Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

Unmasking Worldliness - Bible Witness

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<strong>Unmasking</strong> <strong>Worldliness</strong>If you are a backslidden Christian, you mustnow yield to the Spirit who teaches youthrough His Word. Plead before His presencefor a resurgent love for the things of God, yea,even for the things that matter for all eternity.The second counsel against worldliness isa great declaration – “he that doeth the willof God abideth for ever” (v. 17a). A personwhose character and personality are shapedby a life that is obedient to God will not beaffected by the passing away of the world andits vain desires.Do not desire anything in this world morethan the will of God permits. Our desire hasto be always regulated by the Word of God.All the pursuits of the world must be subjectto His will. Never pursue any of our desiresbeyond His will for us.It is a Johannine way of saying, “Only onelife, ’twill soon be past; only what’s done forChrist will last.”The third counsel against worldliness is thewonderful reminder that there is eternal lifefor all who forsake worldliness to embracethe love and will of God – “he that doeththe will of God abideth for ever” (v. 17a).God’s cure for worldliness is the bringingbefore us of another world, an eternal world,which is infinitely more glorious than thatwhich He calls on us to forsake. There isno thorough cure for worldliness but this.It is a lack of faith in eternal realities thatmakes us worldlings! By faith, when oureyes are fixed on the world to come, we willlearn to set our affections on things above.Christians, we need to be sternly andrepeatedly warned against the spirit ofworldliness. The Church is very prone toforget her role as a pilgrim in this present evilworld. Our dignity as God’s chosen people isnot in craving after the things of this world,but in doing His will and thereby gettingready for His glorious appearance. Let usnot allow the world to obscure or blur ourvision of the glory and kingdom of God thatHe has called us to inherit. Dear Christians,let us live on earth as heavenly citizens.Spreading the Gospel throughout the world andedifying the body of believers.Your generous gifts for <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> Media Ministry help us to defraythe cost of printing and mailing the magazine for free distribution,especially to pastors and churches in poorer countries.Please send your support for <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong> that God’s Word may reachmore people. Your cheque may be made payable to <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Witness</strong>.(For more information, please refer to page 2.)

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