Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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General Index 455Uddisya devata evaverses quoted, 189Upadesamrtaquoted on Mathura, 298six causes of falldown listed in, 340-341Upani?adsgreatness of Krr:ta understood through,378Vaikur;havseen by AkrOra under water, 200attachment in awe and reverence in,372goddesses of fortune in, 371Mathura is superior to, 298Narayar;a worshiped on planets in, 337VaikuQ(haj janito vara madhu-puriquoted, 298Vair;avasavoid association with Mayavadis, 53fit to discuss Bhagavatam, 254Kumaras become, 77-78made through disciplic succession, 25offenses at feet of, 339only accept invitations from other, 31Vai?Qavera kriya-mudra vijnnehaquoted, 338Vaisyassubdivisions of, 96VaksyamaQair vibhavadyai/:1quoted, 367, 368Vallabha BhagacaryaCaitanya ate at house of, 289-291went to see Caitanya, 276-277Vallabhacarya-sampradayahas influence in Vrndavana and Bombay,276Var;i Krr:tadasaVarahaVarar;asiaccompanied ROpa Gosvami, 156as incarnation of Absolute Truth, 298as name for Kasi, 41Caitanya detained at, 51-52Candrasekhara resided in, 47-48topics of conversation at, 48-50Vasihaconsidered mahajana by jnanis, 101Vasudevaas devotee in parental love, 370fears Krr:ta and Balarama, 374Vatsalya-ratidescription of, 363-364Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedya/:1Vedantaquoted,SS,103,326philosophy meant for devotees, 50philosophy taught by Praka'§anandaSarasvati, 54Supreme Lord known by philosophy,55Vedanta-sOtraVedasas transcendental knowledge, 254discussed by Caitanya and PrakasanandaSarasvati, 45Vihhala's commentary on, 154as material knowledge, 254blasphemy of as offense, 189cited on impersonalists, 55Krr:ta worshiped by followers of,378not always in agreement, 99Veda-vada-raraqualities of, 103Ver;ti MadhavaCaitanya visits temple of, 82Vibhavadyais tu vatsalyam"quoted on vatsalya-bhakti-rasa, 367Vidvan-maQr;/anaVidyapatiVihhala as author of, 154as mahajana, 1 OSVidya-vinaya-sampannequoted, 16Vihaya vi?ayonmukhyarilverses quoted, 362Vijali Khanas son of king, 233became very advanced devotee, 235surrendered to Caitanya, 233Viraja Riverdevotional creeper goes beyond, 335Visate tad-anantaramquoted, 74

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