The Legal Education - Law Commission of India

The Legal Education - Law Commission of India The Legal Education - Law Commission of India
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13430) Section 7(1) (i) to be amended for providing disaffiliation orderecognition of a College or a University in case a College or Universitydoes not implement the lawful directions of the Bar Council of India orState Bar Councils.(para 11.1)31) In Section 49 (1) following clause should be added, namely:“(aj) the procedure regarding recognition and de-recognition of suchuniversities as referred to in clause (i) of sub-section(1) of section 7and the procedure regarding the issuing of direction to a university todisaffiliate a Law college;”(para 11.3)32) Training for one-year (Apprenticeship) in the Chambers of a lawyerwith at least ten years standing and Bar Examination to be introduced for alaw graduate before he enters the legal profession, by amendment of theAct. Power to do so to be vested only in Bar Council of India. Sections 7,24 and 49 to be amended.(para 12.23)33) Officers in private or public service, dismissed or removed fromservice or convicted on the ground of charges involving moral turpitude, tobe debarred totally from entering into the profession. Section 24A (1)should be amended.(paras 13.2 & 13.6)

135We recommend accordingly.(Justice M. Jagannadha Rao)Chairman(Dr. N.M. Ghatate)MemberDated: 20.12.2002(T.K. Viswanathan)Member-Secretary

135We recommend accordingly.(Justice M. Jagannadha Rao)Chairman(Dr. N.M. Ghatate)MemberDated: 20.12.2002(T.K. Viswanathan)Member-Secretary

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