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2.5 Financial Condition.There has been no significant or material change in the financial condition of any person orentity for which the Applicant has submitted a Statement of Financial Condition or independentaccountant’s report since the effective date of the Statement(s) of Financial Condition orindependent accountant’s report.[Insert the following paragraph in any prequalification for a public works contract orother contract that includes performance of non-incidental labor]2.6 Labor Compliance.The Applicant will, if awarded a contract within the classification of contracts provided for in thePrequalification Documents, comply with all of the applicable provisions of the California LaborCode, as well as the District’s Project Labor Agreement (if applicable) and the District’s LaborCompliance Program (if applicable), including, without limitation, payment of prevailing wages,maintenance and submission of weekly certified payrolls, hiring of apprentices andestablishment, implementation and maintenance of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program inaccordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Sections 1509 and 3203.3. <strong>PRE</strong>QUALIFICATION SCHEDULE3.1 Prequalification Schedule.See <strong>RFQ</strong> Schedule on the cover page.3.2 Schedule Changes.The District reserves the right, at any time, to make additions, modifications or deletions to anyof the events or dates that comprise the Prequalification Schedule, on the cover page, by issuanceof a Prequalification Addendum.3.3 Debarment, Non-Responsibility.A determination by the District that an Applicant is not prequalified does not constitute a findingor determination of debarment or non-responsibility, unless otherwise expressly stated byDistrict at the time of issuance of its prequalification determination. The prequalification by theDistrict of an Applicant who successfully completes the prequalification process shall not beinterpreted as precluding the District, at the time of bidding from: (1) waiving theprequalification requirement; (2) imposing new or additional responsibility requirements as partof the bidding process; or (3) or making a subsequent determination, based on new informationreceived after the conclusion of the prequalification process, that the Prequalified Applicant orany joint bidder or sub-bidder of the Pre-Qualified Applicant is not responsible.4. <strong>PRE</strong>QUALIFICATION PROCEDURES4.1 Prequalification Submittal.The following documents comprising the Applicant’s Prequalification Submittal are required tobe submitted by an Applicant in order to be considered for prequalification: Prequalification Questionnaire. Exhibit 1 (See below)Applicants will be evaluated for prequalification based on the responses theyprovide. must provide all of the information that is required by thePrequalification Questionnaire, and all responses to the questions must be__________________________________________________________________________915 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 810, Los Angeles, California 90017Instructions to Applicants page 9 of 40

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