October 2012 - Teletimes

October 2012 - Teletimes

October 2012 - Teletimes


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Cloud Computingvs Network NeutralityCloud computing has beena major debate aroundthe globe since the conceptemerged around a decade ago.In most simplest of definitions,Cloud Computing is the centralizationof computing resources,data, services and applicationsin virtual locations where a usercan access, modify, store andretrieve data from anywherein the world. Cloud computingattempts to create giant hubsof processors, databanks andapplication stores so that costof equipment, software andservices is considerably loweredand information processingenhanced.‘Network Neutrality’ is aterm used to advocate thefree for all, openness anduser-independent delivery ofinternet services to everyonein the world. Net Neutrality hasbeen a burning issue, mainlyin the US, where big telecommunicationcarriers like AT &T, Verizon, Comcast and TimeWarner Cable are trying toprovide internet services basedon the content, usage and userrequirements.Cloud computing in the contextof Net Neutrality solidifies thefact that Net Neutrality is actuallya negation of Cloud Computingand the propagationof Net Neutrality concept willeventually halt the progress ofCloud Computing in the world.The State of AffairsCloud Computing is yetanother paradigm of numerousInternet revolutions thatwe have seen in the past twodecades. It significantly lowersthe cost of entry by eliminatingthe processor, hard diskand other costs associatedwith buying IT equipment andshifting the high CAPEX costsinto OPEX costs. Apart fromGovernments, the concepthas tremendous support frombig companies like IBM, Intel,Google, Yahoo, HP etc andbillions of dollars are beinginvested to create Cloud Computingcenters. Some of thebig Cloud Computing ServiceProviders are Amazon Web Services,3Tera, Force.com etc.Cloud ComputingVs Net NeutralitySince the introduction of bitsand bytes, all of the technologicaldevelopments in the fieldof Internet/ICT etc have beenconcentrated on achieving thebest possible cost-effectivemodel capable of catering tothe ever growing demandsof the users; basically movingforward. With the introductionof Net Neutrality, we areactually moving backwards byrestricting innovation, dentingbusiness models of ISPs, andincreasing cost of service tothe users. Cloud Computingis based on the principle thatprocessing should be sharedand centralization of critical resourcesis achieved by preservingcomputing power, minimizingcost of entry and provideuniversal access to data.However, if Cloud Computingbecomes a phenomenon thenthere is one downside to allof these magnificent features;increased traffic on networks.We all agree that bandwidth isa critical resource and probablythe most important one as wellbecause without a medium, noform of communication canoccur. When everything willbecome online, as per Cloud“With the introduction of Net Neutrality,we are actually moving backwards byrestricting innovation, denting businessmodels of ISPs, and increasing cost ofservice to the users.”Computing concept, trafficon networks will be increasedmanifold. Increasing bandwidthand raising infrastructureby ISPs always lags behindin terms of meeting userdemands, therefore, in a likelyscenario, we could well beheading into a dark alley whereall of our processing power,data, applications and serviceswill lie in the cloud and ourmeans to access that cloud willbe choked. There are two wayswhich could be used to avoidthis scenario, Prioritization andload balancing, both of whichare strongly opposed by NetNeutrality proponents.If we take a realistic lookaround us, everything has acertain ‘priority level’ attachedto it. We have different securityprotocols for VIPs, differentclass of comfort in the planes,different levels of access todata and so on. Even in theNaveed Kianitechnology, prioritization andload balancing are commonlyused to achieve betterefficiency, like preemptivemultitasking by processors,over riding functions etc.However, when the sameconcept is applied to betterutilize the bandwidth bysegregating it according tothe demands of the user, netneutrality spoils the party.Let us consider a scenariowhere user A is working onCoralDraw, MS-Word, usingFacebook, listening to onlinemusic and downloadingsoftware while user B isjust searching Google anddrafting an article. It is mostobvious that user A has ahigher bandwidth requirementthan user B, so he shouldbe provided with higherbandwidth, may be at higherrate than User B and viceversa. Net Neutrality says thatthere should be equal accessto bandwidth for both of theusers even if it slows down theefficiency of User A and doesnot affect User B in any way.Apply the same scenario tomillions of users and you willfind total chaos in the world ofCloud Computing.ConclusionCloud Computing is a majorstep towards sharing ofresources, cheap access tolicensed services, mitigationof copyright breaching andlow CAPEX. It is imperativefor the propagation of CloudComputing that prioritizationand load balancing should beensured so that users can enjoybetter use of services in thecloud.<strong>October</strong> <strong>2012</strong>www.teletimesinternational.com39

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