Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

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<strong>Unmasking</strong> <strong>Worldliness</strong>made available to us. In addition, the word“overcometh” in this phrase is in the aoristtense, which expresses an action done onceand for all. When we put together the ideasconveyed by these two words, we hear Johnsaying that the victorious power to overcomethe world is already made available to everyChristian. Of course, I see this as a referenceto Christ’s once and for all victory againstSatan and the world, which we have receivedby faith. As one <strong>Bible</strong> scholar beautifully putsit: “To believe that Jesus has been victoriousis to have the power that enables us also towin the battle, for we know that our foe isalready defeated and therefore powerless.”The realization of Christian victoryInterestingly, in verse 4, the apostle John endsby saying, “Even our faith.” Thus far, we haveseen the assurance of victory given to everytrue believer. But how can a true believerappropriate this assurance of victory?The answer is given to us by the apostleJohn – even our faith. Faith is the key torealizing the victory, as we often sing, “Faithis the victory that overcomes the world.”Strictly speaking, faith does not save anyone.Christ is the one who saves us. But faith is themeans whereby a person is able to receivesalvation that is in Christ Jesus. In the sameway, every Christian can appropriate by faiththe divine power made available to overcomethe world. By faith, a Christian can receivethe power needed for daily victories. Thenew birth gives the believer the potential ofvictory, but the realization of actual victorydepends on his active exercise of faith. Truly,a Christian is called principally to live a life offaith, a life of dependence upon God.I remember when I was a <strong>Bible</strong> collegestudent in Singapore, I was invited to preachGod’s Word in a fellowship meeting held in abig house. After I had preached, the head ofthe home confessed in front of the brethrenthat before they became wealthy, they usedto pray fervently every night. But when theLord blessed them abundantly, their prayerlife declined and they seldom attended prayermeetings in the church. Friends, whetherin abundance or in need, let us live a lifeof dependence upon God because withoutconstantly exercising our faith, we cannotovercome the world. A victorious Christianlife is the result of faith.Faith in what? The apostle John makes it clearto us in verse 5 when he says, “Who is he thatovercometh the world, but he that believeththat Jesus is the Son of God?” This is the soleobject of our faith – the Lord Jesus Christ.Any faith that is not anchored in Jesus Christis as good as nothing. True Christian faith isChristological. The person that can actualizevictory in his life against the world is he whobelieves that Jesus is the Son of God.Now that we have already looked at1 John 5:4-5, we discover that it is thewill of God that every true believer shouldovercome the world and live a victoriousChristian life. That is why He has givenevery Christian the power that has onceand for all overcome the world. God’sWord gives assurance of victory to everytruly born-again Christian. The key tothat victory can be summed up in a singleword: faith. May God help us to walk closelywith Him every day because without Him,victory over the world is unachievable.The new birth gives the believer the potential of victory,but the realization of actual victory depends onhis active exercise of faith.14 <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>

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