Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

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<strong>Unmasking</strong> <strong>Worldliness</strong>The absolute nature of this statement by Johnis striking and compels careful and seriousreflection. The stakes are high. Because theFather’s kingdom is at war with the kingdomof this world, the two will never coexistpeacefully. When love for the world increases,love for God dwindles. No human heart canhold these two opposing loves together.To pledge allegiance to one side is to declareopposition to the other. <strong>Worldliness</strong> willput you together with all the God-haters ofthe world. James 4:4 – “Ye adulterers andadulteresses, know ye not that the friendshipof the world is enmity with God? whosoevertherefore will be a friend of the world is theenemy of God.”Because of worldliness, many Christiansare vexed and disturbed by the demands ofa godly and service-oriented Christian life.The subtle existence of worldliness withinthe hearts of Christians keeps them awayfrom God and His kingdom. A look at mostChristians today tells us that they have muchof earth, and little of heaven.Worldly Christians are not large-hearted oropen-handed when it comes to the serviceof God; they are not willing to spend and bespent. They are not like those whose eyesare ever set on the incorruptible inheritancewhich God has prepared for them. Theyhave low spiritual vigour and are apathetictowards the things of God. They want to beengaged as little as possible in the thingsof God, and indulge more in their worldlycomforts. They grudge and murmur about thelabour, fatigue, expense and trouble that theyhave to bear in the service of God’s kingdom.They rather cherish the company of worldlymen than that of Christians. They choose tostay away from fellowships, prayer meetingsand other Christian activities. They preferthe respite and enjoyment that the housesof this world offer. They spend more of theirtime and money in the activities of the world,whether it be shopping, clubbing, watchingTV or other entertainment. When the pursuitof the material world increases in their hearts,their delight in the things of God fades away.This danger is further emphasised by John inverse 16 when he wrote: “For all that is in theworld, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of theeyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father,but is of the world.” All that constitutesworldliness, the lust of the flesh, the lustof the eyes and the pride of life are not ofthe Father.Once the world takes over the heart of aChristian, he will soon lose his enjoymentof the Father’s love and his desire to dothe Father’s will. The <strong>Bible</strong> will becomeboring and prayer a difficult chore. EvenChristian fellowship may seem empty anddisappointing. It is not that there is somethingwrong with those Christian activities, but thatthe Christian’s heart has become worldly.<strong>Worldliness</strong> embraces the temporal atthe expense of the eternalSecondly, John warned: “And the worldpasseth away, and the lust thereof: but he thatdoeth the will of God abideth for ever” (v. 17).The world and its lust are heading towardseverlasting destruction, while the obedientChristian is going to live eternally. The worldand the genuine Christian do not share thesame destiny.The world is passing away! It is rushing intoeternal hell. For anyone to set his heart on theperishing world is to inherit heartache andmisery at the end.Would you buy stock in a company that issure to go bankrupt? Would you like to spenda day to relax on a sinking ship? Would you8 <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

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