Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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384 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 19TEXT 213"f"!l "lf:\1 piof"l f'l '(: Ifr'l'f'1 !?f"ll fSJI"fr.l!l f: II_, IIsamo man-nithata buddherdama indriya-sarhyama/:1titika du/:lkha-sammar?ojihvopastha-jayo dhrti/:1SYNONYMSsama/:1-neutrality; mat-ni?thata-attachment for Me; buddhe/:1-of intelligence;dama/:1-self-control; indriya-sarhyama/:1-controlling the activities of thesenses; titik?a-tolerance; du/:lkha-of unhappiness; sammar?a/:1-endurance;jihva-tongue; upastha-and the urge of the genitals; jaya/:1-conquering;dhrti/:1-control.TRANSLATIONII'The word sama or santa-rasa indicates that one is attached to the lotusfeet of Krr;a. Dama means controlling the senses and not being deviated fromthe Lord's service. Endurance of unhappiness is titika, and dhrti means controllingthe tongue and the genitals.'PURPORTThis verse is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.19.36). The conditioned soul underthe clutches of maya, the material energy, is very much agitated by the urges ofthe tongue and the genitals. Control of the urges of the tongue, the belly and thegenitals (which are situated in a straight line) is called dhrti. SrTia BhaktivinodaThakura says, tara madhye jihva ati, /obhamaya sudurmati. Among the senses, thetongue is the most formidable enemy of the conditioned soul. Urged by thetongue, one commits many sinful activities. Although KrQa has given humanbeings nice food, people still commit sins by killing poor animals for the satisfactionof the tongue. Not being able to control the tongue, the conditioned souleats more than he needs. Of course, everyone must eat to keep the body fit forthe Lord's service, but when one cannot control the senses, he falls victim to thedictations of the tongue and the belly. Naturally, genital agitation follows, andone seeks illicit sex. However, if one is fixed at the lotus feet of Krl")a, he can controlthe tongue. Bhaktivinoda Thakura further states, kr?f)a baga dayamaya,karibare jihva jaya, sva-prasada-anna dila bhai: in order to conquer the tongue,KrQa has been very merciful and has given us nice food that has been offered toHim. When a person is attached to KrQa's lotus feet, he does not eat anything not

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