Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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GlossaryAAcarya -one who teaches by his example.Adbhuta-rasa-the indirect relationship of wonder.Aghana-transcendental bliss that is incomplete, or not concentrated.Ananta-unlimited.AQima-siddhi-mystic power by which one can become so small that he can enter intostone.Anubhava-bodily symptoms manifested by a devotee in ecstatic love for Krr:Ja.Anukara -imitating.Anusara-trying to follow in the footsteps.Apara vidya-material knowledge.Arcana -Deity worship.Artha -economic development.Aryans-civilized human beings who follow the Vedic principles.Asat-sanga-the association of nondevotees.Atma-the soul.Avyakta-the unmanifested material energy.8Bhagavatam system-spreading of KrJa consciousness philosophy by recitation and discussionof Srimad-Bhagavatam.Bhavuka-sentimental; can also mean advanced in the knowledge of spiritual rasas.Bhava-preliminary stage of love of God.Bhakta-lata-bija-the seed of devotional service.Bhakti-devotional service; engaging all the senses in the service of the master of the senses,Krr:Ja.Bhakta-a devotee.Bhagyavan-most fortunate.Bhagavata-vidya -transcendental superior knowledge.Bhayanaka-rasa-the indirect relationship of fear.Bibhatsa-rasa-the indirect relationship of abomination.Brahma-bhiita-the stage of spiritual realization when one becomes happy as a result ofbeing relieved from material conceptions.BrahmaQ!;ia-the universe.cCaQ!;ia/a -dog-eater.Cit-kaQa-a particle of spirit.409

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