Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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Text 61] The lord Travels to Vrndavana 31TRANSLATIONSome people would bring grains and deliver them to Balabhadra Bhattacarya.Others would bring milk and yogurt, and still others would bringghee and sugar.TEXT 60 ilt '' I1' r; ti{J!S'l II tl IIyahari vipra nahi tahari 'sudra-mahajana'asi' sabe bhattacarye kare nimantraf)aSYNONYMSyahari-wherever; vipra-brahmaf)a; nahi-there is not; tahari-there; sudramaha-jana-devoteesborn in families other than brahmaQa; asi'-coming;sabe-all of them; bhattacarye-to Balabhadra Bhanacarya; kare nimantraQamakeinvitation.TRANSLATIONIn some villages there were no brahmar:-as; nonetheless, devotees born innon-brahmar:-a families came and extended invitations to Balabhadra Bhattacarya.PURPORTActually a sannyasi or a brahmaf)a will not accept an invitation extended by aperson born in a lower family. However, there are many devotees who are raisedto the platform of brahmaQa by their initiation. These people are called sudramahajana.This indicates that one who is born in a non-brahmaQa family has acceptedthe brahmaQa status by initiation. Such devotees extended invitations toBalabhadra Bhanacarya. A MayavadT sannyasiwill accept an invitation only from abrahmaf)a family, but a Vaiava does not accept an invitation from a brahmaf)a ifhe does not belong to the Vaiava sect. However, a Vail)ava will accept an invitationfrom a brahmaQa or sudra-mahajana if that person is an initiated Vaiava.SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself accepted invitations from sudra-mahajanas, andthis confirms the fact that anyone initiated by a Vaiava mantra can be acceptedas a brahmaf)a. One can accept an invitation from such a person.TEXT 61m --u•-. 1tJ·tJCitil ilflfl\! 1l'illl II

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