Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG

Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG Annual Report - Sonova Holding AG


OUTLOOK Sales – outgrow the market once again We are confident that Phonak’s sales will continue to develop positively thanks to our ongoing investment of human and financial resources in product innovation and the expansion of the distribution network. We expect the current growth trend in the hearing instrument industry to continue during 2006/07. We anticipate being able to once again outgrow the market, based on our recent and planned product launches. Further enhance gross profit margin In 2006/07, we expect a further increase in the gross profit margin. After years of exceptionally strong growth, however, the rise will be more moderate, i.e. less than in previous financial years. The most important drivers will be the growing quota of products based on the PALIO platform and economies of scale achieved through higher production volumes. Continuous measures to improve productivity and optimize production processes will also help to increase the gross profit margin. These forecasts assume no significant change will occur in the product mix – the percentage of total sales contributed by first class, business class, and economy class hearing systems. Increase spending on research and development Spending on research and development is expected to increase again significantly in 2006/07. Major projects include new product developments, hardware and software platform development, and new technology research. Further improve EBIT margin Management expects a further improvement in the EBIT margin as a result of the expected gross margin increase as well as a reduction in operating expenses as a percentage of sales. Slightly increase capital expenditures To provide the additional infrastructure needed to boost our sales, we plan to slightly increase our capital expenditures in 2006/07. Major investment projects will include tooling for new products, production equipment, and IT infrastructure and systems. Use of financial resources The financial resources of the Group are used primarily to finance capital expenditures and for the repayment of debt according to existing terms. In addition, the Phonak Group will invest a portion of its financial resources to further expand its distribution channels. We believe these investments will lead to further sales growth, increased market share, and an attractive return in profits. Outlook 15

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