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258Section K: Health Service Employment StatisticsTABLE K7NUMBER OF AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE AND GENERALPRACTITIONERS, PHARMACISTS, DENTISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS FOR THE PROVISION OFSERVICES UNDER THE PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICEHealth Service Doctors Pharmacists Dentists OptometristsExecutive2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007East Coast Area 212 213 216 126 135 140 102 103 88 45 45 38South Western Area 303 301 302 196 210 214 205 189 168 78 85 71Northern Area 242 256 253 163 172 180 154 148 112 42 45 45Midland 126 135 146 82 86 94 68 71 68 43 45 46Mid-Western 214 218 222 137 146 146 102 114 115 42 44 40North Eastern 162 164 167 126 136 146 103 112 91 50 56 56North Western 134 137 141 79 88 95 64 63 60 30 31 32South Eastern 222 225 232 151 165 170 132 129 102 53 54 62Southern 389 409 410 227 238 241 304 311 296 79 74 68Western 253 257 258 143 154 161 160 174 143 69 73 66National 2257 2315 2347 1430 1530 1587 1394 1414 1243 531 552 524Notes:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Where Doctors have panels numbers drawn from more than one HSE Area, the Area wherein the majority of suchpersons reside is deemed to be the Doctors HSE Area.239 in 2005 (220 in 2006 and 218 in 2007) GPs who do not have agreements under the GMS Scheme and who provideservices under the Primary Childhood ImmunisationScheme, the Health (Amendment) Act 1996,Heartwatch, Pallative Care and the Methadone Treatment Scheme areincluded in the above.198 in 2005 (201 in 2006 and 202 in 2007) dentists who are employees of the Health Service Executive and who provideservices under the Dental Treatment Services Scheme are included above.11 in 2005 (12 in 2006 and 2007) pharmacies who do not hold GMS agreements and who were registered as providingnon GMS Schemes at year-end are included above.Above figures relate to the position as at 31st December.Source: Primary Care Reimbursement Service, HSE

Section K: Health Service Employment Statistics 259FIGURE K6NUMBER OF AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE AND GENERALPRACTITIONERS, PHARMACISTS, DENTISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS FOR THE PROVISION OFSERVICES UNDER THE PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE, 1999-2007*25002000Number of agreements150010001000500500001999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007YearDoctorsPharmacistsDentistsOptometristsSource: Primary Care Reimbursement Service, HSE* General Medical Services Payments Board up to 2004

258Section K: <strong>Health</strong> Service Employment StatisticsTABLE K7NUMBER OF AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE AND GENERALPRACTITIONERS, PHARMACISTS, DENTISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS FOR THE PROVISION OFSERVICES UNDER THE PRIMARY CARE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE<strong>Health</strong> Service Doctors Pharmacists Dentists OptometristsExecutive2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007East Coast Area 212 213 216 126 135 140 102 103 88 45 45 38South Western Area 303 301 302 196 210 214 205 189 168 78 85 71Northern Area 242 256 253 163 172 180 154 148 112 42 45 45Midl<strong>and</strong> 126 135 146 82 86 94 68 71 68 43 45 46Mid-Western 214 218 222 137 146 146 102 114 115 42 44 40North Eastern 162 164 167 126 136 146 103 112 91 50 56 56North Western 134 137 141 79 88 95 64 63 60 30 31 32South Eastern 222 225 232 151 165 170 132 129 102 53 54 62Southern 389 409 410 227 238 241 304 311 296 79 74 68Western 253 257 258 143 154 161 160 174 143 69 73 66National 2257 2315 2347 1430 1530 1587 1394 1414 1243 531 552 524Notes:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)Where Doctors have panels numbers drawn from more than one HSE Area, the Area wherein the majority <strong>of</strong> suchpersons reside is deemed to be the Doctors HSE Area.239 in 2005 (220 in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 218 in 2007) GPs who do not have agreements under the GMS Scheme <strong>and</strong> who provideservices under the Primary Childhood ImmunisationScheme, the <strong>Health</strong> (Amendment) Act 1996,Heartwatch, Pallative Care <strong>and</strong> the Methadone Treatment Scheme areincluded in the above.198 in 2005 (201 in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 202 in 2007) dentists who are employees <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Health</strong> Service Executive <strong>and</strong> who provideservices under the Dental Treatment Services Scheme are included above.11 in 2005 (12 in 2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007) pharmacies who do not hold GMS agreements <strong>and</strong> who were registered as providingnon GMS Schemes at year-end are included above.Above figures relate to the position as at 31st December.Source: Primary Care Reimbursement Service, HSE

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