Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

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<strong>Unmasking</strong> <strong>Worldliness</strong>like to dance a night away in a nightclub thatis on fire?No reasonable person would lay up treasurewhere moth and rust destroy and thievesbreak in and steal, would they? The apostlePaul said in 1 Corinthians 7:31, “the fashionof this world passeth away.” The worldwith all its fashion and lust is headingtowards eternal peril. The apostle Petersays in 2 Peter 3:7, 10, “But the heavensand the earth, which are now, by the sameword are kept in store, reserved unto fireagainst the day of judgment and perditionof ungodly men... But the day of the Lordwill come as a thief in the night; in thewhich the heavens shall pass away with agreat noise, and the elements shall meltwith fervent heat, the earth also and theworks that are therein shall be burned up.”So if you love the glories and the pageantry ofthis world, you will pass away together withthem. You will not only lose your treasure butalso your soul. If you love the world, it willpass away, taking you with it.Christians, be cautioned: worldlinessdistracts us from taking delight in thingsthat abideth for ever, even doing God’s will.So if you are stuck in some worldly living, beforewarned of your quick destruction.Are you surprised that this world and itsglories are facing a perilous end? Well, it isgoing to be worse and worse. Sin isdestroying this world. But there is a blessedhope – “he that doeth the will of God abidethfor ever” (v. 17). What is the will of God thatyou should obey so as to live for ever? Jesusgives the answer to this question. He says,“And this is the will of him that sent me, thatevery one which seeth the Son, and believethon him, may have everlasting life: and I willraise him up at the last day” (John 6:40). Ifyour heart would love the Lord Jesus andfollow His Word, instead of loving andfollowing the world, you will abide forever.Do not flirt with the world, it will seduce youinto destruction, but follow the will of God inChrist Jesus and you will have eternal life.Gethsemane <strong>Bible</strong> InstituteCebu, The Philippines13 First St., Happy Valley, Cebu City,The Philippines 6000Tel: (+63) (032) 254-1544Email: gbpcmissions@yahoo.comAlem Gena, EthiopiaPO Box 46519, Addis Ababa,EthiopiaTel: 0911-385223 / 0911-823720Email: gethsemane_eth@yahoo.comPlease pray for and support the work of GBI in preparing preachers of the Word.Cheques may be made payable to Gethsemane <strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian Church.Please indicate “GBI” or “Gethsemane <strong>Bible</strong> Institute” on the back ofthe cheque.A ministry of Gethsemane <strong>Bible</strong>-Presbyterian ChurchGETHSEMANE BIBLE INSTITUTE“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the samecommit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:22 Timothy 2:2GBI

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