October 2012 - Teletimes

October 2012 - Teletimes

October 2012 - Teletimes


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DigitizationBahjat El-Darwiche, Milind Singh,and Sandeep Ganediwallaand ProsperityThe economic growth of nations is linkedto one factor: Adoption of information andcommunications technologyPolicymakers todayface an environmenttransformed by information andcommunications technology(ICT). More people today haveaccess to a mobile phone thanto electricity; the amountof data generated globallyis expanding exponentially.In every country, leaders ofgovernment and businessare deciding — throughtheir policies and strategiesfor ICT, Internet access,communications media, anddigital applications — how topromote and structure thedigitization of their economies.These choices have enormousconsequences. Countries thathave achieved advanced levelsof digitization, defined as themass adoption of connecteddigital technologies and ICTapplications by consumers,enterprises, and governments,have realized significanteconomic, social, and politicalbenefits. For them, digitizationis a pathway to prosperity.Other countries are fallingdisproportionately behind.The difference among countrieswas a core finding of a recentstudy conducted by Booz &Company, “Maximizing theImpact of Digitization.” Otherstudies on ICT and prosperityhave focused primarily onInternet access: whether peopleare able to connect to wirelessand broadband technologies.But by looking more closelyat the ways people use digitaltechnologies and applications,we found that the greatestsocial and economic benefitsdepend on factors related toadoption and usage: such aspricing, reliability, speed, andease of use. In any geography,these factors determine thelevel of digitization, whichin turn has a proven impacton reducing unemployment,improving quality of life, andboosting citizens’ access topublic services. Digitizationallows governments to operatewith greater transparency andefficiency, and it has a dramaticeffect on economic growth,but not all at once. Countriesat the most advanced stage ofdigitization derive 20 percentmore in economic benefits thando those that are just beginning.Policymakers have an importantrole to play in moving theircountries toward advancedlevels of digitization. In theirapproach to technology,<strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>www.teletimesinternational.com43

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