OFFALY HERITAGE PLAN 2007 – 2011 - Offaly County Council

OFFALY HERITAGE PLAN 2007 – 2011 - Offaly County Council

OFFALY HERITAGE PLAN 2007 – 2011 - Offaly County Council


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THE <strong>OFFALY</strong> <strong>HERITAGE</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong> <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong>In the context of the 1995 Heritage Act, the term “Heritage” is considered toencompass monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architecturalheritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes 1 , seascapes, wrecks, geology,heritage gardens and parks, inland waterways.‘The aim of the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum is to work with all of us in <strong>Offaly</strong>, toincrease awareness and appreciation of our manmade, cultural and naturalheritage, leading to actions which promote its protection, enhancement andvitality.’Heritage Office<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Áras an ChontaeCharleville RoadTullamoreCo. <strong>Offaly</strong>Ph 057 9346839E apedlow@offalycoco.iewww.offaly.ie/offalyheritagePhoto Credits:Cover Image: Bord na Mona Peat Railway in the Townland of Carrick, Fred Hamond, <strong>Offaly</strong> Bridges Report 2005◆Andy Mason,▲Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government■James Fraher (images from Stories from a Sacred Landscape by Caimin O’Brien)●Caimin O’Brien1 Vision for landscape “The Irish Landscape will be a dynamic, living landscape, one which accommodates the physical and spiritual needs ofpeople with the needs of nature in a harmonious manner, and as a result brings long term benefits to both”. Heritage <strong>Council</strong> TowardsIntegrated Policies for Ireland’s Landscape Oct 2000.

2“For all of the work carried out bythe Forum, the public interaction isvery important.”

FOREWORDI am delighted to welcome the production of the second <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage plan, which covers theperiod <strong>2007</strong> - <strong>2011</strong>. The first plan from 2002 - 2006 showed that formulating and agreeing aheritage plan for the <strong>County</strong> lead to tangible results, with a considerable number of actions andprojects being developed by the Heritage Forum.The role of the Heritage Forum has proved of particular importance in this process. The Forumgives guidance on projects for the heritage office, provides the opportunity for interagencycommunication and projects, and keeps key partners abreast of developments taking place. Ourthanks to all those who have participated on the Forum over the past 6 years.The post of heritage officer commenced six years ago, with the officer working in both Laois and<strong>Offaly</strong>. It was recognised that an officer was needed for each county and for the past four years<strong>Offaly</strong> has had a full time officer and the post is well established in the organisation. I would like toacknowledge the work of Amanda Pedlow, heritage officer, for the role she has played in developingand implementing the heritage plan.The <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan <strong>2007</strong> - <strong>2011</strong> is a specific and realistic plan that builds on the experiencegained through the implementation of the first <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan. The section on theachievements of the last plan is important in profiling the wide range of projects covered over thepast five years.The plan was developed following considerable public consultation. For all of the work carried outby the Forum, the public interaction is very important. The Heritage Office has a strong relationshipwith many communities and individuals and this is significant in appreciating, valuing and caring for<strong>Offaly</strong>'s heritage.I would like to acknowledge the support and funding received from the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> and theDepartment of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government for the production of this plan,the heritage officer and the annual programme of work. This is very much appreciated.We look forward to the years ahead and the fruition of many more heritage initiatives.Gerard KillallyCathaoirleach, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>3

INTRODUCTIONWhat the Plan sets out to doThis <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong> is <strong>Offaly</strong>’s second heritage plan. It is a five year, specificaction plan of work to be carried out in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Offaly</strong>, overseen by the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum. Theprogramme delivery is co-ordinated by the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Office based in <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Focus of the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong>In the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan 2002 – 2006, 76 actions were listed. This was due to the fact that thiswas one of the first heritage plans compiled and the budget and resources available were not known.Five years on, the maximum amount of actions funded by the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> each year is set ateight and the average budget available to deliver actions is €100,000 2 per year. The dedicated staffresource is one full time heritage officer. Taking into account the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum undertakingtwo to three additional projects per year, the Forum has prioritised the actions and limited this fiveyear plan to 56 actions. Only actions initiated and overseen by the Forum are listed. Work done byindividual agencies and groups in the county is not listed. It is important to acknowledge the widerange of work carried out in the field of heritage outside of the remit of the heritage plans.How the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan will be DeliveredThe <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum is a non-statutory advisory group with representatives from statutoryagencies, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, NGO’s and community groups. The Forum meets four times a yearwith working groups convening when appropriate. A full list of members can be found in the appendix.Each year the Forum prioritises the work it seeks to have delivered the following year. Workinggroups are established to oversee progress. The Forum reviews this work throughout the year. Yearend reports state the number of actions delivered and progress made. The website and an annualseminar makes this information available to a wider audience.The past five years have shown the importance of working in partnership with communities indelivering the majority of the actions. This will continue as a principle for the next five years. TheForum will continue to work with the <strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Community Forum toensure communities in <strong>Offaly</strong> are involved in the delivery of the Heritage Plan and that theprinciples of social inclusion are fully integrated in all aspects of the delivery of the plan.An external evaluation of the 2002 – 2006 <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan was undertaken by First WesternConstancy. The full evaluation is available on www.offaly.ie/offalyheritage. Recommendations madehave informed the preparation of this plan.2 This is usually 50% <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and 50% Heritage <strong>Council</strong> although other sources have been utilised.John’s Hall Volute, John’s Mall, Birr ▲Bury Bridge, Tullamore ▲Wildlife Seminar 20054

“This <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong> is <strong>Offaly</strong>’ssecond heritage plan. It is a five year, specific actionplan of work to be carried out in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Offaly</strong>overseen by the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum.”The last five years has seen the population of <strong>Offaly</strong> increasing and welcoming a significant numberof new nationalities who have brought their own heritage with them. The forum is conscious ofintroducing <strong>Offaly</strong>’s heritage to them and providing opportunities to learn of theirs.Over the past number of years, joint projects have been carried out with other <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s.This is of great benefit, sharing expertise and getting better budget value. It is planned to continuethis approach. In particular working with Laois <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is a priority due to the commonareas of the Slieve Blooms and Portarlington.Since the first heritage plan was adopted, two important national policy statements and plans havebeen produced, the National Heritage Plan and the National Biodiversity Plan. This has raised theprofile of heritage as a priority area and sets <strong>Offaly</strong>’s progress into a national framework. Both plansrecognise that heritage is best protected and managed locally, with the involvement of localcommunities and they set out the need for a <strong>County</strong> Heritage Plan and Biodiversity Plan. <strong>Offaly</strong>already had its first heritage plan and followed in 2005 with the adoption by the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> of<strong>Offaly</strong>’s first Biodiversity Action Strategy. This Plan will continue to build on the foundations set outin this strategy with a number of biodiversity actions and the development of the BiodiversityAdvisory Group.Significant Projects Undertaken within the <strong>County</strong> Outside of the Remitof the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan processIn the context of heritage in <strong>Offaly</strong>, it is important to note and acknowledge the significant workcarried out in the <strong>County</strong> outside of the remit of the Heritage Plan in the past five years. Some mainexamples are given below.■ Durrow Monastic site has been purchased by the OPW and conservation works have begun.■ Visitor Centres are planned for Durrow and Clara by the OPW and National Parksand Wildlife Service.■ Ardara Bridge in Cadamstown has been taken into care by the OPW.Tower house, Srah ▲ Detail of Geashill Church ▲ St. Ciarán’s Bush, Clareen ■5

■ The OPW has produced a draft Management Plan for Clonmacnoise, has purchased the holy welladjacent and proposed the whole area as a World Heritage Site.■ The Pugin designed St John's Convent of Mercy has been conserved and converted to Birr CivicOffices and Library. In the library, the unique copy of the Macregol Gospels, acquired by the BirrHistorical Society, can now be viewed.■ Development of the significant Sculpture Park in Lough Boora Parklands along with otherpioneering projects on the cutaway bog.■ The Slieve Bloom Way and <strong>Offaly</strong> Way have been upgraded. The Pilgrims Path route fromLemanaghan / Ballycumber to Clonmacnoise has been developed.■ The National Museum is currently hosting the exhibition, Kingship and Sacrifice featuringCroghan Man.■ The National Parks and Wildlife Service has taken over the Grey Partridge Conservation Project.They continue to develop SAC management plans.■ Coillte has surveyed its biodiversity areas and developed management plans for each one. They arealso doing a number of Native Woodland and LIFE projects.■ The National Monuments Service has increased the number of sites on the Recordof Monuments and Places to 4000+.■ The Church of Ireland is carrying out key conservation work at the historic church in Rahan, andsurveys of their stain glass windows.■ Pioneering work has been carried out by Shannon Regional Fisheries Board and Little Brosnaand Camcor Fishing Club on the croneen trout including a biological assessment in 2003 and anassessment of public attitudes to the Croneen trout in Birr.■ <strong>Offaly</strong> and Kildare LEADER+ companies delivered a canal and wildlife programme to 4262primary school pupils and a number of community groups over the five year period.■ Birds in Central Ireland 2000-2003 edited by Stephen Heery was published.■ An Introduction to the Architectural Heritage of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Offaly</strong> was published by the Department ofEnvironment Heritage and Local Governement. www.buildingsofireland.ie was launched withinformation about buildings and demesnes in the county.■ Conservation grants were awarded to owners of protected structures by <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.Living Under ThatchStained Glass Window Church ofthe Assumption, Tullamore ■ Turraun Wetlands Letterbox, Edenderry ▲6

Ardara Bridge, Cadamstown ▲7

ACHIEVEMENTS OFTHE <strong>OFFALY</strong> <strong>HERITAGE</strong> <strong>PLAN</strong>2002 – 2006The main achievement of the first <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Plan 2002 – 2006 are set out below.More details are available on each project from the Heritage Office.Data Collection■ Audit of the Care and Condition of Monastic Sites.■ Desk audit of industrial heritage sites documented 1,040 sites.■ Detailed study of 408 bridges.■ 171 Mill sites were inspected and recorded.■ A Hedgerow Study using 22 sample squares was completed.■ 75 Thatched Houses were found, surveyed and subsequently a publication ‘Living UnderThatch’ by Barry O’Reilly was brought out by Mercier Press.■ 173 publications on <strong>Offaly</strong>’s Natural Heritage were collated, listed and summarised.■ Over 3,000 artefacts from <strong>Offaly</strong> in the National Museum of Ireland were cataloguedand listed.■ 25 hours of interviews were recorded with traditional crafts people.■ A study of the esker complex from Tullamore to Clonmacnoise was completed.Audience at 2006 Heritage Seminar ◆Launch of Architectural Poster ◆Paddy Heaney ◆8

Education / Raising Awareness■ Posters were produced on <strong>Offaly</strong>'s Monuments, Natural Heritage and Architecture.■ Newspaper feature series on archaeology in <strong>Offaly</strong>.■ Many schools have availed of the Heritage in Schools programme with visiting experts inthe whole range of heritage subjects.■ 'Give a Hoot about Wildlife', 'Appreciating Hedgerows', 'Monument in Your Area','Artefact Awareness' and 'Flower from your area' workshops and competitions were heldwith primary schools.■ Numerous talks were arranged on aspects of heritage.■ A day seminar was held annually to update the public on work in hand.■ A Wildlife seminar was held in June 2005.■ Heritage Week was co-ordinated for the first time in 2006 with 9 full days of activitywith over 700 people taking part in events.■ Biodiversity Day was celebrated for the first time in 2006.■ Midlands 103 featured advertorials, hour long heritage programmes and news slots.■ Eight information boards were erected at monastic sites.■ Village Design Statements for Pullough and Kilcormac were completed.■ Stories from a Sacred Landscape, Croghan Hill to Clonmacnoise by Caimin O'Brien wascommissioned and published by <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.■ An Atlas of Birr by John Feehan and Alison Rosse was published with support from<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.■ Mapping <strong>Offaly</strong> in C19 by Arnold Horner was commissioned by the OHAS and <strong>Offaly</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and published by Wordwell.Paddy Lowry ◆Participants in the 2006 Oral History Recording Project ◆Irene Morrow ◆9

Policy and Best Practice■ Biodiversity Action Strategy for <strong>Offaly</strong> was approved by <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> andpublished in 2005.■ An annual teachers’ biodiversity summer school commenced in 2005.■ State of Nature report was published in 2006.■ The <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan 2003 - 2009 and Birr Town <strong>Council</strong>Development Plan 2004 – 2010 underwent heritage appraisal.■ Seminars were held on heritage interpretation, care of graveyards and informationevenings for Tidy Towns.■ Cherished Places Competition ran annually in partnership with <strong>Offaly</strong> LEADER+.■ <strong>Offaly</strong> and Laois <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s developed a memorial recording system.■ The conservation plan for Lemanaghan Monastic site was completed and implemented.■ Work was carried out on Kilbride Church in Clara and the Star Fort in Tullamore by theJobs Initiative team, under the lime mortar training programme.■ In Birr, St Brendan’s Pre-reformation Church has undergone significantconservation works.■ Historic Landscape Character assessment was carried out for sample areas in <strong>Offaly</strong>and for Killeigh village.■ Fabric recording of Drumcullen and Lynally churches took place with structuralrecommendations.Stories froma Sacred Landscape ■ Biodiversity Strategy St. Brendan’s Church, Birr ■ Headstone, Monasteroris ●10

ACTIONS FOR <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong>No. Action Partners1 Collecting Data1.1 Survey the castles of the county. National MonumentsService / <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong><strong>Council</strong>1.2 Survey the historic gardens of <strong>Offaly</strong> with reference <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>to follies present.1.3 Survey of the place and field names of parishes. <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>and Clár1.4 Survey the holy wells marked on the OS maps to highlight Geological Survey ofwater levels, quality and associated lore.Ireland, UCD, OCC1.5 Church Interiors OCC, RCB and Roman• Survey the stained glass windowsCatholic Diocese• Survey interior art work and historical points of interest1.6 Carry out a photographic record OCCof <strong>Offaly</strong> in <strong>2007</strong> - <strong>2011</strong>.1.7 Survey aspects of buildings such as OCC, Georgian Society,• Estate cottagesBirr Chapter, OHAS• Gate lodges• Barns / farm buildings.• Vernacular house types -ie at Pullough1.8 Build up the collection of oral history recordings. OCC1.9 Photograph / GPS and collect history on street OCC / Communityfurniture, e.g. gates, milestones, plaques, pumps,Groups / Historicalletterboxes, pillars and monuments.Societies1.10 Record the Bord na Móna heritage in the county. OCC, Bord na Móna1.11 Add to the National Museum of Ireland list, artefacts OCCheld in other collections and examine ways of makingthis available to the public.1.12 Support graveyard memorial recording initiatives. OCC, NationalMonuments Service1.13 Carry out an audit of the built and natural aspects of OCC<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> property.1.14 Survey old road structure evidence in Slieve Blooms OCC, Nationaland examine prospects for opening walkwaysMonuments Serviceincluding the Sli Mor and Sli Dála.1.15 Document the number of original / replacement features OCCin Birr and key villages' architectural core as a benchmarkfor awareness programme1.16 In <strong>2011</strong> revisit the 2002 thatch survey of <strong>Offaly</strong> OCCto assess changes in conditions.12

No. Action Partners1.17 Instigate a research programme to understand the monastic OCC, Nationalsettlements of <strong>Offaly</strong> - a multi-disciplinary approach. Monuments Service1.18 Undertake biodiversity research / OCC, BSBIsurvey projects as appropriate.1.19 Compile an inventory of the plants listed in the Flora OCC, BSBI, NPWProtection Order (1992) that occur in <strong>Offaly</strong>.1.20 Establish a site inventory of important geological and OCC, BSBI, NPWnatural heritage sites outside of designated areas.1.21 Collate and evaluate information relating to the built and Waterways Ireland, Inlandnatural heritage of the inland waterways with particular Waterways Association ofreference to the Grand Canal and provide information Ireland, OCCto relevant bodies.2 Awareness Raising2.1 Produce a web and printed heritage guidebook for the OCCcounty, with a flier to promote key sites.2.2 Publish appropriate material on data collected e.g. OCC• Gazetteer on the Castles of <strong>Offaly</strong>• Geology of the <strong>County</strong>• Stained Glass Windows• Flowers of <strong>Offaly</strong>• Bridges - built and natural heritage.2.3 Host biennial recognition awards for heritage projects OCCE.g. • Conservation projects• Re-use of buildings• Management of archaeological sites• Access to heritage sites / walks.2.4 Continue supporting / hosting Tidy Towns OCCcompetition and the work of the various groups.<strong>Offaly</strong> LEADER+2.5 Promote understanding of archaeological sites through: OCC, National• Arranging access to archaeological digs where appropriate Monuments Service• Themed seminars / talks• Information boards at sites• Appropriate publications.• The Field Monument Advisor Initiative2.6 Promote participation in Heritage Week, All partnersBiodiversity Day etc.2.7 Continue with radio programmes and regular news OCCfeatures to promote aspects of our heritage2.8 Utilise ENFO and other sources to host heritage OCCexhibitions and use Áras an Chontae, Libraryservice and other appropriate venues.2.9 Continue to host an annual seminar to discuss results OCCof the heritage plan projects and heritage initiativesin the county.13

ACTIONS FOR <strong>2007</strong> – <strong>2011</strong>No. Action Partners2.10 Provide supports for primary school teachers through OCC, Biodiversity• Annual ‘Exploring the Wild’ summer schoolAdvisory Group, BSBI• Promoting use of ‘Heritage In School’ panel• Promoting support workbooks• Itineraries for county based school trips• Talks and DVD’s• Annual competitions• Develop a teacher’s box loan scheme.2.11 Support an <strong>Offaly</strong> Field Club initiative. OCC2.12 Promote awareness and care of traditional features OCC, Georgian Society,such as sash windows and lime render.Birr Chapter2.13 Assist with the appropriate recording and care of OCCcollections in the county and explore options for anonline museum.3 Promotion and Delivery of Best Practice3.1 Host a seminar on aspects of caring for Church OCC, Nationaland graveyard.Monuments Service3.2 Host a seminar for owners of protected structures. OCC Planning andHeritage Departments3.3 Erect appropriate signage and plaques –e.g. OCC• Rathlihen• Lemanaghan.3.4 Promote the care of key monuments in the OCCcounty through use of existing schemes, grantaid and conservation plans – e.g. Blundell.3.5 Develop a policy and practice for naming OCC Heritage,of new estates and roads.Housing and PlanningDepartments3.6 Work with the planning department on a guide OCC Heritage andfor the design and siting of houses.Planning Departments3.7 Work with the Planning Department on a landscape OCC Heritage andcharacter assessment.Planning Departments3.8 Enable participation of individuals and communities OCC Heritage Dept,in biodiversity appreciation, recording andBSBI, Biodiveristymonitoring projects.Advisory Group3.9 Examine ways to record and portray stone work <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>,which is experiencing environmental weathering e.g. Office of Public Works• Gallen Slabs• Tihilly High Cross• Ballykilmurray Heads• Ballylin Plaque• High Crosses.3.10 Develop Eco Walks throughout the county to OCC, Coillte, Bord naencourage walking and appreciation of theMóna, landowners andcountryside. Provide map and information oncommunities.the web. Utilise and upgrade existing walks.14

No. Action Partners3.11 Develop a policy on managing hedgerows with the OCC Heritage, Planning<strong>Council</strong> and implement best practice.and Roads Departments3.12 Purchase a supply of GPS recorders and provide OCC, OHAS, BSBI,training for archaeology and biodiversity recorders. National MonumentsService3.13 Assess the biodiversity actions of OCC and provide OCCtraining for staff.3.14 Promote the use of imaginative techniques to OCCconnect communities with their heritage –e.g. Sculpture in the Parklands.3.15 Carry out a baseline audit of the heritage of OCC, WaterwaysShannonharbour and take action where appropriate. Ireland, ShannonDevelopment3.16 Support the recording, documentation and OCC, OHAS, etcpromotion of <strong>Offaly</strong>’s heritage. incl.• Research what is in the Jesuit collections inMilltown Park, Dublin from Rahan and microfilmif appropriate.3.17 In line with the National Biodiversity Plan promote OCC all departmentsand provide information on <strong>Offaly</strong>’s native speciesand awareness of alien species.3.18 Promote the importance of good water quality. OCC all departments3.19 Publish leaflet on how to research and record National Monumentsa monument in your area.Service / HeritageOfficers countywide3.20 Develop the Biodiversity Advisory Group and the OCCdelivery of the Biodiversity Plan.3.21 Record, document and take action to conserve OHAS, landowners,what remains of <strong>Offaly</strong>’s glass making heritage.15

APPENDICES1. Process for Producing the PlanThe preparation of this plan followed the Heritage <strong>Council</strong> methodology. The <strong>Offaly</strong> HeritageForum met in February 2006 to discuss their consultation process. Following this meeting,advertisements were placed in all local newspapers accompanied by press releases. Letters were sent toall those on the heritage database and submissions were sought via the website. The Heritage officerattended Birr Town <strong>Council</strong> and Tullamore, Ferbane, Birr and Edenderry Area meetings to discussthe process and new plan with the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>lors in each area. The Heritage Officer met withindividual groups where requested including, the Museum committee of Island - RahanDevelopment Association, the IFA and the Birr Chapter of the Georgian Society. Overall 55 publicsubmissions were received.In June, the Heritage Forum had a day long meeting to review the submissions and to discusspriorities and the format of the new plan. The draft plan was then prepared and approved by theForum in July. It was discussed and approved by Management Team, the four Area Meetings of the<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and by the Planning and Economic Development Strategic Planning Committee inSeptember. The draft plan was approved by <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> at the September meeting.The draft plan was then available for public consultation until Friday 17th November. Appropriateamendments were discussed by the Forum. The final plan was approved at the December of <strong>Offaly</strong><strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.2. GlossaryBSBINHANMSNPWSOHASOPWRCBSACSPASPCBotanical Society of the British IslesNational Heritage AreaNational Monuments Service – formally DúchasNational Parks and Wildlife Service – formally Dúchas<strong>Offaly</strong> Historical and Archaeological SocietyOffice of Public WorksRepresentative Church BodySpecial Area ConservationSpecial Protection AreaStrategic Policy Committees, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>3. Current Membership of the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum in 2006.Maura AllenCommunity ForumPadraig BrazilIrish Farming AssociationChristine Byrne Slieve Bloom Rural Development AssociationLouis Byrne Waterways Ireland 3Alex CoplandBirdwatch IrelandGordon DalySenior Planner, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Fiona DeveryBotanical Society Recorder for <strong>Offaly</strong>Willie DooleyTeagascTom EganBord na Móna LtdCllr Tom Feighery Chairperson of Strategic Policy Committee andrepresentative for <strong>County</strong> Development BoardPerpetua McDonagh <strong>Offaly</strong> LEADER+163 Waterways Ireland were invited to join the forum in 2006 following a recommendation from the evaluation process.

Stephen McNeillCaimin O'BrienAmanda PedlowJohn PriorMichael RocheVal Swan<strong>Offaly</strong> Historical and Archaeological SocietyNational Monuments ServiceHeritage Officer, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>CoillteDirectory of Infrastructure, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>National Parks and Wildlife ServicePrevious members of the <strong>Offaly</strong> Heritage Forum during the period 2002 – 2006Catherine Casey Birdwatch IrelandEdward Delahunt Irish Farming AssociationCllr Dervil Dolan Chairperson of Strategic Policy CommitteeCllr Eamon Dooley Chairperson of Strategic Policy CommitteeDeborah GreyPlanning, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Vincent Hussey Senior Planner, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Roisin Lennon<strong>Offaly</strong> LEADERKevin O’Dwyer Representative for <strong>County</strong> Development BoardDanny OwensCommunity ForumSharon ParrLough Boora ParklandsTom RocheCommunity ForumWilliam WallDirectory of Infrastructure, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>4. Submissions1. Birr Chapter Irish Georgian Society2. Birr Town <strong>Council</strong>3. Clara Oral History Project4. Crinkle Tidy Villages Association5. East Coast and Midlands Tourism6. Fircal Heritage Group7. Heritage Boat Association8. Inland Waterways Association of Ireland - <strong>Offaly</strong> Branch9. Irish Peatland Conservation <strong>Council</strong>10. Kilcormac Development Association11. Lough Derg Angling Association12. Mid Ireland Tourism13. <strong>Offaly</strong> Historical and Archaeological Society14. <strong>Offaly</strong> IFA15. <strong>Offaly</strong> West16. Rahan Heritage Group17. Shannon Fisheries BoardSubmissions were received from 34 private individuals17

Nineteenth century crucifixion slab beside St Ciaran's Holy Well ■ANCHOMHAIRLEOIDHREACHTATHE<strong>HERITAGE</strong>COUNCILComhairle Chontae Uíbh Fhailí<strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Heritage Office, <strong>Offaly</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, Áras an Chontae, Charleville Road,Tullamore, Co. <strong>Offaly</strong>Ph 057 9346839, E apedlow@offalycoco.ie, www.offaly.ie/offalyheritageDesign & Print: Brosna Press 090 6454327

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