Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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414 Sri Caitanya-caritamrtaSuddha-bhakti -pure devotional service.Sadra-mahajana-a person born in a low family but raised to the platform of brahmaQa byinitiation.Su-snigdha -affectionate.Svarupa-original characteristics of a substance; for the jiva, service of K[Qa.TTitik$ii-tolerance; endurance of unhappiness.Tulasi-a pure devotee in the form of a tree, the leaves of which are always offered to K[Qa.TriveQi-confluence of three sacred rivers at Prayaga.uUcchrtikhala -whimsical.vVaikuQtha-Oit., without anxiety) the spiritual sky.Vairagya-renunciation.Vatsalya-rasa-the direct relationship of parental love.Vatsalya-rati-vatsalya-rasa; the platform on which the devotee thinks of K[Qa in His childhoodfeature.Veda -knowledge.Veda-vada-rata-karmis who become entangled in material activities disguised as spiritualactivities.Vibhava-the cause or basis for relishing transcendental mellow.Vira-rasa-one of the indirect relationships, chivalry.Viraja River-the river between the material and spiritual natures.Visrambha-the mellow of friendship in equality.Vivarta-vada-the MayavadT interpretation of Vedanta that the Supreme Lord becomeschanged when He expands.yYavana-meat-eater.Yogamaya -Krrya's internal energy.Yoga-siddhis -mystic perfections.Yogis-those who practive the eight-fold mystic yoga process to gain mystic siddhis orParamatma realization.

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