Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

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Children’s PageStory retold byRuth LowIllustrated byLinus KokHugh LatimerAn English Reformation preacher and martyrHugh Latimer was a priest studying divinityin Cambridge together with Thomas Bilney.Latimer held on steadfastly to the Roman Catholicteachings, and strongly opposed the new religiousviews of Bilney.One day, on completion of his graduatestudies, Latimer preached to all the students in theuniversity. He purposely criticized the doctrinesthat were against the Roman Catholic Church.Bilney heard him and decided to sharewith him his testimony of conversion.Latimer recounted, “Bilney heard meat that time and perceived that I waszealous without knowledge; and hecame to me afterwards in my study,and requested me, for God’s sake, tohear his testimony. I did so—andto say the truth, by his wordsI learned more than beforein many years… from thattime forward I beganto savour the Word ofGod, and forsook theschool doctors and theirfooleries.” Latimer’s eyeswere opened to the truth.He was converted andjoined Bilney to preachthe Word.<strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

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