Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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366 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 19prayal) svasukha-jatiyarhsukharh syad atra yoginamkintv atma-saukhyam aghanarhghanarh tv isam ayarh sukhamtatrapisa-svarupanubhavasyaivoru-hetutadasadi-van-mano-jnatva-lilader na tatha mataWhen santa-rati (neutral attraction) is continuously existent and mixed withecstatic emotion, and when the devotee relishes that neutral position, it is calledsanta-bhakti-rasa. 5anta-bhakti-rasa devotees generally relish the impersonalfeature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Since their taste of transcendentalbliss is incomplete, it is called aghana, or not concentrated. A comparison ismade between ordinary milk and concentrated milk. When the same devoteegoes beyond the impersonal and tastes the service of the Supreme Personality ofGodhead in His original form as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha, the taste is called concentrated(ghana) transcendental bliss. Sometimes the devotees in the santa-rasarelish transcendental bliss after meeting the Supreme Personality of Godhead, butthis is not comparable to the transcendental bliss relished by the devotees situatedin dasya-rasa, the transcendental mellow in which one renders service to theSupreme Personality of Godhead.Dasya-rasa, or dasya-bhakti-rasa, is described in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu(3.2.4,5) as follows:atmocitair vibhavadyail)pritir asvadaniyatamnita cetasi bhaktanarhpriti-bhakti-raso matal)anugrahyasya dasatvallalyatvad apy ayarh dvidhabhidyate sambhrama-pritogaurava-prita ity apiWhen according to the desires of the spirit soul the living entity develops love forthe Supreme Personality of Godhead, this beginning of love is called dasya-bhakti-rasa.Dasya-bhakti-rasa is divided into two categories called sambhrama-dasyaand gaurava-dasya. In the sambhrama-dasya, the devotee renders respectful serviceto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in the more advanced gauravadasya,his service takes the form of giving protection to the Lord.Sakhya-bhakti-rasa is described as follows in Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu (3.3.1):sthayibhavo vibhavadyail)sakhyam atmocitair iha

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