The Legal Education - Law Commission of India

The Legal Education - Law Commission of India The Legal Education - Law Commission of India
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96universities in South Africa and is an excellent supplement to the legal aidsystem. Even here in India, the Delhi university has for many years nowbeen running a successful legal clinical education programme wherestudents are able to provide minimal legal assistance in the form of drawingof the petitions/applications and offering legal advice, to undertrialprisoners and inmates of custodial institutions. This could be mademandatory in all law colleges.Training centres for Law teachers9.16 Yet another important aspect is about the need to revamp theteaching system by establishing a number of special institutions to enablelaw teachers to update their knowledge. While we agree that there areseveral good teachers in law schools who are highly qualified and verycompetent, there is always need to keep abreast of latest needs of thepractitioners, and of the latest Judgments of our Courts and our statutes aswell as Judgments of the House of Lords, American and Canadian SupremeCourts, Judgments of the Australian High Court and New Zealand Courtsand of the European Human Rights Court at Strausborg. It is alsonecessary to keep in touch with new principles of law emanating abroadand to several developments in important subjects like trademark,copyright, patents, the Trips Agreement, Cyber law, Environmental law,Human Rights and other new subjects.9.17 Further, when it is necessary to teach several subjects dealing withprocedural laws at the college level, there is need that law teachers must

97get acquainted with several practical aspects of the procedural laws.Training for the teachers is, therefore, necessary.Apart from the existing refresher courses conducted by theUniversity Grants Commission, it is necessary to impart professionaltraining to the law teachers.9.18 To start with, at least four colleges must be started by the CentralGovernment in consultation with the Bar Council of India and UGC, in thefour corners of India. The law teachers must have exposure to centres byexperts in various branches of law and for this purpose guest lecturers fromother States or even from other countries have to be invited.9.19 It will be for the UGC and the Government of India to make thenecessary funds available for the above purpose.9.20 We recommend addition of clauses (ie) and (if) after proposedclause (id) in section 7 (1) as follows:“(ie) to take such measures to facilitate the establishment ofinstitutions by the Central Government for continuing legaleducation for law teachers;(if) to take measures for raising the standards of teaching in law inconsultation with the Central Government, the State Governmentsand the University Grants Commission.”9.21 We also recommend that the ‘problem method’ be introduced in theexamination system to an extent of above 75% in each paper, apart from

96universities in South Africa and is an excellent supplement to the legal aidsystem. Even here in <strong>India</strong>, the Delhi university has for many years nowbeen running a successful legal clinical education programme wherestudents are able to provide minimal legal assistance in the form <strong>of</strong> drawing<strong>of</strong> the petitions/applications and <strong>of</strong>fering legal advice, to undertrialprisoners and inmates <strong>of</strong> custodial institutions. This could be mademandatory in all law colleges.Training centres for <strong>Law</strong> teachers9.16 Yet another important aspect is about the need to revamp theteaching system by establishing a number <strong>of</strong> special institutions to enablelaw teachers to update their knowledge. While we agree that there areseveral good teachers in law schools who are highly qualified and verycompetent, there is always need to keep abreast <strong>of</strong> latest needs <strong>of</strong> thepractitioners, and <strong>of</strong> the latest Judgments <strong>of</strong> our Courts and our statutes aswell as Judgments <strong>of</strong> the House <strong>of</strong> Lords, American and Canadian SupremeCourts, Judgments <strong>of</strong> the Australian High Court and New Zealand Courtsand <strong>of</strong> the European Human Rights Court at Strausborg. It is alsonecessary to keep in touch with new principles <strong>of</strong> law emanating abroadand to several developments in important subjects like trademark,copyright, patents, the Trips Agreement, Cyber law, Environmental law,Human Rights and other new subjects.9.17 Further, when it is necessary to teach several subjects dealing withprocedural laws at the college level, there is need that law teachers must

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