16,402)<br />

change in eUR/cHf +5% 3,608 3,894 9,309 8,290<br />

change in eUR/cHf –5% (3,608) (3,894) (9,309) (8,290)<br />

interest rate risk<br />

the Group has only limited exposure to interest rate changes. a substantial portion of the cHf 470 million loan, entered<br />

into in connection with the acquisition of advanced Bionics, has already been repaid. for the long-term bank loan of<br />

cHf 230 mil lion, the Group entered into a swap agreement that protects the Group against raising interest rates, as<br />

the floating interest rates are swapped against fixed rates. as the conditions of the swap are in line with the underlying<br />

conditions of the financing agreement, the swap can be considered as 100% effective and hedge accounting has been<br />

applied. as of march 31, 20<strong>11</strong>, the negative fair value of the interest rate swap amounts to cHf 1.9 million and represents<br />

the theoretical replacement value. if interest rates had been 0.5% lower/higher, the valuation of the swap would have<br />

changed by approximately cHf 4 million and the equity would have been cHf 4 million lower/higher. as of march 31,<br />

20<strong>11</strong>, the remaining short-term portion of the bank loan of cHf 40 million is affected by interest rate changes. if interest<br />

rates for the financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> had been 1% higher/lower, income after taxes would have been cHf 0.4 million<br />

lower/higher.<br />

except as noted above, no derivative instruments have been used to hedge against changes in interest rates. However,<br />

the interest situation and hedging possiblities are continuously monitored.<br />

the most substantial interest exposure on assets relates to cash and cash equivalents with an average interest-bearing<br />

amount for the financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> of cHf 237 million (previous year cHf 252 million). if interest rates during the<br />

financial year <strong>2010</strong>/<strong>11</strong> had been 1% higher/lower on these accounts, income after taxes would have been cHf 2.1 million<br />

higher/lower (previous year cHf 2.2 million).<br />

other market risks<br />

Risk of price changes of raw materials or components used for production is limited. a change in those prices would not<br />

result in financial effects being above the Group’s risk management tolerance level. therefore, no sensitivity analysis has<br />

been conducted.<br />

the Group holds certain marketable securities which are classified as “financial assets at fair value through profit or loss”<br />

and mainly consist of quoted bonds and equity funds. these investments (0.4% of total assets as of march 31, 20<strong>11</strong>) are also<br />

below the Group’s risk management tolerance level. therefore no sensitivity analysis has been conducted.

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