Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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368 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 19"When one's general attachment is fixed in wonder, it is called adbhuta-bhaktirasa."Vira-bhakti-rasa is described (B.r.s. 4.3.1):saivotsaha-rati/:1 sthayivibhavadyair nijocita/:1aniyamana svadyatvamvira-bhakti-raso bhavetyuddha-dana-daya-dharmaiscaturdha-vira ucyate"When attachment to Krr:"Ja mixes with the bellicose tendency, the charitabletendency or the merciful tendency in the heart of the devotee, such devotion iscalled vira-bhakti-rasa."Karuf)a-bhakti-rasa is described as follows (B.r.s. 4.4.1):atmocitair vibhavadyairnita pu?tim satam hrdibhavec choka-ratir bhaktirasohi karuf)abhidha/:1"When one's devotional attitude and attachment for Krr:"Ja is mixed with lamentation,it is called karuf)a-bhakti-rasa."Similarly, raudra-bhakti-rasa is described as follows (B.r.s. 4.5.1 ):nita krodha-rati/:1 pu?timvibhavadyair nijocitai/:1hrdi bhakta-janasyasauraudra-bhakti-raso bhavet"When devotion is mixed with anger in the heart of the devotee, the taste iscalled raudra-bhakti-rasa."Bhayanaka-bhakti-rasa is described as follows (B.r.s. 4.6.1 ):vak?yamaf)air vibhavadyai/:1pu?tim bhaya-ratir gatabhayanakabhidho bhaktirasodhirair udiryate"When devotion is mixed with fear, it is called bhayanaka-bhakti-rasa."Bibhatsa-bhakti-rasa is described as follows (B.r.s. 4.7.1 ):

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