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4.19 Waiver of Irregularities.The District reserves the right to waive minor or clerical irregularities, errors or omissions in theinformation contained in any Prequalification Submittal or in regard to any Applicant’scompliance with the prequalification process, and to make all final determinations with respectthereto.4.20 Applicable Laws.All Prequalification Submittals must be submitted, filed, made and executed in accordance withapplicable laws of the State of California, whether such applicable laws are expressly referred toherein or not.4.21 Costs and Expenses.Applicants shall bear, at their own expense and without reimbursement by the District, all costsand expenses associated with their participation in the prequalification process.4.22 Receipt of Notices.Notices by the District to an Applicant that are issued after the deadline in the PrequalificationSchedule for submission of Prequalification Submittals shall be deemed delivered and receivedby the Applicant if provided by delivery, mail, facsimile or e-mail to the Applicant at the addressprovided by the Applicant at the Pre-Qualification Conference, in the Pre-QualificationQuestionnaire, or at the Applicant’s last known address.4.23 Notice of Prequalification.The District will issue a Notice of Prequalification to Applicants who have completed andsubmitted Prequalification Submittals. Formal issuance of a Notice of Prequalification is for theconvenience of the Applicants and is not a condition to the validity of the District’sdetermination that an Applicant is or is not prequalified.4.24 Non-Transferable.Neither an Applicant’s Prequalification Submittal nor a Prequalified Applicant’s prequalificationstatus is assignable or transferable. Any attempt to assign or transfer in violation of this provisionshall be null and void at its inception.4.25 Subsequent Responsibility Determinations.A determination that an Applicant is prequalified does not constitute a waiver by the District ofits right to make a subsequent determination that a Prequalified Applicant, or any sub-bidder to aPrequalified Applicant, is not responsible to submit a bid or proposal for a particular contract,including, without limitation, any contract contemplated by the Prequalification Documents.4.26 Debriefing.Applicants that request an opportunity for debriefing after the Notice of Prequalification is issuedmay be granted this opportunity, at the District’s option and sole discretion. Debriefings, ifconducted, will be conducted in accordance with the Conference Date in the PrequalificationSchedule. At the pre-qualification debriefings, summaries of the overall evaluations ofPrequalification Submittals will be reviewed. There will not be copies of PrequalificationSubmittals, scoring of individual questions, or point-by-point comparisons of competingPrequalification Submittals.__________________________________________________________________________915 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 810, Los Angeles, California 90017Instructions to Applicants page 16 of 40

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