Eye-Safe Erbium Glass Laser Transmitter Study - Kigre, Inc.

Eye-Safe Erbium Glass Laser Transmitter Study - Kigre, Inc. Eye-Safe Erbium Glass Laser Transmitter Study - Kigre, Inc.


Defense & Security Symposium 2004, Kigre Er:glass Publication #144pumped capture and containment in a number of novel DC (Double Clad) LMA (largeMode Area) fibers, micro-rods and micro-chip devices. For laser rangefinding we havedeveloped new diode pumped JD microchip laser devices with improved Q-switchedenergy storage and extraction from a small (sub-millimeter) beam waist and short gainlengths.2. BASIC CONSIDERATIONSCurrent technology for the diode pumping of solid-state laser materials employsnumerous architectures and designs as is evidenced in the literature [1,2,3]. These variouspumping schemes may be grouped into two basic categories, longitudinal or transversepump coupling. In longitudinal pumping (or end pumping) the diode pump is launchedand propagated along the laser element gain length axis. In transverse pumping (or sidepumping) the pump is launched and propagated at right angles to the laser element gainlength axis. The objective is to effectively capture and contain the pump light inside ofthe laser gain medium and produce a uniform distribution of excited laser ions. Usingconventional optics, it is often easier to use transverse pumping to create a uniform pumpdistribution throughout the gain element. Transverse pumping of relatively short gainlength elements appears easier in theory as the resonator and pump cavity optics areplaced in separate beam paths. However, side-pumping presents its own uniquedifficulties in the absorption and uniform distribution of pump energy. It is difficult toabsorb significant pump energy when the absorption length is of the order of onemillimeter, which is the diameter of the typical gain element.In this work we employ a laser gain medium of co-doped erbium and ytterbium phosphateglass. The doping levels of erbium and ytterbium are designed separately to best conformto our desired pump absorption depth and gain length energy storage conditions. In theseco-doped glasses the ytterbium concentration is optimized for effective absorption ofpump light. The absorbed pump energy is then transferred to the erbium ions with atransfer rate of ~ 500us and efficiency of up to 95% [4]. For end pumping the effectivepump depth is dictated by the ytterbium concentration. For example: for a glasscontaining 16.5% (wt) ytterbium oxide concentration, the absorption coefficient (α) isabout 5/cm at 940nm.We performed a series of experiments designed to measure the effective absorption depthby observing the fluorescence distribution along the pumping axis of the laser glasselement. The fluorescence emission intensity is a good indicator of the laser & sensitizersion upper level population. The fluorescence emission depth is a good representation ofthe pumping intensity distribution. In one set of fluorescence experiments, we measuredthe effective absorption on various samples with different erbium and ytterbiumconcentrations. The fluorescence emission was created by pumping the Er:Yb:glasssamples with ~ 50mj, at 940nm with a diode pump pulse width of 6ms duration. IRcamera f-number values are used for emission intensity calibration.2

Defense & Security Symposium 2004, Kigre Er:glass Publication #144Pictures of the IR emission data are shown in figure 1. A summary of the data is shownin Figures 2 and 3.Sample melt number Erbium emission Ytterbium emission#1 QX/ErSP-ALPHA-16, f: (5.6) f:(22).5#2 QX/ErSPB6 f: (5.6).3 f:(16).5#3 QX/ErSP-ALPHA-20 f: (5.6).8 f: (8).5#4 QX/ErSP-ALPHA-16 f: (5.6) f: (22).5#5 QX/ErSP-ALPHA-25, f: (4) f: (22).1#6 QX/ErSP-ALPHA-23,f: (2.5) f: (2.8).8SCALE: 1.25mm/DIVISONFig. 1 Er:Yb:glass absorption depth fluorescence measurement data3

Defense & Security Symposium 2004, <strong>Kigre</strong> Er:glass Publication #144pumped capture and containment in a number of novel DC (Double Clad) LMA (largeMode Area) fibers, micro-rods and micro-chip devices. For laser rangefinding we havedeveloped new diode pumped JD microchip laser devices with improved Q-switchedenergy storage and extraction from a small (sub-millimeter) beam waist and short gainlengths.2. BASIC CONSIDERATIONSCurrent technology for the diode pumping of solid-state laser materials employsnumerous architectures and designs as is evidenced in the literature [1,2,3]. These variouspumping schemes may be grouped into two basic categories, longitudinal or transversepump coupling. In longitudinal pumping (or end pumping) the diode pump is launchedand propagated along the laser element gain length axis. In transverse pumping (or sidepumping) the pump is launched and propagated at right angles to the laser element gainlength axis. The objective is to effectively capture and contain the pump light inside ofthe laser gain medium and produce a uniform distribution of excited laser ions. Usingconventional optics, it is often easier to use transverse pumping to create a uniform pumpdistribution throughout the gain element. Transverse pumping of relatively short gainlength elements appears easier in theory as the resonator and pump cavity optics areplaced in separate beam paths. However, side-pumping presents its own uniquedifficulties in the absorption and uniform distribution of pump energy. It is difficult toabsorb significant pump energy when the absorption length is of the order of onemillimeter, which is the diameter of the typical gain element.In this work we employ a laser gain medium of co-doped erbium and ytterbium phosphateglass. The doping levels of erbium and ytterbium are designed separately to best conformto our desired pump absorption depth and gain length energy storage conditions. In theseco-doped glasses the ytterbium concentration is optimized for effective absorption ofpump light. The absorbed pump energy is then transferred to the erbium ions with atransfer rate of ~ 500us and efficiency of up to 95% [4]. For end pumping the effectivepump depth is dictated by the ytterbium concentration. For example: for a glasscontaining 16.5% (wt) ytterbium oxide concentration, the absorption coefficient (α) isabout 5/cm at 940nm.We performed a series of experiments designed to measure the effective absorption depthby observing the fluorescence distribution along the pumping axis of the laser glasselement. The fluorescence emission intensity is a good indicator of the laser & sensitizersion upper level population. The fluorescence emission depth is a good representation ofthe pumping intensity distribution. In one set of fluorescence experiments, we measuredthe effective absorption on various samples with different erbium and ytterbiumconcentrations. The fluorescence emission was created by pumping the Er:Yb:glasssamples with ~ 50mj, at 940nm with a diode pump pulse width of 6ms duration. IRcamera f-number values are used for emission intensity calibration.2

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