inflamation session - All India Ophthalmological Society

inflamation session - All India Ophthalmological Society

inflamation session - All India Ophthalmological Society


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300 AIOC 2009 PROCEEDINGSand 0.1%. In group I therapy was reduced to oncedaily after 45 days and every alternate day after60 days. In group II and III therapy was reducedto once daily after 30 days and every alternateday at 45 days.By analyzing the results of different groupsstudied we have come to the conclusion that foran initial quick suppression of inflammation inpatients with severe refractory disease, the higherconcentrations (0.1 % and 0.05 %) can be used,switching over to the lower concentration (0.03%) once the disease process is stabilized. Inpatients with mild to moderate disease, as seen1. Abu El-Asrar AM, Tabbara KF, Geboes K, et al. Animmunohistochemical study of topical cyclosporinein vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol1996;121:156-61, Clin Exp <strong>All</strong>ergy 2000;30:103-9.2. Abu El-Asrar AM, Geboes K, Al-Kharashi S, et al.Adhesion molecules in vernal keratoconjunctivitis.Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81:1099-1106.3. E Maggi, P Biswas, G Del Prete, P Parronchi, DMacchia, C Simonelli, L Emmi, M De Carli, A Tiriand M Ricci Accumulation of Th-2-like helper Tcells in the conjunctiva of patients with vernalconjunctivitis. J. Immunol 1991;146:1169-74.4. Leonardi A, DeFranchis G, Zancanaro F, CrivellariG, De Paoli M, Plebani M, Secchi AG. Identificationof Local Th2 and Th0 Lymphocytes in VernalConjunctivitis by Cytokine Flow Cytometry: InvestOphthalmol Vis Sci. 1999;40:3036-40.5. Ahmed M Abu El-Asrar, Sofie Struyf,Abdulrahman A Al-Mosallam, Luc Missotten, JoVan Damme, Karel Geboes Expression ofchemokine receptors in vernal keratoconjunctivitisBr. J Ophthalmol 2001;85:1357-61.Toxic anterior segment syndrome (TASS) is anacute inflammation of anterior chamber orsegment of eye following cataract surgery. Thereare various substances causing TASS. It includestopical antiseptic and anesthetic agents, talc,topical ophthalmic ointments, preservatives,intraocular preparations, endotoxins oninstruments and denatured ophthalmicReferencesin the winter months, the lower concentration i.e.0.03 % can be given as the initial therapy.No side effects, severe enough to warranty thediscontinuation of the drug were seen in anygroup. Side effects associated with long termsteroid use i.e. cataract and glaucoma were alsonot seen with tacrolimus in our study.So we can conclude that tacrolimus is an effectiveand safe drug and it can be used effectively in notonly refractive vernal keratoconjunctivitispatients but also as a first line of therapy as nountoward side effects are observed even afterlong term use.6. Peters DH, Fitton A, Plosker GL, Faulds D.Tacrolimus: a review of its pharmacology andtherapeutic potential in hepatic and renaltransplantation. Drugs. 1993;46:746-94.7. Kino T, Hatanaka H, Mitaya S, et al. FK506, a novelimmunosuppresant isolated from Streptomyces. II.Immunosuppressive effect of FK506 in vitro. JAntibiot (Tokyo). 1987;40:1256-65.8. Freeman AK, Serle J, VanVeldhuisen P, Lind L,Clarke J, Singer G, Lebwohl M. Tacrolimusointment in the treatment of eyelid dermatitis. Cutis2004;73:267-71.9. Reinhard T, Reis A, Mayweg S, Oberhuber H,Mathis G, Sundmacher R [Topical Fk506 ininflammatory corneal and conjunctival diseases. Apilot study.] Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd. 2002;219:125-31.10. Nivenius E, van der Ploeg I, Jung K, ChryssanthouE, van Hage M, Montan PG.Tacrolimus ointment vssteroid ointment for eyelid dermatitis in patientswith atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Eye 2006 May 5.Visual Outcome and Management Strategies of Toxic AnteriorSegment Syndrome (TASS)Dr. Prince Eapen, Dr. Selva K Sundaramoorthy, Dr. R. J. Madhusudan,Dr. Virupaksha Samy(Presenting Author: Dr. Prince Eapen)viscosurgical devices (OVD). This was initiallyreferred to as sterile postoperativeendophthalmitis, which is a misnomer as itmainly confines to anterior segment. In 1992Monson et al termed it as Toxic anterior segmentsyndrome (TASS). Some of the TASS cases withlocalized corneal endothelial damage weretermed as toxic endothelial cell destruction

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