Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

Volume 7 - Prabhupada

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276 Sri Caitanya-caritamrta [Madhya-lila, Ch. 19se-ka/e val/abha-bhatta rahe ar;laila-gramemahaprabhu ai/a suni' ai/a tanra sthaneSYNONYMSse-ka/e-at that time; va//abha-bhatta-Vallabha Bhatta; rahe-resided;ar;lai/a-grame-in the village known as Ac;laila; mahaprabhu-SrT CaitanyaMahaprabhu; ai/a-has come; suni'-hearing; aila-came; tanra sthane-to Hisplace.TRANSLATIONAt that time, Sri Vallabha Bhatta was staying at A(,laila-grama, and when heheard that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had arrived, he went to His place to seeHim.PURPORTVallabha Bhatta was a great learned scholar of Vait:avism. In the beginning hewas very much devoted to SrT Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but since he thought thathe could not receive proper respect from Him, he later joined the Vit:usvamT sectand became acarya of that sect. His sect is celebrated as the Vallabhacaryasampradaya.This sampradaya has had great influence in Vrndavana near Gokulaand in Bombay. Vallabha Bhatta wrote many books, including a commentary onSrimad-Bhagavatam called Subodhini-tika, and notes on the Vedanta-sutra, in theform of an Anubha$ya. He also wrote a combination of sixteen short works called$o(.iasa-grantha. Ac;laila-grama, where he was staying, was near the confluence ofthe Rivers Ganges and Yamuna on the other side of the Yamuna about one milefrom the river. The village there is called Ac;leiT-grama, or Ac;laila-grama. A templeof Lord Vit:u there still belongs to the Vallabha-sampradaya.Vallabha Bhatta was originally from a place in southern India called Trailariga.There is a railway station there called Nic;lac;labhalu. Sixteen miles from that stationis a village called Karikac;labac;la, or Kakurirapac;lhu. A learned brahmaQa namedLakmat:Ja DTkita used to live there, and Vallabha Bhatta was his son. There arefive sections of the brahmaQa community of Andhra Pradesh known as bella-nanvegi-nati, muraki-nati, telagu-nati and kasa/a-nati. Out of these five brahminicalcommunities, Vallabhacarya took his birth in the community of bel/a-nati in theyear 1400 Sakabda Era. According to some people, Vallabha Bhattacarya's fathertook sannyasa before Vallabha's birth, and he returned home to takeVallabhacarya as his son. According to the opinion of others, Vallabhacarya wasborn in 1400 Sakabda Era on the EkadasT day of the dark moon in the month ofCaitra, and he took his birth in a brahmaQa family surnamed Khambharhpapbaru.According to this account, his father's name was Lakmat:Ja Bhatta DTkita, and hewas born in Campakarat:Jya. In someone else's opinion, Vallabhacarya appeared

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