Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG

Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG


Capital Structure Changes in capital structure since 2004 As of March 31, the capital of Phonak Holding AG comprised the following: 2006 2005 2004 Share capital (in CHF) 3,318,046 3,301,120 3,273,110 Total shares 66,360,925 66,022,400 65,462,200 Conditional capital (in CHF) 412,400 264,270 292,280 Conditional shares 8,247,995 5,285,400 5,845,600 Authorized capital (in CHF) 165,056 0 0 Authorized shares 3,301,120 0 0 Phonak Holding AG registered shares have been quoted on the Swiss stock exchange (SWX Swiss Exchange) since November 1994. The par value of one standard registered share amounts to CHF 0.05. The share capital is fully paid up. With the exception of the shares held by the company itself, each ordinary share bears one voting right at the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting and is entitled to dividend payments. As of March 31, 2006, the company held 34,633 (previous year 7,700) own shares. Ordinary share capital The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of July 5, 2001, approved a capital reduction and repayment of CHF 15 on the par value per share. At the same time, shareholders approved a 1:100 share split. This reduced the par value of Phonak registered shares from CHF 20 to CHF 0.05. In the financial year 2005/06, a total of 338,525 employee options were exercised. Each option provides the right to purchase one registered share out of the conditional share capital. In the financial years 2004/05 and 2003/04, a total of 560,200 and 90,000 employee options were exercised. As a result, as of March 31 in each year, the total number of issued shares as well as the share capital increased correspondingly. At the same time, the exercising of these options led to a corresponding decrease in the conditional share capital reserved for key employees share option plans (see also table on page 30). Conditional share capital As of March 31, 2006, the company had a total conditional share capital of 8,247,995 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per share. The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting held on July 7, 2005, approved the creation of conditional share capital of 3,301,120 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per share. The purpose of the extra conditional share capital created is to improve the company’s financial flexibility. This capital may be used for exercising option and conversion rights granted in connection with bonds or similar debt instruments issued by the company for the purpose of financing the acquisition of or investment in companies. The conditional share capital of 3,301,120 registered shares created on July 7, 2005, has not yet been used. At the Annual General Shareholders’ Meetings in 1994 and 2000, conditional share capital was created with the purpose of offering Phonak shares, through an option program, to key employees of the Phonak Group. From a maximum of 8,000,000 approved shares with a par value of CHF 0.05, 3,053,125 shares have been issued up to March 31, 2006, reducing the maximum conditional share capital reserved for key employees share option plans to 4,946,875 (previous year 5,285,400) shares. In the financial year 2005/06, a total of 420,818 options were granted as part of the Phonak Executive Equity Award Plan (EEAP). In the financial year 2004/05, a total of 712,000 options (as part of the EEAP), and in the financial year 2003/04, a total of 780,450 options (as part of the Key People Program) were granted. At March 31, 2006, a total of 1,842,693 (prior year 1,852,250) options were outstanding. Each of these options entitles the holder to purchase one registered share in Phonak Holding AG with a par value of CHF 0.05. Corporate Governance 21

Authorized share capital As of March 31, 2006, the company had authorized share capital of 3,301,120 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per share. The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting held on July 7, 2005, approved the creation of authorized share capital of 3,301,120 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per share. The Board of Directors is authorized to exclude subscription rights of shareholders and to allocate them to third parties if the new shares are to be used for the acquisition of companies, parts of companies, equity stakes or the financing of such transactions. The authorized share capital of 3,301,120 registered shares created on July 7, 2005, has not yet been used. The authorization granted to the Board of Directors to augment the company’s share capital with the authorized share capital created expires on July 6, 2007. Changes in shareholders’ equity Regarding changes in shareholders’ equity see Note 3.6 to the Financial Statements of Phonak Holding AG (for the third financial year prior to the reporting period, refer to the same Note in the Annual Report 2004/05). Restrictions on transferability For restrictions on transferability, see the chapter entitled “Voting rights restriction and representation” on page 31 of this report. 22 Corporate Governance Board of Directors The primary duty of the Board of Directors of Phonak Holding AG is the overall direction of the company and the supervision and control of the management. To this end, the Board of Directors works in close collaboration with the Management Board. The Articles of Association of Phonak Holding AG state that the Board of Directors must consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of nine members. During the reporting period, the Board of Directors held six meetings, one of which was a two-day strategy workshop. Telephone conferences were organized to discuss time-sensitive business issues. The Board of Directors receives consolidated financial statements (balance sheet, income statement as well as statement of cash flows) on a monthly, semi-annual, and annual basis. In addition, the Board of Directors receives monthly consolidated sales reports, providing data on turnover, average selling prices, and units for each major product, subsidiary, and market. The Board of Directors approves resolutions and holds elections with the majority of its members present at the meeting. In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman has the casting vote. Elections and term of office At the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholders elect the Board of Directors of Phonak Holding AG. In general, each member is elected for a period of three business years. The term ends on the day of the ordinary Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting for the last business year of the term. If, during a term, a substitute is elected to the Board of Directors, the newly elected member finishes the term of his predecessor. Re-elections for successive terms are possible. A member of the Board of Directors who reaches the age of 70 during his or her term must resign at the next ordinary Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting.

Authorized share capital<br />

As of March 31, 2006, the company had authorized share<br />

capital of 3,301,120 registered shares with a par value of CHF<br />

0.05 per share.<br />

The <strong>Annual</strong> General Shareholders’ Meeting held on July 7,<br />

2005, approved the creation of authorized share capital of<br />

3,301,120 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per<br />

share. The Board of Directors is authorized to exclude subscription<br />

rights of shareholders and to allocate them to third parties<br />

if the new shares are to be used for the acquisition of companies,<br />

parts of companies, equity stakes or the financing of such<br />

transactions. The authorized share capital of 3,301,120 registered<br />

shares created on July 7, 2005, has not yet been used.<br />

The authorization granted to the Board of Directors to augment<br />

the company’s share capital with the authorized share capital<br />

created expires on July 6, 2007.<br />

Changes in shareholders’ equity<br />

Regarding changes in shareholders’ equity see Note 3.6<br />

to the Financial Statements of Phonak <strong>Holding</strong> <strong>AG</strong> (for the<br />

third financial year prior to the reporting period, refer to the<br />

same Note in the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> 2004/05).<br />

Restrictions on transferability<br />

For restrictions on transferability, see the chapter entitled<br />

“Voting rights restriction and representation” on page 31 of this<br />

report.<br />

22<br />

Corporate Governance<br />

Board of Directors<br />

The primary duty of the Board of Directors of Phonak<br />

<strong>Holding</strong> <strong>AG</strong> is the overall direction of the company and the<br />

supervision and control of the management. To this end, the<br />

Board of Directors works in close collaboration with the Management<br />

Board. The Articles of Association of Phonak <strong>Holding</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />

state that the Board of Directors must consist of a minimum of<br />

three and a maximum of nine members.<br />

During the reporting period, the Board of Directors held six<br />

meetings, one of which was a two-day strategy workshop.<br />

Telephone conferences were organized to discuss time-sensitive<br />

business issues. The Board of Directors receives consolidated<br />

financial statements (balance sheet, income statement as well<br />

as statement of cash flows) on a monthly, semi-annual, and<br />

annual basis. In addition, the Board of Directors receives monthly<br />

consolidated sales reports, providing data on turnover, average<br />

selling prices, and units for each major product, subsidiary, and<br />

market.<br />

The Board of Directors approves resolutions and holds<br />

elections with the majority of its members present at the meeting.<br />

In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman has<br />

the casting vote.<br />

Elections and term of office<br />

At the <strong>Annual</strong> General Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholders<br />

elect the Board of Directors of Phonak <strong>Holding</strong> <strong>AG</strong>.<br />

In general, each member is elected for a period of three business<br />

years. The term ends on the day of the ordinary <strong>Annual</strong> General<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting for the last business year of the term. If,<br />

during a term, a substitute is elected to the Board of Directors,<br />

the newly elected member finishes the term of his predecessor.<br />

Re-elections for successive terms are possible. A member of<br />

the Board of Directors who reaches the age of 70 during his or<br />

her term must resign at the next ordinary <strong>Annual</strong> General<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting.

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