Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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450 Sri Caitanya-caritamrtaPrakrta-sahajiyaswon't read or hear scriptures, 314Pralambacarried Balarama on shoulders, 379Prasadadevotee conquers tongue by eating.385taken by Africans, 28See also: FoodPraskandar;aCaitanya visited, 167PrayagaCaitanya visits, 82Magha-mela at, 204-205PrayeQa veda tad idam na mahajano 'yamverses quoted, 103Prayersby Krr;adasa Kaviraja, 257by Krr;a to Vasudeva and Devaki,373of Caitanya to Govardhana Hill, 146of Caitanya to Radha-kur;c;la, 132-136offered by Balabhadra Bhattacarya,38-40of ROpa Gosvami to Caitanya, 272-273Premanjana-cchurita-bhaktiverses quoted, 298Premi Krr;adasaaccompanied ROpa Gosvami, 157Prideof Radharar;i, 381Pur;c;larikakaaccompanied ROpa Gosvami, 156Pure devoteesfulfill Krr;a's desires, 349difficult to find, 327-328emerged from seeing Caitanya, 26empowered by the Lord, 26forget Krr;a's opulences, 377have power to challenge high-castenon-Vair;avas, 98not found at Kasi, 80purify by vibration, 25situated in principal mellows, 369Purificationby chanting Hare Krr;a, 280-281by worshiping the Lord's form, 55of the tongue, 73through disciplic succession, 25Puru$athe Lord worshiped as, 378Pu$tiri1 nija-vi bhavadyairquoted, 369Radha-kur;c;laRdiscovered by Caitanya, 131Krr;a gives prema to whoever bathesin, 135lost to everyone's vision, 131prayers of Caitanya to, 132-136qualities of, 134-136Radharar;iRaghuas dearmost gopi, 133as embodiment of ecstatic potency,336Krr;a disappears from, 381-382Caitanya assumed color of, 272qualities of chanted by parrots, 118as son of Tapana Misra, 46massages Caitanya's legs, 46Raghunatha Bhattaas mahajana, 1 OSRaghunatha dasa Gosvamiaccompanied ROpa Gosvami, 154as mahajana, 1 OSas son of Viththala, 154Raghupati UpadhyayaCaitanya's conversation with, 293-301Rajaputa Krr;adasarenounced family to serve Caitanya,175spoke bravely to Pathana soldiers,217-218visited Caitanya, 172-175Ramacandravibration of holy name of, 41RamadasaRamakelias saintly Mohammedan, 232Ropa and Sanatana met Caitanya at,247Ramananda RayaCaitanya taught ROpa conclusions of,305

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