Annual report 2009 - Handicap International

Annual report 2009 - Handicap International

Annual report 2009 - Handicap International


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AcknowledgementsHANDICAP INTERNATIONAL’S PARTNERS FOR THE YEAR <strong>2009</strong>xz <strong>International</strong> publicbodies– European Union: EuropeAid, ECHO.– United Nations: OCHA, UNDESA,UNDP, UNHCR, Unicef, UNMACA,UNMAS, UNOPS, UNRWA, WFP.– Other: World Bank, <strong>International</strong>Trust Fund.xz National publicbodiesFrench public bodies– Agence française deDéveloppement.– French Ministry for Foreign Affairs:support mission for the internationalwork of NGOs, humanitarianaction department, embassies anddevelopment agencies.– Other French ministries: Ministry ofHealth and Sport, Social and SanitaryAffairs Department, FNPEIS – CPAMFrench regions, departments, townsand prefectures: the Rhône- Alpesregion, the General Councils of Ain,the General Councils of Bouchesdu-Rhône,the General Councils ofRhône, the towns of Lille, Lyon, Parisand other towns and general councilsForeign public bodiesGovernments (ministries andembassies):Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium,Canada, Quebec <strong>International</strong>Development Programme, Spain,United-States, Finland, Great-Britain,Ireland, Italia, Japan, Luxemburg(Ministry of Foreign Affairs and theCity of Luxemburg), Mali, Norway,Switzerland, Sweden, Thailand, Togo.xz Private organisations(European Union)Air France Corporate FoundationAktion MenschAktion Deutschland HilftArbeiter Samariter BundAssociation française contre lesmyopathiesBig Lottery FundCaritasChristian Blind MissionCordaidCrédit Cooperative CorporateFoundationDiakonieDie JohanniterEnfants du MékongFIFAFondation AbilisFondation de FranceFondation IpsenInstitut Randstad<strong>International</strong> Deaf Children’s SocietyLight for the WorldMédecins sans FrontièresNorwegian Refugee CouncilOL corporate foundationPhilip Green Memorial TrustSchmitz FoundationSecours islamique françaisSolidarité Tiers Monde bassind’Arcachonxz Private organisations(outside of theEuropean Union)Accentus FoundationAdopt a Mine FieldAndré et Cyprien FoundationAngelina Jolie FoundationAmeriCaresCanadian Auto WorkersChaîne du BonheurConcernDrosos FoundationElma FoundationLord Michelham of HellinglyFoundationOAK FoundationGlaxoSmithKlineMectizan Donation ProgramMedicor Foundation LiechtensteinOpen Society Institute West AfricaPaul Pauletti FoundationPlan TogoPro-Victimis FoundationSurvey Action CenterVanguard Charitable EndowmentProgramStammbach FoundationWellspringxz CorporateAir FranceAstellasAurilisBAC FilmsBNP ParibasBonduelleCrédit coopératifCrédit mutuel Centre-Est EuropeDispatchDPPJGL EventsIBM FranceIpsosIrfan Le LabelLeroy MerlinMax ColleateOlympique de Marseille SASRobert Bosch France SASsanofi-aventissanofi-pasteurSEJT PresseSenobleSociété générale (SG Services)SolidaimeSPL ProcityStudyramaTT TransfertUITSEM-Smerraxz MediaCourrier international, France 2,France Bleu, Groupe M6, La Vie, LSA,Mon quotidien, NRJ, Rue89.xz CommunicationsagencyMgA / Groupe 361°<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong> wouldalso like to thank:– the SME members of the Club1000<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>;– the billboard companies and mediathat provided the association with freepublicity;– its various service providers, for theadvantageous conditions from whichthe association has benefited;– retailers, for offering its co-brandedproducts for sale for no fee.30 ı <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>report</strong> <strong>2009</strong>

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